
JANU: With rectitude, let us continue this pursuit of reckoning with the prevailing winds of consciousness wafting through life. The confusions remain in the consciousnesses of those who would be leaders of countries, of nations. You ask, “What would focus these individuals on the true destiny of people and society?” Most of their focus is upon social consciousness, traditions, and winnowing through layers of so-called power, politics, and legalities. “Where is the wisdom,” you ask, “the perception that penetrates through so many distractions?”

There are many beings, our brother, who have observed and attempted to inspire those in the position to guide humanity into a life richer in realization of potential and constructive destiny. Another reason for a larger life consciousness, you see, taking advantage of more of the Truth of Life and the constant changes that rejuvenate and show the way. The Earth has been observed and inspired in this way, even before its viability. It has been part of a larger plan, a larger possibility. Awakening, our brother, well-placed reveals this.

Your own True Nature is part of this, so allow that wisdom to be part of your contribution to changes in leadership. Not just at the top of politics and government, you see, but throughout society. There is unrecognized genius everywhere. Your own True Nature is one with this.

What we look for here is enlightened leadership. There are those who are capable of this, but unknown to those who struggle with old forms of power. Let not current representatives of this power bind you in any way from the vision we speak of. The Truth of Life is easy to see when open to it, and is ready when allowed. Namaste, our brother.

July 13, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Awakening 45: What is your role model for living?

JANU: We are peacefully responding to what emerges as a defining moment in the affairs of humanity. When considering the events of the last two days which have gained worldwide attention, meaning the so-called massacre in Orlando, Florida, pivotal in the sense of a composite of human consciousness, one can see there is a complex range of response and reaction playing out collectively. His anger, frustration and hate; fear of dying; pain and suffering; heroism; gratitude for survival; attempts to contain the enormity and depth of emotions and events. The point of view here that serves best is to see this as a collective human experience and what it says about the current state of human consciousness.

The elements of this situation are not unlike the reasons for conduct of war. What will it take, then, for humanity to engage with clarity and understand the reality of what has taken place? Life goes on, whether incarnate or not, but is it evolving? When there are those who see nothing but war for generations, where is their model for alternatives? They know nothing else, much less what they are capable of.

The reason for awakening, our brother, is to achieve a personal model for living and moving beyond these patterns of conflict and mayhem. And what is the source for this model of living but the truth within you. Learn of this. Explore this. Understand this. Make it your own. Awakening to the truth that you are, that lives within you, is the key to move beyond these cycles of violence.

Wars speak of victory, yet if there were victory, our brother, there would be no more wars. For what do they really resolve, other than temporary stays of execution and pain and suffering. The illusion of power traps many into these cycles. The incarnate life is but a moment. The life as the truth within you reveals cannot be taken away. Survival must take on new meaning. Apply this new meaning to your circumstance and your associations and your performance, as you walk through this life with a new champion that lives within you. This is powerful, our brother. Violence is not.

The theme here is “What is your role model for living?” Namaste, our brother.
June 14, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Generosity: a good day

After spending a lunch hour with my wife visiting her former colleagues, I had this attunement.

JANU: An interesting day, indeed. The healing of the hand has begun for that teacher. The warmth of renewed fond memories have been a blessing for the others on your day’s journey. Such events are a blessing beyond words or philosophies. Being a conduit for a touch beyond limitation will become a more frequent occurrence. When one is inspired by a quiet touch with fond memory, it lingers in the spirit, in the thoughts and emotions. Generosity, our brother, breeds generosity. That is a wise model for any day or interaction with others. Humanity needs this more and more. Feeling rich within, by its nature, wants to be passed on. Invest your blessings in others. Part of the flow of life, you see. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

May 12, 2016 B                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are focusing this evening on the hate that has prevailed so long in human civilization, individuals and groups. The KKK is an example, existing in the southern U.S. as an organization, but elsewhere in the background of society. The role of this for individuals with fear and disgust in the darker side of human nature is to externalize it in the darker races. It is created by greed and base human emotion. In some ways, it acted like—and acts like—a safety valve, outpicturing what lives within without responsibility for mastering it. Individuals seem locked in these cycles of hate based upon fear of what lives within them. When held so deeply for generations, it becomes a way of life, finding no model for the alternative, within. Joining with others for supporting the conviction. “Strength in numbers,” they would say. But what kind of strength is this? It is self-destructive, our brother, destroying the lives of others in the process.

Many humans still struggle with this division within themselves, finding little beauty in life that isn’t tainted by this battle within. Difficult to change. All of the energies and patterns are so strong. Society is changing and will continue to. So the strength in numbers diminishes and more and more of those consumed with this find themselves without support and alone. The only model they have for alternative is the society that is changing. As a result, the oppressed and brutalized are finding their place in life and demonstrating growing success and, to some degree, forgiveness in anticipation of their hatred for those who have abused. Both sides still struggle with many generations of families and culture blackened, if you will, in this way.

So we say to those who understand the difference: Shine your light in life and build strength in numbers through your own conviction and the clarity of understanding. Continue the progress. The rewards yet to come are freedoms in so many ways. Find peace in the change and the hope for the future. Be strong and forgiving, for “they know not what they do.” But they will in time. Namaste.
Mar. 8, 2016 B                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


A Christmas Message

JANU: You ask if this celebration of Christ has any counterpart on other worlds. It does, our brother. Not the date, of course. And not so much the individual, but the principle of celebration of True Nature. That is an ideal for incarnate beings.

There is a celebration of life itself in many forms, depending upon the awareness, the consciousness of the beings. Human Christ-consciousness is not the standard but one form, for humanity has yet to evolve into a deeper and larger truth. Some worlds, humanity could barely understand the principles involved, the philosophy. Christ celebration is useful. It keeps the door open to a deeper understanding, when humanity and individuals are ready.

Commercialism seems to be, for many, the reason for Christmas. At least, the practical one. Remember, Christmas’s symbolism, the merit in Christmas, is what the symbolism is a symbol of. A challenge. As the consciousness awakens, the symbols become less necessary for the consciousness has direct connection with the truth behind them.

This is part of awakening, of evolution, of the process of exploration of the incarnate life. Be patient with it. Allow its time to unfold. The love that is real behind all of this never wavers. Be about your life and do the best you can. Reach for the truth. Love each other and yourselves. Be at peace. Find joy where you may, and enrich life. Namaste.

Dec. 24, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Choosing a better day

JANU: Observing the questions, the desires, and the interests of humanity, a large portion concerned with health, relying on others to provide the answers. When in pain or overwhelmed with symptoms, it is more difficult to reach within so we say “Practice this in advance of illness and it will be more natural and effective during it.” And in many cases the insight gained will forewarn you of lifestyle that predisposes one for imbalance.

Another common interest is finances, financial wealth, including shelter and basic needs. In many cases, overindulgence, ineffective money management, and a lack of a savings plan create these conditions. It is possible to enjoy life that brings balance to perspective without requiring financial resources. A growing ability to find peace within, explore life and consciousness, revisit many pleasant experiences and memories, and enjoying nature is a good beginning.

Many are consumed with trepidation as to their future, including their families, their children, the nation, the government, so many elements of life. Living more in the Now brings you vision and a release from limiting concerns and an openness to adaptability to meet change and understand the nature of all of these. Living in the present is far more peaceful and rewarding than anticipating the change of the future and allows you to perceive what lives in the moment and be in harmony with it.

All of this takes practice, including letting go of limiting emotions and thoughts. The burden of these can be a source of depression. In some ways, the source of the future is your choices today. Programming your day and your tomorrow with the media perpetuates limitation and fear and distrust, which feeds the very situations that are undesirable. People choose wars, power over others, and whether realized or not, they choose poverty and illness.

Look at your choices every day. Determine if they support your true desires. Clear thinking, and opening a listening heart and mind, and a love of self translate into a better day. Namaste.

Nov. 12, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A look into the future

These two attunements present markers that may help us to recognize that we are awakening to the larger life, and a look at changes which may occur in Earth life as a result of these changes. The next century is really into the 22nd century, a further look down the road, so to speak.

Signs of a brighter future

JANU: We are looking forward to the excursion into life that awaits so much of humanity. Understanding that this is process, but what seems like a long time to humanity is but a moment in a larger reality.

Many signposts, so to speak, along the way, markers if you will. A growing presence of insights, individually and collectively, into better decision-making and innate understanding of personal and collective motivations. Another marker: a growing sensitivity to the needs of others, not in big ways, as you might call them, but in small ways. A growing sensitivity to health of the body, clarity of the mind, and heartfelt emotions. Sensitivity to energies, creating them, manipulating them, including those of nature and animals. A foundation-building of communication beyond words, with every part of life and nature. A form of telepathy here and there, improving with time and proving to be accurate. A growing ability to understand the causes of suffering and illness. The ability to see inside the body of another, identifying the pathology. The ability to feel color and project it. And yes, even the ability to transmute materials. A greater ability to be in focus and find peace. The ability to call upon the power within.

Many such qualities are in store for humanity, in balance and harmony with the life around you. Guided by the wisdom from within, a bright future for humanity, growing brighter with time. There will be struggles to let go of old ways that have imprisoned, so to speak, humanity. That is all changing, our brother. It is natural to let go of the old when the vision arrives for the new. Look forward to a bright future. It begins today. Namaste.

Oct. 20, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

A look at the next century

JANU: Moving into the next century of human achievement, let us consider several possibilities.

  • Avoiding disease through understanding of the entire being is on the horizon.
  • Human relationship with the Earth as two living consciousnesses will change critically humanity’s view of Earth as a resource, a consumable.
  • Enlightened reincarnation will change everything, eventually leading to manifestation of the human body at any stage of maturity.
  • So much of the human journey includes repetition of that learned before, but conscious awareness of the systems of the Earth will lead to forewarning of changes to be managed.
  • We are not speaking here of isolated individuals or groups moving in this direction but populations.
  • First contact with another world, publicly, is a slight possibility, as public human thought and consciousness moves beyond the Earth into larger realities.
  • More and more of humanity’s achievements in enlightened living will be inspired by these achievements with other species of other worlds, but this is a ways off yet.
  • Large differences in social and economic conditions still prevail.
  • The arts will suffer for a while due to a rebellion against change, but eventually flourish as a result of awakening consciousnesses not only to the beauty of life but as a way of life.

Humanity’s future is still larger than its past. In the scope of its destiny, it is just begun. Namaste.

Oct. 27, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Current attitudes towards holidays and humor

My journeys sometimes result from something witnessed on the morning news. These two are prime examples of that. The first reflects upon the holidays that have been conveniently re-scheduled to fall on a Monday and allow for a long weekend with sales, etc., and seems apropos for Veteran’s Day, as well. The second was triggered by my reaction to a news clip concerning yet another prank between celebrities.

Is Columbus Day just another holiday?

JANU:    What we see here are social traditions that bespeak of moments in human history that delve into the human psyche as a path of achievements to unite humanity in the cause of building upon its evolution. The point to be made here is the drifting of significance in the conscious minds from achievement to complacency. Many would be hard pressed to tell you the original core meaning of such celebratory traditions. Similarly, religious traditions fall into this. Taking the time to ponder these and be enlightened by not only their meaning but the experiences that created them.

Your own life path has many significant turning points and more will come. These patterns of life can guide you, bring confidence, and a kind of peace from understanding all you have accomplished. And it includes wisdom gained from so-called mistakes and wise choices. Yes, life is an experiment in consciousness, in creation, and evolution. The past is as much a part of your life as the present and the future.

When one contemplates progressing in life, moving on, so to speak, the question is: What is moving on? And what is the motivation? So, as another holiday is being experienced, what does it mean to you?

Oct. 11, 2015                                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: The focus this morning on human social commentary is humor. Humor at the expense of another degrades both parties and leaves the observer uncomfortable, without fond memories of the participation of both parties. Humor at the expense of yourself lightens the consciousness of others and bolsters their respect for you and opens them to allowing themselves to be as open and honest, freeing themselves from stifling seriousness.

As with warring, the former promotes unending revenge, getting even so to speak. And where does it end? It eventually collapses on itself and both parties are rejected by the observers. This certainly has nothing to do with being kind to each other, nothing endearing about this at all. Humor that brings lightheartedness lifts the consciousness and endears people to each other.

Be alert to the feelings that are produced in you when witnessing humor. Putting down another is never humorous. Encouraging people, by example, to laugh at themselves is uplifting. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Oct. 14, 2015                                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are elaborating upon the misfortunes of the day, for many people. It is easy to look upon the brutality of some national leaders, drug lords, and even individuals and find dismay about the current human journey. It helps to put this in perspective, realizing that these are temporary aberrations, and focus upon the wonder of human potential. Focus upon this alternative. Give it life and energy. Allow it to be, by your attention and prayers. Do not see the aberrations as permanent or powerful. They are not. They are temporary. We are not against these, but for the wonder of human potential, evidenced by the generosity and love and service given by so many. Your media could contribute to this potential by bringing to the light of the public the good works, shifting people’s focus from mayhem to enlightened service.

Kindness is very powerful when bringing people together for common benefit. No matter how seemingly small or insignificant a kindness, it is a seed that is planted and grows beyond its inception. Kindness is a liberator of the spirit. It includes encouragement, a smile, a compliment, caring, and an embrace, and consideration.

Choose any day with kindness as a theme. Allow yourself to be alert to opportunities. Kindness need not be demonstrative or overt. The purpose is to help others understand and feel positive about themselves. Gently, at times quietly, honestly and naturally, be kind to someone and yourself. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Oct. 1, 2015 B                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The truth within and the world you live in

JANU:    Many consider the inner life as one that is vague with specifics and terminology, but more as their own private thoughts vaguely associated with a nebulous deity to be understood by what the church teaches. This is useful to a degree, but elements of that dialogue within are sponsored by the True Nature.

Now the desire, here, is for humanity to awaken to more and more possibilities of the truth of their being and the Truth of Life, but not in such a way or pace as to interfere with the wisdom to be gained in the day to day, so to speak. So these changes in humanity, the awakening changes, have a natural pace to them. In due course, human consciousness will perceive the true nature of life in every reality and know that they themselves are so much more than they are aware of, blessing their lives and consciousness.

The identity of the human body allows assumptions of limitation. The boundaries of their experience controlled by shape and size, thoughts and feelings. They are shadows of the larger truth of who you are. Yes, many religions have many rituals, symbols, words, chants, mantras, hymns, but none of these secure the truth within and an understanding of the life you are a part of. They speak to these things, attempt to represent them, but you still don’t own them consciously.

Move beyond these things to a deep connection with your True Nature and the nature of life. Leave behind limitation. It is far simpler than all of these things. Direct knowing is more revealing than any ritual or icon. You are capable of this. Everyone is.

Otherwise, the wars continue, the cruelty and brutality, the poverty, the despair and suffering, while some live well, so to speak. Humanity has created its society, its conditions, but has difficulty seeing beyond these things and how to achieve them. Applying the truth of who you are to the truth of the world you live in as a human changes everything. Namaste.

Sept. 3, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross