
JANU: The journey at this time focuses upon the variations on theme of communications with individuals here and there around the world, many of which are not based upon verbal communication.

For many, a deep sense of knowing, sensing the presence of intuition, interpretation of movements, flows in life.

For many, sensitivity to auras, both visual and physical—or should we say energetic? The five senses are not always included.

For many, it’s color and a sense of meaning for each color.

As with you, for some it is yeses and nos in the form of physical responses to inner knowing.

For a few, it’s full visual.

For some, it is numbers and their relationships.

For others, it is sensing the life of nature.

Yes, and for some, it is bi-location.

Whatever the modality, our brother, intimacy with life is conscious awakening. For those who insist upon proof of reality outside of the five senses, their time will come, for their True Nature exists in this way. Some are opened to subtler realities through music and art. And make no mistake, attuning to the rich diversity of incarnate life is no small journey. Much to be accomplished in mastering, learning from, and serving the incarnate life as well. The rest will come in time, and more. From a profound sense, all realities are one and connected. So the quest for awakening to subtler realities does not take the place of mastering the moment of the one you are traveling in.

Nov. 22, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Sanity in the midst of confusing changes

JANU: The at-one experience is begun in small ways, for the revelations of understanding and experience can overwhelm the human consciousness, but it does change perspective on the Order of Life as a system. For some, the embrace of a larger identity that includes the human experience is feared as a loss of certainty as to who they are, for they cherish what they know and are uncertain about anything else. For the awakening person, the identity is already shifting and they are more comfortable with the change, but also impatient and a bit unwise in their zeal.

The larger life is always there. Time does not diminish this reality. There are thresholds of awakening and when each is neared there can be an underlying anticipation of this and the human can feel a growing sense of urgency to fully realize the threshold. The guidance of your True Nature is particularly useful at this stage. Evolution in consciousness can be a bumpy road with confusions and challenges to what you’re used to in ways of thinking and perceiving. Old capabilities being changed by new ones.

So what do you center on, hang on to, our brother? Confidence that the Truth is, and is at the heart of it all and the flow of life. Desiring the best for others and a willingness to serve and uplift brings sanity to confusion, remembering that they have their path as well. Inspiring without interference is an interesting balance. Namaste.

Nov. 20, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Conscious Self-Integration

JANU: In a previous sojourn the call for this understanding was born. Conscious self-integration deals with identity shifting to include all that you are. Now, this has enormous implications and is a power to be patiently and carefully applied. Can be counter-productive for identity to shift this much without preparation or patience, for there is much to learn and experience during this process. Mastering life is a worthy pursuit, but experiencing and managing its opportunities is critical. So is the motive to escape the challenges or to live, experience, and master them? These are questions you must ask yourself and be honest about.

Awakening is not to be used for avoidance but for mastership, service, and a growing love of life. Is the path of your endeavor truly to enrich life? Conscious self-integration becomes a blessing. Being conscious, while incarnate, of all that you are carries enormous responsibility, for you have an enormous ability to respond.

We encourage the pursuit of this with guidance, honest introspection. Allow this to settle in, to revisit it again. Namaste.

Nov. 17, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Perspectives on discovery

JANU: We enumerate, if you will, on the subject of past associations. Understand that past is reference to time/space associations. In reality, these experiences continue. Your off-world excursions are still with you and your current journey, from that perspective, is off-world as well, the Earth being one of many.

You have experienced worlds with skies of many different colors. Some were golden hue, others bright blue, others green tint. Cavernous worlds. Unstable worlds, geographically. Worlds that would be poisonous in atmosphere to your current body. And yes, a world like Earth, human-like beings, intelligence level much higher. A world more ethereal than physical. Another co-existing with silicon-based life, some adaptation to co-existence. Many not unlike Earth with societies in many different evolutionary stages.

Grand adventures await humanity, discovering these and interacting. The challenge here is the opportunity to advance cultures through interchange, but also interfere with cultural evolution by these influences. Much wisdom needed here and patience, for there are still many humans who would attempt to use this situation to advance their agendas, power, and wealth, at the expense of both cultures. Life is vast and diverse. The great distances between them has its benefit. This is why we encourage awakening the consciousness to attune to different parts of life, though physically separated. And even this requires maturity and purity of motive. But that is the nature of life: adventure, discovery, mistakes, corrections, wisdom gaining, and service. March on, but as wisely as you may. Namaste.

Nov. 14, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Normal elements of an awakening consciousness

JANU: Let us begin by saying that the many groups of mystics such as the Druids, and many others, were skirting on the edges of clarity but possessed to a degree with ritual, symbolism, with an agenda for manifesting power, holding their groups in high esteem rather than the Truth of Life that bore them. A worthy question to those who pursue the Truth of Life in some degree of mastery is ‘Why?’ To know more of life increases one’s ability to serve life. It is not for us to say that life wasn’t served in some way by these mystics, but there lingered the human identity.

Now, your true identity includes the human experience, and many other experiences. So seeking an understanding of the Truth of Life is the source of the question: “Only the human identity or something more?”   One asks, “Where is this True Nature you speak of? What is the truth of its relationship with my human identity?”   It is in the background, subtly present, allowing the human journey to be the focus of experience. But it can be known and be a source of inspiration and guidance as the resource of wisdom and a loving presence of your true integrity and capacity to awaken to more of the truth of who you are.

The Janu spoken of here was created as a vehicle for communication, and more, with the human consciousness. The words are Janu’s selection from your own vocabulary, but the inspiration and the wisdom is from the resources of your True Nature, which are vast. This is not a special dispensation, our brother, but a normal relationship of desire and cooperation in awakening. Nothing transpiring here is abnormal. It may be uncommon, but it is normal.

It is in the destiny of everyone to become more conscious, to live more freely, and find a growing joy in living, and serve life. Being in a state of peace, balanced, conscious, desiring to understand more, not just for curiosity but for an enhanced and loving life. To lift others in one way or another, as needed. Namaste, our brother.

Oct. 29, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding Service and Self-service

JANU: A worthy focus this evening: a completely selfless purpose for these journeys. It brings up the question of service and self-serving and how do the two find balance and oneness in your own consciousness and the larger life? Honoring the larger life through the life that you are is the theme. That’s the union, the oneness, the purpose. So, you see, awakening is not just for humanity, which you are currently connected to. As humanity awakens, the larger life becomes richer, with a broader foundation and deeper perception of reality.

Your desire to serve through these journeys is out of necessity and reality. Self-serving, for if you are one, how can you serve and not be included? You are not the only human trying to awaken further, to become more conscious, not only of who they are but what love is and, yes, sharing destinies. And, yes, the reality of a child and what lies before it.

So serve without fear, our brother, loving the opportunity and the path of discovery, of greater service. Honor your True Nature. It serves as well as it serves you, grateful for the opportunity, always improving little by little, and continuing. Desiring this for everyone in a perfect way, allow Life to reveal its Truth to you and through you. Namaste, our brother.

Oct. 19, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Awakening to the reality of the larger life

How many have asked the question, “There must be more to life than this endless repetition?” The realities involved are available for everyone’s perusal, if they truly desire to know more and allow the changes the understanding brings. The purpose of these journeys is to inspire the search for enlightenment, to describe in part the rewards for awakening and serving life.These two journeys address this idea from slightly different angles and are presented together for ease of understanding.

The larger life

JANU: We are serving the collective consciousness of humanity as it becomes liberated through its own awakening. How many humans have asked the question, “There must be more to life than this endless repetition?” While there is, progress in this direction need not always be miraculous, breathtaking, or turn your life upside down. Steady progress is more desirable, for the deeper understanding arrives through experience and the time to assimilate and change your understanding of life and who you are in a more permanent way.

The desire to move forward, awaken to more of life, is tempered by patience and deep consideration to changing your life experience. Such patience, steadfastness, and depth of understanding conditions your consciousness with patience and understanding for others, with no judgment or limiting perceptions and, on the contrary, providing gentle support in many ways. Patience seems more natural when your perception of your existence is larger than one sojourn.

The deity that humanity has created has these qualities. Consider the qualities of the collective of all of life, as it includes all of the wisdom gained for all worlds, all species, all realities, all deities, and all people. It is miraculous that one individual consciousness of one person has the capability to touch any part of this. Your True Nature is miraculous indeed. Get to understand it and be in harmony with who you truly are. Namaste.

Oct. 21, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Humanity is a miraculous path to a larger life

JANU: How often, our brother, do we speak of understanding your incarnate and the larger life? The realities involved here are available for everyone’s perusal, if they desire it, if they attune to it, if they truly desire to know more and allow the changes the understanding brings. The current vision of individuals is limited. Seeing with new eyes is the opportunity. Understanding with an open mind is the vehicle. Loving and respecting the Truth of Life is the key. All we have spoken of is but a moment in the larger truth of Life. The perspective to understand your current condition is found in this way. Ask yourselves, what is it you desire truly? Are you content and at peace with your current condition and understandings? Or do you sense there is more that would benefit you in the life that you are? The choice has always been yours.

But at times you will be inspired and called by the divine within, your spirit, your True Nature, the larger you. For inherent in your being is the desire to evolve, create anew, and enrich life. The purpose of these journeys is to inspire the search for enlightenment, to describe in part the rewards for awakening and serving life. Humanity is a miraculous path of exploration and becoming. For life is a miracle, our brother. What can you imagine to replace it?

And we speak from some experience, our brother, knowing there is far more to come and desiring to share that with you that all of life benefits. Namaste.

Oct. 23, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Lifting consciousness

JANU: We are once again continuing serving humanity to raise consciousness that the genius and the beauty within each one finds fuller expression and a happier life. The wonder and beauty of human potential is worth beholding and supporting and serving. Humanity is not the only species in the universe that has tread this path. There are many, unknown to humanity, who are grateful for their destiny and understand. They are not just self-serving but have a consciousness that embraces all such paths of destiny. They are inspiring to observe and to know. Elements of humanity are exhibiting this and the influence of other enlightened ones not of the Earth is well known, as species achieve their greatness with help and inspiration from many others.

These developments accelerate greatly as humanity opens to the larger life. And it is a family, our brother, and families take care of each other. What a blessing it is, when feeling alone and disconnected in life, to have a moment of connection, insight, and encouragement, accepting that you are part of a Family of Life far beyond anything you’ve known.

Now, your True Nature knows this, remembers it, draws upon it, and is one with it. Enrich your life in this sojourn by awakening to who you are. As you begin to accomplish this, you’ll become more aware of and sensitive to the reality of others and support them in new ways of understanding. Empathy will take on new meaning. And the intimacy of exchange will bring you wisdom. Open to the Family of Life you have always been a part of. Namaste.

Oct. 7, 2015                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Raising human consciousness

JANU: Understand this, our brother, raising the consciousness of humanity as a service is also by request. Humanity’s call to Life, some call ‘awakening,’ can also be a general and heartfelt desire for a better life for their families, for themselves, for each other. Longing for a society and leadership that is enlightened and understands, not just economics and politics and power, but truly serves what the public longs for. This is pervasive, and has been, and Life responds. Those with any degree of sensitivity become alert to a pull within themselves to contribute, to be part of this movement, as do we, our brother.

Raising the consciousness of humanity is not a decree from Life. It is a response to the true desires of humanity. The power to create a better life has its foundation in this. As we have said before, there are many fields of reality in life waiting for wise instruction sets and the truth of the heart is always wise, our brother.

Now, the True Nature plays a role in this, for it is the inner voice, the divine consciousness, the authority for being. So part of our service to this effort is alerting humanity to their True Nature, their true teacher, the true source of their existence. It is who they are, the ‘who’ that survives lifetimes and whose nature is eternal.

Raising the consciousness of humanity has many layers and levels of reality, the timing of which is also important, for nurturing a consciousness into the fruition of its desires takes patience based upon the ability to absorb the understanding and maintain integrity, sanity, and the confidence to proceed. So, in a true sense, the raising of consciousness is the function of the true desires of people. Our task is to help people become conscious of, to be aware of more of the truth of who they are and their potential capabilities and power to create.

The power to create is inherent within the True Nature. It is not a new technique for people to learn. It is a natural part of existing. And developing an understanding of ‘allowing’ is in harmony with, compatible with the power to create. In subtle and real ways, all of these things co-exist and are connected. Everything touches everything. Raising the consciousness of humanity is worthy to explore and understand. Namaste.

Oct. 17, 2015                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The path to true freedom

JANU: We represent, if you will, a path to peace for this one, the nature of which is a construct of the divine within. Everyone’s True Nature has this capability when the desire is there to awaken. Observing human social consciousness, the desire for a better life, fuller understanding, and peace occurs. In time, a small window appears in the consciousness with a glimpse that there is more to life than bumping into challenges without understanding them, as a pinball out of control. In this way, one discovers there is not only more to life, but an unlimited journey of experience, wisdom, service, and joy in living, whether in the body or not.

Allowing, in your consciousness, your larger nature into your awareness begins the process of allowing the rest of your being to awaken your core values of appreciating and being one with the nature of Life itself. Instead of only seeing what you think is wrong with life, you see more and more of how beautifully it works. The veil keeps you from seeing this, but remember, the veil is your creation by choice. The awakening begins to show you why you created it and the path to life beyond it. Desire your freedom and the responsibility that goes with it. Grow in your understanding when the wisdom comes. Your life once again in control, but not just by your human consciousness, but by the rest of who you are and the divine within, your True Nature. Peace, strength, commitment, inspiration, and service, all of this and much, much more, are yours for the allowing and always have been. Recover the freedom to be. Namaste.

Oct. 9, 2015                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross