New Journeys

Crystal Skull of the Yucatan

The television show Forbidden History recently had an episode regarding the crystal skulls, one of which was found in the Yucatan and utilized as a healing talisman or device. I was reminded of the attunement we had done years ago for a person concerned with their relationship to these same skulls. It seemed this might be of interest still and is presented here, in part. A link to the entire attunement is also provided.

JANU:  These skulls then, yes, twelve in number, first formed by craftsmen or craftspeople at a time when much searching for understanding in the area of human potential and communication spanning many realms of existence, you see. These skulls, when located in proper configuration around the planet, formed a network or spatial relationship in connected receiver and transmitter capability for world wide communication and monitoring.

The origin of these, in understanding and design, is not native to your world. They come from–and by ‘they’ we mean the design and understanding–a world of crystalline nature in terms of life structure, that communicates somewhat in these patterns or waves of tuned resonances of crystalline matter, you see. This world of crystalline life pattern and communication is in the belt of a star cluster or a series in the direction of Pegasus in your astronomical charting.

The lower mandible of the skull is there for balance of the distribution of densities. The construction, the spatial relationships of form, approximate the human skull cavities and densities and a complex combination of various densities of fluid and bone and such, you see, forming a vehicle for receiving and transmitting a wide range of vibrational patterns. These skulls, then, could be attuned to and a response triggered in them to awaken communication in the others, forming a world wide web, so to speak.

These skulls were at one time housed in a rose colored material somewhat metallic in nature, known by the name of ‘corbunite,’ closely approximating this name. It had the properties of isolating each skull from activity during transportation and realignment. These skulls have been in disuse for some time. They were instruments without intrinsic power other than their sensitivity to, their ability to resonate to, energies and energetic impulse across a wide range of realities or dimensions, if you will. The human skull is capable of this as well, and this is the reason, or a reason, for the disuse, you see. No longer needed.

These twelve were constructed with a programmed beam of energy, pencil-like that not only created the shapes but purified the material, removing impurities. For the impurities would distort these patterns and these vibrational responses, you see. There is not great wisdom in these being revealed to the world at large at this time. There are a few in the world who could attune to and with these successfully, and by that we mean: harmoniously without injury and without miscreation. But they are not needed for this, for those with such capability can attune without them. They are leftovers of another time, another technology and project.
Sept. 29, 1996                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

To read more:  The complete attunement


Humanity’s relationship to the living Earth

JANU:   Engaged at last, persuasive to the notion that the chronicles of life progress your ponderings earlier as to outcome of this natural challenge having the potential to fulfill the mass destiny created by human potential and human choices. Collectively, the creatures of the Earth of land, sea, and air have longed for change. The suffering and confusion they have endured in large measure lies at the feet of humanity, which is part of the Earth as are they.

Humanity has yet to realize the coordination, cooperation, and mutual evolution between all of the Earth. Energy is energy, no matter the properties, character, pattern. Humanity here at this point is shaping destiny, but does not fully realize this, nor realize that the creatures of the Earth and the Earth itself shape it as well.

This virus pandemic is not some cruel trick of nature. It is part of the corrective manifestation of energetic reality experienced by the Earth and other dimensional realities. See it partially as a call to awakening to the realities of being, not just individually but collectively. Life is one, you see, and knows itself, has an immune system, is self-correcting, modifying. Humanity is not quick to forgiveness or to forgive itself, or face and embrace the truth of its reality. We encourage and support this current challenge as opportunity to reassess, rethink, re-perceive, and restore balance in the living system which is the Earth. Namaste.
Apr. 24, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Mastering challenges

JANU:     We reach into the depths of our relationship to draw upon that which pertains to change. Tradition is part of this but not all, established life patterns to a greater degree, and the potential for recovery. Such it will be with the current challenges for humanity. Recovery will be similar. Choice making, survival, desire, commitment, and moments of achievement. But included in all of these is reflection, consideration, the search for meaning, and lesson learning. Inner strength is a foothold into meeting new challenges.

We all are one in this. Life will always continue, but it will change. That is part of the evolution of consciousness, even in Spirit, and adaptation. Individual humanity is part of a larger reality. It has momentum and purpose, destiny if you will, and a body of contribution to what can be. Continue to adapt. Face challenges and master them. Namaste.
Apr. 22, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


A time of wonderment when in crisis

JANU:   Wonderment leads to consideration, which leads to alternatives, which leads to insight, which leads to commitment, which leads to experience, which leads to wisdom. A time of wonderment in the midst of challenge, a challenge to survival, identity, potential, and future. Many in the world are wrestling with this. A time with insights and awakening can give direction, peace of mind by way of a focus and a plan to survive, overcome, and begin anew.

This is a purging time, a re-assessment time, and the revelation of priorities. Be true to your Nature. Rely on it. Embrace your insights. Be kind to each other. Be patient. And be of service. Namaste.
Apr. 10, 2020 B                                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


A better life

JANU:     We are surveying the events of the day, as to your concern about the discord between nations and peoples. The issue here is that they lack a superior model of existence. Physical force is the epitome of their sense of power. Destructive power as an ultimate model for resolution of differences is from ignorance. They have yet to perceive that that sort of power doesn’t build anything, but destroys each other. How can one appreciate true power in the face of this, when that’s all they know?

True power does not destroy but coordinates, unifies elements of life, mutually beneficial. Humanity could behave this way, as well, with the proper vision and understanding. True power is appreciated from within, with a consciousness beyond the physical. True power than, more fundamental than physical-only reality. Each one’s True Nature is an example of this.

“So, where does awakening to this come from?” you ask. It comes from the within that is connected to everything. Not religion. Religion is inspired by this, without understanding. Going within, so to speak, connects you with everything, including who you are, the who you are that lives in this way. Most are not even convinced there is a reality, a viable reality, available to them other than physicality and they model this to each other.

Part of the reason for this service is to support this option of the awakening of humanity, that the truth that lives within each one can be heard and experienced, and manifested. It is all coming. The letting go of a limited perception can be easy or difficult. The choice belongs to everyone. So let us continue to support the spark of Light, the insightful moment that answers the question “Is there a better way?” Physical force not seeming to be the answer. Namaste.
May 21, 2019 B                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

A prayer for the victims of the virus

JANU:     Assembled then are those who have recently passed, their concern being for their loved ones left behind. What they wish for is comfort and peace for them in the time of loss. People miss each other. Bonds are real, even after transition. So let us be of service in the background, building an atmosphere of peace and confidence and love.

Passing on is not the end of life. It is a change. It is not the end of opportunity or possibilities for new adventure. But the bonds remain. Consciousness remains. The mutual support remains. The legacies remain. May people fill their lives, their minds, their hearts with ongoingness, continuation, enduring relationship. The loved ones have returned to where people have come from—the Larger Family of Life, of which everyone is a part. Find comfort in the closeness of unseen reality. Let there be blessings wherever needed. Namaste.
Apr. 9, 2020                                                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Coronavirus and our relationship with nature

JANU: We are arranged in such a configuration as to bring about density in thought and in energy. Let our understanding of such be life fulfilling and an advantage to the life we serve. Reaching into the pool of resource, let us institute a flow that keeps pace with the momentum of change facing life on the Earth at this time. This so-called virus situation has more than one level of reality for humanity precipitates its experiences and nature responds.

So this is a time of the operation of and the clarity of basic values, character, nature, and relationships not just among people but with all the creatures of the Earth, and the Earth itself. Life is responding to runaway consumption and pollution of natural resources. The Earth is not just ball of earth and rock, but is an expression of life.

Harmonize your physicality, thoughts and emotions, creative energies with the balances needed for the survival of life on Earth. Give great consideration to relationships with nature. Namaste.
Mar. 20, 2020 B                                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Evolution and change

JANU:   The summary of reality is that the nature of life is fluid, self-maintaining, continuous, always in motion, supporting evolution through change. A wiser sense of security is one that embraces continuous change. So, when the so-called status quo feels the pressure of change, a greater peace and harmony is one that is changing, evolving, maturing, awakening. Mastership is being at one with the nature of everything, a continuous evolutionary process. Embracing and allowing change reveals its nature and its destiny. The experience produces wisdom, the true nature of being. Namaste.
Mar. 13, 2020                                                                                               Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Choosing wisely

JANU: Yes, it is just that easy, or should we say, simple: To be in any strata of life strictly by choosing it. To live in peace and freedom and knowing. The kind of love that transcends interpretation. To be in harmony with life and every life expression you find yourself in, to express this as well. Simply choose it and allow it and be it. The integrity of being is always a choice. Not everyone realizes this yet. Living this way inspires, but within everyone is the wisdom and the path to this. Bringing this reality to the incarnate life is a service as well. Choosing wisely is always important. Namaste.
Mar. 4, 2020                                                                      Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Experience the coexistence of realities

JANU:    Entanglement speaks of relationships, associations, but with many realities the configuration constantly changing. So it is with the flow of life, divine entanglement. Attempting to isolate oneself from patterns of life, seemingly undesirable, and choosing patterns of life that are more pleasant flies in the face of entanglement. So what is the larger view of this, in the presence of limited perception? Identity is key here to this understanding, for identity suggests one condition of existence separate from another. The larger view here is, in the Larger Life, everything coexists. Now, one can navigate through the reality of entanglement by way of focus, attention, and harmonious relationships, but all patterns still exist and coexist, quantum reality and intelligence.

Now, this reality of relationships can be explored beyond this simple explanation. Fear becomes replaced with larger understanding, moving beyond concerns for survival for the True Nature does not succumb to anything less. Exploring life is an endless journey. One must have an open consciousness, for nothing stays the same. The changes are life in motion and are still life. Namaste
Feb. 26, 2020 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross