A larger reality of being 

JANU:    We are ready to proceed with the organization of consciousness to include the many elements or systems of being and the so-called structure of Life that includes all the dimensions, all realities. What we reach for here is an understanding and experience of the coordination of all of the elements of Life, all realities, including the reality of consciousness.

Consciousness is the great connector. Where the attention is, so is the connection, and the communication, and the coordination, and the realization. The unenlightened limitations of the human experience no longer dominate. Reality without limitation made possible by integration and coordination, intimate relationship of all realities. The human ego consciousness is not accustomed to, based upon societal experience, limitlessness. But part of the Nature is. So, awakening, you see, includes transforming human consciousness into a larger reality. This means letting go of the confines of human identity.

The Larger Life refers to your own as well. Allow your consciousness to experience expansion, inclusiveness, knowing, creativity, peace. True Nature is a useful expression. The human experience or journey is only part of this. Namaste.
June 11, 2020                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross




JANU:   Equivalency is the theme here. Is there equivalency between individuals, creatures of nature, creatures who are spiritual beings, and civilizations on other worlds? In other words, what do you have in common? Possibly, more than each of you is aware.

Most but not all require nourishment. Others are self-sustaining, but a completely different lifeform. All have consciousness. Not all have self-preservation or procreation; some are spontaneous lifeforms. All are expressions of life. Not all exist in communities. All can experience direct knowing. Most do not annihilate each other. There are those who manifest themselves continuously, to varying degrees by choice. There are many who are not planet-bound. A great many are telepathic, affording better communication and freedom of thought. And there are those where past, present, and future are the same thing.

So, when thinking of community and associations, broaden your perspective. You are not limited to any one of these. Namaste.
Feb. 25, 2020                                                       Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

For more on the collaborations and associations available through awakening, see Awakening II – Associations and Collaborations


Love is the teacher

JANU:    Simply stated, then, the reality of love is little understood. It transforms everything into harmonious relationship with the flow of life. It is life’s outreach to all of its creations. It is the vehicle of communication through revelation of understanding, the vehicle of rejuvenation, the peacemaker. The true power of love  brings equilibrium to the forces of creation. Endless is the diversity of its nature. It is your eternal friend with no judgement of any kind. It is the foundation of continuation. It is the teacher. Namaste.
Sept. 2, 2019 B                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Research and exploration

JANU:    Research, then, is the theme, exploration. And what is the catalyst for research and exploring? It is a curiosity of wondering: What about? What if? How does this work? What is the connection? Where is life heading? What are the venues of understanding that flourish? What correlations exist between discoveries and realities? How do different parts of life influence each other? What controls are in place that the flows of life are not interfered with but play out? What levels of reality coexist with the physical body with results that communicate relationships, health and well-being, disturbances, and the flow of life force?

Research usually has a theme or focus. What do you wonder about, with commitment? And how open-minded are you, that allows something new into your consciousness, into your experience? What preferences and prejudices are behind the question or interest? What are your motivations? What is the character and nature of your current identity likely to do with new information, new capabilities, new faculties? Do you respect the life flows of others’ inquiries, existence, life journeys, and needs to understand, explore and evolve? How well do you understand and accept the oneness of everything and everyone, that everything is connected, influencing and being influenced?

Many issues arise in the field of research and exploration. One is never truly alone. Many beings hear your requests and monitor your explorations. Life is aware of everything. There are no secrets. So, ask your questions. Do your research. Awaken with concern and a sense of responsibility for the role you play in the flow of life. Namaste.
July 31, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Why not pursue…?

JANU: “Why not pursue” is the theme here, and might we suggest to humanity, individuals and groups, that:

  • Why not pursue new possibilities, new understandings, new perceptions of reality, and the foundation for current perceptions?
  • Why not pursue the larger life, the larger you, the destiny of humanity, the true nature of the Earth and its destiny?
  • Why not pursue living consciousnesses, whether incarnate or not?
  • Why not pursue a more conscious relationship with the creatures of the Earth?
  • Why not pursue so-called supernatural capabilities that exist here and there among humanity?
  • Why not pursue happiness, peace of mind, wellness, generosity, oneness?
  • Why not pursue communication beyond words?
  • Why not experience all of these, and more?
  • Why not pursue direct knowing, your powers of creativity, discernment, and more profound understanding and experience of love?
  • Why not pursue all that you can be?


July 18, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The healing of nations

JANU:   What do we mean by the healing of a nation? There is much involved, for the healing consists of the national recognition of its people, its purpose, its strengths and weaknesses, its contribution to peace in the world among other nations. And this applies to all nations, for, as a community, there is much to be desired. What facilitates this movement is a worldwide recognition of a destiny and purpose larger than any one nation. This is true individually in life as well. A purpose and a destiny larger than yourself applies to nations as well, and to a world community of communities.

So let us serve this evening the installation of the beginnings of a common vision, purpose, and commitment to humanity. The development of this vision will benefit greatly first contact with other worlds, for there are others who have this vision and would share it with those who can embrace it. So let there be a healing of nations and many of the elements of confusion and conflict and destruction will resolve themselves.

Now this sounds Pollyanna-ish, but what is a greater mystery are the current social norms and relationships and insanity. Look for opportunities and demonstrations of cooperation and encourage them, helping others feel that they are important to life and the human community. Invite others to consider their vision for the future and their role in it, not based on the insanity of civilization, but their hopes and dreams.

Remember, the Earth has its own signature and so do you. Your science thinks electro-magnetic radiation contact with other worlds is the only first contact. It is not so. There are consciousnesses in other realities and worlds that already read the Earth and its signature, which includes humanity. Grow in your ability to be part of this communication. Namaste.
Jan. 11, 2013 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The magic and power of kindness

JANU: Kindness is the key when opening the door to communication. Empathy, understanding, lowers the human defense shields from each other. Trust ensues. Openness to follow. Honesty, for there is an innate desire in others to judge another’s understanding with their own, partly for validation, also for clarity and new insights. Patience, listening. Everything you value from others, they value from you.

When one feeds an animal, it is seen as kindness, safety, looking forward to the next encounter. Fear diminishes, replaced by trust. An innate desire to return the kindness.

Kindness speaks volumes. Do so without agenda, freely. Cherish it, for it is life speaking to life. It is magical in its power to communicate. There are always opportunities for this. It brings great peace to one’s own life. Everyone benefits. Namaste.
Mar. 18, 2019 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The art of service and communication

JANU:    There is service in the measurement of what is revealed in the life of any conscious being seeking to grow in awareness. How, then, does one measure the degree of contribution to the one who inquires?

There is a bit of an art to this, for it includes the light that is that one, you call ‘True Nature,’ and the authority comes from there. Not just there, but strongly there. When you address or counsel those who ask you questions, one must always attune to the inner reality of the art of communication and service for that one. The decision is not yours for it to be the wisest choice. But the ego can get in the way, so to speak, wanting to bedazzle this one with what you think you know. So always seek illumination into the art of the moment, when serving another.

The art of service takes into account many elements of the true needs and the wisdom to guide. Service is a gentle, patient reality. Information and understanding are powerful and are given to those unlikely to abuse them. The strong individual has humility and patience and a love of life and a desire for life to prosper in harmony with its nature and its flow. Namaste.
March 12, 2013 D                                                                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


A journey of peace

JANU: We are orchestrating, if you will, the movement of peace throughout the being that plays like a symphony, bringing harmony on all levels. The ripples of which are scattered to mingle with others in the Larger Life.

The significance of peaceful consciousness is its intimate relationship with that of others, fruitful communication, the sharing of understanding. See your being, your consciousness, as a member of a hierarchy, a family that patterns with each other to bring about the evolution of life, with countless destinies creating beauty. So, you see, peace is, in a larger sense, a powerful relationship with the rest of life, which includes the True Nature that you are.

Return to this often and remain as you may. The Larger Life takes getting used to, from the veiled incarnate existence and its limited perceptions. Namaste.
Jan. 1, 2019 B                                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Absolute truth

JANU:    We encourage the denial of distraction when focusing upon the Larger Life. Choosing, then, clarity, presence, revelation, and understanding. The path of peace and this choice coexist. What is there to discover but the truth behind everything, including one’s own Nature? Let us spend our journeys in the pursuit of clarity, of revelation, gaining familiarity already achieved beyond this incarnation. And during others, we might add.

Absolute truth is not absolute. It evolves with the realization of potential and the reality of creativity. Layers, degrees, perspectives of truth are part of the flow of life. So what does one reach for, then, when exploring the nature of life? One explores life in motion, constantly changing, evolving, the coexistence of countless realities. Absolutes do not apply. The only limit is perception and understanding. But being in harmony and at peace with the flow of life reveals the truth of this.

So, when communicating with others, emphasize this. Every consciousness perceives differently, yet together they help reveal the larger truth of the mystery of life. Honor each other’s perception as you explore this changing tapestry. Namaste.
Dec. 26, 2018                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross