“Go forth and sin no more”

JANU: We are concerned with many of life’s situations, including peaceful co-existence. Life allows what you call outrageous behavior by humanity. Temporary moments in time within the larger picture of life. Wars and battles and conflicts seem never ending, unless you can see through them and beyond them. They continue within the parameters of existence, within the limits of free will. And there are limits, our brother. Humanity is allowed to police itself, to discover the truth of its choices, to re-organize, rebuild, rejuvenate, process choices and behaviors, to learn what it may. Humanity is still exploring, testing its limits, understanding its view of life, its vision. Even if humanity destroyed itself on the Earth, life continues. The spiritual reality of human beings continues. So all is not lost, our brother, with outrageous behavior, except opportunities to realize the Truth of Life and serve it.

So, even with the existence of suffering, life is ongoing and precious. The moments of joy, loving relationships, endearing children shine a light upon the so-called darker side of humanity, revealing it for what it is so that others may see and understand the alternative, free to choose the life they desire with opportunities to see the difference. Two sides of the coin, so to speak. When one chooses to own their choices and the results of these, life is enriched.

“Go forth and sin no more” is a great revelation, speaks of forgiveness and the freedom to rebuild, restore, and start anew. This is a blessing of life. Be at peace and begin again. What a grand answer to life’s challenges. Namaste.

Dec. 9, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing who you truly are

JANU: Let us explore that path to enlightenment that each one has available to remember their journey into incarnation and their return to that which they already are. The passion to know, to remember, to experience, to restore the presence in the consciousness. Your True Nature, a miraculous development to be loved into being, into remembering. One does not have to leave the mortal coil, so to speak, but can embrace the larger truth, enriching the incarnate life beyond human imagination.

These journeys are meant to assist those who are ready. So much of life is ready to assist in this. Becoming aware of the larger truth of who you are changes how you perceive everything. It is one thing to be conscious of your oneness with life. It is another to realize why you chose to incarnate and who are ‘you’ that made the choice. Use the power of love to love who you truly are into your consciousness, into the life that you are leading. Find peace and fulfillment in this. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 11, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Choosing a better day

JANU: Observing the questions, the desires, and the interests of humanity, a large portion concerned with health, relying on others to provide the answers. When in pain or overwhelmed with symptoms, it is more difficult to reach within so we say “Practice this in advance of illness and it will be more natural and effective during it.” And in many cases the insight gained will forewarn you of lifestyle that predisposes one for imbalance.

Another common interest is finances, financial wealth, including shelter and basic needs. In many cases, overindulgence, ineffective money management, and a lack of a savings plan create these conditions. It is possible to enjoy life that brings balance to perspective without requiring financial resources. A growing ability to find peace within, explore life and consciousness, revisit many pleasant experiences and memories, and enjoying nature is a good beginning.

Many are consumed with trepidation as to their future, including their families, their children, the nation, the government, so many elements of life. Living more in the Now brings you vision and a release from limiting concerns and an openness to adaptability to meet change and understand the nature of all of these. Living in the present is far more peaceful and rewarding than anticipating the change of the future and allows you to perceive what lives in the moment and be in harmony with it.

All of this takes practice, including letting go of limiting emotions and thoughts. The burden of these can be a source of depression. In some ways, the source of the future is your choices today. Programming your day and your tomorrow with the media perpetuates limitation and fear and distrust, which feeds the very situations that are undesirable. People choose wars, power over others, and whether realized or not, they choose poverty and illness.

Look at your choices every day. Determine if they support your true desires. Clear thinking, and opening a listening heart and mind, and a love of self translate into a better day. Namaste.

Nov. 12, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Create something new in your life

JANU: As you hear from time to time a bemoaning of life, its circumstances and manifestations, be mindful of the fact that life is far grander than that and it is what is made of it. Some look upon inequity in financial wealth disparagingly, yet do little to create a new circumstance for themselves, partially through ignorance and lack of confidence. What we recommend here is for each one to create one new thing in their day, in their life, something they desire and, when realized, they will see themselves differently and choose to create more. Commitment, research, resources, a plan, a design. And realize that your power to create is supported by unlimited life.

Life is designed to create, to manifest, to make available experiences to gain understanding and wisdom to enrich itself. As a co-creator, you were created to accomplish this. Whatever you see around you in life that you are drawn to, create it according to your vision that unfolds as you begin. Expand your identity to include ‘a creator.’ The resources of life are waiting to be molded, activated, and fulfill your vision. The wisdom you were born with will guide you and what you create adds to the richness of life. You can do this. You need only begin. Namaste.

Nov. 10, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


You create your own life experience

JANU: Reminiscing as to our beginning of these journeys, a key was desire and commitment, even in the face of little seeming result for a number of years. What we suggest here, our brother: the desire is known before the result that is attributed to it.

If people only realized that their life is monitored by their True Nature, even at birth. Those moments in your youth when unwittingly putting yourself at risk through ignorance of childhood, you were watched over. The human journey takes an investment of energy, attention, and service. Even now, the monitoring continues and the life is known. Your thoughts are understood and considered.

What an interesting combination life is: freedom of choice, inspiration, guidance, insight, intuition, the flow of life, the wisdom of your True Nature, your entire history of experience as a being, and the ever changing opportunities of life and decisions to be made. So, you see what we mean when we say life is not linear. It is the co-existence of so many realities. Some experiences seem as a gift from life, but they were earned, our brother, through choices of the past and the experiences gained. Talent comes from all of this, and the particular talent is what you chose to build.

So, you see, life is not an accident, but it is on the move and always changing, a tapestry of involvements, opportunities, and choices. So be involved with living, and learning, and understanding, and choosing, with an open mind and an open heart and a love for life. Namaste.

Oct. 30, 2015 B                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Awakening to the reality of the larger life

How many have asked the question, “There must be more to life than this endless repetition?” The realities involved are available for everyone’s perusal, if they truly desire to know more and allow the changes the understanding brings. The purpose of these journeys is to inspire the search for enlightenment, to describe in part the rewards for awakening and serving life.These two journeys address this idea from slightly different angles and are presented together for ease of understanding.

The larger life

JANU: We are serving the collective consciousness of humanity as it becomes liberated through its own awakening. How many humans have asked the question, “There must be more to life than this endless repetition?” While there is, progress in this direction need not always be miraculous, breathtaking, or turn your life upside down. Steady progress is more desirable, for the deeper understanding arrives through experience and the time to assimilate and change your understanding of life and who you are in a more permanent way.

The desire to move forward, awaken to more of life, is tempered by patience and deep consideration to changing your life experience. Such patience, steadfastness, and depth of understanding conditions your consciousness with patience and understanding for others, with no judgment or limiting perceptions and, on the contrary, providing gentle support in many ways. Patience seems more natural when your perception of your existence is larger than one sojourn.

The deity that humanity has created has these qualities. Consider the qualities of the collective of all of life, as it includes all of the wisdom gained for all worlds, all species, all realities, all deities, and all people. It is miraculous that one individual consciousness of one person has the capability to touch any part of this. Your True Nature is miraculous indeed. Get to understand it and be in harmony with who you truly are. Namaste.

Oct. 21, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Humanity is a miraculous path to a larger life

JANU: How often, our brother, do we speak of understanding your incarnate and the larger life? The realities involved here are available for everyone’s perusal, if they desire it, if they attune to it, if they truly desire to know more and allow the changes the understanding brings. The current vision of individuals is limited. Seeing with new eyes is the opportunity. Understanding with an open mind is the vehicle. Loving and respecting the Truth of Life is the key. All we have spoken of is but a moment in the larger truth of Life. The perspective to understand your current condition is found in this way. Ask yourselves, what is it you desire truly? Are you content and at peace with your current condition and understandings? Or do you sense there is more that would benefit you in the life that you are? The choice has always been yours.

But at times you will be inspired and called by the divine within, your spirit, your True Nature, the larger you. For inherent in your being is the desire to evolve, create anew, and enrich life. The purpose of these journeys is to inspire the search for enlightenment, to describe in part the rewards for awakening and serving life. Humanity is a miraculous path of exploration and becoming. For life is a miracle, our brother. What can you imagine to replace it?

And we speak from some experience, our brother, knowing there is far more to come and desiring to share that with you that all of life benefits. Namaste.

Oct. 23, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Do you know who you are and all you can be?

JANU: We are embracing more and more the notion, the understanding, the reality of the True Nature and the purpose and opportunity of the incarnate life. We spoke earlier of the dichotomies of life being embraced as spectrums, a range of life to explore, not just the extremes; that the freedom exists to explore any part of that range by choice. “What then of fate and destiny?” you ask. Your choice is inspired by the influences of the moment and the wisdom gained by previous journeys. So, you see, fate and destiny and choice are a mixture of life, life seldom being one influence or reality at a time but the co-existence of many.

Conscious mind has a tendency to appreciate and appraise life one element at a time. Co-existence is a broader foundation to relate to life’s diversity. These spectrums we speak of are not linear, and each spectrum has a co-existence of many possibilities. The point here is: choices are not governed in a linear way. The options in life are a fluid co-existence of opportunities to embrace life, guided by your desires and interests and motivations to be. There is the perception by many that they are stuck, if you will, frozen in a particular life scenario. This is not true. Once again, awakening is the path to freedom.

Now then, how does one effectively relate to life non-linearly? By seeing life multi-dimensionally, so to speak, no matter what reality you are experiencing. A limited view of time and space limits you, for they are not linear, either, depending upon how you choose to see them. Opening to the understanding of your True Nature and its relationship to the rest of life, expand your consciousness to perceive life in a larger way.

Being in a reality does not mean it’s your identity. Examples are being identified as male, female, human, plumber, carpenter, scientist. These are what you are doing, not who you are. Allow your identity to expand and not limited to any label. This is also part of awakening, our brother. Patterning your identity to agree with those around you and their perceptions of each other confines you.

You’re always free to choose another point in the spectrum of life. From limited to unlimited identity is one such. When one speaks of freedom, what is the range of that meaning, that reality? A spectrum to be explored, you see. The question remains: Do you know who you are and all that you can be?

Oct. 10, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are elaborating upon the misfortunes of the day, for many people. It is easy to look upon the brutality of some national leaders, drug lords, and even individuals and find dismay about the current human journey. It helps to put this in perspective, realizing that these are temporary aberrations, and focus upon the wonder of human potential. Focus upon this alternative. Give it life and energy. Allow it to be, by your attention and prayers. Do not see the aberrations as permanent or powerful. They are not. They are temporary. We are not against these, but for the wonder of human potential, evidenced by the generosity and love and service given by so many. Your media could contribute to this potential by bringing to the light of the public the good works, shifting people’s focus from mayhem to enlightened service.

Kindness is very powerful when bringing people together for common benefit. No matter how seemingly small or insignificant a kindness, it is a seed that is planted and grows beyond its inception. Kindness is a liberator of the spirit. It includes encouragement, a smile, a compliment, caring, and an embrace, and consideration.

Choose any day with kindness as a theme. Allow yourself to be alert to opportunities. Kindness need not be demonstrative or overt. The purpose is to help others understand and feel positive about themselves. Gently, at times quietly, honestly and naturally, be kind to someone and yourself. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Oct. 1, 2015 B                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Mastering disease

JANU: Events that pertain to remission of disease in the human journey, collectively and individually, must be mapped as a contingency for disease no longer being created by humanity. How thoroughly entrenched the experience and idea of disease is in the human psyche. It is feared deeply, seen as something unbeckoned, the cause of which is little understood. How many can imagine a life without it, no longer the cause for death or suffering? Some on one level deny it, but on another level expect it as a common and normal occurrence.

There are many who have passed on in your world that were healthy but chose to leave. Being comprised of many systems existing in cooperation to experience incarnate life, ending the sojourn is a coordinated experience as well. This pattern of life is also subject to unenlightened fears, unwise decisions, mismanagement of resources and expressions. Entertain, if you will, a life well managed, insightful, generous, and loving. Humanity has all of these choices to make. How well does anyone understand in each day their opportunities to choose?

Understanding the opportunities of each choice, choose to own each day and all that it contains. Your life is connected to everything. All the systems of your being are one. Your choices will be made in the best understanding available to you at any point in your awakening. Consider with some care what drives your decision-making, your relationship with life and each other. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 22, 2015 B                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The wisdom of a touch of lightheartedness

JANU:    Tomfoolery is a theme for parts of some people’s lives. We encourage lightheartedness in people’s lives, but there is a difference. We speak of this for the reason that effectiveness in serving others in their challenges is advanced in the spirit of lightheartedness, not in foolishness. Humor lovingly done brings balance to a serious challenge. Of course, humor in these circumstances requires sensitivity, good judgement, and a loving heart.

Even in your private moments, lift your spirit in this way. When seemingly consumed with serious thoughts and feelings, step back and observe your reactions with a lighter touch instead of continuing a heavy-hearted relationship with challenges in life to convince yourself of commitment and seriousness. Whim is the very perception, energy, consciousness you need to proceed. Foolishness is to ignore the opportunity of a challenge, so-called hurdles in life.

Your resources to overcome are not limited to physicality or the choices of others. Observe life around you as it finds a way to continue with changing relationships that come and go. Employ your innate power to choose your life engagements. There is no requirement to make any situation a part of your life. Understand your motives and your needs and your desires as you choose each one. Take your time to make a choice. A light heart brings wisdom. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 10, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross