
JANU:    What is potential, then, to be realized, manifested, experienced, expanded upon? Even your universe has its potential, but to the finite mind appears unlimited, even beyond the term potential. This is perception, based upon current consciousness. Even the fields of creation have their potential, but the reality of potential is so far beyond verbal description it can only be hinted at. Even the Now consciousness of past, present, and future is one with potential for these three perceptions are expressions of potential. So where is the wisdom in the perception that some expression of life is not possible? So much more is possible, our brother, than the finite mind can embrace or imagine. Yet it exists. It is a reality. For any practical purpose, potential is unlimited, as is life.

You ask, “Why know this?” Knowledge, our brother, frees imagination and creativity from any sense of limitation. To know there is more places what is known on a footing of ‘continuing to explore is never futile or without merit.’ Your thoughts and experiences can always expand. This is the beauty of the reality of potential, realizing that incarnation is a very small part of who you are and what can be. Not only what can be, our brother, but what already is.

Allowing your consciousness to touch more of life is not unlike the journey of embracing more of who you are. You are an expression of life, without limitation of potential. Allow all of your being to be known to you. It is a part of the process of awakening and, needless to say, as you can absorb and remain balanced and at peace and can assimilate the understandings. Awaken to your own potential. Namaste.
Oct. 11, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The Now and premonition

JANU: We are rendering then at this time an explanation of, an example of precognition. The binary incarnate mind does not see this as possible, but can experience it anyway.

Every now and then, circumstances appear, conditions appear for a moment of Now consciousness. Past, present, and future exist as one in this reality. Most experiences of this nature are what you might call accidental, unintended, yet they occur. As you have been alerted before, there is the Now of the past, the Now of the present, and the Now of the future. The Now of the future has its root in the potential of the moment. An example, our brother, is your ability to know a number before it is revealed. Now, the number has existed in the memory or record of some part of life, brought into the present by the iteration. The potential for its revelation occurs through the Now of the future.

The potential of life realized through the conditions of existence to occur should be known through consciousness beyond time/space. Patterns of existence are created and manifest depending upon the reality of the field of that existence, physicality being one. In the moment of the Now, past, present, and future are no longer separate realities. They reveal each other and your true consciousness, your True Nature, is one with this.

Premonition is the evidence of this. A brief moment of openness to this reality can reveal anything as a response to your inquiry, your interests. Listen not just with your ears, our brother, but the reality of your being that is unlimited. Decide to know and let it go. Namaste.
Oct. 10, 2016 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Becoming aware of other life realities

JANU: Life exists as beings in many realities, physicality being only one. How does one relate, then, to non-physical existence but structured life nonetheless, with order, longevity, traditions and history?

Let us observe, then, one just removed from physicality in what you call vibrations, octave of life or frequency if you will, yet co-existing with humanity and others. Interplay is uncommon, not because of their lack of awareness, but of that of humanity. There are many instances where humans sense the presence of the so-called invisible. Insights are shared in terms of sensations, impressions, feelings.

This octave of life, of which we speak, humanity wanders in and out of without realizing it is doing so. Native Americans, in some instances, ritualized this activity and related to creatures of the world in this way. The Egyptian’s tradition of afterlife, and preparation for it, is in some ways a misinterpretation, but an inspiration nonetheless. Great expense and effort was utilized to further this. They achieved an immortality they already had. Humanity has been bumping, if you will, into this reality here and there. The occultists of theosophical tradition explored this.

The question becomes: to what purpose, to what advantage for either reality? The advantage is to learn of, be alert to the larger you, the True Nature and all that that includes. And in doing so, experiencing and gaining the wisdom you already possess and are gaining still. The larger life includes far more than just humanity and a reality of life slightly removed from physicality. Humanity’s propensity for discovery beyond convention exists successfully because of its True Nature. Yes, there are those who pass on from physicality and explore other realities. Preserved in the memory of the True Nature but seldom passes through the veil. Not that it can’t. These journeys into awakening encourage such exploration, gradually and wisely.

Learning more of life is learning more of who you are. They go hand in hand. Your journey in the body is very brief compared to the larger you. Be open to an evolution in identity from limited to less limited reality. Namaste.
Oct. 6, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Aspects of awakening

JANU: We are encouraging then at this time the formation of a personal strategy of awakening. Now, by ‘strategy’ we mean an approach, a conditioning of acceptance, a willingness to engage the opportunities that arise and assimilate revelations. This is what we mean by “affecting change” rather than just waiting for it. Change is a function of desire and need and preparation.

You ask, “How then does one condition themselves to awaken more fully?” By incorporating the process as a model for living, by expecting it, and by honoring it with gratitude as it occurs. So, you see, our brother, awakening doesn’t just happen to you. You happen to it. Awakening is more a condition than a thing, the power of decision-making, deciding to understand, to experience, to know, to be capable of. Making decisions to proceed in life does not mean not making decisions to change those, to redirect, modify, to enhance, or replace completely. Change occurs when reflection upon outcomes reveals different points of views, different perspectives, different possibilities.

There will always be choices to be made, for life is filled with options which are revealed as engaged. Reach into your potential with your imagination, your inquiries. Know with a certainty that more is possible than you are aware of at any moment. Every part of your life is subject to this. Choose to see alternatives, possibilities, in any circumstance. Feel more alive today than yesterday. Breakthroughs in understanding, large or small, revitalize, bringing greater peace of mind and confidence.

Do not dread or fear change or revelation. They just mean you are growing. Your life is in motion. The details come and go as changes pass through you, through your life. Be mindful of the results of all of this. At times life appears stagnant, stuck if you will. Use those moments to reflect, to process, to assimilate, to be ready for the next change, the next insight, the next opportunity to enrich life. There will always be more, our brother. More peace, more love, more enrichment. Namaste.
Oct. 6, 2016                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The awakening life

JANU: We come together again as one in the consciousness. We support this journey of awakening. Coupled with awakening is living life. The evolutionary changes go hand in hand with the progression of awakening. They are one. So one does not awaken just for the sake of it, but as part of the forward motion of living.

Let us look, then, at a profile of the awakening life: A greater clarity of decision-making; of choices; of commitments and follow through; of explorations; of seeing, experiencing the beauty behind everything. The awakening life has a greater reality to it, a sense of presence and a growing connection and heritage with what life has been and is becoming. An awakening life embraces opportunities not perceived before. And yes, creates them as well, through the design of potential in the imagination, the creativity, the enthusiasm for living.

How often does one perceive each beginning of the day filled with expectation, wonder, and the marshalling of the consciousness, the energetic realities of being for engagement? Or is one day pretty much like another? Life allows either, our brother, and the power to choose which.

Understand this: the physical body, which is also an energetic body, responds to the consciousness. Feeling ‘pregnant with life’ supports giving birth to vitality within all the systems of the body, for they are needed, you see, to be in harmony to fulfill the designs, to live and create. The awakening life sees no limitations, for the realities of one element of life are connected to the realities of others. The physical body is not separate from spirituality. The physical life nurtures the spiritual life with experience. The spiritual life nurtures the physical life with potential, vitality, and limitless resources.

Love unites all of this, our brother. It is the constant. And because of the variety, the diversity of the natures of reality, so is love. What an adventure on its own, to discover and experience the range of the realities of love.

So how does one bring into focus in the moment such vast reality and possibilities? By exploring what lies before you in the moment, and plumbing the depths of that reality and what it is connected to, for life is revealed in the micro and the macro. How can it be otherwise? Becoming more aware of your own True Nature leads to this. Namaste.
Oct. 4, 2016                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The beauty of awakening

JANU: We are agreeable then to engage your deep desire: the awakening of humanity to more and more of its True Nature, the Divine Within to some. Looking for relateable meaning, the peace that so many wish for, the clarity of mind to understand what lies before them and within them, to have a growing sense of not only what’s to come but how to improve their lives and manifest their dreams. Some call this freedom, sovereignty, the path of mastership and service. The more you understand and know of life and your own nature, the more you love and embrace it all and understand each other. Honor each other’s existence and freedom.

Economics rules so much of human society, not understanding that the power to create isn’t based in finances. It is an intimate connection with creative realities of life itself. These exist on many levels, waiting to be employed. If life can manifest the universe and more, think you not that life can manifest, through the application of consciousness, love, and wisdom, all of your needs through wise opportunities and choices?

Yes, humanity functions and survives, but just barely when observed from perspective of greater consciousness. Your life is not at the beck and call of circumstance in incarnate realities. Why allow it to be? Integrate the larger truth of who you are with this limited, temporary human existence and manifest something miraculous. Share the truth of this with others by living it. Example is a great teacher that others can understand in their own way.

This series of journeys exists for this reason, and more will come as needed, encouraging individual inner journeys and awakening. The greatest teacher you will ever find is who you truly are. What would have your interests cherished more fully than your own True Being? For what else understands your heart and your desires more fully? This is awakening, our brother, and is unique to each one, according to their place in their own evolution. Timing and manner is the prerogative of each one. This we support and encourage. There is joy in this and wonder, peace and fulfillment and life. Namaste.
Oct. 3, 2016 B                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Getting on with living

JANU: We recognize the accumulation of spirit in the sense of the general state of consciousness of humanity on the Earth. The consciousness we speak of transcends time and space, imprinted forever. As we observe collective human consciousness, we see its color changing, becoming brighter, more synergistic, and a growing appetite for freedom from the constraints of limited consciousness. For some, science is a divergence from this restriction of ignorance, but the science of exploration and consciousness has yet to become mainstream.

You question the use of the word ‘color.’ By this we mean tone, essence, nature. Now, be aware of this, our brother, that this tone, this essence does not occur unnoticed. All of life is connected and the desire or request for freedom is responded to. Human consciousness is evolving, but in the larger reality calling it ‘human consciousness’ is only part of the story. Most will say, “What else is there? It is all we are aware of.” As your consciousness evolves, it becomes more aware of that not seen.

Individual consciousness is very familiar with its own world. Marriage includes that of another and all of the interaction. Moving toward global concerns elevates the consciousness and lays the foundation for other worlds and then other realities. Awakening, our brother, modifies decision-making, values, behavior, goals, and your sense of being. Growing in sensitivity, understanding, and appreciation of other expressions of life than not just human changes your perspective. Collective human consciousness is a mix of many perspectives but there is an overall theme, and that is an acceptance of life as it is, including your own. Which includes change and experimentation.

Predictability of life is that it will continue. The creations, the manifestations are the proof of it. Exploring these realities, these expressions of life, begs the question, “Who or what is doing the exploring and what is gained?” These journeys, our brother, are encouragements to awaken to this. Find peace in the discovering and get on with living. Namaste.
Sept. 30, 2016 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The destinies of the Earth and humanity

JANU: We are returning to negotiations with the assemblage of those who serve the awakening of humanity and that of the Earth. It is to be understood that when beings incarnate on a world, they and the world are linked in consciousness and awakening to larger reality. This threshold in consciousness has eluded most of humanity for much of its existence. There have been cultures exhibiting this to a degree, Native Americans being one. The reality of this, when added to the consciousness of exploring other worlds, adds a dynamic to the perspective of relationships.

Now, the physical bodies more clearly exhibit this as they are created from the substance of that world, but the consciousness is another matter. For consciousness has many layers of reality and the experiences of the incarnate life for that world can include many sojourns. But many are unaware of the True Nature, so the connection, you see, a little more difficult to grasp. When conscious of this, the incarnate life behavior is more harmonious with the well-being of the world.

Humanity is beginning to move in this direction, but many are still focused on consumption that is not sustainable. To waste resources, with little concern for sustainability, is like consuming the structure of a ship even as it is sinking. Not wise.

Being more conscious of the Earth and the linkage helps both humanity and the world achieve destinies. No guarantees here, our brother. Life allows choices and their results. What we suggest here is taking stock of individual and collective perspective on living and the results of that living for the world that supports it. Are you part of the marketplace that supports the wasting of resources?

The Earth has a destiny, our brother. Learn of it, be sensitive to it, and serve it, for this serves the interests of humanity as well and its destiny. Awaken to this. It is real. There are those already moving in this direction. Much to learn from them. Namaste.
Sept. 30, 2016                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The duration of humanity

JANU: We are focusing, then, upon the duration of the human journey and its stages of evolution and thresholds of service. The duration of the human journey begs the question: What is human? A certain species, yes. An evolutionary path of consciousness, yes. A pattern of certain qualities in the larger reality of service to life, yes. A species unique but changing, but not only of the Earth.

Physical stature to become thinner and taller due to lifestyle changes, evolution of DNA, activation of DNA elements, changes in consciousness, and changes in environment. Humanity has already changed a great deal physically. The reasons for these continue. Colonies on other worlds present environmental changes. The humanity changes will find their way to the rest of the population, to varying degrees. So these explorations, you see, are not isolated in their influence.

Inner journeying changes perspective, understanding, and awareness of the self and its potential. This will continue on, our brother, for many millennia. The larger the experience and perspective, the less need for brutal conflict, selfishness, and personal empire building. The strength and well-being of the collective will be understood as individually and mutually beneficial. Enriching the whole serves the individual as well.

The accumulation of True Power and its expression will endure. Individuality and a sense of the wholeness of the collective continue harmoniously. In many ways, the reality of the collective finds expression and meaning individually. Humanity is adaptable to the varying experiences of other worlds, other beings, other life realities energetically and beyond. Humanity’s existence is already a product of these. The perspective of ‘this or that’ gives way to ‘this and that,’ becoming more. The joy of fulfillment no longer limited to personal gains or the illusion of wealth and ownership of possessions. Life becomes more fluid with opportunities and realities moving in and out and through the life. This serves the flow of life and the converse is true.

So, you see, our brother, humanity is more than the physical body and its current configuration. Life endures, evolves, serves itself.   Experiences beyond number line the path of the future of humanity. So the endurance, you see, is not defined by outcome but by the journey. Full of change, full of traditions that come and go, and full of beauty and love yet to be understood. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 28, 2016                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The larger life and the human life are merging

JANU: Straightaway, as is said, let us begin by announcing that there will be coming a meeting or council, if you will, to negotiate the release or expansion of human consciousness or, should we say, opportunities for this amidst the seeming mayhem in society of the Earth. This council meets, contributing to these opportunities when there is indication of thresholds about to be met. The opportunities are for everyone, but not everyone is in the same position to take advantage of them. And that is all right. This council’s involvement recognizes and embraces certain patterns of life that exist in and around a world and monitored by those who serve it.

What we see here for humanity in the next thresholds is the appearance of each one’s inner teacher, compelled by the True Nature and the burgeoning desires of individuals and groups. This does not mean that the True Nature of individuals has been dormant in any way, but is intimately involved with the human experience of each life stream. We would have you know at this time that these changes can occur gradually, but are noticeable primarily when looking back a short distance in time, as human society raises its consciousness and cares for each other.

The children in the media recently speaking out for change and mutual respect are part of this movement. They are awakening as well, our brother. Of course, they are more than children. They are spiritual beings, old in ancient wisdom. More and more of these will seem to speak beyond their years. Listen to these.

The larger life and the human experience are merging. Many changes to come. The council is responding to these and their service is a blessing. There are so many that have served humanity for its entire existence, and not just this world, our brother. Miraculous times are in the offing. It is wise to look forward to them in each moment. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 27, 2016 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.