New Journeys

Re-gifting a clear and peaceful mind

JANU: Service this evening represents what you call “re-gifting” in your Christmas season, only in our case we re-gift the many gifts of life, and service is one of them.

The service we are re-gifting this evening is the gift of well-being, for there is great need for this in humanity. Now, what well-being are we discussing here this evening and re-gifting? It is that of the clear and peaceful mind, for without this social concerns fuel the confusion. We offer, to those who would receive it, the clarity that comes from peace.

And what is clarity but that which allows a mind unattached to that which confuses or distracts. Clarity brings a mind open to possibilities previously thought to be impossible or unlikely. Peace of mind allows for rejuvenation and this heals the body. And a well body is peaceful and responsive. This gift, this re-gifting, is for all humanity without exception. A clear and peaceful mind is so strange to some that they fear it, for they do not understand that this condition is the resolution of confusion and the path of well-being.

Thank you and namaste.
Jan. 7, 2013 B                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The synergism of life

JANU: The intent for today’s journey comes from an abiding faith in the destiny of life. We, of course, are a part of this, as are you. Reach then into the abyss, so to speak, for the fundamental understanding that brings life together in awareness, in consciousness. Synergism is everywhere. Not always understood or appreciated but belongs to a generation of understanding that transcends time.

We would have you know this point to be made: that there exists within each one a fundamental essence of nature in consciousness that is connected to, and interacts with, the essence of everything. So, as we probe the mysteries of life and human evolution, let us be mindful that this exists within each one. So one achievement, one accomplishment is universally beneficial.

The oneness of life is omnipresent. Experience this reality when pondering the vastness of life. Namaste.
May 21, 2019                                                                     Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The quintessential modality

JANU: We summarizing, even in these early stages of development, the quintessential modality of exploration, assimilation, and distribution of the nature of life and its expressions.

Yes, we are in the ‘peace business’ if you want to call it that, the harmonious flow of life in motion, which includes an endless array of coexisting elements. Being at peace allows the flow of these that are being explored to be absorbed in their natural way, through clarity of perception and assimilation of understanding and influence.

We perceive these things, our brother, as you requested by seeking to know the truth of the Larger Life and engage it in consciousness and in service. Trust that the unfoldment and evolution of this has intelligence and wisdom and is filled with an ancient yet evolving tradition of life in motion. Shine this light on any doubts that arise. The revelations will come. Namaste.
May 15, 2019
Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Serving the resolution of terrorism

JANU: We are reckoning this evening that which belongs to a group of concerned citizens, if you will, of your world that have breached the outermost layers of social dogma and ritual to begin the climb into freedom of thought and consciousness. This group serves those who are part of an effort to free many from the terror and cruelty of terrorist groups around the world. This is a noble venture and a complex one, that leaves many of these vulnerable to personal risk.

What we do this evening is we place an umbrella of protection in the form of the Light of Love. They are not alone in their service and deserve the support of all who serve. Their goal, their focus is not to bring down the terrorism and crush it but explore it and those who participate, and help them find resolution and a road towards peace. Valuing life but not its direction. We call on those spiritual leaders of the past, of which they claim to be followers, to help them see through the distortions of these original truths by those with violent agendas.

There is insanity here, on both sides of this issue. Your nation’s hands are not clean. A solution to this is not an outside force, but a breakthrough in understanding of the truth involved and the will to heal. Namaste.
March 19, 2013 B                                                                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The gift of peace

JANU:    We are working again with what we have to surmount: some challenges to life having to do with a peace that does not include violence, as some proclaim their peace as a result of it. What does peace look like, then, in a society whose roots are not violent? This society has grand ambitions to improve everything by virtue of the exploration and manifestation of potential.

This society of violence sees only conquering their ‘enemy,’ as they perceive, not the realization of another’s potential and the benefit that comes from that. How can there be true peace when one group claims victory over another? How then can the defeated truly enrich anyone? For the victors see the defeated as those less than themselves, inferior and weak and misguided. Even claiming to be benefactors, you wouldn’t trade places. Quiet times, relatively speaking, between wars and conflicts, is a very limited understanding and reality of peace.

Truly at-peace societies don’t even think of wars but of challenges to overcome for the benefit of all, like mastering excellent health, reasonable prosperity, and creative genius. These are the marks of peaceful civilization and this is the civilization that will raise the bar of peace when making first contact with another world. How many times in human history has it been the cycle of war, relative calm, to return to war and to the calm and then to the war? What other model of life has been known to draw upon? A true and deep love of life finds these cycles of no value and a form of insanity.

Humanity needs a new model for understanding peace and its true gift. This is our service this evening: the gift of peace. Let it be so. Namaste.
March 18, 2013 B                                                                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The process of being

JANU: We are summoning, then, the Powers that Be that bring about change. Change is nestled in opportunity, which is nestled in potential, which is nestled in the Larger Life. Much has been spoken of individual reality but not as much, so far, as to the reality of coexistence, the collective potential of Life itself, which includes all of individuality.

What we focus on at this time is a peace offering to those who struggle individually reaching for meaning, purpose, direction, and survival. Conflicts arise from this. Attempts to interpret spirituality, even document it, write books about it, and presume to speak for it. The agnostic is moving in the right direction, endeavoring once more to have a clearer perception of reality, what consciousness can be.

The forces summoned at this time address this, the forces of change and evolution. We speak this with clarity, to and through the True Nature of life expressions. All is well, for life is in motion, change is in motion, wisdom is in motion, love is in motion. Nothing is lost. This is the process of being. Namaste.
May 14, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Elements of awakening

JANU: We are continuing with our discourse and development of the elements of awakening. We are best suited for this, due to the fact that there exists within the human consciousness trace memories of the Larger Life and the reasons and choices involved in reincarnating at this time in human history. There is a growing need amongst humanity to more completely realize its potential, indicated by its achievements and growth in understanding and embracing life through service to each other, reinforced by the dichotomy of conflicts, human suffering, and ignorance to opportunities.

We of the Brotherhood of Light persist in integrity of consciousness, true nature, and life’s flow of opportunities to evolve and awaken. Let us restore, then, that which has been set aside as humanity moves towards the realization of its own potential by way of awakening and experience. Opportunities are created by the consciousness and the wisdom that is becoming increasingly ready for fulfillment of potential.

The adventure continues, rich in deed and ownership of integrity. Namaste.
May 14, 2019                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The nature of coexistence

JANU:    We are becoming more merged in consciousness and perception of the Larger Life, which includes the incarnate life. They are one. The incarnate life itself is not separate from the Larger Life. Conscious perception may be, through ignorance, the veil, other situations. But the life of each is one. Coexistence speaks to this. And we all coexist in this Larger Life.

So, let us begin to view everything with these eyes, and let the peace experience feel the awareness, there being more that one is for than they are against. This will grow when on this path of coexistence, understanding, and experience. We of the Brotherhood of Light coexist, even though our interests are varied greatly. Our involvements in life are extensive. The wisdom we achieve through these enrich life, and we are enriched by them.

Appreciate coexistence. Be grateful for its reality. Discover its depth. Embrace it, that it may reveal itself through understanding and experience. Part of the process of awakening, you see.

Incarnate life and the Larger Life are not separate worlds. Only in perception. And there are long standing reasons for this, which have their purpose, but they are not permanent. They are part of a process of evolving. Everything coexists, every reality. Namaste.
May 7, 2019 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Human unity

JANU:  Let us celebrate service supporting the unity of humanity in its embrace of life and each other. A unified humanity holds the promise of the future, for without it humans come at cross-purposes. Now, we did not suggest sameness here, but cooperation, connection, a growing vision that is shared, and a love for the journey that each shares in.

Human unity does not embrace wars, but rather chooses mutual concern for the fulfillment of each other’s journey, living without fear or deprivation.

Human unity has the potential to virtually eliminate disease, poverty, and starvation.

Human unity values each one’s potential for genius and contribution to each other.

Human unity will know such deep strength and wisdom that its light will welcome many from other worlds.

Human unity will reveal a life filled with personal achievement, self-improvement, and a peace that allows the joyous life.

Human unity will build a collective memory of the human journey and all of the wisdom gained, wasting nothing.

Human unity will build a consciousness that is awakened and will bring alternate realities into the Now and ultimately enjoy trans-dimensional understanding and involvement.

A vision of human unity is a worthy one. Consider it, as do we. Namaste.
Dec. 20, 2012 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Inspiring love & light in the darkness

JANU: Reaching then into the dark corners of life for this evening’s service, bringing love to those who feel none, despair of life, and reach for release. Ending a life without love, without peace, is dark indeed. Many of life’s circumstances seem unbearable and without hope. Wherever possible, we encourage the strength to go on, and a love of life that is greater than any circumstance, for when this occurs, the inner power comes and the understanding.

Ascension is a victory not born of what you are against, or darkness, but an embrace of the Light. A love of life includes a love of who you are and the miracle of your being and your contributions to life, even when surrounded by darkness. We encourage this inner strength in our service this evening.

Thank you and namaste.
Feb. 15, 2013 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.