New Journeys

Dynamics of awakening

JANU: What dynamics are involved in the movement of consciousness into the so-called unknown?

  • One is the wonderment of observing another on their adventure and the beauty and magic of their experience and creations.
  • Another is the possibility of your own imagination of new possibilities or abilities coming true.
  • For some, it is being part of sharing something wonderful with others.
  • The first experience of “freedom through understanding” has a strong attraction to continue.
  • The mysteries of Life can be revealed from within. Revelation of who you are makes more and more clear that path of change, which is filled with challenges.

Many dynamics on the path of awakening. No matter what is achieved, there is always more. And one realizes this is a path of living without end. Awakening is very dynamic, more so than an incarnate life that is not free.

Being more conscious with a growing identity and appreciation of the magic and mystery of life is what some might call addictive, but it is an addiction of love, fulfillment, and giving. Life is beautiful. Prove it to yourself by experiencing it. Namaste.
Nov. 7, 2019 B                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


A Thanksgiving message

JANU:   Seasonally speaking, the requests for enlightenment exist more often at these times for there are many who wish enlightenment for humanity, thinking that a time of thanksgiving is a reminder of what to be thankful for.

Life promises abundance, but only when open to it. And this is what gratitude is for, energetically. Gratitude attracts abundance, for life responds to opportunities to enrich itself. Life invests in all of its creations, and prospers when these creations flourish. Co-create and express life’s potential. So find peace in the promise of life that it will continue, evolve, and cherish its creations. Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2019                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Love making

JANU:  That is correct. The theme is ‘making love’ but in a much more cosmic sense. The question arises: What is the nature of love?

Love is intimacy. It is connection. It is blessing. It is continuation. It is oneness. Making love with first life itself, your True Nature, then with others whether human or not—with the Earth, with the creatures of the Earth. Intimate blessing, intimate caring, infinite support, upliftment, patience, and endurance that they all thrive, realize their potential, and help enrich their lives and each other’s.

Elements of this are understanding, awakening, patience and compassion, giving and, yes, receiving, bringing balance. A ‘love making’ consciousness is a bond with Life. Together we are strong and we are your friend. Namaste.
Nov. 7, 2019                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   Portents are projections of theoretical possibilities that represent the best in human behavior. These representations of possibilities exist as presumables to organize intent for evolution into the future. Let us realize, at this point, that each one stands on its own but is conditioned by others to a degree. Portents appear as insights and intuitions. They have the lure of discovery and, at times, adventure. To envision more than current circumstance energizes wonder and anticipation, which vitalizes the energy centers to prepare for and engage new reality.

Why not, then, engage in these? For, in truth and essence, one is already journeying into future reality by way of these, and the future coalesces around these. And they are the fundamentals of creation, the blueprints, if you will, the framework. Allow the consciousness, through the imagination, to stretch itself and try many things.

This is the flow of life. Be a conscious participant and realize your dreams. Namaste.
Nov. 13, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The sun is setting on ignorance

JANU: Realize this, then, that there is coming the setting sun upon ignorance, the divisive methods of controlling each other. Ignorance leads to destructive behavior and mis-creation. The incarnate life will expand beyond the veil, bringing with it insights, intuitions, moments of realization and clarity. It is not the intent or the design of incarnate life to perpetuate ignorance, but to promote opportunities to climb the ladder of understanding into the light of awakening. A beginning desire is all it takes, and a willingness to embrace the truth of your being.

Though make no mistake: ignorance is being challenged, even with the veil, as insights inspire the reaching for more and deeper understanding. The attention turns from the mundane to the esoteric and the nature of life. The physical body is an instrument of expression to experience and engage the incarnate journey. Powers of perception beyond the five physical senses is part of everyone’s nature. Not to replace the five senses while incarnate, but to enhance and support the experience from a larger perspective. That that has been hidden is revealed. Namaste.
Nov. 5, 2019 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


What is strength?

JANU: Beginning with the declaration “together we are strong,” what is strength, then? Is life itself strong? And, if so, what makes this so? If the united individual is strong, what makes it so? What is strength?

For the moment, the best word here is integrity: the integrity of being, of consciousness, of character, of content, of discipline and commitment, and of oneness with all of life, and the expression of universal love. From these come clarity of perception and understanding. Integrity of relationships and even a relationship with your own being, for clear insightful observation of who and what you are is the foundation for evolving.

Even a stone has integrity. All of life expressions have integrity. The planets have integrity, as do the stars, or they would not exist. Even nature beyond the physical life has integrity. It is possible to become more conscious of this and more, with the integrity of clear perception, deepening understanding, and intimacy of experience.

Together we are strong. Each one has attributes of consciousness, of expression, of presence. Consciously united, there is harmony, balance, a symphony of existence. It is like the ‘music of the spheres.’ Music without end, always changing and evolving, each in their own way contributing to the symphony of life itself.

So hold the ideal as you awaken. You are gaining the strength, the integrity of wholeness, in harmony, in balance. Be strong. Namaste.
Oct. 30, 2019                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

This has developed into a series, begun before we realized it had. The reader may wish to look at the category Together we are strong for previous attunements that build the foundation for this. 


Moving from denial to the Light

JANU: Belligerence on the part of so many is the denial of ignorance to the True Nature, for even ignorance has a sense of identity and presence. But the True Nature ultimately wins, because it is the source of the consciousness in the incarnate life that chooses denial. Denial is based in fear, fear of loss of existence, of power and control. Moving from finite consciousness and denial to the limitlessness of the larger truth of being draws upon innate qualities and character, but once begun builds on its larger potential, power, and presence. And the darkness sees the Light.

This basic theme of understanding is a beginning to awakening. Awakening into the Light, which is the truth of life, the truth of being, and the truth of your nature. No longer a divided consciousness, each division seeking its own authority separate from each other. Together, as one, we are strong. Namaste.
Oct. 25, 2019                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

This has developed into a series, begun before we realized it had. The reader may wish to look at the category Together we are strong for previous attunements that build the foundation for this. 


Collaborative co-creation

JANU: We are simplifying, then, that discourse which prolongs the inevitable, the journey of change. One tends to build empirically the conditions of one’s existence, but the structures and resources of predictable living are temporary by their nature. Witness the fires in California.

Where does resilience come from? Partially, it comes from the assistance of others, all of which are elements of the flow of life. Hanging on to anything to avoid change is resisting the flow of life. Be a co-creator on the move. Co-creative resources are always available. Fear of change is an impediment.

Be an intentional co-creator. Allow the process to manifest. Willingness and confidence and commitment are contagious. Through these, collaborative co-creation expands. Namaste.
Oct. 29, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The confusion of change

JANU: A valid question: the nature of change. The ensuing confusion and uncertainty of  leading the past into a future present. The unknown. Even though accomplished many times, there is still confusion, uncertainty. The peace of mind is disturbed, though temporarily.

What’s called for here is confidence built upon past successes in the field of change. When you see so much confusion in people, life is changing for them and they don’t know where it’s heading or what to make of it. Their foundation of experience and understanding of the present is being shaken. Awakening is a solution to this, for it provides insight, glimpses into the future based upon potential and current values. A step at a time, until clarity replaces confusion. But even after this, more changes for that is the flow of life. And that is its impetus to continue to change, evolving, awakening, continuously changing identity and its expansion.

So how does one find a sense of security and peace when being compelled to adapt to change? The True Nature understands this and is a record of it. That is your anchor to deal with the confusion of change. Namaste.
Oct. 29, 2019                                                                                                copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The conscious emergence of the True Nature

JANU:   Emergence is that which dominates in the quest of many for a better life, for happiness and peace, for understanding, for enlightenment. The emergence of the True Nature, consciously, into the human experience, otherwise called awakening. Now, the desire for this is not the human ego alone, but the whole Nature. It always has been. Understand that this quest for emergence has always been present, since the beginning.

Loving the experience into the consciousness is a key to realization. Human consciousness tends to perceive their circumstance is initiated, controlled, changed, modified, developed solely by the human ego and consciousness. This is only part of the story, you see. The True Nature is the overseer, the initiator, the realizer, the potential for a structured existence and evolution. Loving your True Nature is loving who you are. And who you are loves the human consciousness as well.

So, awakening, you see, is a normal reality but not common yet. Not to the point of being conscious of it by most. Everything in your existence, your experience, is enhanced by awakening in a manner that goes hand in hand with your particular evolution in consciousness. Allow yourself to perceive life as it is, as it can be, as it was, as clearly and fully as your current perceptions allow.

Add consciousness to your human experience. Love it into ownership. Find peace, wonderment, joy, the thrill of discovery, anticipation of more, the fulfillment of all desire for a fuller life, which includes enriching life. Enrich each other by way of this. Be patient but engaged. Dream always of a larger life, a deeper life, a more meaningful one. Namaste.
Oct. 28, 2019                                                    Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross