Sharing wisdom with other worlds/realities

JANU:   The request for focus is sharing wisdom between other worlds and realities. There are two models for that. One is direct, one incarnate being to another. And the other is indirectly, by way of the wisdom of the subtler realities of Life or, we might say, wiser beings, spiritually.

Direct sharing does occur but not everywhere. In this dimension of physicality, the distance between those less mature helps ensure the maturity of sharing. The Family of Life, you see, has many levels, including many levels of maturity even in physicality. So, when pursuing sharing of wisdom (LINK to 26sep24), allow for it to take different forms depending upon conditions. We have enjoyed, in our journeys, several of these that have occurred when appropriate,* but there is much to be considered. We acknowledge the interest and the wisdom of such but must respect the wisdom of its implementation. The essence of the inquiry may or may not have a recognizable response. Similarly, when each person contemplates communication with another, evaluation takes place on the merit.

Develop maturity through sharing with your own True Nature that understands protocols. Explore one’s own motivations or inquiries. Namaste.
Oct. 17, 2024                                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

*Some examples are First Contact, Lanto, and  Life on Other Worlds & Beyond


What is journeying?

JANU: Summing up, if you will, a peaceful negotiation to the protocols of harmony, prolonged communication, and our best performance on the quest for the Truth of Life and a destiny of evolving. Let us explore the conditions of life, the flow of life, the nature of everything, and by this we mean the relationships of all things to each other. Life is symmetry and an evolving diversity. Together, it brings about change, the expression of creativity, freedom, organization, limitlessness with patterns, purpose with wonder and amazement.

Being conscious is life in motion. Asking the questions, inquiries, is evidence of this. Insights are the responses. Be open to discovery and understanding. Let us continue in this direction. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2023                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

The topic of Journeying has come up before. The reader may also wish to read those on page Benefits of Journeying for earlier perspectives.


Friends on other worlds

JANU:   Behaving normally, when considering the path of enlightenment that proceeds. There is wisdom gained, wisdom to be had, and wisdom to be expressed. Potential, in a way, is a construct based on what has been gained and evolving potential. Both evolving, both intertwined, as it is with so many. Life is richer than most are aware of.

We suggest at this time a review reaching into the corners of memory. Much of what you reach for is a revisit. This serves our purposes to more greatly fulfill potential. Visiting other worlds, observing their cultures, their achievements, their potentials is a pattern you have enjoyed before, before this sojourn. You have friends, if you will, on many worlds for your communications with them have established shared journeys.

One such exists in the temperate zone of its solar system. Their pace of living resembles your own current existence. Your visit to this planet, the Earth, was born of an idea shared with another that a visit would deepen your understanding and experience of that of your friend. You have communicated with this friend, at times, for review, shared insights. This has brought Light to both worlds, as each struggles to evolve.

Your journey here has not been wasted. It has been productive. Service is not always physicality, but more then nuances of consciousness, life patterns, manifest potential through shared understandings. Do not discount the merit of this. It is possible to share with the many you have known, and still know. The shared warmth of mutual understanding is the pathway to awakening. Honor your friendships, even at this time. Namaste.
June 4, 2023                                                           Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


JANU:   Let us begin this morning with a journey or adventure into the unknown realm of coexistence. There are worlds, that coexist and there are many attributes to this coexistence. Let us begin with those that combine energies.

Now, physically speaking, from your perspective, they do not coexist physically, but they do coexist dimensionally, energetically, ideologically, and scientifically, philosophically, as well. They are known to each other by the form they take on with each other, in the sense of combined interest, inspiration, and a delicate balance of the nuances of influence. These worlds began this journey of coexistence in their early formation because of their affinities for, a grasp of, a larger life, a universe filled with life. Travel to other worlds was not an option but connecting in other ways was. This relationship became a way of life so completely that life without it is incomprehensible. Peace between these worlds was never lost, for the element in your world of direct physical contact or conflict did not exist. So relationships were negotiated through more intimate understanding and knowledge of each other. And yes, there are those worlds that coexist with more than one other. And they enjoy networking in a more profound way.

Let us see then into one of these relationships, that begins with two worlds within your galaxy. A star cluster known by them but nameless. The code or method of communication from one to another is through what you would call a binary principle, that is absolute in detail of identification, for these binary patterns superimpose on one another and recognition is instant, as is communication. Their coded life relationships afford them an intimacy in life that brings about a connection or oneness that exists throughout their reality. You might try to describe this in mathematical terms, but they do not apply. Their coded references to each other communicate harmony, well-being, and integrity to each other that one may not fall from these balances of life without being restored by the others.

Their success of this breeds interest from other worlds not so inclined, but their relationship is so profoundly intertwined that it is not understood by others to emulate.  These occurrences in life go unnoticed by many, are imagined by others but are seen as requiring too much to give up to enter into.

These beings are non-corporeal but they are conscious. Viable lifeforms, societies, structures are not all just physical, you see. There are worlds and realms vital, rich, and diverse you do not yet perceive. These coexisting worlds are not limited in form or relationship to the two we mention at this time. These are but one example.  Namaste.
April 6, 2012                                                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Dora of Eltera 3 in the Sobin sector 

JANU: Let us proceed straight away with this journey continuation, as you put it. Your chosen destination being Eltera 3 in the Sobin Sector. Now, your liaison or connection last night was through your impression of a pink presence and pattern, to become one with for entrance into this world’s reality.

Let us now begin the adjustment process and the necessary arrangements, both here and there, for connection. Focus at this time upon the motive for exploration with this particular world and build that into your pattern. … We now have arrived at the threshold for recognition and engagement.

At this time, the one who greets you is as you have seen, dressed in white with tan skin, small round white headdress, and remembers your encounter yesterday and your marvel at the beauty of their world. You must leave behind any abrasive patterns of human experience to engage this world. This one’s name is Dora for recognition. He is of wise counsel and thoroughly knowledgeable on his domain. He now invites you to travel with him.

JR:   Greetings, Dora. Thank you for allowing this journey. May our encounter, one with each other, benefit our understanding and relationship. Please proceed.

DORA:   This journey then proceeds. As you can see, this world of ours is more etherial than yours. We do not rely upon fixed forms or natures of matter as do you. Our existence is freer to accommodate and support our interests. It also speaks of the nature of our relationships with each other. Our ongoingness is perpetuated solely by our interest to do so and does not rely upon support systems as does your world. We are in a continual state of creating. Our forms or vehicles can appear as that which resembles a visitor such as yourself or no form at all. My presence to you was for your acceptance. We therefore have no life pattern need of accumulation of material wealth or objects, for we create what we need to experience, to explore, to communicate, as we go. When one who is this free, moment to moment, one does not need accumulation to guard against deficiency. Your world, in time, may move in this direction of living reality, possibly not to this degree, which will change dramatically the face of life you see around you at this time in your sojourn.

I am the only presence you’re aware of at this moment for the others have not chosen to adopt a form for recognition at this time. They are satisfied with observing our connection for the time being. But make no mistake, they are here.

To explore our world as a continuum of experience, one must enter to a degree into the nature of our flow of creating. Yes, allow yourself this and when you are ready, we will proceed. We will journey at this time to the degree that your adjustment allows.

As you can observe, we have the capacity to alter our reality of being to where our world appears as and interacts as etherial right through its center, therefore allowing passage and exploration. We move–and this is not the best word here–by means of creating through intention, by changing relationship with our current location. Current location being transmitted or moved through the field of created relationship that is our domain. So we create, in a sense, movement as reality rather than a material relative relationship change, as do you. You move through your environment. We create the environment of movement. That is the difference. This form of movement allows us to experience each other’s creations somewhat as if they were our own individual creations. So, in a sense, we travel from and through creations, to and through creations, patterns of experience.

From your point of view it is true, we are centered more with identity in thought than in form. And yes, we can create pure thought experience, for which there is no form as such, from your point of view. If you would like to experiment with this creative process, you may do so. The only protocol we would suggest would be temporary but harmonious creation. Now then, fixate your attention on an experience or quality. Yes, we see it with you. The thought reality of a network for connection with and exchange of understanding with others of our world. This can be done.

You bring much amusement to the experience of others of us through this connection. They are delighted, as you can see, with what you bring from your experience reference. They delight in the joys of your world and perceive minimally the troubles in your world, for it is foreign to their experience completely. So, allow them their joy without concern. They do see and take from this communication an interest in new creations, to experience for themselves within their reality their norms of life.

We will withdraw from this opportunity at this time, closing down this network and trust you have benefited from the experience.

JR:   I have, my brother Dora, And welcome further opportunities. Thank you for your patience and assistance. I wish you and your people every joy. Until we meet again. Namaste.
May 12, 1998                                                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

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Solar One speaks 

JANU: As you well know and imagine, there are limitless opportunities for this kind of journey, the nature of which is so rich with life experience that one can gain universal perspective through its diversity. We would conclude from this that the life you experience at this time must, by this understanding, be included. So, networking with other worlds means that not only are you journeying in understanding into their reality, but they are journeying into yours as well. For networking means mutual communication and benefit.

Now, with that understanding, let us proceed this morning into a realm not understood or aware of by those in your reality, meaning the Earth experience, that finds its domain of influence in and around your sun, your solar body. Now then, the immediate rejections of this are that this reality cannot support life. It is too hot, too volatile, too much radiation, nuclear and otherwise. All these objections are true from a limited perspective. When we suggest that life is everywhere, it is not an ambiguous statement. Your solar body is life and life that has consciousness, meaning, purpose, service, connectedness, ongoingness, and evolution. Your solar body indeed does possess liaison opportunity and we are arranging such as we speak.

Leave behind, for the moment, that the physical solar body is its only reality. Allow your consciousness to engage the solar body harmoniously. That is correct. You are now beginning to appreciate, become aware of, its reality in consciousness and you can  observe that the physical intensity of its existence is a byproduct of its consciousness. Now then, at this point, we have established a communication opportunity with liaison representative aspect of this solar consciousness, to begin at this time.

JR:   Greetings, Solar Representative. May we initiate that which has been arranged into understanding.

SOLAR ONE:  Greetings, brother in the Light. And we speak of the light from our understanding of it, which is more inclusive of a larger reality than your use of the term. We are light more than your relationship and experience to our existence as your solar body. We are light as focus of coalescence of an intensity of single thought generated by life and brought to bear, so to speak, giving us beingness. Be aware that a solar body extends far past your dimensional experience of it and we maintain the structure continuously. When a solar body mutates, if you will, from what you are currently aware of, these are transitional experiences born of that creative genius of our original design. So, in a truer way, a sun does not die. The creative genius continues through a variety of experiences. We exist vibrant continuously. We are aware of and experience our energetic nature continuously. We never experience inert reality. What you call peace and stillness in your experience, we call symmetry, harmoniousness, balance, movement, expression, and fulfillment.

The worlds that exist, called planets in your tongue, are elements within the solar reality. They are nurtured by the nature of the relationship and are part of the solar body function. What they provide is opportunities for various functional continuations, monitoring or feedback of outcome caused by the solar body ongoingness and movement through changes in expression. We are aware of and in contact with all life on all planet realties in the solar body reality. There is a sphere-like aspect to the solar body that is somewhat larger than the furthest path of any world within it. It does have boundary and presence.

I am identified for you as Solar One. My reality of beingness is not any form you would recognize. But you can experience my beingness and we allow this through the courtesy of those who arrange such accommodation. Let us merge now, briefly and slightly for a beginning. You are now moving away from your human identity and position and we have engaged your true nature with mine. And you understand more than before. You are a solar body as well. Many orbs within your being of life, each with their destiny and purpose, yet one with that you are. I am that nature and move and have my being throughout the entire body of this system of life. I am you and you are me, as we are at this moment. And you understand that the physical sun is but a part, and that its light intensity is but a focused element of the solar body that includes the entire system of worlds.

Let us now drift to our former arrangement to return again at another time. Slowly now, and with deliberation.

I am Solar One once more, in previous or original configuration, announcing that we have successfully merged and shared a moment of truth. We welcome further opportunity to bring understanding of such things into your world.
December 14, 1998 A                                             Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing more and more of life

JANU: Experiencing more of life, as you request, requires guidance, wisdom, and an aptitude for assimilation.

Shall we begin with those of us not incarnate? Most of us have been, at one time or another, and of course there are those who have not. Cooperation among these, the sharings of understanding and experience, is a scenario of life colorful and most interesting for words as such are not used, but life patterns are and communicating through these can be subject to interpretation. And the potentials for relationship, compatibility, many dynamics here to explore. Part of the richness of life’s journey, whether incarnate or not.

Direct shared experience is a process not instantaneous as such but with paths of enrichment and diversity of expression and reception. A sense of presence, reality, integrity, depth, and substance is very real, as is awareness of the incarnate world as well.

Consciousness extends in both directions, as far as the veil is concerned. It is not a blank wall, impenetrable, but a platform for exchange, for communication, and mutual benefit. Its benefit extends to more than the incarnate world but the Larger Life as well. There is wisdom in exploring and using the veil and its potentials. See it as a life arrangement to renegotiate and manage. Namaste.
June 14, 2022                                             Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Understanding listening

JANU: Listening takes focus, as does pursuing one for exploration. So let us explore focused listening. A nebulous focus is like opening a door without meaningful desire. Choose a desire to explore and then listen. It gives direction, purpose, and meaning. Such is interdimensional reality, our recent choice. Choose the well-being of someone in the midst of challenge and listen. Listening is like a tool, providing a path for exploration. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2021 B                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Listening and understanding

JANU: Is there a role for anger in a life of peace? It depends on the level of consciousness while incarnate. Preserving life is service. Taking life calls for a decision of questionable wisdom. Incarnate expression brings challenges to every possibility. Each challenge calls for the clearest wisdom. Taking a life involves negative emotion.

Your interest here is the virtue, if any, of wars.  Understanding them does not mean condoning them, but understanding them brings insight, wisdom, lesson-learning. A change in the human condition and the human consciousness causes a change in the perceived need for wars. So, the challenge here is for those involved in supporting wars, conflicts, to make a different choice, to choose understanding and self-examination. Judge conduct by its results, without prejudice or preference, with the discernment and wisdom of your True Nature. Each one is challenged to find their own truth, their own integrity. Namaste.
Aug. 31, 2021 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Life Patterns

JANU:    Incarnating in this world at this time is an opportunity, actually a series of them. These opportunities evolve along with the consciousness and the life patterns  generated. When one life pattern touches another, there’s communication, the kind that inspires, brings peace, clarity of understanding, and new direction. The results of these generate new patterns. Life multiplies these and evolves.

Direct understanding of Life’s nature touches on your own. This is part of the flow of life. One life pattern touching another. This is not limited to people or to one location. Sensing life patterns, no matter their source, being conscious of their nature, their character is exploration and awakening.

Our being has life patterns, very many. Knowing what and who you are helps to understand innate wisdom, potential. A worthy journey for this current series of Interdimensional Reality. Namaste.
Aug. 30, 2021 B                                                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross