Experiencing the power of listening

JANU:    The power of listening extends to the power of communication, which extends to the sharing and evolution of the Truth of Life. We must begin with these things as foundational on the quest for awakening.

Life expression can dominate this side of the coin. Reacting to challenges, life expression is not listening. The challenge is to get your attention, to inspire listening to gain understanding and wisdom. For, understand this, that Life is listening to you, which inspires the challenges, you see, providing opportunity to grow. One doesn’t gain information by demanding it. Demanding is not listening; it is projecting agenda, preferences, limitations. It is not listening. How can one learn and evolve when only expressing your own agenda? All they hear is themselves.

Developing, refining the power to listen—the experience of listening—strengthens one’s relationship with Life, to a degree not achievable without it. Being at peace, as previously stated, eliminates the filters for clearer listening—filters of preference, bias, closed-mindedness. For clarity, peace is the harmonious relationship of all the systems of your being and their relationship with the flow of life. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2021                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The journey of conscious union

JANU:    Conscious union is the theme of awakening and belongs to an order and reckoning that sounds the alert to the Nature of awakening. Conscious union extends beyond the True Nature to the Orders of Life, of which the True Nature is a part. Awakening within the human journey shines the light on its Nature, everything seen in a larger way, with greater depth, with growing understanding and engagement. Not only the process of existence, but its purpose. Enrichment of life occurs at every level, in every reality. Challenges are understood as life’s invitation to explore. Exploration brings discovery. Understanding triggers the realization of potential as wisdom evolves. These adventures in the incarnate journey are adventures for the True Nature as well. Wisdom is wisdom, which shines its light wherever expressed.

We reach into these understandings to progress the mastering of the gifts of challenges. The veil is a part of this. It moderates the challenges and their resolution. Their presence and appearances are reminders that life is in motion and offering opportunities, gifts if you will, to itself. How can one see themselves as alone? They’re unique expressions of the Body of Life, no matter how diverse. We all serve each other by way of existing, being in motion through these challenges, these opportunities to explore life as life.

Conscious union is a window, an opportunity to see, experience, and understand everything. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2021 B                                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Appreciation of Life

JANU: Encouraging, then, the resounding tribute to the destinies of so many, as Life is enriched by everyone. What does it mean to appreciate Life and its creations? To increase in value is the destiny of each. ‘Value’ means enrichment, the realization of potential, and continuation. Appreciating each other is filled with challenges and opportunities. Perceiving essential life in each other triggers the integrity in one’s being. For, in the larger understanding, another connection with life is included with and as your own. ‘We are one’ is enriched and understood and experienced. So be it.
July 19, 2021 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The power of choice

JANU:    The power of choice is a motivator that commands creative energies to pattern the choice into existence. Let there be, then, clearer and clearer choice as one evolves into conscious union  with one’s True Nature. Bringing this about will yield opportunities, along with challenges, to explore potential and the flow of life. Let us become one in this. It honors destiny and service and legacy. Namaste.
July 16, 2021 B                                                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

  For more information on ‘conscious union’ see More on the nature of conscious union and Awakening to Conscious union.


Understanding prayer

JANU: Prayer in its infancy was called upon to resolve the issues of diplomacy, contentions between people and their struggles at a time when the mysteries of life were beyond the ken of the people, driven by an unconscious imprint of reality larger than incarnate understanding of existence. ‘Let there be peace’ became a mainstay, not realizing fully the implication of its larger meaning.

So what we say here at this time is putting one’s attention upon a source of solutions to not understanding life and its circumstances is part of everyone’s legacy of their True Nature. Let us continue, then, to place an emphasis upon the pursuit of understanding through the reality of our True Nature and its oneness with the Larger Life. Be at peace in the midst of challenge, to perceive its opportunity. Namaste.
June 16, 2021                                                       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

For earlier approaches to the concept of prayer, the reader may wish to read an earlier version of this same topic, as well as “Prayer and Blessing” and “Beauty of empathy“.  


More reasons to awaken

JANU:    Circumventing change and challenges leads to an accumulation of manifestations of potential unfulfilled. Sensing the flow of life as a natural occurrence is a peaceful relationship with change. Bringing about change has to do with employing potential in the midst of opportunity, also called challenges. Life evolves in this way. It is not punishment for wrong-doing. It is opportunity to evolve, which leads to greater opportunities.

Some challenges are obvious, others more subtle. Awakening broadens and deepens perception, recognition, and understanding. Becoming more conscious in many ways has a vitality that can be addictive. Be observant. Choose to understand what is observed and what is experienced. Namaste.
May 28, 2021 B                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Becoming more conscious – 2

JANU:    So you see, being more conscious includes more conscious of everything. Both sides of duality, the experience, the balance, equilibrium, the positive and the negative. The good and the bad, so to speak, are all part of life. Being more conscious is being more aware of everything, yet still finding purpose, evolution, creativity, realized potential. Moving life forward richer, stronger, and yes, even with beauty, wiser and loving.

Being more conscious has its challenges and opportunities. Being even-minded is the challenge and an opportunity. Grow through the wisdom of your choices. Be at peace. Be an example to others. Walk the quiet path. Choose your steps wisely. Life is in motion. Be conscious of the flow, for what is more dynamic than life itself? Namaste.
Mar. 31, 2021                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Engaging challenges wisely

JANU:   Gravitas belies the beauty, simplicity, grace, and easy flow of life. Time and again, this reality has been revealed. We are encouraged by moments of discovery of this nature. Every challenge benefits from this perspective. The strength and insight needed to meet these challenges, to resolve them, is maintained in this way. Avoidance carried to extreme is not solution. Engagement without reservation is unwise. Even-minded consideration and decision making that evolves as understanding increases is wise. Engage incarnate life with these qualities and life becomes more enjoyable with what is gained. These strengths of being inspire others as well. Namaste.
Mar. 30, 2021                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Challenges are an invitation to grow

JANU: Justification for commitment to awakening resides in the reality that conscious union with that which is already united in other ways brings about peace, freedom, an enriching experience for the True Nature, and conscious co-creation. Human-only identity brings challenges that can be bewildering. The solution to challenges is understanding their reality and their life process. Insight—or inner sight—is enhanced by awakening to the larger reality of your being. The nature of an opportunity delivered by a challenge can be known. The path forward is more peaceful with accomplishment.

Embrace challenges. They contain within them the opportunity of enlightenment and mastership. Engaging challenges marshals forces, for life benefits from the evolution of consciousness through experience. Challenges are an invitation to grow. Namaste.
Mar. 18, 2021 B                                     Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Potential, challenges, and evolution

JANU:    Salient points to be made regarding the present and future and the Now of each. Re-emergence of valued ideals inherent in the True Nature of humanity once again finding expression, on display, challenged, tested, and evolved. Rigorous are the challenges and they must be, for they solidify potential and expression. They test resolve and creativity and promote mastership. The path ahead is not free of uncertain footing, stumbles, missteps, but includes moments of achievement, wonder and amazement and clarity. Only to be met with more challenges, for the fruits of these challenges, when well met, are rewarding. Such is the nature of expression and evolution.

The entire universe evolves in this manner, from the creation and endurance of worlds to their recycling. Find confidence in this, clarity and strength, and meet it head on.
Jan. 22, 2021                                                       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross