Gratitude and forgiveness are partners

JANU: Gratitude, the chosen focus for this journey, is one that announces to Life constructive positive feedback to its manifestation of potential, establishing a co-creative relationship with its progeny. Peaceful harmonious journeying through the challenges of being brings enormous response from life to continue to understand, be that expression.

Gratitude can dominate, permeate consciousness in so many forms of expression. Gratitude is like a fountain, bringing freshness, renewal, and balance to the patterns of life. Gratitude and forgiveness are partners in evolution, so choose to evolve each day. Namaste.
Nov. 6, 2022                                                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   Formulating a pattern for the evolution of consciousness, the overcoming of limitation incurred experiencing incarnate life, let us begin again by identifying self-imposed challenges to bring clarity to perception.

Reaching again into the psyche of human experience, let us explore enlightened forgiveness. What is there to understand more deeply about the application of forgiveness?  It is in direct relationship to a loving consciousness. The pattern of loving life is part of the True Nature. Forgiveness within the self without regret or condemnation comes from love of life and its process of realization of potential.

Evolution is not linear. It has its reversals, its seemingly contradictory expressions, its patterns of futility, frustration, and transference of life patterns. But love is larger than these. It owns these. It forgives these to clear the way for enlightenment, understanding, and the power of true peace. It is the creative reality in the sense of freedom to be, to explore, to bump into the elements of life, discover their nature, and your own. Love is the healer and the bringer of peace. It is powerful. It is fundamental. It is the nature of Life. A worthy path to experience, explore, understand, and be. Namaste.
Nov. 4, 2022                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


A change in social perception

JANU:   Importance of this progression of awakenings is the transformation of limited to unlimited consciousness. Limitations are learned by experience and the examples of others. They begin from the first consciousness. Moments of awakening into the unlimited truth of life are a challenge not always easy to embrace. Let us begin to restore confidence in the process by example through experience and understanding, making decisions and commitments to the results.

There stands the element of familiarity to what has been engrained; therefore, becoming more accustomed to the need to replace commitments to limited perceptions with alternatives. An alternative to dissatisfaction with social conditions is commitment to less limited alternatives. Even the transition from one perception to another is a process of application and experienced results. So dwell then, for a time, on a different perception of the merits of the social opportunity and its potential. Namaste.
Nov. 1, 2022                                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Introduction: Exploring the Richness of Life

JANU: Equating one element or aspect of life to another requires a probing consciousness that transcends the obvious to the core reality of existence, energetic and beyond. We must proclaim at this time that this journey is beset with the challenges of limited consciousness, of binding perceptions and belief systems. It takes extraordinary freedom to awaken to the unlimited presence of Life.

So let us continue with these, and they are without number. But they are the richness of Life and illustrate its unlimited potential. So our journey is experiencing the manifestations of the potential of Life through expression, revealing the source of the relationships. Namaste.
Oct. 31, 2022                                              Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Shifting from conscious OF to conscious AS

JANU: We exist in a universal atmosphere of “Life Essence.” We are made out of this and therefore connected with everything. Allow awareness of this and connect with whatever your attention is on. Experience the coexistence of everything including yourself.

JR:   If we are made of this “Life Essence” how can we not be connected to it and to everything else, which is made of it? Thus, you are a unique expression of this oneness. This challenges the duality mind but we are both unique and one, coexisting. I understand how difficult it is to grasp the concept of the coexistence of being unique as well as one with everything. The questions that arise from coexistence are explained through experiencing it directly.
Sept. 10, 2022                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

Note: This journey came as a result of my efforts to understand  identity shifting and conscious union


Coordination & cooperation-elements of brotherhood

JANU:   Coordination and cooperation is part of brotherhood, of working together to achieve a goal. That is the theme here, embracing the challenges of achieving objectives. It takes patience, understanding, caring, and skill. Calling on the true powers of life, those that are benevolent, wise, and enduring. Honoring the natural resources of another, who is also challenged. Managing the objective and clearly understanding the objective and its layers of reality. Be at peace in this in the days to come. Much to be gained and learned. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2022                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


More on mastering challenges

JANU:    Protuberances outline our focus of harmony. Challenges such as these coexist with the ideals you strive for. Distractions have their purpose. They provide opportunities to exercise clarity and focus. Welcoming them is wise. They are opportunities for exercise in disciplines and desires, to be free and master your nature. Blessings in disguise, to see more clearly the nature of everything, including your own Nature on all levels. A Master maintains peace in the midst of these. Wisdom gained through experience guides the life. Namaste.
July 8, 2022 B                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

Editor’s Note: This was first discussed in Mastering Challenges.  For a more ‘current events’ approach, see journey taken on Jan. 6, 2022


Life patterns to resolve conflicts

JANU:    Dressing the wound, so to speak, of injuries between human beings takes forgiveness most are unused to. Peace is not the solution of violence for wars still fester in the emotions and thoughts of many, for various reasons. Inner peace and the beauty of life heal these wounds. Inspiring people into this understanding is a service that enriches life. The times are right for change and what motivate change between people becoming weary of the challenges brought by anger and pain. People bring these challenges to themselves, not understanding True Peace and True Power in harmony with Life. Those who begin to understand and experience this change serve by creating this life pattern and maintaining it.

Consider this carefully on our journeys. We have many more life patterns to build and maintain. Namaste.
Apr. 8, 2022 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Struggle – part of path of awakening

JANU:    Invention, discovery, the quest for knowledge and understanding, peaceful beauty, and sharing. All laudable goals. The journey into the incarnate life on Earth seems to be in the way of all of that. It’s not. It is in addition to. These other wonderful qualities and experiences can find expression and application amongst these other challenges. For others have lofty goals as well, reaching for what they perceive is a better life. There are confusions in consciousnesses of the incarnate life because lofty ideals do not exist separate from the full range of life opportunity in general.

Learning to overcome what has been called the “Dark Side of Life” is a satisfying achievement. But ‘no challenge’ tends to bring idleness, a lack of enthusiasm for discovery.  Reaching for goals that seem to be out of grasp is a challenge as well. A journey such as this supports awakening, keeps motivation to overcome frustration and disappointment.

You are never alone. Others struggle in similar ways. Lovingly encourage each other to continue. It’s part of the path of awakening.
Apr. 22, 2022                                                               Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


What is consciousness & its capability?

JANU:    The nature of the inquiry acknowledges that, suggests that all of life is a consciousness evolving and fulfilling its potential. But what is this life, then, with this imperative to discover, in this way, its nature and its potential? In simplest terms, life is beingness in motion, to include all realities, all potentials, and all manifestations, no matter the reality, you see. Human consciousness is part of this, as an expression of potential, one of countless realities.

The question remains: What is life and is experiencing this? What is the source of potential?

The macro and the micro are one in the so-called Body of Life. Be not limited by the perceptions of this or that: boundaries, time, space, motion, relationships, outcomes. The challenge is to become absolutely still in a non-nebulous reality. Now, life manifesting in motion has difficulty becoming conscious of or as the True Nature of life, but here in existence is the proof of such existence. But can a creation truly know its creator and be conscious as?

A practical understanding and application of the nature of life depends upon perspective or point of reference. Exploration of this subject is a practical incentive to expand consciousness. Use this as a catalyst for discovery, for all of the Truth of Life and its potential and manifestation. It’s a challenge even for the True Nature and maintain even a semblance of stable sanity.

There is a point at which significant departure from identification with the manifestation of life can remove one from its existence. For the human realm or reality of consciousness is by design identified with an evolving consciousness on a journey of discovery without end. Have some forethought and insight into the potential for transition into alternate existence and resulting departure from the current one. Becoming conscious of the process of reality of the movement of life, of its potential and actualization is only a moment of conscious reality.

Continue to explore, allowing the nature of reality to be what it is and to grow with what it can become, a peaceful journey full of life. Namaste.
Mar. 5, 2022                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross