New Journeys

And these shall inherit the Earth

JANU:    Service, then this evening, accounts for perhaps the dwindling of an atmosphere of belligerence in the world, for those who desire nothing but peace for their families, health, and a small amount of prosperity. We serve these this evening, that their vision flourishes, that their prosperity includes generosity, that their health and well-being serve others.

These simple souls are the foundation for the future, for they hold the promise of a chance, an opportunity for their offspring to realize purpose and beauty in their lives. They do not seek prosperity at the expense of others, but to uplift others. They do not seek power for themselves, but enrichment for their families and their friends. They ennoble humanity and bring honor to themselves. These beautiful souls will go further in their quest for life and meaning.

Mark this, our brother. These are the foundation for the future of humanity. Their strength is not deceit, manipulation. Their strength is hard work, commitment, ideals and values. And they shall inherit the Earth. Understand these values and magnify them in your endeavors, in your service. They are the role models for the children of the future. And these children will bring honor to them. Namaste.
Nov. 20, 2012 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Cooperation with the natural flow of life

JANU:  Service this evening begins with an accommodation to the natural flow of life through the natural resistance to it.

Now, by this we mean, those that hold dear freedom of choice, self-determination, and independence at times forget that there is a larger life of natural flow and that their freedoms and independence are by permission of that life. They are allowed to be what they choose.

Now, one would think that cooperation with the source of their freedom would be of benefit. So we serve then this evening those who have yet to understand this and the benefits it brings. So, this evening we plant seed thoughts wherever they can grow and hold each one in the Light, the Truth.

That is correct, our brother. No need to individually seek these out, for the flow of life knows, and each one is so served.

Now then, let us seal this service in the Golden Light held inviolate until needed or accepted. Now then, we bid you good evening and namaste.
Sept. 6, 2012 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The nature of existence

JANU: The nature of existence is a worthy focus. There is the minutia and the overview, and they coexist as one. The nature of existence is ‘being.’ The significance of life is even beyond its manifestations, not usually grasped by individual human consciousness. But how does one relate the evidence of existence from incarnate perception to that which is more encompassing? For the microscopic, you see, is by comparison part of the whole and there is purpose in everything, whether manifested or not.

“What is the nature of existence?” is a key question in awakening. The union of coexistence does not blend purpose to the point of eliminating individuality, for even the atom has purpose, each one as part of the Larger Life. All components, all elements of existence are connected. The nature of existence and all of its components coexist and are part of each other. Realizing this, between people and their human egos, is challenging. For that which is not physical, you see, exists; that which is beyond energy exists.

“What is the reality,” you ask, “of non-existence?” “Is there beginning of life or has it always been?” These types of questions open the consciousness to larger understanding without prejudice or preconception. Use every challenge as an opportunity to ask a larger question, putting all of life in perspective. Having a question of this nature does not mean one is identified as ignorant of life. All consciousnesses, you see, ask questions, are awakening. Part of the nature of the Family of Life. You’re among good company.

Many fear for their physical existence, unaware of their larger nature that continues on, long before and long after incarnation, and it coexists as well with the human journey. Identify with life, which you are. Namaste.
May 27, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The beauty of empathy

JANU:    Empathy is a natural element of coexisting consciousness. It belongs to a tradition of oneness, of unity. Empathy is a vehicle for transference of conscious experience. It is a love expression, shared by coexisting elements of life. Experiencing it in the incarnate life has its counterpart in the larger life.

Empathy communicates without words. It is the origin of prayer. Allowing empathy to find root in your consciousness brings beauty into the life of all involved. Empathy is not limited to one species. It communicates across apparent divisions of separation. Empathy resides in memory, even when one reviews their own. It is a healer of relationships. It has a partnership with forgiveness. It is a messenger of understanding and promotes tolerance and patience. Empathy exacts nothing. All creatures experience this. It is the strong expression of awakening.  Namaste.
May 30, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Gathering the Light to support Light workers

JANU: This opportunity to proceed is in the area of service best known as the Gathering of the Light for and by those who’ve already begun to shimmer with its presence. Our service this evening is to those so inclined as to, with a growing purity of motive and heart, wish to bring that which is needed for the advancement of your civilization. For they are beginning to understand that the entire world is in need of such and all the species.

Now then, let us focus on this enhancement of what has already begun. We, this evening, contribute to the bringing of Light, the Truth of Life, to the understanding and to the hearts of all humanity. Become, then, with light and live it, at one with each. In truth, the duality of life in your world is mastered first within and then without. The conflicts and confusion of purpose, worth, destiny are resolved in this way. Embody this truth for everyone by radiating the knowingness and your ownership of this reality. Be the master of your destiny through resolution and the mastery of duality. The life that you walk no longer a battle between light and dark but the mastery of the gifts of each into one truth. This key to freedom will bring you to a new threshold of understanding and service.

We conclude this at this time, thanking you for this opportunity to demonstrate that which we know and that which is. Good evening and namaste.
February 2, 2000 C                                                                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The True Church of Christ

JANU: We have before us this evening that which is in need of the wise counsel of the elders of the true church of Christ. Now, we use this terminology to illustrate the divine counterparts to the ideals of many of your people.

Those in need, of which we speak, are those in confusion, divided to a degree between loyalties to their physical church and teachings and leaders and traditions and doctrine, and to the welling up in the heart of that which is the purity of the truth of their True Nature and that of the circumstance of life. The true church of Christ lowers itself in a sense to touch this evening those hearts. Not to teach doctrine, not to command loyalty or commitment or service to, or even faith but to bring blessing within the heart of the experience of the reality and the presence of that which they seek from deep within. The true church of Christ requires nothing of them. It only loves, for the fullness in the genius in the beauty of life is revealed through the profound peace of this experience, not struggle, and not confusion, and certainly not doctrine or ritual.

So we take the time this evening to touch hearts with that divine presence to satisfy longings and searchings in the emptiness that is not understood. What they are filled with is a full measure of their own divinity, their own completeness and their own capacity to enjoy all of life as a loving creator, beyond years in wisdom and ongoingness. In this fullness of experience they can sense the larger purpose of life and of their chosen journey’s purpose and they will find the peace of true knowingness and the joy in the life that they are and the life they create. In the richness of this discovery, one finds the freedom to be generous without reservation to the rest of life.

Let this be a true gift of Christmas in this season and celebrate life more completely. All over your world this experience and understanding is being given. Honor the Christ in this way. And the true church of Christ do we serve this evening. Bidding you good evening and namaste.
December 8, 1998 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The Middle Way brings balance to life

JANU:    Perception, then, does apply to the power struggles in government. And these exist throughout the world, not to mention other venues of power. Relaxing into daily routines perpetuates normalcy for most, but not those in so-called power. Each day is a challenge to maintain and build that power, not from within but through manipulation of external realities and other people. It is as intoxicating to them as compulsive eating, smoking, and drugs. They become addicted to that power, or that sense of it, because it is relatively easy in terms of relative maturity and the evolution of consciousness. There are situations when life allows these scenarios to run their course, so to speak, for inspirational learning begins when the outer expressions of life collapse on themselves, but not before. The challenges and opportunities, then, are for those who choose a different way—the inner life of true power—to avoid these bullets of power struggles.

Walking the Middle Way on the path of life, not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well, brings balance to life’s many experiences and challenges. This applies no matter the scope of your life involvements, whether parochial or global. And what is the Middle Way? How does one recognize its characteristics?

  • Even-mindedness, emotional sensitivity, has a strength that brings clarity to understanding through experience.
  • The overcoming of extremes yet allowing a range of experiences with a foundation of wisdom and integration.
  • A greater ability to perceive the progression of scenarios of life and their likely outcome.
  • A vision for the realization of potential.
  • A life of patience and tolerance for journeys of others.
  • A love of self, of life, all of it.
  • Being joy-filled and happy without needing a reason to be.
  • Confident in the future, as the present reveals it.
  • Being at peace with a growing understanding of its reality.
  • And much more.

May 22, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


A deeper understanding of forgiveness

JANU:    What this scenario of inner being encompasses is the Larger Life family of beings. And this includes human beings as well, for are they not part of the Larger Life? Are they not spirit beings? Seeing them in this way, relating in this way, bridges the separations caused by the veil. Relating to everyone in this way as a foundation opens up your own consciousness to more of the truth, the reality of being. A step forward, you see.

Awakening reunites consciousness, the reality of coexistence. Direct communication beyond word, you see, direct knowing and understanding. No matter how outrageous the acts while incarnate, forgiveness is a resource of the True Nature for each one, as each one walks and experiences the incarnate journey. To strengthen forgiveness and its benefit, awaken to the source of it within your being.

Forgiveness is a reality that touches all of life. It doesn’t mean agreeing or disagreeing with any life pattern, but allowing it and understanding it. It replaces condemnation, judgement, and bitterness. Allow this theme, this reality, to be part of the mix of perception and relationships, not only with your own existence but that of others as well, you see.

Even the nature that seems to be attacking the lives of people has its causes and need to express. Conscious coexistence allows for coordination of needs in the midst of challenges. Moving with the flow of life allows coexisting conditions to be. Thank you and namaste.
May 27, 2019                                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Ownership of experiences

JANU: Surveillance, assimilation, retribution are succumbing to clear perception and integrity with a foundation of ownership. Owning experiences leaves one free to benefit in every way.

The ownership of the experience belongs to the one who experiences, not the circumstances or the contributing elements. Without ownership, there is a tendency towards blame, an energy pattern that blocks clearing of the challenges of the experience, you see. Ownership does not mean accepting the experience as something more powerful, but as part of the process of mastership, management of life patterns. No longer with a perception of being a pawn in the flow of circumstance of life challenges, but a growing ownership and mastership of what life has to offer that is in direct response to your potential.

You are a system of life. Be the manager, as a complete being, of that system. Conscious union with your entire being, in a balanced way, makes ownership a deeper reality. Namaste.
May 23, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The healing of nations

JANU:   What do we mean by the healing of a nation? There is much involved, for the healing consists of the national recognition of its people, its purpose, its strengths and weaknesses, its contribution to peace in the world among other nations. And this applies to all nations, for, as a community, there is much to be desired. What facilitates this movement is a worldwide recognition of a destiny and purpose larger than any one nation. This is true individually in life as well. A purpose and a destiny larger than yourself applies to nations as well, and to a world community of communities.

So let us serve this evening the installation of the beginnings of a common vision, purpose, and commitment to humanity. The development of this vision will benefit greatly first contact with other worlds, for there are others who have this vision and would share it with those who can embrace it. So let there be a healing of nations and many of the elements of confusion and conflict and destruction will resolve themselves.

Now this sounds Pollyanna-ish, but what is a greater mystery are the current social norms and relationships and insanity. Look for opportunities and demonstrations of cooperation and encourage them, helping others feel that they are important to life and the human community. Invite others to consider their vision for the future and their role in it, not based on the insanity of civilization, but their hopes and dreams.

Remember, the Earth has its own signature and so do you. Your science thinks electro-magnetic radiation contact with other worlds is the only first contact. It is not so. There are consciousnesses in other realities and worlds that already read the Earth and its signature, which includes humanity. Grow in your ability to be part of this communication. Namaste.
Jan. 11, 2013 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.