Seeing the truth and destiny of our choices

JANU:    Let there be an understanding that the progress towards peace, in the world of humanity, is passing through some critical struggles and conflicts. The awakening of humanity is the path beyond this. But accepting it is challenged by those who would destroy, filled with anger and fear, believing that the power of force is the answer. They will run their course and do their best to bring confusion and fear. Their time will pass. It is important that those who are centered in a better way of life remain vigilant, use the power of prayer, and not be tempted by the power of force.

Those nations in the vicinity of ISIS are going through great turmoil. Even if ISIS controlled the world, what would they have achieved?   Another Nazi Germany. ISIS represents fear and power and force and destruction. The challenge here is to deal successfully with its illusion of power, not with its patterns but with something more permanent, more lasting, more creative. Force can be met with force, but then the wars continue and nothing new has been learned or achieved. ISIS is made up of people. The opportunity is to provide alternatives to their misguided model for achievement and understand what motivates them. Their so-called successes in their region are allowed by those who only know violence against violence. This model of living and governing keeps humanity where it is.

The world working together on one level playing field of prosperity, mutual support, and constructive freedom must be developed and will not be achieved by isolating the growing numbers dissatisfied with current relationships and models. They must be engaged in an enlightened way, that they see their truth for what it is and that it will only bring them more of what they are against. They are the architects of the past.

So let us begin by shining the Truth of Life everywhere, that everyone can see the truth of their choices. The awakening of humanity is the path. Humanity must choose for itself and open to alternatives, begin to perceive the destiny of their choices. Yes, our brother, the push is on for awakening. Namaste.

May 24, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


An enhancement of opportunities

JANU: We are assembling the beginnings of a pronounced advancement in the opportunities for the awakening of humanity as determined by its evolution and desire.

You ask what the nature of these opportunities is. They are focused upon introspection with enlightenment, an enhancement of the joy of serving others, the ability to experience healing through the understanding and resolution of behavior and misperceptions. An example of this is the movement of humanity towards a more natural diet, exercise, the requirement of fresh air, and economic stability, bringing peace and a foundation for expressing creativity.

The movement away from, gradually, religious dogma, rituals, and requirements to an inner responsibility in harmony with life and the True Nature. Communication with other worlds for broadening understanding and the challenges and opportunities available. Opportunity of perception that is revealing and clarifies so many other misperceptions. Opportunities to focus attention and desires and abilities for greater and deeper results. Opportunities to communicate with understanding beyond words, leaving ambiguities behind, deception, dishonesty, and manipulation. Allowing each other to find peace with each other and confidence. And opportunities to love themselves, to love life, and to know their True Natures. All of these opportunities are real, our brother, and, as understanding and experience grows, will be more widely accepted and desired.

These are the paths to peace and well-being. It is remarkable, indeed, the longevity of the human body in the presence of these human conditions of ignorance. To experience oneness with the reality of life is liberating, expanding, and a blessing. Namaste.

May 19, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Investing past wisdom into a brighter future

JANU: Illuminating the past, as you have been pondering, to gain wisdom for investing in the future brings a balance and peace to the life, for wisdom brings gratitude and leaves confusion and doubt, recrimination, behind. So, when living in the Now, choose wisdom and all that comes with it. You will come to know many along the way who are doing the same.

The form your experiences will take, or have taken in the past, is not what you carry forward. The aches and pains and missteps seen from one point of view as regrettable, from another are appreciated for the wisdom that is gained. For the richness of this can yield for an investment in the future greater wisdom, greater gratitude for living and its countless opportunities, wiser choices. In this way, past experiences lift you, make you stronger, greater clarity of mind, and a greater appreciation and insight into the miracle of life.

So, allow the memories to come. Reach deeply into the wisdom they offer. Let them be added to your foundation of understanding and you will see where they fit into your choices, your relationships, your opportunities to achieve. This is why the memories come to the surface, to reinforce wisdom and to see what’s coming for what it is, or can be. Walk life in this way, our brother. Your memories are transformed into a brighter future. Namaste.

May 6, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are nudging once more the recalcitrant human to examine their life and understand it. Are they repeating patterns of living with seemingly no change or resolution to confusion and frustration?   Introspection from time to time can bring clarity to the life. Meeting struggles in life can be in combination with peace of mind, joy and happiness, not just somber seriousness.

How does one measure, then, their patterns of living by way of choices and external influences? By examining the balance of light-heartedness, peace of mind, and goal achieving. And then the question arises: what are your clear goals in life? Do they make sense to you with joyful anticipation of achievement? Do they require denial of your inner voice, your conscience, or are they in harmony, supported by, inspired by, strengthened by who you truly are? Do they compel you to rush into thoughtless decision-making? Do they own you?

Introspection from time to time clears the way. Reflect on your life often, with full confidence that you can change your course and be successful in the flow of life that includes your True Nature. Put everything in your life on the table, so to speak, and see it for what it is. Namaste, our brother.

Apr. 30, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Integrity and the True Nature

JANU: We are Janu speaking, succumbing then to the desire for the proliferation of integrity in human consciousness. Let us say then at this time that integrity is meant by that which is in harmony with the True Nature.

And you ask, “What is the nature of the True Nature?” The True Nature is a life expression that honors its commitment to the realization of the human potential to enrich life and become coherent as to the nature of life itself, across its spectrum. What this means is that human consciousness becomes a coherent partner in life with each other, the collective, and the journey of other consciousnesses not of the Earth.

It was never intended or designed that human consciousness would be essentially separate from the True Nature indefinitely. This is the awakening of humanity, our brother, becoming conscious as your True Nature. Life engagements are far more beautiful and of profound meaning when the perspective of the True Nature and all of its faculties are the conscious identity of an individual, for one can see in advance the consequences of possible choices in life. The choices become wiser. So ask yourself, “What do you base a choice on?”

We are not suggesting here that the True Nature plays no role in people’s lives. But for many, the ‘still small voice’ is very small indeed and sometimes, when heard, ignored, for it seems not to agree with choices based upon emotional and mental desire, preferences. So the choice still remains for the human consciousness to choose the larger life. A clearer look at the result of past choices can be illuminating.

So love the True Nature into your life, our brother, gently, patiently, and gratefully. Namaste.

Mar. 20, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page, The True Nature.


Human survival

JANU:    We are assembling this morning the reason for prolonged engagement of the dynasty of life called humanity. What we mean by this is that humanity’s existence on the Earth has been tenuous at times. Intervention, carefully proceeded, was necessary to thwart humanity’s tendency toward self-annihilation.

Society consumed with fears and protection and power to guarantee survival is not a sound basis for continuation, but fears cause it to seem so. Mis-emotions and fearful thinking imprisons human consciousness. As long as humanity is unconscious as to their True Nature, it will live in fear for survival. For humanity to remove these shackles of fear, it must listen to its True Nature.

It is one thing to fully embrace physical existence as a platform for opportunity to experience the wonders of life in a unique way. It is quite another to live consumed with the fear of losing it. A life of experience and contribution is never wasted, our brother, no matter its duration. Living in the moment, or the Now, one is conscious of the reality that anticipating loss actually attracts it and takes you out of the moment, you see. Living in the moment appreciates everything, leaving the consciousness free to explore everything unconstrained or blocked by fears and what they create.

Come to realize your natural abilities to create every moment and create a life of freedom. Where is the future, our brother, in self-destruction? Observe the nations of your world, the military, the scientists struggling for advantage, the willingness to ‘downtrodden’ others for the illusion of security and survival. Choose wisely, not life in fear. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 16, 2015                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Humanity is on its path of self-mastery and discovery. The struggles observed at this time are the ’shaking-out’ periods, so to speak, of misconceptions and perceptions, ignorance, and fear. What we encourage at this time is to prevail upon your own path of self-mastery to achieve your goals and, in so doing, become a light of self-mastery for others. Not imposing, not making declarations, and not attracting attention, but enriching life in the ways that contribute to supporting those who make a choice for a better life.

For the mastery to evolve, hard choices must be made, commitments developed, and the letting go of individual obstacles to the path of choice. In this way, individuals own what they achieve and the doubts melt away. Impatience has no role in this, for evolvement is a timeless reality, not to be measured in that way.

Many of the insights, pearls of understanding, will come from the next generations in their youth and in their upbringing, for the veil is lifting, you see, even for them. There is a need to be sensitive to the insights of the youth. They bring the light with them, for they have walked your journey before and retained more and more of the wisdom and the experience.

Self-mastery is a path worthy of much consideration, introspection, and evolution in consciousness. As this evolves, more and more people will observe this and consider their own place in life. The ‘shaking-out’ time makes a lot of noise, if you will, attempting to convince themselves of their power, but without understanding. Violence is not powerful, not in the truest sense. It is just noisy, the alternative to True Power that cannot move forward, stuck in repeating cycles of the same thing. But True Power is always refreshing, renewing, and enriching life.

Be patient. Be diligent. Be open. Be conscious. And embrace the opportunities that await you. Namaste.

Feb. 2, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross
Previous journey in Self-mastery


Evidence for a better life

JANU: The salient points to be made this morning include the reversal of the trends of the past and the moment that perpetuate ignorance, fears, violence, confusion. The reversal of these trends is inspired by a renewed confidence in humanity that they are powerful beings, more powerful than the personality-ego, the physicality of their existence. But in addition to this, moments of experience, evidence of such reality contributes greatly to these reversals.

So, what evidence exists of this power to create new directions in life? The evidence is in the current condition created by the fears and confusions. These conditions didn’t just appear and happen to humanity; they are humanity’s creation and continue through ignorance and the choice to ignore alternatives. Allowing for these conditions needs to become a continuing experience, and the only evidence of this model of existence, or any other.

A study of and observation of other models of existence around the world, of people happier and freer and at peace, can be seen as evidence. But many times their lives are removed from the pressures and pace of living a technology-based life and are seen as undesirable or the price is too high. So the other model of society continues, with its illnesses and war and greed, seeing that life as worth the price.

The choices remain to be made. Understanding the Earth and living in harmony with it is held as a distant ideal. The path of destruction ultimately leads to a condition that forces change for survival to continue, as life continues to evolve and move on. There is merit in seeing the wisdom of the change in this: that the reward is worth the price. Technology does not necessarily mean the loss of harmonious existence, as long as this harmony remains the focus. But ‘technology at any price’ bears consequences, mostly unforeseen.

Let us encourage, then, humanity to be inspired to measure the wisdom of their choices and look within for clarity and understanding, and embrace the greater reality of their existence, the larger life. Namaste.

Feb. 4, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


What is true and what is not?

JANU: We expand then upon the dilemma that faces so many: What is real and what is not? For so many choices depend upon this determination. There is an aspect of everyone that recognizes truth. Understand that even deception has its own truth, that it’s deception, in most cases planned and executed intentionally.

So, what is truth and what is not? Truth supports what you want to achieve. Now, one can deceive themselves into thinking they know what achievement is worth having. Some truths have a more limited path than others.

So what is true and what is not? We are directed back to, in our inquiry, the truth of your own nature and its objectivity. Truth is a harmonious relationship with the flow of life. And that flow of life lives within you. Recognizing flow is a worthy achievement.

Now there are those who walk their path in life with some harmony and some movement that is not harmonious, yet it is still their truth. You must learn to read the signature of life, and all of your faculties can contribute to your appraisal. Allow them to play their role and convey their finding, not to condemn or criticize what is being observed, just to understand it for what it is. And then choose what is true and what is not, and your choice is always subject to change. Choose wisely and namaste.

Dec. 3, 2014 B                                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are encircling, if you will, the needs of humanity and settling upon self-confidence, confidence in each one’s ability to engage the present and the future and to successfully engage all memories.

Confidence comes from successful experience and an awareness of, and ownership of, your own nature. When one’s identity is limited to the incarnate life, then there is a lack of awareness of their True Nature, and power and genius beyond it. So what is encouraged here is a growing conscious relationship with who you are and what you’re capable of. You are capable of great generosity, compassion, moments of insight and genius, a warmth and glow that can lift others, patience, endurance, and tolerance, forgiveness, and love. As you apply these to any degree to your life, you will experience results that bring confidence to continue.

When in doubt as to outcome of choices, be confident that solutions are always present at the heart of every challenge and opportunity. Have the confidence to continue in every endeavor that you feel right about. Follow the guidance of your own conscience. You are never alone in any endeavor. Truth exists and walks with you. Namaste.

Dec. 11, 2014 B                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross