New Journeys

Right or wrong, good or bad?

JANU:  The question is, in human society, is there right and wrong? In the larger view of life, from that perspective, is there good or bad? Is there a balanced perspective of understanding this?  The rules that people create to cover themselves, to enforce patterns of behavior and relationships, originate influenced by more than social consciousness. There is accumulated wisdom in the memories and consciousness of countless experiences by those who have incarnated, and those who have discarnated, and many with other experiences. So the answers to these questions arise from many sources.

Life is, and belongs to its potential, and evolves its relationships to bring about the expression of its potential. Whether joy or pain, whether survival or moving on, Life continues. The countless variations in expression are life in motion. How can one determine which is motion is to be and which is not? But the freedom exists for the individual and group determination.

Learn from choices. Evolve potential. Be patient with each other. Make allowances. Grow in wisdom. Be at peace. Find a way. Honor life. Namaste.
Sept. 29, 2020  B                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The nature of communication

JANU:    Music, then, as communication must be understood in a different way than just entertainment. It is, after all, vibration and vibration takes many forms. What responds to vibration in the human being on various levels? By various attributes, the physical body does, emotions do, visual sense does, hearing does, and even taste can be influenced. How is this transmitted to meaning, understanding? Repetition of particular experience with each vibration is a beginning. Audible words influence in this way, which are vibration, patterns, with repetition associated with particular meaning, begins language communication. Art can influence in this way, as well. Music does, as well. Vibrational communication becomes more complex by employing several of these at once, in combination, forming patterns once more.

It is possible in consciousness, energetically, to stimulate in this way, once associations are made by the receiver and the sender. When this is accomplished, proximity physically becomes less important or necessary. But this takes practice. A kind of telepathy. Deception and ambiguity are more easily detected and more difficult to convey. Direct knowing can also be direct experiencing, to include meaning, intent, emotion, pain or pleasure, many human perceptions, that of animals as well, and other creatures. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2020 B                                           Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The nature of existence

JANU:  Relative motion can be interpreted without units of measure because, in the Larger Life, awareness includes the relative reality of another expression of life. These relationships reveal not only yours but the other as well, for they are connected in other ways than measuring devices. One can know the presence, relative position, and motions of another whether visible or not. All of creation has this property and the conditions of each can be experienced and understood.

You ask what terminology to use in describing these properties of existence without units of measure. These properties are not recorded with pencil and paper, so to speak, but in life patterns of energetic reality of many different properties. So, to determine that something does or does not exist or has this or that relationship or reality simply by observation of the five senses or any devices is limited and gives the illusion of real or unreal.

So, what we point to in this discourse is the reality that there is much more to the natures of existence whether the five senses detect them or not. This perspective has merit in other explorations of reality as well, and are worthy of exploration. Namaste.
Oct. 1, 2020                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Life patterns-fluid identity-freedom 

JANU:   Conditioned consciousness, a systems approach to understanding life patterns, relates to this, for conditioning is systematic in many ways. Embracing systems to assist in performance and relationships conditions the consciousness into cooperation and coordination. But such benefits have a price and these trade-offs are part of the system.  So how does one navigate life and their identity of the moment, free of life patterns? The answer is: one doesn’t. One exchanges a pattern for another, but as the main area with many simultaneously.

So, what does freedom mean, in the presence of these? Is identity-free consciousness reality? Can freedom, identity, and life pattern co-exist peacefully? Having a fluid identity allows for freedom in what would otherwise seem containment. Life coalesces around patterns, no matter their reality, their octave of life. Life patterns can be exchanged, allowing for a degree of genius or knowing transfer. It can be called ‘imprinting’ and can be short term or long lasting. These patterns are life systems and can express as music or art or science or any discipline that functions. A fluid identity, free to exchange or imprint systems of life pattern, is an adventure. Nothing is wasted. Namaste.
June 3, 2020  BP                                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

Systemic and dimensional life

JANU:  Reality of the so-called planes of existence reveals that they are not completely individual and are more intertwined than many realize. The so-called veil makes it seem otherwise, but it is a tool of exploration, of singular focus in the midst of complexity of reality. Concentrating or focusing upon a point of interest, to a degree to the exclusion of others, reveals a detail ultimately to be explored in relation to larger realities, more inclusive existence. The consciousness employed in such ventures is, of course, constructed best suited for this. But realize that larger reality of being is more comprehensive and employs more of the True Nature.

So, in a sense, finite exploration of life is a window into larger realities, as they coexist. Opening the door wider in awakening to larger realities, including the current one, enriches everything and expands the finite consciousness, full of wonder for there is much to be remembered and discovered. There is a tendency to dissect Life to understand it, explore its components. But Life is a system, exploring which has merit, for each one’s existence is a system as well and has correlations.

Understanding and philosophy will be our systems as well, rich with elements that are changing and evolving. Compare a two-dimensional existence to a three-dimensional one as an illustration. Carry this further to a fourth dimensional one. It includes the lesser dimensions and beyond. Adding one group of parameters of existence changes everything. Namaste.
Sept. 28, 2020                                                    Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

Love yourself that you may love others

JANU:    We are presenting, as it were, understanding into the nature of life for many purposes, to include awakening, self-mastery, evolutionary creativity, harmonious relationships, peace, and well-being. Light is the Truth of Life, and truth does bring freedom—freedom of expression that is constructive, productive, and mutually beneficial. Life to be understood, no matter its form, its expression. Every moment of consciousness is life in motion. Not to compare one life with another for judgement of any kind, but to serve Life, understand it, and magnify it.

Be an opportunity for someone else, with integrity. Be patient and thoughtful, with clarity of reason and a growing wisdom. Respect the elements of existence, of life expression and, at the same time, embrace the systems of life, the collectiveness, the harmony of coordination and collaboration. Love yourself, that you may love another. Namaste.
Sept. 16, 2020                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

The answers will come

JANU:  Reaching then into the enormous diversity of life that is humanity, let us bespeak of the main categories: relationships, survival, understanding and discovering, exploration into the nature of existence, and self-conscious awakening. Peace amongst all of these is a prerequisite for integration, symmetry, harmony, mutual benefit. Much of this is achievable short of conscious awakening, but the deeper and larger perspective of the oneness of life can be a mystery. Tantalizing are the ever-present hints of this, the suspicions, the inklings, the nagging wonderment.

Incarnate life can be rich, rewarding, fulfilling to a degree, but there comes the time, or times, when the questions linger but the answers seem distant. So the quest continues and life is always larger than the questions. The asking is a vehicle, looking for direction and destiny. We look for help from each other, for we are all the same and unique and the answers encompass all of these.

Be at peace in the asking. The answers come. Namaste.
Sept. 9, 2020                                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Ignorance need not be permanent

JANU:     Contributions, then, to human society—and ultimately to individuals—of an evolving and enlightened nature are best presented from a foundation of understanding that has a less limited view of life. There are threads of potential of understanding and achievements in consciousness that are available, in one way or another, for everyone.

The resourcefulness of life continues to amaze. The instruments of conflict command so many resources, time, and effort, yet yield so little. The futility of it becomes apparent when an alternative is perceived as far more profitable. Peace is not seen as powerful, only as inaction, by those who choose conflict. Profit through collaboration, mutual support, coordination, and constructive creativity, and exploration of possibilities cannot only be explained but demonstrated.

This is one way for the union of realities to be demonstrated effectively. The veil can be overcome through maturity, wisdom and understanding, integrity, and a love of life. Ignorance is not permanent. Namaste.
Sept. 11, 2020 B                                                       Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The nature of being

JANU:  Adjustments, then, belong to a group of considerations when taking on fundamental principles of life, such as ‘being Light.’ Light is an essential nature of ‘isness.’ It supports formation, fundamental relationship with guiding intelligence, form, creation. Reasonableness, balance, structure, and an evolving outcome are part of the looping reality, where the Now and cycles of life coexist.

Let us take, then, for instance, the human vehicle. It is an expression of consciousness and many creative forces. It has a destiny, an evolutionary outcome the human consciousness cannot fathom yet, and the potential for such life already exists. And even reality beyond time and space plays the role. So the attempt to pigeonhole understanding of any moment in reality based upon forms and relationships of the moment does not hold still very long.

So, where then lies purpose, focus, so-called standards of existence? Where does one find peace in the reality of being Light? What is life? What is it not? It transcends both questions. Even ‘isness’ is temporary. Namaste.
Sept. 10, 2020                                                                       Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The True Nature and identity

JANU:    What we are moving into here is the beginning of a perception of the reality of True Nature: focused consciousness, free to focus on any reality, coexisting with universal consciousness simultaneously. When relating to and understanding those who cherish identity, realize that it is a form of coexistence that includes the veil. What can be achieved here is relationship with life that no longer needs it but is still free to choose it. So identity, you see, is a form of focus, but when it consciously coexists with the Larger Life, one is no longer limited in that way. Eventually, intimacy with life as being one’s own Nature ensues, which leads to an intimacy of being the Family of Life. This is part of ‘being at peace.’ Time and distance no longer define your consciousness. Namaste.
Aug. 31, 2020 B                                                                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

 For background see also True Being or True Nature