Discovering potential, future and destiny

JANU:    What is in store for humanity is its potential and that describes its future. Now you ask, “What is the source of that potential and is it fixed?” No, it is not fixed, our brother. It is in motion, as is all Life, its source. It is partially the True Nature, but even more so the potential of Life itself. For the potential of every person is part of a larger venue of Life, and even that is in motion as Life evolves. But it is a good beginning, our brother, to understand and realize human potential and its future.

You ask, “How does one discover that potential and understand it?” Its imprint, its footprint so to speak, is who you have been. Your history, your memories, your imprints bear witness to potential, so progress* those memories, those patterns of living, of consciousness, into the future of your destiny and potential is discovered.

Allow oneself to imagine, if you will, fantasize to a degree the heart’s desire for a rich life, not just for oneself but every other life that is touched. Dwell on potential understood in the moment, for the future lives there as well, as does the past. Linger there. Rise above conditioning that limits this. Find the peace in this and fulfill it. Namaste.
May 21, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

*To progress a memory means to envision the results and ramifications following from the current conditions as far into the future as you can or wish.


Enhancing the evolution of life

JANU: This tradition of serving the awakening of humanity incorporates many modalities, these journeys being but one. Many are contributing in a private way, unannounced. All forms of service are part of the larger picture and are considered in this network of understanding.

There are those who compose literature with themes in this direction. There are those who create artworks of many kinds to inspire awakening. There are those who serve the poor and the ill to inspire individual insight into their true nature, the nature of their existence. Many discarnate inspire those who serve that are incarnate. Awakening is a vast network of like-minded.

Yes, there are aspects of human society and behavior that try dearly these commitments. But life presses on, for human potential is known. Enhancing life in its evolution gives reason to persist in awakening. There are many who pray for peace and goodwill and their voices are heard. And the results of these are substantial. Many can see, in the young children, the hope of the future, the peace, love, and forgiveness, and open-mindedness, simple joy that they radiate.

The evidence of better life is everywhere. Never lose sight of this. Namaste.
Apr. 17, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 14 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Colonizing a new world

JANU: Seldom has there been more vigorous attempt to colonize a world filled with new adventures of potential and possibilities. This world we speak of belongs to a group, a cluster if you will, of stars and worlds 3.9 parsecs from the Earth. This world has been habitable for some time.

All of the beings who will populate, who will colonize this world are being transported there. Much of what has been learned from the human experience of the Earth will benefit this colony. We see an acceleration in evolution that will occur quickly compared to other worlds. The reason for this, our brother, is those who are awakening on other worlds will migrate there with a head start, so to speak.

Population density will be in the mere thousands to begin with but will soon grow, but not to the density of the Earth. The population will grow by design. This will be a population of enlightened beings, a kind of laboratory. Spontaneous pregnancy and birthing will eventually occur. These co-creators will manifest what they need, simply at first. Conscious beings outgrowing the need for the veil, you see. Much to be learned here. Namaste.
Apr. 18, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


The pursuit of happiness

JANU: The pursuit of happiness extends to the region of life known as sympathy, compassion, caring, sacrifice that uplifts. Pleasures are not limited to comfort, convenience, fanciful pursuits. In the larger view of life, the pursuit of happiness is serving the liberation and freedom of others as they endeavor to find their truth. There are many who do not realize they have a truth to be found. But beautifully and magically, one truth found leads to another and a life path awakens and continues to do so.

Each one has a truth to be found that is theirs. Discovering your own truth, owning it, understanding it brings peace of mind and a joy. A worthy pursuit, our brother, encouraging others to find truth within them. An endless adventure, for even truth is evolving, as is each one. What grander freedom to not only pursue but achieve? Find this in yourself and encourage it in others. Namaste.
Apr. 13, 2018 B                                                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Catharsis leads to a better future

JANU: As you observe much upheaval in human civilization, see this as a clear indicator of human catharsis. The evolution of human consciousness and society is seldom linear, you see. Cathartic events are sprinkled through the evolution of the species. So be not against these, our brother. Allow them to process out of human civilization and consciousness. Human society will survive these and blossom into something far greater. See them for what they are, while holding to the promise of what is to come.

This is necessary, our brother. Destructive performances are, by definition, self-destructive. On the other hand, generous and constructive performances build upon each other and have the support of the creative forces. Lifetimes to come will benefit from the changes of the moment. Namaste.
Apr. 5, 2018                                                                                    Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


The awakening of the Family of Life

JANU: The awakening of humanity is a new frontier. We are explorers, as are many others. This opportunity for a species to emerge into the larger life in consciousness is a milestone for Life itself. A grand adventure and experiment culminating in a new freedom of expression, creativity, and evolution.

You ask for specifics. There are many, our brother, but they are in motion subject to many changes. The purpose of this journey is to explore and become aware of some of the magnitude this represents. This occurrence is not unique to humanity of the Earth, but occurs in many forms and locations, venues if you will, and not just in this universe, of which there are many. Understanding the reality of the magnitude of oneness and connectivity opens the consciousness to perceptions most revealing.

Exploring the larger issues of life is not separate from exploring the details of so-called minor elements for it is all one life with unlimited expressions. The awakening of humanity is but one. Humanity is exploring its own awakening, discovering their essential reality. It is coming into focus collectively. Our journeys are only part of this, our brother, but they contribute, paving the way in reality and includes many. The Family of Life, conscious or not, to varying degrees, has momentum, tradition, foundation, and endurance. Namaste.
Apr. 4, 2018                                                                                    Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 13 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The children will show the way

JANU: Now listen to this, our brother, a new seed thought for the awakening of humanity. The union in consciousness of the human being with their True Nature will be a new dawn in the evolution of humanity. The day is coming when more and more will finally see a new adventure. No longer just isolated here and there but openly communicated to each other with mutual support. A revolution in human behavior and understanding.

And there are thresholds beyond this, our brother, many. For Life has not completed all of its potential, is still evolving. You speak of changes, life in motion. More than you can imagine, for what is Life without this? Becoming aware of so many other realities yields a perspective not found in just one.

The children will guide the way, for they are coming into your world with clarity beyond the veil. These journeys are to help guide their parents, the adults so to speak, to understanding them and providing an environment for them to blossom. They will be a trigger, a catalyst, for the new future of humanity. The challenges will be great. Change always challenges the status quo. Namaste.
Mar. 29, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Incarnation as expression of the Larger Life

JANU: We are reaching into the abyss once more to discover the heart of life. By this we mean: that which nurtures and supports you directly. Even though there are many patterns and expressions of the love of life, each one, each expression brings a freedom and a joy, a bond, a unification, a connection that joins people and other creatures of life with an intimacy that is beyond words but is recognized and valued. Allow this to flood into your consciousness, your own heart chakra, and the petals will blossom of this flower of life and radiate the pulse of life.

Realize this, then, our brother: the pulse of your heartbeat is an expression of the pulse of life. Life has rhythm, cadence, inbreath and outbreath. The flow of life is at one with the flow of the blood in the body. Allow these expressions of life to relate to each other, to communicate in their own way. Your vitality has its counterpart in the Larger Life, as do your thoughts and feelings. Breathing is more than just the exchange of air, but of subtle energies as well. Everything you experience in the incarnate life has its counterpart in the Larger Life. They are one. Allow yourself to be aware of it.

So, you see, the incarnate life is an expression of the Larger Life, evolving and changing as well. All of life is connected, our brother, as are we. Namaste.
Mar. 26, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


The dynamics of life

JANU:    Reach then into the dynamics of life and find, for your own enrichment, the presence of life that makes these possible. Life is dynamic. The oneness of everything is little understood, seems a contradiction and a vague reality.

The human identity with the physical life is a strong one and serves its purpose for the duration of each sojourn. But there comes a time when the reckoning takes place as to the order of things. The lifting of the veil, through desire and commitment, begins to reveal this. So one hangs on to incarnation for different reasons and not to the exclusion of a larger life. Being at peace in the midst of change is a challenge and an opportunity to human identification for, in your incarnate experience, everything has borders, limits, individual identity.

The reality of oneness, of connectedness is the bond that binds all of life, allowing for relationship, mutual enrichment and benefit, and mutual understanding. We are one, and unique. Part of the dynamic of life, the co-existence of realities, the evolution of life itself. Allow the oneness to penetrate the individuality, the isolation, the separation consciousness, and benefit mutually. The power and presence of life flowing freely. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2018                                                                      Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 12 contains prior attunements in this series.


The nature of love and life

JANU:    Part of understanding the nature of life is understanding the nature of love. They are synonymous when understood aright, engaged and experienced. There is a peace that is more profound and everlasting, a love that allows all expressions of being, supporting them evenly, continuously, for they are expressions of Life itself. Becoming one with what some would call the ‘big picture’ of life and all it includes, all the bits and pieces if you will, all of the changes, all of the nuances, all of the evolution. Life is at one with its own reality, the entire universe, one of many, and the reality that universes reside in.

You ask, “What is the nature of love?” It is the Life behind all of this, and its relationship with everything and every no-thing. It is Pure Being. The expressions of love, manifestations, are beyond number, but all connected, all at one. Love allows and supports and is Life in motion.

Awakening to your True Nature opens the door to embracing, for the human mind to grasp, what the True Nature understands and is continuing to evolve into. For your entire being embraces many realities, including its own source. A consciousness of oneness. A consciousness without condemnation, value judgements, preferences, dichotomies, yet includes all of these, for they are part of the evolution of Life through its creations. The Middle Way is a balanced approach to all of life. Namaste.
Mar. 20, 2018                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 12 contains prior attunements in this series.