You create your own life experience

JANU: Reminiscing as to our beginning of these journeys, a key was desire and commitment, even in the face of little seeming result for a number of years. What we suggest here, our brother: the desire is known before the result that is attributed to it.

If people only realized that their life is monitored by their True Nature, even at birth. Those moments in your youth when unwittingly putting yourself at risk through ignorance of childhood, you were watched over. The human journey takes an investment of energy, attention, and service. Even now, the monitoring continues and the life is known. Your thoughts are understood and considered.

What an interesting combination life is: freedom of choice, inspiration, guidance, insight, intuition, the flow of life, the wisdom of your True Nature, your entire history of experience as a being, and the ever changing opportunities of life and decisions to be made. So, you see what we mean when we say life is not linear. It is the co-existence of so many realities. Some experiences seem as a gift from life, but they were earned, our brother, through choices of the past and the experiences gained. Talent comes from all of this, and the particular talent is what you chose to build.

So, you see, life is not an accident, but it is on the move and always changing, a tapestry of involvements, opportunities, and choices. So be involved with living, and learning, and understanding, and choosing, with an open mind and an open heart and a love for life. Namaste.

Oct. 30, 2015 B                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Who and what you are

JANU: Distant though it may seem, the presence of life is everywhere. The presence of your own True Nature exceeds anything you anticipate. Prevalent in all you do and think and feel, it is more than your companion in life. It is who you truly are. What this means is that all it can be is you, for you’re truly one, even though the concept is little understood. It is the magic of incarnate life, and its beauty.

Allow, slowly, your identity as a human being to include much more, not disconnecting from the human experience, but enhancing it by including a larger one. Your human consciousness and your True Nature are not isolated from each other, as if they were two beings. They are one and that larger you is with you at all times, in all situations. It is the eternal you during all sojourns and all journeys in between. It has recorded, or imprinted if you will, within it all you have known and done and been, yesterday and today and tomorrow. Open to an easy, flowing, evolving, changing, and wise total you, functioning in your current sojourn, but also in the larger realities. Incarnate life and spirit life, transcendent life, co-existing and, more than that, functioning as one reality.

As your True Nature loves and does not judge your incarnate life, when you understand and are aware of more of this, your relationship with others takes on a higher and deeper tone. When conscious in this way, your existence will improve and be richer and, as you radiate through living these qualities, others are inspired to raise their consciousness and claim their true power to be free.

Once again the question: How fully do you know who you truly are? And would you like to know? Namaste.

Oct. 29, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


You are capable of more than you are aware of

JANU:    We are raising the awareness of humanity to a larger view of life and their own being, their own ability. We have talked of future capabilities of humanity, but the present holds miracles as well. Currently, humanity is capable of more than it is using. Individuals can heal themselves of illnesses by utilizing their own power of choice in lifestyle and attitude and emotions and creativity. When you ask an individual if they love themselves, are happy and at peace with who they are, they seem unsure of what that means. This is the lifestyle of a happy being, of healthy body, desiring to remember or discover a new understanding. The capability exists already. Exercising and developing current capabilities begins by being aware of such, of what possibilities exist.

The discoveries we speak of can come from within or the sensitivity to perceiving the abilities of others. Life around you and within is a grand resource. Life is alive, vibrant, and in motion day and night. Ponder from time to time what you are capable of but unaware of, exploring what you already have. Many see attributes in others they are unaware of in themselves. But what do they know of their own? Your potential to explore more of life and realize these things and develop them is already within you. But individuals limit themselves by patterning their lives after the limitations of others, rather than the potentials that exist everywhere.

Why not be the source of the new idea, a deeper understanding, a string of adventures in life? Today does not have to emulate yesterday. Stimulate your imagination by using it, acting upon it, as it guides decision-making and experiences. Visualize your life as a grand adventure, including this very moment. Consider what you would enjoy achieving.

We are not suggesting only one goal at a time, for life is a co-existence of many opportunities that can expand each other and deepen the experience. Remember, there is always synergism in life. Even repeated contributions to a goal can all have a freshness and a newness about them. Imagination, creativity, commitment, and manifestation, and resulting experiences enrich your life. What occurs tomorrow may be different than today but they are connected. Be the creator you are. Your future lives today. Namaste.

Oct. 13, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Do you know who you are and all you can be?

JANU: We are embracing more and more the notion, the understanding, the reality of the True Nature and the purpose and opportunity of the incarnate life. We spoke earlier of the dichotomies of life being embraced as spectrums, a range of life to explore, not just the extremes; that the freedom exists to explore any part of that range by choice. “What then of fate and destiny?” you ask. Your choice is inspired by the influences of the moment and the wisdom gained by previous journeys. So, you see, fate and destiny and choice are a mixture of life, life seldom being one influence or reality at a time but the co-existence of many.

Conscious mind has a tendency to appreciate and appraise life one element at a time. Co-existence is a broader foundation to relate to life’s diversity. These spectrums we speak of are not linear, and each spectrum has a co-existence of many possibilities. The point here is: choices are not governed in a linear way. The options in life are a fluid co-existence of opportunities to embrace life, guided by your desires and interests and motivations to be. There is the perception by many that they are stuck, if you will, frozen in a particular life scenario. This is not true. Once again, awakening is the path to freedom.

Now then, how does one effectively relate to life non-linearly? By seeing life multi-dimensionally, so to speak, no matter what reality you are experiencing. A limited view of time and space limits you, for they are not linear, either, depending upon how you choose to see them. Opening to the understanding of your True Nature and its relationship to the rest of life, expand your consciousness to perceive life in a larger way.

Being in a reality does not mean it’s your identity. Examples are being identified as male, female, human, plumber, carpenter, scientist. These are what you are doing, not who you are. Allow your identity to expand and not limited to any label. This is also part of awakening, our brother. Patterning your identity to agree with those around you and their perceptions of each other confines you.

You’re always free to choose another point in the spectrum of life. From limited to unlimited identity is one such. When one speaks of freedom, what is the range of that meaning, that reality? A spectrum to be explored, you see. The question remains: Do you know who you are and all that you can be?

Oct. 10, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A fluid and borderless life

JANU: Spending time in the realms, many ponder so-called ‘dimensions’ of life. We say to you now that these realities, interpreted as confined dimensions of life with borders, are more fluid, co-existing, interacting, exchanging information and experience. To the open consciousness that allows reality, they are easily experienced and explored. Remember, life is not linear and compartmentalized. It is one and, for a consciousness living in oneness, there is freedom of movement through these realities.

We have said before: There are no secrets to the open consciousness, the open heart, and open mind. Human restrictions in consciousness, experience, and understanding are self-imposed for the purpose of defining life and focused experience. Open your consciousness to the fluid reality of life in co-existence, harmony, and oneness. The human experience can let go of these self-imposed restrictions and be as fluid and co-existing as the larger life. Whatever you focus your attention upon, you are already there, and it is already with you. Move through the realms of understanding.

You are correct. It is one thing to know all of life, all there is, but the ability to know any thing is where you begin. All of life is available, our brother, but to the finite human mind it would overwhelm. So you explore and understand life with journeys and your mind opens with the collective experience, developing the ability to connect with anything for understanding. And your reciprocal service to life grows. Pay attention to life and your path of discovery is revealed to you. Be at peace in your quest, more allowing than demanding. Namaste.

Oct. 6, 2015                                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Time and timelessness

JANU: We are celebrating, if you will, each step, each achievement in understanding the natural path of awakening. These subtle movements are more profound than you know. Very subtle but powerful. The finite human measuring stick of a sojourn produces a sense of racing against time to achieve dreams and goals. A larger perspective of life and existence tempers this, realizing that the journey is not limited to one sojourn. It goes on and on.

Time and timelessness coexist in their domains of realization. Allow timelessness to bring a sense of peace as one walks through life. Many of our achievements together are not new to your experience but are being enhanced by reliving them. Balance and clarity, focus, peace, willingness, ‘allowing’ allows a flow of life through you without turbulence, the restrictions of frustration, impatience, forcing and willfulness. Some have a sense that these elements of impatience bring a sense of purpose, control, ‘aliveness,’ when, in fact, their purpose is limiting and self-defeating.

We speak of the power to create. To create what, in what manner, and with what result? Your life is more powerful and productive, meaningful, when all that you are is in harmony, cooperation, synergism. Timelessness, unlimited mind, open heart, joy in living, love of self and others, understanding, united within your consciousness, within your being, is a wonderful journey. Be in peace, our brother. Namaste.

Sept. 22, 2015                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The larger life is real

JANU: It is real, our brother, this thing called ‘direct knowing.’ The larger life is real. The possibilities are unlimited for understanding and manifestation. The lowering of the veil reduces the set of possibilities for the purpose of simplifying exploring life. Fewer distractions from the combination, the co-existence of so many realities. So, the presence of the veil, you see, is determined by the desire to be more than you know.

From the larger point of view, even ignorance is real, within the parameters of its existence. The reality of life itself is real. Anything you can think of can exist under the right conditions. This is the purview of co-creators. And why are you called such? Because you are one with all of life. There is connection, intimacy of reality, a consciousness that can attune to anything, with harmonious wisdom to do so. Being unaware of such things at the moment does not negate their existence.

We have examined many elements of human consciousness and their possibilities. Many more to come. What we are building is a broad foundation for maturity and the evolution of consciousness. The larger life is very sane, our brother, and moving from limited to unlimited consciousness brings greater sanity. Everything improves.

Many have gone on before, demonstrating these principles, these changes, these awakenings, and have shared them, in one way or another. Dedicated, committed, and tireless beings, who devote their sojourns to lift humanity. So continue our commitment together to bring understanding and inspiration that each one learn to achieve the genius within them and find greater freedom and ownership of who they are. Namaste.

Oct. 2, 2015 B                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Shared destinies

JANU: The change that is coming to humanity, which we all welcome, is to be aware of, to some degree, the larger life, and human consciousness moving in the direction of a respect for life and the realization that its potential is affected by its choices. Wondering about a better life slowly giving way to knowing what potentials exist. Humanity is not the first to create a better life. We are all in existence to benefit each other, to earn and own our achievements and to share them. There are others who have achieved some of what humanity dreams of, hopes for. Just as every part of your physical body benefits from the rest, the destiny of humanity can include the destiny of others.

How does one, then, share their destiny with another’s destiny? By becoming conscious of each other, open to the larger life and to walk that path. Loving life or any part of it brings it to you and you to it. Sharing destinies also includes your communities, your neighbors, your friends. Place your attention upon the larger life, and by this we mean life larger than you. Have a sharing consciousness. Grow more sensitive to life’s impressions, patterns, energies. Inspirations have many sources and you are one of them, to another.

Life is more connected than you realize. Isolation is an illusion. Uniqueness and universality co-exist. The fear of losing uniqueness is not well founded, especially when consciousness matures, evolves, to being a part of, one with, collective life. There is benefit in pursuing your goals, your dreams, with the vaster resource and wisdom of the larger life. You still pick and choose which portions of this wisdom and experience to take advantage of. And when you do, your endeavors enrich these sources. They are blessed by your application of their achievements. Individual uniqueness is not lost in cooperation with, collaboration with others, but all benefit.

Share your destiny with that of another in an open and free way, requiring nothing of each other. Do so in harmony with life, openly and freely, as you stand in your integrity and enjoy living. Namaste.

Sept. 26, 2015                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Miracles within everyone

JANU: You are understanding the nature of our relationship, in fact your entire being—or should we say, the entire being—more clearly. This transition in consciousness from individualized human to a larger being with a number of aspects that exist in oneness is a beginning understanding of the model of creation. Many components of existence yet still one, co-existing as one. And more to come, our brother.

This is a beginning, realizing that the concepts you form from the interpretation of insights are in flux as more is revealed and understood and experienced. Misperceptions will occur, to be revealed and improved. To some this may seem a complex and miraculous journey, but for you it’s a comparative beginning to what is to come: the understanding and experience of all that you are.

Many you observe in their behavior in life seem to you ages away from these realizations, but remember, for each one the turning around symbol reminds you of the possibility of a complete shift, a turn around in their lives, moving in a new direction. Part of the magic of the journey of life is this phenomenon of complete reversal of course into a new direction. All changes are not plodding, so to speak, but can become quantum leaps in self-realization. Hope in your thoughts and visions is potential for each one.

One sojourn does not define you. Your ever-evolving True Nature does, and even that is changing. Humanity has exhibited many miracles and will continue to do so. How can it not be, with a future that is so bright? It only takes a moment to turn your thoughts around and redirect your life. See each one you meet with potential for miracles. They will happen, our brother. Namaste.

Sept. 13, 2015                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Co-existence of all creations

JANU:    Let us begin again by saying the power to create includes all persuasions of thought, perception. Life allows discord as well as harmony. So the choice is yours. The human perception of good and bad is one of interpretation based on motives and experiences. The flow of life is based upon the power to create. Creation recycles itself to begin again, to renew, and to modify.

So what is worth creating? Would you create a life free of challenge, discord, free of suffering, free of regret, free of any opportunity to experience that side of life, all of its wisdom and benefits through experience? What would you create? All of these have been created. What is bliss, then?   Is it free of these things? Or is it peace and deep profound consciousness in the midst of these? A consciousness that learns from every experience, every reality, and continues to embrace life. The joy from living is not just from that which is easy and trouble-free, but from living, understanding, serving, and loving the magic of all of it.

Experiencing the full range of life manifestation and mastering the experience is freedom. Freedom to be, freedom to choose, freedom to engage, freedom to serve, freedom to configure your life as you will. The power to create includes all of this. Condemning another’s choice, another’s creation, as not agreeing with your choice is a judgement. Humanity is an example of the co-existence of a wide range of life expressions. For or against, applied to your own life, calls upon the power to create what it includes.

So this study has nothing to do with controlling the life of another. More to do with supporting the flow of life and all it includes, without judgement, condemnation, but co-existence. This foundation is essential for the journeys we will take. How can life find fault with itself and survive? Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 10, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross