New Journeys

The power of a question and an open mind

JANU:    We are assembling then those questions acting as keys to unlock understanding and experience. Let us begin with the nature of individual existence progressing to the larger issues of reality.

  • First, the personal questions, the main interest of most: Who am I? Why am I here?
  • What is real?
  • What is the future?
  • What is destiny?
  • What is love?
  • What is life?
  • Are we alone?
  • What exists beyond the physical life?

These questions are only a beginning. Every journey has one. Each one chooses their beginning, for evolution has no end.

Questions are like magic. If you have a question, you can also have an answer. One of many, even for the same question, you see. Life and reality is like this, for it is evolving, ever changing, growing. This does not invalidate the answer to any question, but fulfills it, like a plant that is growing, from a seed thought.

So let us begin with the power of a question and an open mind. Namaste.
Jan. 8, 2020                                                                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Is the Larger Life formless?

JANU: To begin with, the Larger Life includes the third dimension physicality. So the answer to your question, “Is the Larger Life formless?” is ‘yes and no.’ It depends upon your perspective. If your perspective is physicality, human incarnation or otherwise, the answer is ‘No.’ But formlessness, or we should say form, has many realities. The physicality of form is derived from perception through the five senses of the parameters of physical existence. However, other realities have different perceptions, for the parameters of existence for those realities are unlike those of physicality; therefore, form exists there as well, but not substantial form from the human perspective. It is form perceived by senses beyond the five senses of physicality and those parameters of existence allow for more variability.

Now, senses of identity have similarities, though fixed in perception; therefore, moving the consciousness from one reality to another, it must make adjustments and not be anchored to one reality or another. The part of awakening, you see, is a liberation of conscious identity from any particular reality, for the freedom to be one with the reality of choice. The subtler the reality, the subtler the parameters of existence, and they give way to what you would call formlessness. For them, the perspective, the sense, is one of connectedness rather than identity.

Identity, you see, in the denser realities, becomes a sense of protection, of maintaining integrity, of protection and survival. It also isolates, to facilitate a journey of denser exploration and discovery. As the parameters of existence transcend limitation, liberation from identity is experienced, returning closer to the perception of one Life, of pure being, a threshold of experience even beyond this. One tends to perceive from identity perception that the postulate of an immense universe beyond the ken of human understanding is reality beyond knowing, yet in the Larger Life it is understood and seen as a limited view.

Yes, anticipate as you awaken, a changing perception of form, identity, limitation, isolation, unity, oneness, intimacy, being, and even beyond cosmic reality. No need to explore all of this in one sojourn. But brings peace to inquiry as to the nature of life and its vastness, all coexisting.
Jan. 6, 2020                                              Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The flow of life understood in another way

JANU: Thanks for good deeds go to those who earn them, those who inspire them. This evening’s example is a reminder of, an example of the Larger Life. For blessings, the flow of blessings, is a normal and natural occurrence. Life blesses its progeny continuously, not just now and then, and here and there, but constantly. Many receive blessings completely unaware. Many give blessings without knowing it. Blessings connect all of life, for they represent giving and receiving. This is essentially the same thing. This is part of the evolution of life. It inspires more common human motivation to give and share blessings. It is this way with the Larger Life as well. It is life in motion. Part of the magic of existence. Namaste.
Jan. 2, 2020  B                                                                               Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Reality and discernment

JANU: Reality is in the perception of the beholder. What is real and what isn’t for any individual or group? Perceptions of reality are based on so many elements of experience and impressions. And what inspires perceptions of reality to evolve into larger truths? Moments of inspiration, open-minded consideration of possibilities, a moment of Light shining briefly into the conscious mind by way of the True Nature, which also draws upon the Larger Life.

Perception of reality calls upon individual faculties of discernment, a knowingness from within. The reality one perceives outside of themselves is in their world of the five senses. They are part of that world and their reality is limited to it, as long as only the five senses are involved. Each individual has within them a larger Nature with access to larger realities, the nature of their existence. This does not diminish in any way the merit and practicality of the physical world, for it is coexisting with the Larger Life. The opportunity is to be conscious of more and more of what is. The relationships take on more depth, layers of meaning and expression. And one slowly experiences the reality of association with others.

Choosing, committing to the integrity of one’s own True Nature, as one proceeds to discover and embrace the Larger Life, brings focus to, integrity to the experiences to come. Namaste.
Dec. 31, 2019 B                                                     Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Life within life, always changing

JANU:   Your observations are true, to a point, but there is much more to observe. Let us begin with your arch reason for struggling to live, to so-called survive the physical life. It is to continue the process of the evolution of life in whatever way possible, the movement of life. Now, many attempts at this seem counter-productive. Reversals in a forward momentum. They are, initially, but they recover and re-emerge with a new foundation of experience, which in itself enriches life. For wisdom comes from all of these, the reversals and the new beginnings. So, temper your observations with the larger view. A Larger Life, the True Nature, allows for a larger vision.

Even though the stream, while moving, has eddies and currents, reversals, a larger view shows everything ultimately moves along, one time or another, one way or another. But the stream is the stream. It has its own direction, its own pace, its own character, its own depth, so many qualities and properties. But it is in motion, filled with elements of motion.

Life is not a sterile movement of energy, of patterns. It is diverse, filled with nuance, interactions, and results. And even they are in motion. So be at peace with all of this. Consider its endurance and tenacity to continue. Your relationship with this movement is up to you, for choice still remains in the midst of the flow. But even the choices are in motion, you see. Nothing is separate from the flow. So, what is life within life within life? And it goes on. Namaste.
Dec. 31, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Embracing a rich future 

JANU: Looking forward, then, to the future, one can see this reflected in the current potential of humanity, which includes potential of the incarnate being.

There is coming a time when brotherhood, unity, cooperation, collaboration, mutual benevolence, will explore the richness of life and its potential and become an inspiration for other species and other worlds. The reality of this already exists in different ways on other worlds. Resources, natural and otherwise, will be regarded as life’s blessings, to be honored and respected and made efficient use of. Improved conditions of well-being, peace of mind, happiness and joy, wonderment, anticipation, and goals realized will change the human condition into one of greater health and well-being.

Humanity’s potential is still a healthy experience. Focusing on these things more and more leaves little room for doubt, despair, and confusion which disturb the balance of energies, the harmony and symmetry of existence, leading to disease. The future and its beauty are hard to perceive when focused upon the opposite. So taking time, now and then, to put one’s attention upon the beauty of life to come is a great healer.

Let us do this together. Be filled with these things and the system, the energetic system of the life that you are, will be harmonized in preparation for manifestation of potential. Life is in motion and always will be. Focus on its potential and be part of it, consciously. Namaste.
Jan. 3, 2020 B                                                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Exploring consciousness

JANU: Exploring consciousness is exploring the presence of life in everything, every reality. Yes, even past, present and future. Life exists. Human conscious is one thing. Animal consciousness another. Earth consciousness another. Solar consciousness another. Solar system consciousness another. Light, the Truth of Life, is conscious. If this be so, what possible relationships can exist consciously between human consciousness and everything else, everyone else, every reality? The so-called modern magicians who manipulate matter are exploring this consciousness. Some are aware of the dynamics, the reality of that relationship. Some less.

Human potential of experiencing consciousness of their species, of their environment, of other realities moves beyond personal identity to cosmic consciousness. Many would ask, “How does one begin this journey?” By understanding their own, exploring it, experiencing its capabilities and its presence, by experiencing its response to desires, interests, questions, wonderings, observations of life around them and the interactions. Patterns after patterns of life in motion.

Questions are a powerful force. They are part of a mind that is opening, considering possibilities, experiencing something new. Revelations of truths behind current perceptions. Nothing fixed or locked but everything in motion in ways yet to be understood. Connecting with every part of life, every part of creation in a more intimate way. Being aware of something is one thing. Being aware as something is quite another. Identity shifting, expansion, even progressing to the point of no identity at all, opens the consciousness to the rest of life. Start your journey by asking a question on a subject of sincere interest, and listen, knowing that an answer, a response, already exists. Namaste.
Dec. 27, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Adventures in freedom

JANU:    Coming together, then, belongs to the genera of life that gives ‘marching orders’ so to speak, thresholds of understanding, guidance on their reality. Looking for answers to some of your questions outside of yourself only yields clues. What does a clue represent? What is its nature? It is an outpicturing of a larger reality. The clues are triggers, but once the projection has been made, the focus established, leave it behind in favor of direct experience and knowing.

The clues are manifestations of the power of creation, a journey in consciousness with steps and thresholds and changes. Life is full of wonders and the joy of discovery and the freedom of knowing. An endless adventure of life filled with many others that are evolving. Conscious union with your own True Nature is the path to freedom, life without limits. Welcome.
Dec. 26, 2019 BE                                                       Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Group dynamics when exploring 

JANU:   Rich, then, is the content of this day’s meeting. Symmetry of thought or perceptions suggests sameness, without controversy, challenge, or awakening to new ideas, new perceptions. Sameness does not produce breakthroughs. Exploration does not satisfy wonder if new frontiers aren’t being probed. Revelation feeds wonder to continue to explore.

Each one’s journey in this direction is to be honored and respected. Sameness is not what life is about. It is about diversity, co-creation, enrichment, the power of diversity and change. Yesterday’s evolvement is not a duplicate of today’s or there has been no change and life is stagnant. And, if it is stagnant, it cannot exist.

So, in your group meetings, explore many directions, open to new understandings or greater depth of current ones. Value and honor each other’s differences, uniqueness. Be true to your own Nature and respect each other’s. Namaste.

Dec. 6, 2019 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Moving beyond scientific exploration to experiential

JANU: Diagnosis, into the how and why of everything sounds scientific in approach, but there is so much more. The term ‘science’ can be expanded to include so much more. Learning about a thing is not as fulfilling as learning as the thing of interest. So let us reconsider our approach to exploration. No longer just observer, but experiencer. This speaks of the nature and essence of every part of life, including your own being.

So, how does one experience life, beyond the comparatively cold approach of conventional science? How a part of life works is one thing. Experiencing a part of life as it is working is another. So, choose to experience what interests you, but with the authority and wisdom of the True Nature, which takes patience and peaceful allowing.

Responding to experiences, rather than reacting to them, allows revelation or understanding. Wholeness that contains the elements of reality reveals, through experience and direct knowing, the systems of life, large or small, brief or long lasting, stable or changing. Everything is in motion, but not always perceivable. Namaste.
Dec. 3, 2019 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross