Loving a life: basis for wise blessing

JANU: We are enlisting, if you will, those qualities, those forces of life in existence, pronounced as blessings, predetermined to accomplish tasks that bring peace, balance, order, symmetry, and well-being, along with the wisdom gained from experience. To be in harmony with this is a worthy achievement, and worthy of its benefit to others, and the creatures of the world, as well. The protocols of life must agree. By this we mean: combine with, be in harmony with all circumstances.

Loving the life of another is the foundation, for this is in harmony with wise service. Confidence in the outcome is justified because a love of life is employed. And what is more natural than this? Namaste.

Oct. 9, 2020 B                                                      Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Choosing leaders

JANU: Realizing, through benevolent interaction with another, we are all brothers, partners in life with more common interests, capability, desires, insights than many realize. Some close knit families reflect on life in this way. It is part of human legacy, heritage, and nature. Benevolent wise leadership, of nations and groups of people, understand this and base their decisions in this way. The ones that do, understand the correlation within families, and then among families, with coordination, balance, incredible diversity, but a synergism of life that reflect these qualities. And through these decisions, help individuals understand this as well and pattern their lives accordingly.

Families nurture each other, stand by each other, understand each other, and sacrifice for each other. Should nations do any less? Look for these qualities in the leaders to be chosen. The decision gets easier. Namaste.

Aug. 18, 2020 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The process of awakening

JANU:    We speak of long lasting traditions of not just awakening but of life, enriched by and larger than the veil. Yes, humanity is awakening. All of life is evolving, but the nature of each expression is different. “But what ties all this together?” you ask. It is the nature of Life itself. Usually when considering, contemplating the elements of Life, they are the manifestations not the true nature. But they are all expressions of that Life and describe it to a degree. The question remains “What is the true nature of Life?”

When contemplating the true nature of others, including oneself, it is not a thing separate from creations. It is one with all of these creations, so one must ponder collectives, composites, aggregate understanding, coexistent realities yet diverse beyond imagination. Observation of true nature tugs at peace, acceptance, and faith. Direct knowing is a challenge to the incarnate structure, mind, causing awakening to see the elusive as a reality. The realization of the reality of true nature is a natural experience, not so much from analysis but acceptance. Confidence, willingness, and love are harmonious balance of the merging of consciousness from finite to the infinite. It is a process of life. It has its own parameters and destiny.

Allow this to be. Express it as you may. Be guided by wisdom from within. Namaste.
July 31, 2020                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Humanity’s relationship to the living Earth

JANU:   Engaged at last, persuasive to the notion that the chronicles of life progress your ponderings earlier as to outcome of this natural challenge having the potential to fulfill the mass destiny created by human potential and human choices. Collectively, the creatures of the Earth of land, sea, and air have longed for change. The suffering and confusion they have endured in large measure lies at the feet of humanity, which is part of the Earth as are they.

Humanity has yet to realize the coordination, cooperation, and mutual evolution between all of the Earth. Energy is energy, no matter the properties, character, pattern. Humanity here at this point is shaping destiny, but does not fully realize this, nor realize that the creatures of the Earth and the Earth itself shape it as well.

This virus pandemic is not some cruel trick of nature. It is part of the corrective manifestation of energetic reality experienced by the Earth and other dimensional realities. See it partially as a call to awakening to the realities of being, not just individually but collectively. Life is one, you see, and knows itself, has an immune system, is self-correcting, modifying. Humanity is not quick to forgiveness or to forgive itself, or face and embrace the truth of its reality. We encourage and support this current challenge as opportunity to reassess, rethink, re-perceive, and restore balance in the living system which is the Earth. Namaste.
Apr. 24, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Coronavirus and our relationship with nature

JANU: We are arranged in such a configuration as to bring about density in thought and in energy. Let our understanding of such be life fulfilling and an advantage to the life we serve. Reaching into the pool of resource, let us institute a flow that keeps pace with the momentum of change facing life on the Earth at this time. This so-called virus situation has more than one level of reality for humanity precipitates its experiences and nature responds.

So this is a time of the operation of and the clarity of basic values, character, nature, and relationships not just among people but with all the creatures of the Earth, and the Earth itself. Life is responding to runaway consumption and pollution of natural resources. The Earth is not just ball of earth and rock, but is an expression of life.

Harmonize your physicality, thoughts and emotions, creative energies with the balances needed for the survival of life on Earth. Give great consideration to relationships with nature. Namaste.
Mar. 20, 2020 B                                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Chaos or cadence?

JANU:    Chaos and cadence, seemingly arch-enemies but combined they are attributed to peace, balance, symmetry, and continuation. Current perception of incarnate life is strong on the side of chaos, and weak in the direction of peace and balance, symmetry, order.

“How do these combine to yield peace?” you ask. Because each reveals the other for their natures, leaving one free to identify with the Middle Way, the path of peace and balance. For in this Middle Way, the truth of everything is perceived. Extremes reveal each other for what they are, less likely the identification with either one. Yet both are born of the experiment of living, of creating.

So observe these streams from the True Nature that allows them to exist, with the eye of the Center Way, which sees all and condemns neither. Experience this reality of life, in conscious union with who you truly are. For, in a sense, you are this experiment of life, capable of experiencing these extremes and everything in between. No need to identify with any of this except the freedom and the wisdom of your True Nature. We are one. Namaste.
Feb. 10, 2020                                                               Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing forgiveness

JANU:   Forgiveness is only the beginning of healing, of returning balance to relationships and perceptions. Invoke forgiveness for all involved and begin anew. Forgiveness allows this. It brings peace without over-analyzing.

Forgiveness is letting go. And grace returns, light-heartedness, and insight. Creativity emerges with light-heartedness and patience. Namaste.
Jan. 22, 2020 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Balance in all energetic transactions

JANU:    Research into the field of energetic economics presupposes that the distribution of energy in any form has equilibrium, balance, proportion. So it is with the energy of inspiration, communication, service, love, even the power of peace. So, when engaging in such activities, be conscious of, be mindful of equilibrium, balance, harmony, practicality, effectiveness. The distribution of wealth in social economies has room for improvement in this way. Even speech, so-called media and other platforms of exchange, would do well to aspire to this.

Effectiveness improves. Waste, fruitless distribution minimized. Awakening to new understandings and possibilities opens. Life itself continues with this foundation, emulating it in lesser transactions, inspires, includes the fundamentals of life to be experienced. Learn to be sensitive to and observe balance or the need for it in all energetic transactions. Namaste.
Jan. 9, 2020                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Embracing a rich future 

JANU: Looking forward, then, to the future, one can see this reflected in the current potential of humanity, which includes potential of the incarnate being.

There is coming a time when brotherhood, unity, cooperation, collaboration, mutual benevolence, will explore the richness of life and its potential and become an inspiration for other species and other worlds. The reality of this already exists in different ways on other worlds. Resources, natural and otherwise, will be regarded as life’s blessings, to be honored and respected and made efficient use of. Improved conditions of well-being, peace of mind, happiness and joy, wonderment, anticipation, and goals realized will change the human condition into one of greater health and well-being.

Humanity’s potential is still a healthy experience. Focusing on these things more and more leaves little room for doubt, despair, and confusion which disturb the balance of energies, the harmony and symmetry of existence, leading to disease. The future and its beauty are hard to perceive when focused upon the opposite. So taking time, now and then, to put one’s attention upon the beauty of life to come is a great healer.

Let us do this together. Be filled with these things and the system, the energetic system of the life that you are, will be harmonized in preparation for manifestation of potential. Life is in motion and always will be. Focus on its potential and be part of it, consciously. Namaste.
Jan. 3, 2020 B                                                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


What is strength?

JANU: Beginning with the declaration “together we are strong,” what is strength, then? Is life itself strong? And, if so, what makes this so? If the united individual is strong, what makes it so? What is strength?

For the moment, the best word here is integrity: the integrity of being, of consciousness, of character, of content, of discipline and commitment, and of oneness with all of life, and the expression of universal love. From these come clarity of perception and understanding. Integrity of relationships and even a relationship with your own being, for clear insightful observation of who and what you are is the foundation for evolving.

Even a stone has integrity. All of life expressions have integrity. The planets have integrity, as do the stars, or they would not exist. Even nature beyond the physical life has integrity. It is possible to become more conscious of this and more, with the integrity of clear perception, deepening understanding, and intimacy of experience.

Together we are strong. Each one has attributes of consciousness, of expression, of presence. Consciously united, there is harmony, balance, a symphony of existence. It is like the ‘music of the spheres.’ Music without end, always changing and evolving, each in their own way contributing to the symphony of life itself.

So hold the ideal as you awaken. You are gaining the strength, the integrity of wholeness, in harmony, in balance. Be strong. Namaste.
Oct. 30, 2019                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

This has developed into a series, begun before we realized it had. The reader may wish to look at the category Together we are strong for previous attunements that build the foundation for this.