New Journeys

Serving the Earth’s energy patterns

JANU: We have before us this evening an opportunity to proceed in the direction or manner best described as continuation or perpetuation of the prolonged summer climate that distresses so many in your region. We would have you understand at this time that there will be, beginning this fall in your time, a restructuring precisely of the seemingly enigmatic fields that influence these patterns that we have referenced. The forces themselves, as such, are in harmony with a progression or movement of your world into a climatic mode most suitable for the refocusing or shifting of changes in the Earth pattern itself, of its living existence.

Now, having said this, we would serve this evening these repositionings of geographical focuses of energy patterns as required by the destiny of your world. We seal, at this time, that which brings about these changes with the sanction of the Hierarchy of Life for your world.
September 6, 2000 A                                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

See also Service to weather and climate 

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.



Service to Stabilize the Earth

Stabilization of the Earth’s notation                                               March 12, 2013 B

JANU:            Service, then, re-organizes the movement of life to fulfill the destiny of elements of it. Elements of life that begin their path or march, so to speak, in a particular direction of unfoldment, evolution, can incur anomalies that cause deviations that do not serve the interest of this movement of life.

What we serve this evening is such an anomaly in such a flow of life with such an anomaly, having to do with the notation of the Earth’s axis as it rotates. There is a slight anomaly leading to an instability greater than has existed.

We encourage the natural forces that are in and around the Earth to balance this to a degree. These forces have accomplished this in the past as Earth has a variety of instabilities in the dynamics of its existence. These anomalies create a disturbance, or a change in these natural courses that can be used to recover from imbalance.

Redirecting the anomaly’s force or energy, inserting it into the matrix of stability or balance. We do so at this time, our brother. (pause)

The redirection has begun and will complete throughout the rest of this year. Many times, your world has been assisted in this way, for a variety of reasons.

Stabilizing the Earth’s orbit                                                    April 8, 2013 B

JANU:    We see, to one side of the Earth at this time, a current or force directly in front of the Earth’s path around the sun. This force or presence is instrumental in guiding the Earth to continue in its orbit, but as the Earth orbits the sun many forces are encountered. At times, these forces combine, contributing to tremors in the Earth. There are three the Earth will encounter that must be trimmed slightly to bring about stability. The congruence of these at times must be dealt with. Your moon is influenced as well but not this time. (pause)

We are participating in an adjustment that has occurred many times, for many services are rendered the Earth throughout its existence.

Underground nuclear testing is unwise for the balance of forces that are your world can be disturbed. Why would you damage the world that nurtures you and brings you life? The insane craving for power that isn’t real still plagues humanity. Both sides of these issues are responsible, not only for the issue, but its resolution. Awakening is called for here. Namaste.

Stabilizing gravitational ripples at the Earth-Moon point of Equilibrium     June 3, 2013 B

JANU: Worthy of this evening’s service, there lies a condition, pronounced in its depth, that occurs every so often that winches an undue amount of stress on the stability of the Earth’s polar regions. Now, the source of this lies in an area between the Earth and the Moon, the point of equilibrium gravitationally. And there are anomalies, from time to time, that tend to distort the Earth, or should we say, its gravitational field.

This evening’s service is described by the destabilization of this area and the gravitational fields involved. This disturbance is caused by cyclic ripples in the gravitational fields that cycle over long periods of time, more in the Earth than in the Moon, you see. Gravitational field of the Earth is by no means a fixed reality. So the service this evening responds. This service will continue for several months.

Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


More exploration of integrity

JANU: We do stand in our integrity, not just a foundation for existence but a point of embarkation to embrace the rest of life and its integrity.

Life does have integrity, which supports its evolution and realization of potential. Integrity belongs to a genre of life that focuses relationship and all of life has relationship, for all of life is one and no part of it is alone. Integrity has a voice and the voice is simple, with the fundamental truth: We are one.

Even corruption and recycling of creation has integrity, for life creates by recycling, re-creating, and modification. Part of exploring potential, with redirection when chosen.

Integrity allows for intimate and accurate feedback and revelation. Integrity is peaceful, balanced, yet diverse and inclusive. Integrity challenges misguidance, manipulation, and false witness. Integrity reveals layers of reality for any life expression.

Creation has structures. Integrity is in harmony with them. Yet everything is in motion and changing, even integrity. Namaste.
Mar. 15, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Happiness and humor

JANU: Humor is an integral element of a balanced life. It brings lightheartedness and an easy, flowing manner of exploration. Seriousness is appropriate at times, but humor should always be available. It calms and balances conflicts, uncertainties, and doubt. The phrase “laughing at one’s self” is of great value. Better even still, laughing with yourself. It is never a so-called putdown, you see. It lifts. The two are so intertwined in the reality of the Larger Life that the incarnate life, so often seriously taken, would do well to be infused with these qualities.

There is much that is worthy of humor, worthy of humorous perspective. Happiness and humor are good partners. They are a taste of true freedom. They open the consciousness to the richness of being. Lightheartedness floats, so to speak, in the sea of life, moves freely in harmony with the flow of life, its many currents and eddies. They see life as wholesome, healthy, and wise. When expressed, they are infectious to others, for it is in their nature to appreciate the influence from within themselves and be reminded. Even the creatures of the Earth respond well to a happy and joyful presence. Playfulness ensues.

Seriousness seems powerful but it is limited. It’s confining. It is focused and narrow. Happiness and lightheartedness open the consciousness to unlimited possibilities. These attributes we speak of do not replace commitment, dedication, intimacy, while engaging life and its possibilities. So, allow humor into your observations as you experience more and more of life. The Larger Life includes the incarnate reality. Experience all of life in this way and true peace seems more natural and present. Namaste.
Mar. 14, 2019 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Seamounts & a 2 degree polar shift

JANU: We address this evening’s service by proceeding to the venue or location best described as the sea mounts of the planet. The reason for this is that they comprise a continuation of the mountain ranges of the planet carrying the extreme pressures and weight of the oceans, you see. These structures have a contribution to these ridge lines that exist above the sea, you see. Their contribution remains as part of an equilibrium in the movement of the so-called tectonic plates that play a significant role in the planet’s recycling of its many surface structures and internal forces.

Now then, let us proceed to accomplish this evening a mild shift in this equilibrium of pressures in the direction of a north polar movement or shift of the North American plate. The reason for this is that it leads to a subduction in the Arctic region causing a significant shift in the equilibrium of polar cap as contributes to the Earth, shall we say, wobble or notation.

Now then, let us proceed with this, beginning with the west coast location of this plate, with a slight succumbing to the downward pressure of the undersea mounts, giving a slight rise to the polar seas, shifting the ice cap slightly northward. Over time, we are attempting to achieve a two degree shift in the polar mass. This will take a number of years and bring a measure of stability to the complex distribution of forces that govern the Earth.

Thank you, our brother for this service. It will continue as there are those others who contribute to this alignment, or should we say re-alignment. Good evening and namaste.
June 30, 1999 B                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Stabilizing polar influences

JANU:    For this evening we will proceed to the Arctic and Antarctic polar regions of the Earth and would have you recognize that these regions are nearing the completion of a cycle of their expansion and withdrawal, the sequence of events. It is true they have been receding. This will eventually slow its pace, realizing that these changes in accumulation of snow and ice change the distribution of mass significantly for the world. One interesting phenomenon to monitor is the differences in the mass accumulation between the two poles over time. This can accelerate, when great, the wobble in the Earth’s axis. The difference also is the land mass in Antarctica is less fluid in its movement than the Arctic icecap, adding to the differences in the movement of mass between the two poles.

The El Niño phenomenon you currently experience is in part a function of the influence these complex rotational axis patterns have on the sea currents and the movement of Earth’s mantle. If you do not think all of the forces at work in the Earth are in complex and delicate relationship, observe the difference a few degrees in sea water makes in your weather patterns.

What we serve this evening is some stabilizing influence, but not to be eliminated, in these complex relationships originating from the polar differences. This is needed from time to time due to occasional astronomical body alignments and influence on the Earth, including your sun. We now implement this service through the Earth grid, with anchoring points strategically located around the globe, fifty-seven in number, designed to monitor and stabilize many factors in Earth’s stability due to a combination of many forces. We begin at this time.  (pause)

Thank you, my brother, for this opportunity to serve in this way this evening. These regulating points have been stimulated and corrections have been made. This is accomplished in such a way as not to impede normal and desired Earth changes, but to assist their desirable progression and outcome. This is accomplished from time to time as needed. Thank you for your assistance this evening. We shall return to this nature of service as needed. Good evening and namaste.
April 30, 1998                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Building blocks of intimacy & identity

JANU:  We are foundation laying once more on our journey of awakening to the Larger Life. What meaning then can be gleaned from this journey?

It is a larger expression in the mastering of the incarnate life for, without this, mastership is incomplete. For they are one, coexisting, interrelated, holistic in nature, inseparable. Only in perception are they separated. Focusing on the incarnate life by way of the veil brings intimacy and identification with an experience. The same applies in the Larger Life. Intimacy and identification are some of the building blocks to a larger expression of one’s Nature.

This is normal ‘beingness’ but not that common yet. But humanity is moving in this direction. More and more unlimited as experiences and understanding deepen and broaden. Incarnate life is part of the Larger Life. Giving up on it is not an option. It will always be a part of who you are, for you are embued with the experience and the wisdom gained. Relationships matter. They form bonds, chains of connection, find expression in other realities and venues of life, including the incarnate life.

Intimacy and identity with life opportunities are profound connections on the path of mastery. Embrace everything masterfully. Yes, even your integrity is evolving. Live your life more fully every day. Discover and experience what that means. Own it all, which is a never-ending quest, for life is evolving—all of it. Namaste.
Mar. 14, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Being life in motion

JANU: Assuming then that the popularity of insight, forecasting of the future and the nature of occurrences, is the best path for balanced awakening, the balance, our brother, occurs when insight matches creativity or creation and observed changes for evolution in life expression. Direct knowing suggests that what is being experienced is a stable reality, predictable in outcome. It is not. Life is possibilities super-imposed on each other, the choices of which, or selections, are not only possibilities but combinations of these. Opportunities are the same way. So success in awakening is founded in choices, choices based upon current perceptions and potentials of the moment, conscious awakening in a field of reality with many layers of coexistence, co-potentials, and ever changing and evolving outcomes.

So successful awakening is what works for you, and even that is changing as you evolve. So what you hang your hat upon is life in motion. The so-called successful or ‘right way’ as a path of awakening is what inspires and fulfills you in a limitless variety of choices and outcomes. If you are at peace, find happiness and joy, rich in love of life and its potential or future, you’re successfully awakening. Be at peace. Continue on. Explore. Evaluate. Observe and gain wisdom, whatever it may be. Be life in motion. Namaste.

Mar. 13, 2019                                                                         Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Appreciate everything in a larger way

JANU:    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so let us see what we can see. “Rich in appearance.” “Rich in meaning.” These attributes speak well of moments of insight during the expression of special moments in the incarnate life. Moments such as these are created on many levels, not the least of which is the human expression of inner quality.

Moments such as these are accompanied by consciousnesses that are connected. This is why we say that these moments come to life in a fuller way. Share the joy with the Larger Life. A beautiful bonding with the more transcendent qualities of life.

These moments exist throughout humanity and find their way into the other kingdoms of incarnate life. The innocence and simple joy of an infant, a puppy, an offspring of any creature, is at one with the Larger Life.

In all walks of life, there are moments such as these of loving sacrifice, of caring, of dedication and commitment, of understanding. Human conflict and sacrifice are strange bedfellows, but they have their role in the richness of life. An inspired larger view of life expressions reveals much. Appreciate everything in a larger way. Namaste.
Mar. 12, 2019 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Service to weather and climate

JANU: What we have this evening is an opportunity to serve the climate of the world. This evening particularly the United States.

There is a tendency to desire the alteration of weather patterns of the Earth to suit individual and group agendas. Let it be known that the need for service is not defined in this way, but by the collective patterns that the Earth exhibits during times of change. You are in a time such as this, our brother. The Earth is changing, but not by itself. It is part of a system of life that includes your sun and the forces of other worlds.

What we seek to accomplish here is, as harmoniously as possible, the Earth’s needs being met, considering all the changes involved. This we do this evening, without trepidation or the need to control the Earth’s natural movements of change. So, then, let’s focus upon the Earth’s perception of its needs during changes and assist, as it would dictate.

The inhabitants of the Earth are here by agreement with this world and need to adapt to the changes needed in the environment, you see. So supporting and encouraging the inhabitants of this world to understand this change and accommodate it successfully is needed. This we do at this time.  (pause)

Thank you and namaste.

Sept. 5, 2012 B                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.