Evolutionary triggers of Earth and humanity

JANU:   Patterned after a legacy of other worlds, the awakening of Earth humanity reflects this legacy. Most of this legacy comes from worlds similar to Earth in terms of human existence, although completely different societies, by reason of compatibility of life patterns. In due course, humanity of Earth’s life patterns will be open to a consciousness that can assimilate those of other species of life, leading to collaborations.

But on the homefront, so to speak, the pace of evolution is not linear. Witness the exponential advancements scientifically, philosophically, and culturally. The journey of humanity, its relationship with the Earth life form, planetarily speaking, is a rocky one. Earth’s existence as a host for humanity and other species has its destiny of potential as well, although tested dearly. It will survive as an interactive existence.

Where we are going here with this, is a reformation, so to speak, that has been seeded in the consciousness of humanity and the Earth, a significant shift in the human/Earth relationship. The destinies of the two have trigger points, mutual evolution. Each has its own language, or should we say languages. Not easily finding common ground. This is why the the Wheeyah Codes legacy was created. The wisdom behind these is based upon long experience. Namaste.
May 5, 2020                                                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Human heritage in the Larger Life

JANU:   Ingénue is the first word of this theme, having to do with the prevailing course of destiny, the purpose of which is to foretell and fulfill the heritage of the human journey. “What heritage?” you ask. “Not from this world,” we would answer. Humanity’s heritage has been and is being formed on other worlds, rich in powers of superhuman consciousness. Humanity struggles with this legacy through its own superstitions, disbelief, fantasies, and selfish motivations. The Earth contains many inspirations for humanity to excel, most of which have been ignored to this point or corrupted.

The current pandemic is an opportunity to reset, recalibrate, refocus, repatterning so that destiny and potential and heritage find each other. The realities of other human experiences on other worlds can be attuned to and furthermore joined in with, to the benefit of all.

Let us turn our attention to those that administer insights for the challenges involved do not totally originate with humanity and its journeys. They have their counterpart in other cultures, other journeys of destiny. Humanity has yet to identify with the reality that it is connected in any way with other cultures, other realities and destinies in the larger Family of Life, not to mention all of the Larger Life. One of the purposes of the awakening of humanity is to reveal this, open the consciousness to much larger possibilities and understanding and command of opportunities to evolve and serve life.

Humanity’s potential is richer than current human consciousness, which would bring light to current pettiness and limitation. How can one make choices that are wise without awareness of the choices, you see? Namaste.
Apr. 27, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Mastering challenges

JANU:     We reach into the depths of our relationship to draw upon that which pertains to change. Tradition is part of this but not all, established life patterns to a greater degree, and the potential for recovery. Such it will be with the current challenges for humanity. Recovery will be similar. Choice making, survival, desire, commitment, and moments of achievement. But included in all of these is reflection, consideration, the search for meaning, and lesson learning. Inner strength is a foothold into meeting new challenges.

We all are one in this. Life will always continue, but it will change. That is part of the evolution of consciousness, even in Spirit, and adaptation. Individual humanity is part of a larger reality. It has momentum and purpose, destiny if you will, and a body of contribution to what can be. Continue to adapt. Face challenges and master them. Namaste.
Apr. 22, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Evolution and change

JANU:   The summary of reality is that the nature of life is fluid, self-maintaining, continuous, always in motion, supporting evolution through change. A wiser sense of security is one that embraces continuous change. So, when the so-called status quo feels the pressure of change, a greater peace and harmony is one that is changing, evolving, maturing, awakening. Mastership is being at one with the nature of everything, a continuous evolutionary process. Embracing and allowing change reveals its nature and its destiny. The experience produces wisdom, the true nature of being. Namaste.
Mar. 13, 2020                                                                                               Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


We are all unique and we are all one

JANU:   Brothers and sisters all, viewing humanity beyond the physical unites them all in the adventure of life. The gender specific natures exist in harmony as one, when viewed in this way. Perceiving past the apparent differences of incarnate life, one can see and connect with all as companions in life. Yes, different ranges of experience, accumulated wisdom, and strong tendencies of ability in many directions. But the True Natures are connected and fulfilling their potential by way of their destinies. Uniting everyone in your perceptions reveals this. See beyond limited differences, perceive True Nature, and understand and experience how much larger life is than most perceive.

Celebrate life in this way, during this season and always. A life no longer petty with misconceptions, misperceptions, and isolated interests. We are all unique, and we are all one, and together we are strong. Namaste.
Nov. 27, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The destiny of the Earth

JANU: Admirable is the quest of service. And serve we may, for the Earth is a thing of beauty. The equilibrium, the balance of so much life, the forces of nature, the energetic realities. And, yes, the Earth has an aura.

The human physical existence is an offshoot of the True Nature of the Earth. Humanity as a species is more closely linked with the destiny of the Earth than they realize. The peace that is generated, the joy, the passion for beauty and love are not just for each other but for the creatures and everything the Earth is.

There are sufficient forces, if you will, to maintain and continue the health and well-being of this world. Its destiny is only partially fulfilled. A great deal went into creating the Earth. Humanity has a tendency to see its relationship with the Earth as superior to, more valued than all the creatures of the world, than the world itself. The destiny of the Earth includes more than humanity and will be partially fulfilled by what humanity ultimately becomes. But its ignorance of the nature of life must give way to an awakening.

So, the service this evening is to the awakening of humanity and the well-being of the Earth, which includes all life on it and in it. We of the Brotherhood of Light hold this ideal, long established, even while the Earth was forming. Be at peace. All is well. Namaste.
Oct. 21, 2019 B                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years. 


The journey of gender

JANU:    The elephant in the room of your thoughts is called gender consciousness. Gender is born of the desire, in a larger life, to experience physical incarnate life and procreate the species through the division of identities being male and female. The physical bodies correspond to this, neither one being who you are but what you are exploring, experimenting with, experiencing, and the means to continue the experience. Let it be known that your True Nature is a harmonious combination, balance, of all of these qualities and far more.

The incarnate experience is an experiment in evolution of consciousness realizing more of life’s potential. The aberrations in this, of gay and lesbian, are a result of an attempt to incarnate as one consciousness again. But the evolution of the species has not caught up with this, but will in time, leading to some model of androgynous existence. The transition from one to another, from conscious union to the physical correspondence, has what some might call disturbances, irregularities. Even the union of races in incarnate existence is a part of this. The desire to re-unite as one complete beingness.

Awakening to the larger reality, the larger life of your own nature, helps reveal this with at larger vision that includes the elements of these realities. This, in the larger sense, is a reunion of the elements of gender into a realization, an expression in this dimension of physicality once again. There are journeys to follow this one, but a distraction at this time to explore. But humanity’s reality is in transition. Much to be experienced and learned along the way, building wisdom, evolving life.

So, in all of your endeavors while incarnate, evolve, grow, explore, continue, realize all potentials. Leave no stone unturned, so to speak. Fulfill your destinies that you have chosen and they will bring you into balance in the larger way in your expressions of life. Namaste.
Oct. 15, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The International Day of the Girl

JANU:   Recent events signify and signal that remuneration, so to speak, of investment of capital into the liberation and emancipation of the female gender of humanity. Let it be known that this so-called International Day of the Girl (celebrated Oct. 11th) is another threshold marking a consciousness shift in the destiny of humanity. It belongs to, on the order of, the awakening of humanity. Balance returning to the format of the genders of the species.

Yes, other worlds have achieved this and major changes in their evolution and achievements have occurred. This direction of change is essential for the awakening of humanity. The balance returned to human consciousness will benefit all creatures as well, for the relationship of humanity to nature will improve.

It takes both genders in society to bring balance to civilization and the legacy of humanity. This transition will have its challenges but be the observer in a larger way as destiny is being fulfilled. Namaste.
Oct. 11, 2019                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing form and formlessness

JANU:    Formlessness speaks to the freedom to be however you choose. Incarnating is part of this, to experience form and a reality structured in form. When discarnate, the memory of the experience is imprinted and this adds to the vocabulary, so to speak, of experience and the power to create. Thoughtforms exist. They come and go. They have purpose. They can have any structure. Discarnate beings can still produce thoughtforms. The incarnate experience adds to the repertoire.

In the Larger Life, the subtler realities, form is seen differently for energies have a different nature and the conditions of their existence affords different relationships in those life patterns. And, of course, the purpose and functions are different. This is as it is for many realities with different parameters of existence. The True Nature, the core being, is without form as these forms are understood, but relies upon form in these realities with these different natures to explore realities and express Life’s potential and evolution.

Seen in this way, form is not a fixed reality. It runs the gamut of life realities, some call ‘dimensions.’ But life is larger than this. It is this and much more. Yes, the True Nature is a co-creator and form is only part of this. What form is employed for, in embracing life and the wisdoms gained through experience, is part of the destiny of existence.

So, let us hold this understanding and allow the consciousness to expand and embrace it. There are many other realities that coexist with these, and many form realities to be explored as well. This is only one piece of the picture puzzle of life. There are many others, all coexisting. Namaste.
Sept. 12, 2019 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


More on the nature of existence

JANU:    Let us examine the nature of existence, to include the physical existence. For most, the nature of life is a physical reality, due in part to the veil which each one employed with their own choice. And, yes, it is a protocol for incarnation in this particular Earth venue. The nature of existence is life expression, realization of potential of all of collective life. Now, expression of life exists more than just physically, some have said the densest of realities although this is a limited point of view.

Eventually, the question arises: “What is life itself? What are all of these expressions an expression of?” As we reach for an understandable answer to the question, we realize that the human consciousness has not evolved to the point of comprehending the simple reality of this. The nature of all of life expression is beyond the ken, for it requires an opening to reality that contains all realities, or should we say, initiates them. For one’s human perception of physicality is vastness, unlimited diversity, complexity and simplicity combined to create a reality, when the nature is life is not described in space/time. The Source of Life is unrecognizable to those oriented to space/time reality, or even subtle dimensions beyond them. Yes, in the larger understanding, the deeper understanding, life has beginning, but the beginning is beyond life, more primal, more causal. The verification of its reality is all the expression you see and are.

So the nature of existence is not contained within the ken of most. There have been those who’ve had glimpses of this, but even those glimpses are superficial. Knowing there is a nature to reality, to existence, serves the purpose of confidence in the ongoingness of life, purpose, destiny, realization, which extends to your own existence, you see, as the nature of life continues its journey of expression, evolution, realization, beingness.

A worthy subject to consider with an opening mind, deepening perception, and conscious union with life itself. A calming, stabilizing, and unifying consciousness development. Find peace in this, and namaste.
July 1, 2019                                                                                    Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross