New Journeys

Understanding coexistence

JANU: We are surveying with you the reality of peace among human society. The manifestation of discord and its correspondence to nature is seemingly endless, the need to consume or be consumed, one of the basic instincts in human consciousness that perpetuate this amongst themselves and with the natural kingdom. It comes from survival, survival with a limited view, ignorance of life ongoing beyond the physical. Survival seems threatened by each other, by nature, by infestation.

How can this change and society change with it? By not only realizing but owning and experiencing the larger reality of your own being, the eternal nature of existence, a consciousness free of limitation and a growing oneness with all of life, realizing that we survive together or perish separately.

Variations on this understanding exist throughout the universe. Peace is coming to terms with this, owning the understanding and reality of coexistence, exploring the reality of coexistence and all that it means. What does the “co” part of coexistence mean? Observing another individual and experiencing the reality of coexisting. This is the Larger Life, no longer just individual existence but coexistence, partnerships in life, a higher form of co-dependency, Essential Nature.

This is the theme for this journey: Humanity learning and growing into peaceful coexistence, where everyone benefits from everything and each other. Namaste.
May 6, 2019                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Two sides of the same coin

JANU:    Understanding the dichotomy between so-called evil and Life settles the mind and the passions into equilibrium. Negative and positive—two sides of the same coin. Positive builds the neighborhood. Evil is the catalyst for change, paving the way, opening the door to reconstruction, redirection, re-creation. See not these seeming opposites as enemies of each other, preferring one over the other, but pick the middle way with equilibrium between any dichotomies in life. They exhibit range of possibilities. They perpetuate the tension that motivates life in motion. Now, in incarnate physical life, they are perceived in this way. But in the Larger Life their counterpart is understood as part of the flow of life.

Allow the dichotomy. Perceive it in the middle way. Attune to the balance they possess. Choose your involvements with the wisdom of the center way, not preferring one over another. They are part of the tension of life. They create change and opportunity. They refresh each other. The coin exists because of the two sides. Develop thinking and perceiving in this way, about everything. Namaste.
May 3, 2019                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Change without chaos or collapse

JANU: What we serve here is the stability of the free markets of your time, for they serve the public and what we reach for here, during these times of change, is a modicum of stability.

Stability, then, does not fly in the face of change, but allows change to occur without loss of function. Otherwise, the theme becomes survival, desperate survival, and this can retard humanity’s evolution. We of the Brotherhood of Light enjoin you to serve the need for stability as humanity reaches for direction. It is not the intent here to disregard, or abandon, much of what humanity has achieved, even though profound changes are coming. What we seek here is to support that which will serve humanity in its new directions.

There is a tipping point to be considered and measured when it comes to that which must be left behind or that which must continue. Government, industry, religion, economics, culture, and decency are in the mix, you see. Science and technology, and the arts, as well.

So, what we serve this evening is transition without chaos or collapse. This is possible, not just in your nation, but worldwide. Remember, these are human choices in humanity’s society. Our path is to inspire. Namaste.
Dec. 10, 2012 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Moving human hearts from fear to love

JANU: Alert once more to the beckoning for an evening service, that which comes by the honored tradition of the completing of a day’s journey, what better way to complete a cycle of life than to serve it. Let us now proceed on this journey of service. Never underestimate the power of the Light to achieve that which is needed.

Service this evening shall include the concern for the human race in this time of change that quickens so much fear. Tonight we serve the hearts of humanity, bringing such love as alternative to any fear. Let us begin at this time. (extended pause)

Humanity cannot embrace its destiny with fear in their hearts. Only the love that unites the self with the truth of life that exits everywhere will heal this forever. Let the fear expressed by others always remind you of this alternative, for many have yet to realize there is one. People will ask you “How do I achieve this love and freedom?” By acknowledging its truth and reality that has always existed within them. Choose freedom, by the same authority that you have chosen fear. You are the power that placed fear in your world. That same power realizes love. In other words, dear ones, choose. And choose with passion and conviction and commitment and with deed.

Those with remorse from their previous actions will be free, for in this love of their choosing they forgive themselves. Only love can accomplish this, because love finds no fault and condemns none. It unifies life and expands it. Preach this, to all who will listen, by your example. Namaste.
July 15, 1999 A                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Progression of U.S. government leadership  

JANU:    Part of the procedure of reflective postulates or progressions is the clear statement of intent, and then letting go of the focus to the larger life of your own being, as you just did.

The presidency of the USA, as you have requested, is going through several changes—some would call turmoils—but changes nonetheless. We see two or three more significant changes, challenging and at times confusing. The way out of this is motivating the contenders, not yet mature enough to manage all of the factions of government. Inspired visions, yes. Management maturity, not quite yet. For effective leadership is the relationship between the leader and those being led, that can understand each other, combine visions and insights into something workable. Long range commitments that allow for the process of change without loss of vision.

The hope for one single leader to redirect everything is more of a fantasy than reality, for leadership, effective in the current scenario, will take more than one. Leaders in various areas of the government will step up once they see the presidency is one they can relate to. Teamwork here, when the right elements are in place: mutual respect and a commitment, with patience and determination. Look for these things to meld.

This progression is based upon the realities that currently exist. Anticipate these changes. Namaste.
Apr. 26, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Equality speaks of diversity with balance, proportionate, a prosperous relationship with life. Observing others and oneself from the perspective of equality is a great revealer, not only as to potential but the beauty of the moment as each one walks through their life. Equality includes what might be called ‘strange bedfellows’ for their life can be widely diverse. Yet here they are, existing, relating in one way or in one level or another.

What is an equality perspective when looking at everything? It is a reality of its existence. How can part of Life be at odds with itself? It coexists, for each existence draws upon the fundamental principles of Life and its potential. The fact of existence gives credibility to being. Equality includes all of the elements of any path that exists, whether incarnate or not, whether understood or not. A balanced view or perception or engagement or understanding is an equal relationship with existence. Is your understanding and appreciation of another based on equality? Namaste.
Apr.16, 2019 B                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The oceans & those who sail on them

JANU:    The focus of our service this afternoon shall be that of the oceans of the world and those who sail on them. We serve at this time a more enlightened relationship between those who explore and exploit the seas and the life complex that is the world’s oceans. We hold as ideal a growth in understanding, compassion, and commitment to the ongoingness of life. As you have recently observed and experienced, even the temperature of a small portion of an ocean affects the land and the atmosphere. The Earth is a living system, which includes humanity. It is interesting to note that humanity includes intelligence, a shining spirit, limitless capacity to lift the world, and incredible destructiveness and blindness to this living system. We serve this manner of awakening and, through this, all will benefit.

Thank you and namaste.
Dec. 4, 1998 C                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.

Global warming & memories of sea life

JANU:    Yes, the Earth is going through another warming cycle, and there is memory of this among the creatures of the seas, the oceans. And they are beginning to sense its coming once more. They draw on their instincts and memories, and there are locations around the world, in the oceans, where survival is easier. And they will begin this migration in approximately 30 of your years. Much of the polar caps will melt, bringing much fresh water to the oceans, changing the salinity. Difficult for some creatures.

Rather than altering the Earth changes, we serve the adaptation of these creatures to the changing conditions. This evening we serve their memories.   (Pause)

Many changes to come, our brother: location, depth, temperature, or ocean currents, the path they take. We will look in on the creatures of the oceans from time to time. Thank you and namaste.
Dec. 21, 2012 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Merging Larger Life with physical life

JANU: Coalition of attributes might describe the reality of conscious existence, merging the Larger Life with the incarnate life. How is the incarnate life enhanced by a larger perspective?

  • Wisdom in choices affecting health, peace of mind.
  • Insights, wisdom.
  • Understanding love beyond emotions.
  • Smaller decisions in the face of eternal life.
  • Perspective that includes many layers of reality including the physical.
  • Insight into potential, possible futures.
  • Understanding memories, even those not born of this sojourn.
  • Understanding others and yourself.
  • Freedom to use identity as a tool, to pick up or put down.
  • Being in harmony with natural Earth changes.
  • Understanding the coexistence of realities, not limited to the Earth, and
  • their influences.
  • Perceiving humanity globally.
  • Gauging the nature and purpose of change and manifesting it.

These and many other qualities exist as potential through awakening to the Larger Life. Namaste.
Apr. 11, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Exploring identity

JANU:    Personal identity is a mixed bag, for varying degrees of identity and types of identity exist among people. To identify as one race or another can even fly in the face of physical reality. Many causes are fueled by senses of identity. Conflicts between genders, races, economic status, realities, politics, romance, even artistic abilities are fueled by different shapes of identity. And these change, providing a myriad of interpretations and expressions.

So the question becomes “Who are you, in this moment, in this circumstance, in these relationships?” Probably wise to say that your identity is what you choose in the moment, based upon personal agendas, social pressures, degree of awakening and understanding. So, grow in the freedom to identify as you choose, reaping those benefits or challenges, free to experiment with realities of identification, testing the waters socially and introspectively.

“Who are you?” then is a question for the moment. And what are the complex identities and their relationships that exist in that moment? Are you identified with your experiences or more towards your True Nature? And what is that? What’s the reality of it in your life, in your consciousness? What levels of familiarity exist in conscious relationship?

Much to explore in the world of identity. Find wisdom, richness, peace and joy in the quest. Namaste.
Apr. 9, 2019                                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross