JANU: Beginning with the declaration “together we are strong,” what is strength, then? Is life itself strong? And, if so, what makes this so? If the united individual is strong, what makes it so? What is strength?
For the moment, the best word here is integrity: the integrity of being, of consciousness, of character, of content, of discipline and commitment, and of oneness with all of life, and the expression of universal love. From these come clarity of perception and understanding. Integrity of relationships and even a relationship with your own being, for clear insightful observation of who and what you are is the foundation for evolving.
Even a stone has integrity. All of life expressions have integrity. The planets have integrity, as do the stars, or they would not exist. Even nature beyond the physical life has integrity. It is possible to become more conscious of this and more, with the integrity of clear perception, deepening understanding, and intimacy of experience.
Together we are strong. Each one has attributes of consciousness, of expression, of presence. Consciously united, there is harmony, balance, a symphony of existence. It is like the ‘music of the spheres.’ Music without end, always changing and evolving, each in their own way contributing to the symphony of life itself.
So hold the ideal as you awaken. You are gaining the strength, the integrity of wholeness, in harmony, in balance. Be strong. Namaste.
Oct. 30, 2019 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
This has developed into a series, begun before we realized it had. The reader may wish to look at the category Together we are strong for previous attunements that build the foundation for this.