Seven consciousnesses in harmony as one

JANU: We are Janu speaking, encouraging then at this time a proceeding into the next wave, if you will, of journeys into awakening. These have to do with becoming more aware of opportunities in your life—yes, in the lives of others—choosing the ones that appeal to you and fulfilling them. This is a journey, our brother, into the larger family of life.

This phase of journeys deals with the larger issues and more fundamental in the management of life. So even though life has larger opportunities, subtler ones you are yet aware of, your choices are under your management. The more you function and are conscious as your True Nature, you become more emblematic of the future of humanity and life beyond that. There are many in your family of associations, experience, who await your return, bringing your experience to these associations. They have theirs to share as well, our brother.

Your perspective, your point of view is changing. What is important to you is growing. Honoring your integrity is more important than ever. Who you are is far richer than your human identity and experience. Let us begin this adventure, if you will, by becoming aware of this larger family.

There are seven consciousnesses in your vicinity at this time, holding the Light so to speak, showing the way, inspiring. These associations will remain with you until it’s time for change. This is a beginning. These come from diverse backgrounds with a loving nature, whom you have known before. And they know you very well. They know who you are and what you are becoming. And await your invitation to proceed.

JR:       Thank you, seven brothers in the Light, for this opportunity. May we fulfill it together, beginning now.

SEVEN: Yes, our brother. We speak with one voice, seven consciousnesses in harmony as one, not unlike you and your True Nature and your beloved Janu. We accept your invitation and are proceeding even as we speak. We are your anchor point on your journey into the larger life, honoring your integrity as you honor ours.

You are correct. We correspond to the seven chakras, the seven levels of consciousness, the seven miracles of existence, and the seven initial paths of awakening to a larger life.

JR: Thank you, Seven. We are one. Namaste. Thank you, my brother Janu and the Brotherhood of Light. Namaste.
June 28, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Awakening 55: Be all you can be

JANU: The purpose of this series is to alert and inspire awakening for humanity. Now, understand this, our brother: awakening occurs whether focused upon it or not, aware of it or not, but it is a process that can be accelerated to varying degrees.

Understand this: the human consciousness journey is not a linear one. Life is not linear. It is greatly varied, simultaneously, and movement through it and with it is as well. One can be left to the seemingly random or sporadic occurrences of moments of awakening, triggered by events or insights, observations. Or, as with any focused endeavor, move more fully into awakening. There is no point of demarcation from ‘unaware’ to ‘aware.’ It is a process to be determined solely by the True Nature or in combination with the human identity and consciousness in a more deliberate relationship.

There are those individuals who seem to move way beyond normal conditions, so-called ‘great ones’ who serve humanity in pivotal ways.

Choice is always part of the mix, you see. What is your desire? Your choices are part of life and its flow and are known. At times, enthusiasm can overtake wisdom and patience, but these bear their own fruit and are teachable. Special moments of beauty in the life experience, whether in your own or another’s, are revelations of what can be. They touch the soul, if you will, enriching the connection with the True Nature.

Be all you can be and open to what that means for you. Allow insight to reveal the truth of your potential. This is part of awakening, our brother. Learn the meaning and the language of your insights. Put them into practice. More will come, for there are many perspectives, you see, to any truth. No need to compare your insights and desires with others’. They have their truths as well.

Gain wisdom through your insights. Learn of your True Nature. Be all you can be. Awaken as you may. Life is miraculous, from the smallest to the largest, from the most obscure to the obvious. Welcome and namaste.
June 24, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Changing your life

JANU: We are summoning an attunement at this time to address grievances of many as to their fate in life, and circumstances, and unhappiness. When observing the prayers of the masses, one cannot help but see, among the beautiful moments, much strife. Please to understand that the circumstances of human society are self-created and can change. Let’s proceed along these lines, not with the theme of ‘damage control’ but of change.

The consciousness of individuals and groups can range from anger, frustration, and hate of living to optimism, confidence, commitment, and determination to know and enjoy the blessings of life. You ask, “How does one make this change when seemingly consumed with difficulties?” One moment of feeling powerful over the life you lead can begin the change. Reach within on one point, one challenge, and choose to see solution, if only the beginning. Then apply it without doubt or hesitation. The change comes and you begin to know you are a co-creator at one with the power of life itself. This includes everything in your life, our brother, finances, health, love, and change.

This is the path, or a path, to peace of mind, a body in peace with the life that you live, resting comfortably with each moment. This is why disease is so named, a lack of ease. Unresolved challenges with no hope of solution is a recipe for dis-ease. Life gives you options, from one end of the scale to the other. Where you perch, so to speak, is up to you.

Make choices to change. Settle for no less. Instead of waiting for change, be the catalyst for it. Be the co-creator you were designed to be. Choose with growing wisdom what you create. Namaste.
May 14, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Enlightenment, our brother, is always useful. Insights that occur in the lives of many speak to the living presence of their larger consciousness, their True Nature. Even with the veil, the presence of the True Nature remains. More so than many realize. Superficial consciousness becomes dominant with the veil in place. But even with this, the life is not devoid of fundamental truth born of the need of the moment, the desire of the heart, concern for another, and moments of love. Presence remains. The veil does not change this. In time, it is possible to see beyond the veil and the beauty of life that surrounds you and fills you. For the life that surrounds you is a creation and the nature of creation is life itself, the common element that connects everything. Do not see materiality as an inert or dead thing, you see. It is vibrant with life, evidence of the living presence of even your own True Nature.

You ask, “What does co-creation mean? What is the reality of being a co-creator?” The thrust to live, to create, to manifest, to experience, to understand, to contribute, to share is a co-creator. Not limited to the human being, you see, but any measure of consciousness that can respond to the presence of life. How does life itself, then, continue, evolve, and expand without a consciousness that can co-create, always present in each life? What then would you create, our brother, in coming aware of this? Whatever you are drawn to realize through your interest, your compassion, your nature. Creation that has inherent within it more creation.

Creating includes far more than materialization, by patterns of energy, qualities of being, living patterns of essential nature. Mastering the flow of your life, choosing unfoldment rather than just waiting for it. Good health is a choice, not an accident. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
May 11, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

While not a part of “Awakening: a series,” this subject follows closely the theme of #18 Creating and lifting the veil. Be sure to read both. You might also wish to search our site for ‘co-creation’ and ‘veil’ for other postings on this subject.


Awakening 14: Let your life evolve into something larger

JANU: For today’s journey, let us review what is to come. The elements of awakening in this series have to do with a sense of belonging to, being part of, included in the Family of Life. This family is vast and deep, not just in the physical reality with those of similar interest and ability, but in many other realities as well where consciousness exists in harmony with the flow of life. Participating in such a way is not the loss of identity, but the expansion of identity, identifying with more of who and what you are and can be, as well as the essential nature of others and their desire for being part of a larger life.

This pursuit is a course taken for the life that is in you and that you are to grow, expand, and discover. No matter the degree, most everyone wants to understand more, experience more, absorb opportunities, not only enrich their own lives but help enrich the lives of others. Receiving the joys of living and sharing those joys is part of the flow nature of life, you see, the giving and taking. Or should we say: the taking and giving? They are one and the same thing, both sides of the same coin.

The Family of Life does not concern you and your identity. It is more sharing mutual benefit with no loss of integrity. The mystery and the wonder and awe of this is the countless outcomes. What does life turn into? A measure of decision making, choosing this or that, but the outcomes of those choices are still a wonder and a miracle. The Family of Life gives you purpose, a larger identity, and the ability to perceive grand opportunities to even recognize their existence. Enlightened, awakened Family of Life is an experience on the move, renewing, refreshing, and reviewing.

Awakening provides opportunity for incarnate families to grow together in creative ways, with love constantly taking on new meaning. A cooperation of individuality, freedom, but growing together, sharing each other’s strengths, supporting each other’s challenges. Some are fearful of allowing their lives to include others, for the challenges of this are unknown, unpredictable. So build the foundation to proceed on. What are you comfortable with? What is the nature of your relationship with yourself and with others? Be true to that, even if it is evolving as well. As you open to the larger life, allow evolution of consciousness, experience, wisdom, and love. Namaste.
Apr. 27, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 13: Changes

JANU:    The awakening of humanity serves life in a significant way. It brings about, or triggers, is a catalyst for changes. Patterns of consciousness, living, and behavior of humanity are soon to run their course. Awakening opens the door of opportunities to many changes. The patterns of existence are in motion. The ones subject to time and space are in play. The ones that are not will be discovered, for awakening opens the human consciousness to the subtler and larger life.

As we have said before, awakening is a diverse reality determined by many nuances in the human psyche and motivations. Embracing change is a scary adventure for some who hang on to the seeming security of the status quo. That security is an illusion, our brother. Awakening sensitizes the consciousness to the changes that always continue, whether noticed or not. So embracing change, being open to it and more, is another key to awakening.

The ladder of life has many rungs; each rung representing conditions. Letting go of one to embrace the next calls for changes in consciousness, founded in commitment, desire, and faith in the miracles of life. Changing your identity from being human to being something more, much more, is a natural change that brings greater freedom, peace of mind, happiness, and a larger capacity and understanding of love. The more you are aware of who you truly are, the easier it is to love yourself and be in awe.

So what in your life are you ready to allow to change? Values? Relationships with other people, with materiality, with lifestyle, and the world you live on? Philosophies, points of view, perceptions, belief systems? And truth itself, or at least your perception of it? Awakening, our brother, changes everything. Change becomes your new security, your new constant. Even truth is evolving, expanding. Adapting to and embracing change is part of this.

Enjoy the journey. Marvel at the seeming miracles that life has in store. Be at peace with life in motion. Namaste.

Apr. 25, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 12: Happiness

JANU: We are celebrating, if you will, each moment of opportunity to bring Light into the world of human consciousness. The Light we shine today has to do with stability of focus into innate nature.

The human journey was cast to be a precursor to a larger journey of creativity. When one sees only the seeming endless circles of human struggle, missteps, distrust, and greed, the vision for the larger life becomes obscure. Each would do well to refocus their lives, their attention on something greater than themselves, not imagined but real. And the reality, our brother, is the True Nature and its connection to everything.

Life is a community, a family if you prefer, of spirit beings, consciousnesses, ‘love centers’ if you will, for life is a loving reality without judgment, condemnation, favoritism, competition. It is a collaborative reality, living to encourage, to support all of its elements. Humanity has become fragmented and lost sight of the richness of such a life. Happiness is enhanced by the happiness of others. Choose what you would enrich life with and it will make you rich in unlimited ways.

Joy and happiness are the keys to creativity. A misguided life that finds refuge in leaving it can only find true peace in their True Nature. As you do, you understand that reality in others, drawing together in the truth of this. Just two individuals, reaching for this truth, committed to each other’s success, unlock their creativity. The phrase “when two or more are gathered” in the name of this, the Divine within. Life opens to their imagination, their creativity, their example. Be in agreement with someone, finding the truth within and through that reality the larger life. Larger than you can imagine, older than time, not limited to materiality, powerful beyond the popular meaning of the word.

This does not take the place of incarnate life, but fulfills it as it becomes a pure joy in its rewards. The Truth of Life brings together in one understanding the confusions of living without it. There comes a time in each one’s life when the thought occurs “Enough is enough. I know there is more to this and I choose to embrace it.” One of the marks of someone achieving this is their happiness, their peace of mind, and their brilliance of insight and understanding. This is everyone’s birthright and has always been available.

Be part of the illusion of the human experience in a more enlightened way. See the truth behind the truth behind the truth. Insight is ‘inner sight,’ our brother. Choose to see. The only limitation is what you impose. Choose life without limit, being free to embrace it. Namaste.

Apr. 23, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Awakening 4: How to begin the journey of awakening

JANU: We are acquiring as we may a conduit if you will of consciousness, of life flow into the awakening of humanity, bridging many obstacles self-imposed by humanity. What seems to be lacking in the human consciousness is any clarity on the power of choice and what to choose. Part of the purpose of these sessions is to answer the “What?” and the possibilities inherent.

How does one choose then something superior to what has been experienced or known, without knowing what that is? Focusing is an element of creating, so let us discuss how to proceed.

Focus, then, our brothers, on the unknown power within you. That presence of life that is your True Nature, in more real ways than you are aware of, is who you are. Not outside of your own true being, your own true identity. Your own repository of the experience and wisdom of lifetimes and the journeys between them. Countless associations. Victories in understanding and service. This and much more is who you are, and aware of options of choice. Seek to be revealed to you the larger life that you are and what you already know.

Have an open mind and heart. Be at peace, knowing with confidence that the answers are there. The only thing between you and those answers, our brothers, is the lack of faith that you can and the confidence to proceed. Let those revelations come to you. They are yours. You need no one’s permission to awaken. It is your birthright, your nature, supported by the love Life has for you. Happiness is a theme on this path. The power to choose is already yours by the authority of who you are. You are a co-creator. Allow yourself to create a larger experience, a richer experience, a life that includes service and the enrichment of others.

Much that seems unknown to you, and to those around you, is known by who you are. And even with this truth, there is much more to know. And with this knowing comes freedom. Choose to know the choices to be made and the power to create them. Love who you are without limit, whether you know who you are or not. The love opens the door that allows your True Nature to bring a light in your life, the Truth of Life. Be patient but full of expectation, yet all so near and has never been far from you. Good journeying and namaste.
Apr. 13, 2016 B                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Awakening 2: We are stronger together

JANU: This second look at the miracles of awakening begins with insight into motivation. For how can you create change in your life if desire is not there, passion, the wonder? The incentive for this, at least in the beginning, is the current conditions of living in the incarnate life. Incarnate life is not inherently a negative experience. It can be quite miraculous, with one breakthrough after another of uplifting experiences.

Challenges and successes, yes, and even failures of a temporary nature can strengthen resolve, teach great lessons, reveal the nature of your life. “But to what end?” you might ask. It is to own these experiences, our brother, to make them viable elements of your lexicon of being, for, when applied to an awakening consciousness, they prepare one for new and more expansive adventures of wisdom and experience.

Repeating elements of life endlessly is an option, but how does that serve you? But for some, that’s what it takes to see the lesson with clarity and embrace change. The range of living experiences, understandings of involvements and evolvements is as fast as human consciousness chooses. For some, it appears to be a straight, linear path to awakening. For others, it seems to run in circles without end. And everything in between. It is all life, our brother. The choice is yours. The lessons are yours. The rewards are yours. Time and space do not cover these, but they are part of them.

Your experiences in life come from your desires, your interests, your passions, and, yes, your fears and apprehensions. Choices have results; awakening brings clarity to the results of choice, the opportunities, the rewards. So, awakening is not just the path to a perfect life, our brother, but to one of clarity for your choices. And what is perfection, then, but life’s ability to be anything and everything? So, you see, our brother, awakening is also the path to freedom, which includes relationships and the freedoms of others in service and example, inspiration.

As with any family, we are stronger together than apart, for we grow with each other, benefiting from everyone’s successes and the wisdom that comes from their challenges. So, welcome to awakening the larger life which is within you. Namaste.
Apr. 12, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Your life path is your choice

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        What is the next step in my spiritual development? Will hands-on healing be involved? Will I teach/share via workshops & seminars?

JANU: This one has a heart center that speaks much of the qualities of the higher orders of life. There are strong patterns of nurturing and compassion. This one would do well, then, to seek after this pattern of beingness that moves with her wherever she goes or journeys in interest or involvement.

A good beginning, dear one, for proceeding in your life quest would be to identify more fully with this living and vibrant heart center within your being. There is your strength, your clarity of right perception of choice and involvement. There is revealed the life at the heart of each choice and each engagement. The workshops and seminars you speak of may be on any subject of interest to you, but the life in them or behind them that will teach or lift or open another is the channeling of life through this center we speak of. Many such opportunities for service have layers or levels of opportunity for those attending, you see. What is advertised on the door is not always the deepest level or the most meaningful.

Discover your layers and levels. The outer interests or interfaces with others, society, circumstance, explorations has behind it the layers and levels of your more core reality, you see. These outer involvements are opportunities or vehicles for the sharing and development of your true being, your core nature. When aligned with or identified with this true reality the wisdom, the vision, the insight for best choices for involvements will become clear.

You speak of laying on of hands, hands-on healing, so to speak. Certainly a grand expression for someone so centered in the heart realities or patterns. Again, dear one, a choice not a requirement. There are no requirements but there are more harmonious opportunities for expression of natural gifts or talents. Identify with that that lives within you, that that is you, and from there perceive opportunities for expression. This is a good way to begin any adventure, you see. What gives you the most joy? What expression sparks a light within you and makes you glow and seems endless in its supply and thrust for expression? Everyone has a core dream, dear one. Some are closer to the surface than others. Live in your dream and express in your world that surrounds you. This is the true marriage of the inner and the outer life, each fulfilling the other.

Approach this not with impatience or frustration but with joy and anticipation for the nature of this assimilation or identification is profound peace, enthusiasm for expression and gratitude for being. You become more complete and steadfast in your knowingness and your resolve and your commitment to carry on that the outer experiences no longer confuse you or dissuade you from your knowingness. They are only challenges and opportunities to continue in your knowingness.

It is time, dear one, for you to embrace you and move into who you are and your opportunities for fullest expression. Remembering always these journeys are never alone and you will find support along the way. For all of life embraces the realization or expansion of the light within each aspect or attribute of life. Enjoy your journey. Allow it to be filled with surprise, delight, adventure, discovery and fulfillment. May your journey always bring these qualities into the lives of others as well. We rejoice in the life that lies before you and encourage your victory. Peace be with you, dear one. Namaste.
July 12, 1996                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

Live in the Now” is another longer personal attunement with a similar message.

More Personal Attunements