Non-physical platforms of life

JANU:     Other worlds are known as platforms of life but there are platforms that are not planets, so to speak. These platforms exist inter-dimensionally. By that we mean: positioned near worlds, planets, but not of them.

These worlds or platforms of life are focused as pinpoints of light, from your perspective. They exist energetically but not materialistically. Better understood as foci of consciousness, but with vitality in their reality. Their consciousness resembles that of a flame. They are expressions of life that have their own flow. They do not perceive physicality, but their reality is as real to them as is yours. A point of light, in this sense, when embraced reveals patterns of life that relate to each other in different ways.

They are a collective of awarenesses that embrace and employ the energetic life flow that is their nature. Their cycle of life is totally in their control, not based on time but based on memories of life pattern and interest. They are drawn to their kind of experience through their need to be. Their motivations are their nature. Their awareness includes what to them is a larger reality of being without limit. Your perceptions of time and space have no meaning to them. The peace they enjoy is not observed or understood as peace, as opposed to any distractions. Their journey of life is unlike your current existence and serves another purpose in the flow of life.

One purpose of this journey is to be aware that incarnate existence and its structures—the laws of nature—are its own, but the range of life is much more. An evolving perspective in consciousness is worthy. Namaste.
June 19, 2023                                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross