The Discarnate Life: Comparisons

JANU:   We are Janu speaking, welcoming this opportunity to explore a part of life that leads to greater understanding and growth. For it is true that there are many parallels between incarnate and discarnate life. But there are differences, as well.

The passage of time in both worlds is non-linear, for that experience is a perception subject to many changes. Time in some circumstances seems interminable. And in others passes in a moment. This is also true in discarnate life. The cycles of life are many in incarnate experience. The days and nights, the comings and goings, of weather, of breathing. In discarnate life, the cycles are there as well, varying greatly from one subtle reality to another. But rhythm and pace, cycles of interaction, the flows of energy, the comings and goings of relationships. And even the Breath of Life, our brother, has a pulse, a rhythm, a cadence, which varies.

The transition itself has various experiences, depending upon the circumstances of the moment, the consciousness of the individual, from fear to joy. The challenges of the physical body disappear, but are remembered. The regret of unfinished business, so to speak, pertains for a time, until one perceives that life has successfully moved on.

Many linger to provide service for those of concern. And many move on, with larger concerns, some of which are carryovers of previous discarnate experiences. And some return to other worlds, to continue their incarnate experience through past association. Some combine with groups in spirit to develop new procedures that can serve humanity through inspiration and guidance. Some join in groups that help maintain many conditions of life; that stability keeps the opportunity for discovery and evolution to continue. And some continue their education with groupings designed for this. And some simply roam life to discover its nature and more of its creation.

This is a beginning look at transition and discarnate life, as you have requested. And yes, there is much more. Namaste.

June 27, 2014                   Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Examples of loving life and changing the world

JANU:As you enjoy a beautiful and peaceful day, we also have our comparable realities. When we observe in humanity a moment of peace and beauty and the love of giving, in anyone’s day if you will, we enjoy it as well. We would have you know that the mayhem you see in your world, and its intensity, is an indicator of the times to come, for eventually more and more of humanity will choose the alternative, finding they can no longer be happy with such a life. We choose to encourage humanity to realize it has everything it needs to choose the alternative and create it. Humanity has profound power to manifest its choices. Mayhem is a choice, our brother, and so are peace, joy, the love of giving, and the love of life.

Nature everywhere, all creatures, can sense and respond to this kind of consciousness. But not all creatures, and not all nature, have experienced kindness from humanity, but nature welcomes it. You have experienced sending love to a fish in an aquarium and have seen it approach in response. You have seen birds flock in a tree next to you when your consciousness was loving the morning. This is part of what we mean by ‘loving life’ genuinely, without agenda. Words are not needed, but loving energy is. This works with people as well, whether you know them or not.

Practice loving life as a viable and real way of living. The beauty and magic of this, our brother, will change the world. It is a powerful way to live, in harmony with life, and in harmony with who you are. The possibilities are unlimited and have always been available. Namaste, our brother.

June 20, 2014 B                                                                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The broader reality of mediumship

JANU: Now understand this, our brother: mediumship, a growing reality around your world, is not limited to humans. There are other consciousnesses that walk the Earth, and they too have instincts, sensitivities to impression and awareness. Humanity, of course, has the potential to apply insight for greater effectiveness. But humanity too long has considered their existence to be supreme and unique, understanding little of life’s communication with other lifeforms. Your world, as such, is a living consciousness. It has been at this far longer than human existence and is very sensitive to the influence of humanity upon the systems of life that are the Earth.

Now, mediumship from a human point of view is not only involved with beings of other worlds and realities, but with the natural influences of every other part of life. Understanding the sun and its cycles, the movements of nature, the star systems and their patterns, the disturbances in the bodies. This is part of mediumship, our brother. We have our contribution but so does every other part of life, to the one so attuned. Witness the gardener of your familiarity and her relationship with the world of plants and their relationship with the Earth. This is mediumship, our brother, reasonable, balanced, and a healthy form of living. One family member knowing the well-being of another family member at great distance is mediumship. And the prayers and well-wishes from one to another is another form of mediumship.

It is life communicating with life, on all levels, between all realities. It is not an activity unique to a few but enjoyed by everyone who chooses to engage life. So let us appreciate the many realities of communicating with life. Broaden the view and the appreciation. Namaste, our brother.

May 28, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


What does it mean to be Human?

JANU: We are Janu speaking on what it means to be human. What does it mean to be any species, our brother? Much is in common. Does one limit one’s perception to humanity being a particular lifeform, a kind of society with societal norms and values? Or as concept, born of life’s potential and the design of others? Humanity is all of these things, our brother, and more, as with any species.

It is useful to embrace the reality of life that all life is one, connected, interactive, and comprised of all of its elements, all of its creations. Humanity has a tendency to explore life based on a perception of its own longevity. There is so much of life that has existed outside of this. Humanity’s perceptions will modify as it becomes conscious of and interacts with many other worlds and species and realities, for its memory at this time is limited to its perception that it is unique and alone in the universe, and all that it has ever known. So to define humanity from the Earth point of view, in a manner that is relatable, is a challenge, you see.

Observe humanity, then, of the Earth from the perspective of another species from another world, and what do they perceive? They see an isolated existence, with limits that imposes. They see a species with potential they have yet to dream of. They see the potential for first contact, not the maturity for success. They see a species shaped entirely by its environment, even though it envisions travel to other worlds with different environments, not yet understanding adaptation that other species utilize. But they do see a species beginning to awaken to a life larger than they’ve known. They also see a sleeping giant with enormous potential, worthy of monitoring and understanding.

We do as well, our brother. And, in part, this is why we are here, serving humanity as a complete reality. Thank you and namaste.

June 7, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

For two previous journeys on this topic see [p2p type=”slug” value=”what-does-it-mean-to-be-human”]Feb. 7[/p2p] and [p2p type=”slug” value=”what-does-it-mean-to-be-human-is-explored”]Apr. 18[/p2p].


The collective consciousness of humanity is awakening

JANU: There is a growing presence in our vicinity of attunement and this presence is the collective consciousness of humanity, speaking as one. For as the individual awakens to their own True Nature, the collective consciousness of the one humanity quickens to its own True Nature and, in due course, humanity and individuals will become aware of this truth that describes humanity’s reality in the presence of life.
What we see this morning is a movement in consciousness for all that will facilitate humanity of the Earth becoming attuned to the humanity of other worlds. For the collective consciousness of humanity includes these, you see, and they are all one in this reality. So it behooves every grouping of humanity to awaken, building the foundation for what is to come. Understand this, our brother: humanity is not just a collection of physical incarnations, or should we say physically incarnated beings, but a multi-layered reality of presence in the flow of life. There will come a time when the concept of individual consciousness and personality ego will give way to a preferred and more fulfilling reality of collective consciousness, leading to at-one-ment with the overall thrust of life and destiny of the much larger human experience.
This perception is awakening throughout humanity and the name “humanity” will take on a much larger and deeper meaning. All of humanity is awakening, our brother, and the fundamentals of this collective perception will extend opportunities for profound relationships with many other worlds, and many other species, and many other realities of subtle existence. Much is coming, our brother. Let us prepare. Namaste.
June 4, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Science of Life: life processes

JANU:    [p2p type=”slug” value=”the-science-of-life-the-art-of-survival”]The Science of Life[/p2p] as a journey of understanding brings forth into the awareness, the consciousness, many things, including the past memories—and not just of this journey or sojourn—to be explored, understood, and resolved, and make their contribution to moving forward.

The term “science of life” suggests an examination of how life functions and the process of its existence. What we shall examine today is not ‘essential nature’ but is how it processes its many elements of reality. Now, the primary concern of human beings is being human, but there is much more. Your science is beginning to understand the nature and process of the creation of worlds, their endurance, and their demise.

But what of worlds that are not physical, or limited to that, are more energetic or ethereal if you will, and the beings that associate with these? Their experiences are quite different, but it is still life process, moving in the direction away from the recycling of ‘beginning and ending’ into the path of changing into variations on various themes, self-determination of transformations, the ‘art of becoming’ if you will.

And then there are those who exist or process life in more than one reality at a time, including those who associate with these worlds. Simultaneous multiple existence. Life streams that move in life this way enjoy, if you will, multiple experiences and interactions, simultaneously. They see life altogether differently than humanity does. Their thoughts and processes are not shaped by a sense of time and space and those limitations. Its processes are vaster and more encompassing. When one is conscious in this way, physical existence is a very small part of reality. The concept of lifetimes is left behind, for there is only life and it is eternal, renewing, with endless possibilities.

May 9, 2014                                                   Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The Archive of Knowledge of the Human Journey: The origin of humanity

JANU:    Enveloping the journey today is one who has profound knowledge of the human journey and speaks from the perspective of visiting humanity a number of times and, in a way, represents the archive of this focus.

KEEPERS OF THE HUMAN ARCHIVE:  In the tradition of these journeys: greetings, our brother. We are enamored of, so to speak, the achievements of humanity, the dark journeys as well as the ones of Light, and would lay down the portion of the foundation of understanding of that adventure.

Humanity began on your world with a tradition of imprint as existence elsewhere. Those beings who chose to participate in this agreed upon a path of discovery and eventual contribution to life. And, yes, it was an experiment of sorts. And this one who speaks was present during that discussion and agreement. The foundation we would expose or convey at this time is the foundation that began that decision to commence the human journey.

Three worlds were involved with this experiment, two of which were in the southern, so-called, portion of your sky, one in the north. They came together with an idea that there was a need in life, among other worlds and in the subtle realities of life, for a focus of what you call ‘brotherhood’: common service and a bringing of Light, the truth of the existence of others to their consciousness. For a civilization to carry this mission, there had to be a shaping of life to be on a world undisturbed for a period of time. The Earth was chosen from several candidates. As has been revealed before, other worlds were chosen as well, but with enough separation of distance, if you will, that each would find their own way and the qualities developed would have a chance to develop without interference or modification, for collectively these qualities were needed intact, if you will.

So, the adventure was begun on your Earth and we observed this. The moments of guidance and contribution were from these beings that began this adventure. And, yes, there was a ‘Ring Pass Not’ invoked in the beginnings. These few worlds were closely monitored and we observed with them, from time to time, and we were the record keepers. The archive of which you speak was of our creation, for the destiny of these human worlds was of significance and the learning through observation would serve other adventures as well, other projects.

Humanity emerged on the human worlds in different ways. Your scientific recorded history of the development on your Earth still has many gaps, if you will. And the history of humanity in its beginning development is much older than your science is aware of. There were exchanges between these human worlds in the form of beings reincarnating on one world or another. Therefore, imprinted within the human record in consciousness are the traits of some of these worlds, which may contribute here and there. Some of the DNA and evolution in Earth humanity is a contribution from these imprints. And this is how humanity on several human worlds form a bond or link to each other, for the collective evolution remains a collective one.

We have seen this evolution on these worlds and it is recorded. As the consciousness of each being evolves and opens and awakens, this record can be known and understood. Return as you may with this series.

May 11, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


What is an open mind?

JANU:   An open mind, indeed, is a worthy ongoing goal in the quest for life. It is a critical element in mastery of the challenges of life and we agree that it is to be developed for the benefit of humanity. What contributes to a closed mind might be explored as a beginning understanding of what is an open mind.

A closed mind lives in fear of anything new, unknown, challenging, and that challenges the comfort of a world of consciousness limited to what is known and safe. A closed mind can be compared to the limiting consciousness as relates to personal exercise, for many know of its benefit but still avoid it because it requires commitment, effort, follow through, regularity and, for effectiveness, a more detailed understanding of the physical body and the mind/body connection.

An open mind requires the commitment to the pursuit of understanding, taking the time to do this, the ability to focus and follow through. On certain levels, it does require effort, our brother, exercising the brain/mind connection and then, with the new information gathered and understood, decisions to be made as to application, modification of old ways, analysis, and the peace to absorb and evolve thoughts, emotions, passions, and a changing perception of reality. An opened mind serves all of the bodies, brings freedom to their evolution and sense of peace in any situation. An open mind recovers lost information and understanding of past relationships and the service they can bring to the moment. An open mind is more tolerant of others because of the understanding and allows for intimacy of relationship with those who differ from you. An open mind leaves one free to praise another, uplift, encourage, and inspire, for an open mind understands the benefit to everyone. An open mind embraces the future with enthusiasm, anticipation, and expectancy that the beauty of life is endless. An open mind partners with the other species of life, the other minds awakening to a grander life. An open mind moves beyond association to partnership, intimacy, and appreciation of oneness.

An open mind is the beginning for countless adventures and a relationship with all of life, not just abstractly but ‘at one with.’ An open mind and awakening go hand in hand.

May 10, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Energies—the Power to Exist: Life’s Imperative to Be

JANU:    A broader understanding of ‘energies’ is called for here, for energies as humanity understands them are far more gross, although essential, than the more causal realities, you see. Energies on these levels are best described as life in motion and the radiations of life that are created. When water flows in the stream, eddies and currents are created by the flow’s interaction with what can be seen as obstacles to that motion when, in fact, they are stimuli to the currents having energy, but are not the source of it. They are the result of life in motion. The existence of everything can be seen in this way, including your own consciousness and being. Life as such has always been in motion, regardless of the reality or subtlety of existence.

So energies are manifested as a result of the interactions, the momentums, of life in motion. The power to exist is the result of life in motion. And you ask,
”Where does this motion come from?” It is initiated by the singularities that cluster, resulting from an imperative in life to be. The source of which is a bit beyond the purview of these journeys; not unreachable or unknowable, but slightly out of reach for the current consciousness. The power to exist on any level is the result of life in motion, caused by the imperative to be. And that imperative translates to every existence of the continuation of life.

Now, it is wise to understand this imperative, for its presence, even in your thought and your awakening, the motivation to be, to grow, to learn, to achieve, to re-invent yourself so to speak, to help another overcome and be successful, is the result. One, to a degree, can become attuned to that reality at the heart of everything and gain clarity, strength, and resolve, for that imperative is one with all life and its origin.

Remember, existence is not permanent, cast in stone if you will, but is in motion and this motion carries the imperative of life to be.

May 7, 2014                                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

[p2p type=”slug” value=”energies-the-power-to-exist”]another journey[/p2p] on this subject



The Nature of Love: The Ways of Love

JANU:    The Nature of Love is a journey of longstanding, profound depth and unlimited potential. What is there to understand of love, other than it is the vehicle of life to exist, to be, to express, to embrace itself, to continue, and to become richer. Love is a reality that has so many attributes, characteristics, it is difficult to describe them. Here and there one appreciates the reality of love in a particular expression of life.

The path of discovery and growing into the meaning and purpose of love is a never-ending journey, but the entire journey is rich, our brother, and full of life. The meaning grows and deepens. And on this journey, one becomes conscious of oneness, connection with all that life is and can be. Even in deep despair and isolation, seeming separation from life, love is present. And yet one with your life continuing, to discover who you are, what you’re capable of, and why you exist.

The troubadour and his song are inspired by love and attempt to express it. The infant, newly born, is the embodiment of love, not only in its creation but in its love for the opportunity to be one with the parents and flower into this world. Everywhere that life issues forth, in new birth and in the transition of changing life, there is love. It never ceases, always in motion, and embraces you from within and without. It is interesting to observe love moving in waves through life, through populations, communities, families, surging and ebbing with conditions of consciousness.

Can an individual who lives alone be in love? They can and must be, our brother, for they are loved into life and, in return, are in love with life. A circle of being, one enhancing the other, as the Breath of Life moves across Creation. Life nurtures itself through love. The manifestations are beyond number. Find love in one way or another every day. Namaste.

May 1, 2014                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross