Awakening is universal

JANU: Instructionally speaking, we would represent the Order of Life that pertains to the awakening of humanity. Now this venture is compounded by the duplicity of other such ventures simultaneously. All of creation is awakening, our brother, and beyond. Awakening is a theme of life related to Life’s ongoing evolution. So Life, through all its creation and beyond, is becoming more conscious, more aware of what it is evolving into. The traditions of this extend beyond this universe, this reality of which you are familiar.

Humanity has always been awakening, a never ending process from the beginning of life, each of its creations, each of its realities. Awakening is not a unique reality. Being conscious of it is part of the process, you see, of the evolution of Life. This theme will always prevail, a necessary element of Life’s continuation. The God that many speak of is an expression of this reality. It is part of the awakening unfoldment, a vehicle for expansion of consciousness through experience and inner revelation that manifests in the outer life.

The motivation, the drive to understand more of life creates these opportunities. It is Life’s response to co-creation. Comparing one’s state of consciousness or awakening to another, whether it be human or creature or beyond, is pointless, for all of this is changing. Attempting to understand the consciousness of another form of life by only your own human reference and experience is limited, for the form employed by others is not the same. The parameters are different. The results are different.

Grow in your ability to become conscious of the conditions of Life as they are. Whether they appear as you or not, they are valid. The Family of Life is larger than you know and getting larger still. Be at peace with your achievements and your potential. Namaste.
July 9, 2018                                                                                    Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.


What is the potential of humanity?

JANU: We are encouraging then the inflow of consciousness to stimulate the awakening of humanity, leaving the ‘dark ages’ behind, giving life to the new on a journey of evolution of many thresholds. The quest to awaken humanity is a complex one. The potential of the True Nature is endless, as all of life evolves.

Witnessing the depravity made possible by the veil can discourage the observer as to humanity’s potential. The Larger Life understands this, our brother, yet is still patient and supportive of that potential. Focus, then, upon the greatness of a better life, exploring potential with a maturing consciousness, helping humanity connect with the alternative to depravity, ignorance, and isolation.

So let us explore that potential for the human journey, which is one of many. Unlimited co-creation, limited only by consciousness, maturity, and Life itself. The joy of discovery and co-creation, experimenting with life and one’s own being, motivated by a love for life, service, bringing Light to the inquiring consciousness. All of this, our brother, has always been available, waiting for humanity to mature into it.

Awakening to the True Nature is the doorway, the source for individual potential with great wisdom from many experiences and connection with the Larger Life. Potential is the focus here. What is the potential of humanity? Namaste.
June 4, 2018                                                                                   Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 15 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Loving all that you are

JANU: A worthy theme. Loving all that you are as a complete being with many elements and realities: a coordinated reality; a co-creator; a servant of the Light; a blessing for others, in one way or another. Guided by the best within you, rich with memories, associations, and potential. Many lessons learned and many to learn. A growing consciousness aware of more and more of life and engaging it. Patience and tolerance guided by understanding.

Everyone has these potentials and much more. Because of this it is natural to relate to each other, share the blessings of life, and encourage each other, for it takes everyone to express Life’s potential and be part of it. Explore, achieve, and discover not just the life around you but the life within you. Loving all that you are emulates the love that created you. Namaste.
May 28, 2018                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 15 contains all prior attunements in this series.

Understanding the future

JANU:   Assembled then at this time that needed to approximate the ability to proceed along the lines of foreseeing. For many what has been, what is and what will be are separate realities. Yet in reality they are one. Potential is the determining factor, and that is built through the experience and wisdom of all three. Larger factors are there as well, but this is a beginning of understanding.

Now most understand, from their perspective, past and present. The future is the mystery. How can that be one with the other two? Without the other two, the third cannot exist, for the future is the future of what, you see. Life is a process of self-realization. Even the decisions made exist in the future yet to be realized and experienced through what they create. Co-creation means just that. As the present and the past are intertwined, the future is as well.

Every moment, instant, that occurs next becomes the present expanded. The future is the very next moment. Your decisions to engage your potential are the future. Think not of the future as being reality at great distance and time, but the very next moment. As you open to the reality of this in your consciousness, one can, through insight, see the potential of everything and choose the future that you desire. Co-creation is this process.

Past, present, and future are one. Journey with this as a foundation as life unfolds. Nothing is fixed, our brother, everything in motion including the past, present, and future. Namaste.
May 9, 2018 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 14 contains prior attunements in this series.


Colonizing a new world

JANU: Seldom has there been more vigorous attempt to colonize a world filled with new adventures of potential and possibilities. This world we speak of belongs to a group, a cluster if you will, of stars and worlds 3.9 parsecs from the Earth. This world has been habitable for some time.

All of the beings who will populate, who will colonize this world are being transported there. Much of what has been learned from the human experience of the Earth will benefit this colony. We see an acceleration in evolution that will occur quickly compared to other worlds. The reason for this, our brother, is those who are awakening on other worlds will migrate there with a head start, so to speak.

Population density will be in the mere thousands to begin with but will soon grow, but not to the density of the Earth. The population will grow by design. This will be a population of enlightened beings, a kind of laboratory. Spontaneous pregnancy and birthing will eventually occur. These co-creators will manifest what they need, simply at first. Conscious beings outgrowing the need for the veil, you see. Much to be learned here. Namaste.
Apr. 18, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Catharsis leads to a better future

JANU: As you observe much upheaval in human civilization, see this as a clear indicator of human catharsis. The evolution of human consciousness and society is seldom linear, you see. Cathartic events are sprinkled through the evolution of the species. So be not against these, our brother. Allow them to process out of human civilization and consciousness. Human society will survive these and blossom into something far greater. See them for what they are, while holding to the promise of what is to come.

This is necessary, our brother. Destructive performances are, by definition, self-destructive. On the other hand, generous and constructive performances build upon each other and have the support of the creative forces. Lifetimes to come will benefit from the changes of the moment. Namaste.
Apr. 5, 2018                                                                                    Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Being willful

JANU: Enormous is the will, not just to survive the incarnate life but to be your potential. Will takes many forms, our brother, many expressions. The Earth has will. All of matter has will. The will to be. Add any descriptor you like, the will is behind it. Life itself has will, or it wouldn’t be. Allow your will to be. Whatever blessing you choose, whatever service you render, whatever understanding you pursue, whatever healing you require, whatever peace you embrace, whatever love is one with life.

Will is the arbiter of co-creating. The wisdom of its application nurtures it. Will comes from life’s intrinsic vitality. See no manifestation more powerful than the will to be. Being happy is willful. Expressing love and kindness is willful. Allowing life to express its beauty through you is willful. You are the will of Life to be, as we all are. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Motivations and the Middle Way

JANU: We are surveying, if you will, the climate for aggressive behavior on the parts of individuals and nations. What we see here is a climate that reflects the struggle that is occurring in the consciousnesses of these between survival, in terms of power, and a global sense of community and service. The power struggle is individually motivated, oftentimes amassing others who align with this to further their cause, you see. Global motivation and identity does not glamorize the individual. The struggle between power and the illusion of power, you see—true power and apparent power—they have many faces. What is power, then, but an expression of the creative reality.

Co-creators create in different ways, you see, different motivations. Self-centered and self-less consciousness is the dichotomy. The Middle Way includes both and brings balance to any dichotomy. The Middle Way is not against the dichotomy, but unifies it into a larger truth, a truth that endures and evolves. Grand is the consciousness that can embrace a dichotomy in this way. An example is the destructive and creative nature of the universe. In the larger understanding, seen as recycling, re-creating, re-inventing, release and embrace.

This principle can be applied to an individual life or a sojourn. “Where are the examples?” you ask. They are those that live in peace yet embrace society and grow in their understanding and compassion for the countless life expressions, those who do not live in fear, and recognize the illusion of power and true power. A worthy study is motivation. A complex understanding, for many have a mixture of these and they change. The Middle Way is open to understanding all of these, beginning with your own. Namaste.
Jan. 15, 2018                                                                                  Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The engine of industry of the future

JANU:    The engine of industry of the future is the ideas of conscious co-creators not motivated solely as those of today, meaning currently. These co-creators will be exploring possibilities, picking up upon each other’s insights, and not just of those on this world, our brother, or incarnate. The engine of industry for the future will explore new models for human existence that will include other realities. At times, it will seem they are speaking with one voice. Building prototypes will be done more and more in the mind, as will research and testing. The results will be refined and then manifested.

The fields of creation are rich indeed and can reveal many possibilities when guided by, inspired by an awakening consciousness. The larger life is real, our brother. There will be those who create technology and other elements of life through the application of co-creating with the creative fields, most of which are non-physical. The changes are coming and they are already here. Namaste.
Sept. 29, 2017 B                                                                         Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


Co-creation and Deity

JANU: We are establishing a link to a format change in the integrity of that which conveys so much meaning. By this we mean the Deity referred to by many names in human culture, which is a creation of desires and hopes of humanity. Desire and emotion are strong allies in the creation of reality. The format change we refer to is a development in the consciousness of humanity and its identity as a co-creator.

Now, the Deity created thus far is a natural and a wise reality, but is subject to change as the collective consciousness of humanity evolves. So the format we refer to is a deepening relationship in perception as co-creator, which has always been the case but not perceived as fully. The Awakening series (Awakening-a series & Awakening II Set 31) is a foundation of preparation for the individual responsibility as a conscious co-creator, a necessary evolution in human consciousness. Freedom, sovereignty, liberation, peace, co-creation, harmony with the flow of life, wisdom, and a perpetual desire to serve the evolution of life and the realization of its potential are hallmarks of the evolving and awakening consciousness. This is occurring as we speak, our brother, and so be it. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2017 B                                                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross