JANU: What portends to be the challenge and opportunity of this so-called pandemic is an opportunity to stand down, to a degree, in many areas like personal and social interaction, human endeavor, and relationship with the Earth and Nature and each other. Humanity is in some ways responsible for the pandemic’s existence by its energetic creations in these areas of society. It does not yet understand its power as a co-creator in the energetic life of consciousness, creativity.
Yes, there are those who live peaceful lives that are productive and serve life, but they are part of the larger society and are exposed to some degree to its challenges and its benefits. A good time to go within, ask questions, and listen. Understanding exists, solutions exist, alternatives exist.
The world of politics and governments is an example, demonstrating much in the way of discerning confusion and misrepresentation, but not the only one. Warring is accepted as a normal part of life. Normal, no. Common, yes.
A time for humanity of introspection, wisdom gaining, and wise choices. All of humanity are co-creators, creating life patterns at all times. Be more conscious of motivations, influence, outcomes, relationships in every area. Time to clean house, so to speak. Namaste.
Dec. 10, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Tag: challenges
Finding and maintaining peace
JANU: Urgency seems to be the pattern sweeping human social consciousness at this time. Very few at peace; the pressure of circumstances weighing heavily. Survival is in confusion and, because of identity with the physical life, nothing beyond it seems as real, so everything seems in jeopardy.
Awakening to the Larger Life brings life into a larger perspective. Not the ‘all your eggs in one basket’ scenario that it seems. Physical existence is only a small part of the truth of your being. An important part and, while incarnate, the focus of existence. Finding and maintaining peace promotes balance in all of the systems of your existence, promoting well-being and longevity. Also keeping the consciousness open to wiser decisions and solutions.
Replacing urgency with the calm and peace of knowing, of resource of larger perspective, of clarity and priority is called for. The larger you, your True Nature, knows this. Prayer is not to something outside yourself, but with the truth of who you are and its resource, the gift of life that has always been with you and part of you. Don’t just witness challenges; see through them by way of your True Nature.
Life is richer, larger, and deeper than what you see outside of yourself, your surroundings. Claim your power. Choose wisely. The truth is within you. Namaste.
Nov. 5, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Be and express the Life that you are
JANU: Performance, then, is based upon capability, commitment, and unification of the elements of being. We survey this by bringing about conscious appraisal and understanding as to the group reality of integrated consciousness. The presence you sense is, of course, you, the larger you, the more unified you, the overseer of the human journey. So let us oversee this one together.
What we see here is a predominance of the pursuit of integration, the correlation of experiences, the subconscious capabilities of restoration, and the prolonged endurance of challenges. As it is said, what does not destroy you makes you stronger. And we are strong. One must choose to engage the opportunities that present themselves with wisdom. Obstacles to this are fears, anger, frustration, uncertainty, confusion, and doubt. Commitment to positive outcome is essential.
Restoring equilibrium, balance, throughout the systems is a return to the more natural state of being. Beyond the words, identify with and experience integrity of being to serve the fulfillment of chosen destiny. Realignment ensues, as does clarity and purpose.
You ask of love. It is the nature of all life to be and fulfill potential. The physical journey is as much a part of life as any other part. Bring the clarity of peace to others as well. Honor the tapestry of life by weaving your own into the fabric of existence. Be and express the life that you are. Namaste.
Mar. 23, 2020 P Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Manifesting miracles
JANU: Peace resembles most closely life beyond the veil. Time/space is a reality as part of the Larger Life, to be explored, understood. You ask for conscious reunion. Time/space is part of this, not as an entity but as an attribute of the Larger Life.
Mastership means being at one with it. The challenges in the physical body are best seen as opportunities to merge, consciously, the physical experience with the Larger Life. Challenges of the moment seen more clearly from the larger perspective. The wisdom and the motivations for them are indicators, are feedback as to relationships. Choose to master these challenges. It is part of the reason for their existence. Let us accomplish this with one voice, so to speak. Manifesting so-called miracles is normal. Namaste.
Mar. 9, 2020 BP Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Developing consciousness
JANU: ‘Presence’ is a reality to be explored and understood. Now, the perception of the presence is subject to consciousness, sensitivity, attunement, relationship, experience, as all of life coexists in all realities, in one way or another, at least. Establishing presence, specifically the True Nature in this moment of interest, is not creating presence, or attracting it, or establishing it, but more to become aware of it.
Now, what elements contribute to this? How does one become attentive to that of which they are unaware? By desiring to know more of life, ultimately to experience it and be a conscious part of it. And, in turn, for it to be consciously part of your life, your experience. Now one is not alone or isolated in this quest, for the Larger Life, in one way or another, registers the desire and responds in its way. One can sensitize one’s power of perception through commitment, repetition, acknowledgement of insights, observations, and intuitions, whether in oneself or another, the desire to explore observations and experiences in a fuller way. When one has challenges, unexplained, that seem unresolvable, even painful, explore possible solutions and understanding.
Part of one’s nature is to be inquisitive, to discover, to explore life and to master it. Ignorance is not a guarantee of non-existence of other realities. Choose to know. Choose to be. Have the patience of peace, the wisdom of timing, the endurance of unending commitment. Life always responds. Choose to be alert to those responses and recognize them for what they are. Reach into your potential. Draw upon the wealth of opportunities and blessings. Be a finder while seeking. Build upon revelations. Allow them to be a foundation for future discoveries. Consciousness builds on itself. Namaste.
July 2, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
From rage to peace
JANU: Rage is the word. The basic emotion and frame of mind of so many boiling to the surface are the resentments of the relationships that have existed for so long in society. Rage penetrates reason, any sense of peace or balance or joy, becomes identity. Reasonable approaches to rage become desperate.
What these people in rage need is self-respect, a path to the future, and meaningful contribution to society. The elimination of social structures that interfere is a cherished decency, but it seems lost to them for they don’t see it in their society. The issues are strong on both sides. The challenges, self-created, are on both sides. The reality of ’sides’ has no merit, as it is with warring and social mayhem.
Humanity’s potential is better than this. Would that they would allow themselves to awaken to their True Natures. The solutions have always been within the larger reality of being. But the rage is noisy and the inner voice comes from a place of peace, balance and harmony, wisdom, love.
So, what models of peace can people be inspired by? What sense of true power, that gives and never takes, can be had? Where is beauty, sanity, and joy? Let these be the foci of conscious attention. For what your attention is on, you are connected to, and the connection is two way. Namaste.
July 7, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
The source of true power
JANU: Remembering, when so-called catastrophe strikes, there seems to be a recalcitrance to the former confidence in the future. Confidence is fueled by a clarity of vision and experience in the moment. Second-guessing the future based upon past challenges keeps the consciousness swinging between the two. Neither one is what is being dealt with in the moment and that is where the power is. The power to create, to manifest, to modify, to refine is in the moment. Progressions add depth to understanding the reality of the moment. Understanding supports confidence, for it is the platform for planning and structuring response.
The so-called Now reality is part of this. Living in the moment does not ignore the reality of past and future, but owns them. It is the source of that reality. They draw their power to exist from this central reality of being. True power is without limit when engaged in this way. The true source of miracles, you see. Namaste.
Apr. 29, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Life will continue beyond Covid-19
JANU: At these times, regret is a dominant emotion. The sense of loss, lack of opportunity, fear, and uncertainty. You might ask, “What is an alternative to this, in the face of these challenges, that can be productive and overcome them?” It is the experience of the presence of the Larger Life and its endurance and dominance over that that challenges it. The opportunities still exist but must be embraced and fulfilled. Hard to see when these other fears are so loud.
Realization that one’s life continues no matter what is something not only to hang onto but to live as. Each victory, no matter how seemingly small, catapults one into identifying with the potential of Life itself. The many by far overcoming this illness and virus are testimony to this. Everyone will survive this, whether leaving the body or not. Consciousness continues, as does discovery, understanding, and love. The body is temporary. The being is not, and there will be other experiences, other journeys to walk. Take good care of this one. Do not fear the next. These changes have been experienced before, and life goes on, including your own.
The Family of Life is rich with the memory of this, these experiences. Allow your awareness and sense of being to expand. Every moment is precious. There will always be more, in one form or another. Choose to understand the nature of every experience and gain wisdom from it. Namaste.
Apr. 28, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Mastering challenges
JANU: We reach into the depths of our relationship to draw upon that which pertains to change. Tradition is part of this but not all, established life patterns to a greater degree, and the potential for recovery. Such it will be with the current challenges for humanity. Recovery will be similar. Choice making, survival, desire, commitment, and moments of achievement. But included in all of these is reflection, consideration, the search for meaning, and lesson learning. Inner strength is a foothold into meeting new challenges.
We all are one in this. Life will always continue, but it will change. That is part of the evolution of consciousness, even in Spirit, and adaptation. Individual humanity is part of a larger reality. It has momentum and purpose, destiny if you will, and a body of contribution to what can be. Continue to adapt. Face challenges and master them. Namaste.
Apr. 22, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
A time of wonderment when in crisis
JANU: Wonderment leads to consideration, which leads to alternatives, which leads to insight, which leads to commitment, which leads to experience, which leads to wisdom. A time of wonderment in the midst of challenge, a challenge to survival, identity, potential, and future. Many in the world are wrestling with this. A time with insights and awakening can give direction, peace of mind by way of a focus and a plan to survive, overcome, and begin anew.
This is a purging time, a re-assessment time, and the revelation of priorities. Be true to your Nature. Rely on it. Embrace your insights. Be kind to each other. Be patient. And be of service. Namaste.
Apr. 10, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross