Cooperation and competition

JANU: We are encouraging at this time the theme of cooperation. When examining human society and social consciousness, one observes cooperation and competition, both seen as healthy and productive aspects. Cooperation seems clear and its path to productivity and evolution. Competition, on the other hand, appears to have one take advantage of the another, not to the advantage of the other, you see. Now, this sharpens skills and the development of abilities, but it can also be very destructive when serving warring and so-called criminal behavior. So, how does one achieve competition in a society, that is perfect, where the outcomes benefit all?

Relationships are healthy when all parties prosper. This is clear in cooperation but not so clear in competition. So we see an element added here of perception or attitude, where one in competition with another includes in their perception that both prosper. What this leads to is a merging of cooperation and competition as one instead of a dichotomy. The relationship becomes evolutionary. So competition with another is not seeking their demise or poverty but a sharing of insights, creative ideas, and mutual benefit. So competition and cooperation modify each other, you see, called the flow of life. This merging can be revealed through process, more efficient, more productive. Creativity and ideas making it obvious that change is beneficial in one or both parties. But not so keen to see when one is destroying the other, suppressing the other’s creativity and prosperity.

In this way, this old way, cycles are repeated and few lessons learned. But life moves forward and continues to evolve. So choose wisely your path experience and what it includes. Namaste, our brother.
Mar. 24, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 19 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Encouragement on the path of awakening

JANU: We often speak of peace, its true power and role in awakening and in well-being. It goes hand in hand, connecting with the nature of your being and the deeper mysteries of life. Awakening is not a bargain you make with life or yourself. It has to do with a trust and a faith in the Truth of Life. Awakening is not just self-serving but contributes to the serving of all of humanity. Everything being connected reveals that what you engage in to build life, to create it, to evolve it, to realize its potential is service that touches everything. These journeys are such a service, as are many other endeavors of those who serve.

More and more, there is expansion of consciousness inspired by the truth within. The evolution of human consciousness is the composite of all of these, the movement from darkness into light. Even those possessed of their destructive ways are purging their systems of Light, their consciousness, of the darkness that seems to consume them. Changing the direction in your life can seem difficult, for how do you replace it with something you don’t understand and, as a result, fear? Make the choice to change from within. Allow yourself to see life differently. Ask yourself what can you be that would be more fulfilling.

Large changes, our brother, begin with small decisions. Your outer life is filled with opportunities to apply those decisions and see their result. Confidence builds with each application and experience. Learn to recognize the patterns of energy, emotions, thoughts, with each decision, each application, and each result. It strengthens the connection with the Light that lives within you. Do not be in a hurry. Be patient with yourself and life’s responses. Get used to the changes, and they will become a way of living.

This is the path of awakening. Start small and build. The rest will come, and you will discover you are not alone in this. And your True Nature will bring you insight, encouragement, and strength. Namaste.
Mar. 23, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 19 contains all prior attunements in this series.


How to begin intentional awakening

JANU: Enormous then is the journey ahead, and seemingly so for those to begin their journey. The challenge, recently asked by another, “How do you begin?” A very reasonable request.

You begin by asking yourself “Is there more to life than this?’ and then “Who am I? Is there a purpose?” And then allowing desire and commitment. Understanding the life around you and the life within you go hand in hand. They are one, in the deeper understanding. What would give you joy in your life, if you had the freedom to choose? Which, of course, you do. What is your dream for happiness and fulfillment?

Focus upon this and the understanding will come on how to begin. Life around you will demonstrate opportunity, as will the lives of others, building an inner peace that allows for listening and recognizing the truth within you. Practice this with repetition whenever it occurs to you. The outer life is fulfillment through expression of the truth within you. Make the two one.

The journey is without end, as is Life. It evolves, being ever more challenging and fulfilling. Sharing your lives with each other genuinely, with patience and kindness, builds unity. Many journeys, many beings, one evolving Life, benefiting from each other individually and collectively. The revelations come, new thresholds of being, understanding, and service. Do not forget patience and peace. Namaste.
Mar. 6, 2017                                       Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Finding joy in awakening

JANU:    We are savoring the moment, so to speak, rich in detail, rich with life, rich in scope, rich in depth. The element of life your attention is upon is the joy, the reality of being one with the larger life, your larger nature. The associations are many. The collaborations are unlimited in variety and their contribution to life.

By far, most of your existence is beyond time/space. Each physical sojourn is so brief in the scheme of time but the memories linger always and are timeless. The joy is from the richness of limitlessness. Yet, when looking upon each sojourn, one sees the patterns of evolution, of consciousness, creativity, the patterns of life. A living repository of life in motion. Any sense of loss is left behind, for nothing is lost. The patterns of incarnate life are retained and their reality can be explored, as you have many times.

These expanded journeys reveal inclusive consciousness of a rich life. The power and presence and reality of True Peace is part of your memory of being. Find joy in awakening, our brother. Namaste.
Feb. 22, 2017 B                              Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.


What is reality?

JANU: Once upon a time is a favorite phrase when beginning a story. The story of life, our brother, is beyond time and space and limitations. Reality beckons to the inquiring mind and the soul that longs for the truth and the adventure of ongoing life. Realities are created, our brother, through desire, commitment, and a loving spirit.

What is reality, then? Everything is reality, every possibility, every imagination, every created impulse. When aware of life beyond the limitations of so-called laws of nature, so-called scientific principles and truths, so much more is opened up to you. That is part of reality and adventure without limits. The unawakened experience in incarnate life makes excuses for ignorance by imagining that life has secrets the mind is unable to know or fathom. This is true for a limited state of consciousness, you see. Awakening changes all of this. Life does not keep secrets from itself. Nor does it destroy itself. The changes that occur in understanding and experience and the constructs of existence are accessible and your creativity can be part of this. So the question is not so much “What is reality?” but “What realities are there?” and “What can they be?”

Yes, there are so-called relationships in life, some call laws, principles, requirements to understand and explain reality. They are all mutable, our brother. Creativity, the life you choose to experience, participate in, and create, is not limited. The awakening consciousness slowly grows into unlimited thinking, understanding, and participation in life’s potential. Some would say that without these so-called laws, these rules of life, there would be chaos, no order, no structure, no predictable outcomes. The nature of life is not predictable absolutely, other than it continues, evolves, recreates, and is one. Even so-called physicality, the illusion of substance with borders and limits and relationships, is a limited truth.

Your own True Nature is testimony to unlimited life, unlimited possibility. Even love is vaster in scope than any understanding of it. So ponder this question. Listen to the truth of it. What is reality? There will always be more to understand and experience as you awaken. Namaste, our brother.
Feb. 6, 2017 B                             Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Giving up is not an option

JANU: We are summing up, if you will, observations that pertain to the dissemination of information that reveals human destiny. Though some may feel the destiny is tarnished, we see otherwise.

The destiny of humanity has the potential of the destiny of the True Nature, which has a tremendous capacity for the finer qualities that serve life. It is comforting to realize how close the Family of Life is. Family life is intimate. The human family is one with its spiritual family, for its true nature is such. Everything is known, our brother, cared about, understood. Human destiny includes its current challenges, and many to come. By beginning to see and experience all that is the Family of Life helps reveal that everything is possible. The collective diversity and strength and wisdom of the human and larger family is maturing, evolving and growing. See it as a so-called ‘shakedown cruise’ revealing well the weaknesses and strengths, taking steps to improve, survive, and create. Even quitting is not an option, for life will revive itself and continue on.

Expanding your identity to include the larger you, the larger Family of Life, deepens and broadens perspective, and giving up is no longer seen as an option. Be at peace and engage life as it is. Draw upon the vastness of the larger life which you are, and master all you can be. Namaste, our brother.
Jan. 30, 2017                              Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


Destructive and creative patterns of Life

JANU: An interesting subject, our brother, the recycling of life that continues to evolve, self-create as it continues. Consider what is currently known by your science: creation, evolution, destruction. Regeneration of the universe. This cycle of life exists in the smallest venues of life, and the largest. True not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well, on an individual and collective basis. The nature of change, of life in motion is inherent with this. The physical bodies come and go, yet life continues, evolving.

The changes in the DNA explain these things, but it goes much deeper than that, our brother. There are energetic realities as well that are changing. So, if your identity is as a human being, the eternal nature of which is change, evolution, continuation, the identity must change with this. Is your identity in motion, evolving, changing, expanding or contracting? Are your perceptions of life around you and within your consciousness the same?

Your existence is an echo of, a mirror of what the universe experiences. Allow these changes in the elements of your being. Adapt to them and with them, every day, even moment to moment. Life emerges through the so-called destruction of change. And what is that life, our brother, that the universe is and so are you? Patterns of life exist but are changing, but the identity is still Life immortalized through its creations and changes.

There is peace in this, our brother. It is the order of things, and it works. Be more aware of these patterns of life outside of you and within you, and through these your life continues. Namaste, our brother.
Jan. 18, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


A vision for the future of nations

JANU: We are examining the possibility of providing comfort and some security through peace of mind to world leaders. Their inspiration of their people is significant. We cannot say with certainty that this will prevail everywhere, but it is a worthy challenge and opportunity for the advancement of human consciousness and society.

What we see at this point belongs to the organization of those skilled in diplomacy and leadership founded in the principles of integrity. We have seen this challenge looming for some time and, as we have said before, challenges are opportunities to excel. Most leaders of the world have a common theme in their motivations, that is the viability and growth of their nations and their people. Building a strong alliance between national leaders of common purpose is what we endeavor to achieve, with their agreements.

So let us put our attention upon integrity and leadership, insight and purpose, and encouraging each other, realizing with vision that this path of consciousness raising and evolution is what helps guarantee the future of humanity. This vision is what’s needed, puts resources to common benefit and reduces waste and counterproductive conflicts. As each one achieves, confidence builds, insight is gained, creativity encouraged. Let the true power of peace on Earth prevail. Namaste, our brother.
Jan. 11, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

The reader may also wish to check out this previous posting regarding leadership and vision posted in December.

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 14 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Organization or chaos

JANU: Understanding organization is the theme. The word suggests linear and empirical relationships, order, hierarchy of procedure, structure, and complexity. This element or aspect of organization certainly does exist in the incarnate life, but in the larger life organization includes much more for all of life, which includes everything. Simultaneous existence that is in motion. Relationships that come and go, to varying degrees. Free will, to varying degrees. Every principle free to change, every so-called ‘law of life’ mutable. Even essential nature is in motion.

So, where does that leave one in perceiving, understanding discarnate life, the larger life? Organization and structure in each realm of life has its own parameters of existence, in order to have evolution without chaos, that patterns of life can manifest and mature, but diversity is unlimited. The seeming borders, limitations, and parameters of incarnate organization, seen only from that perspective, are perceived as permanent. Awakening, then, our brother, isn’t to discard one for another, but appreciate and understand the full range of expression. And through all of it is the one life, even realities beyond current understanding. So with every structure of thoughtful organization, be aware the alternatives are without limit, yet life continues and evolves and realizes its potential.

This reality is part of your incarnate life as well, although less understood. Your experience is a product of the limitations of your conditioning, what you allow and what you reject. There are those with abilities that seem to defy explanation. Yes, some accomplish great things without understanding completely how they were accomplished. So organizing your thoughts and perceptions first does not guarantee abilities yet to be achieved. Ask yourself, “How does one incarnate in the first place, from one reality to another?” Every reality has protocols of existence, yet it is possible to visit or know another reality without complete immersion. But the lessons of experience and wisdom gained are not fully possessed.

You have pondered the question, “Is life analog or digital?” The answer is “Yes, but more.” Is life organization or chaos? The answer is yes, and more. You are free to explore all of life. Be at peace with that and enjoy your journeys. Namaste, our brother.
Dec. 28, 2016                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 13 contains all prior attunements in this series.


New ideas and social consciousness

JANU: We are elaborating on the subject of the awakening process as pertains to social consciousness. Society is an interesting concept, for it includes relationships, not only externally between each other, but internally within the nature of the being. In similar fashion, our brother, these descriptors have their counterpart in our relationships as well. We are not all the same. As with humanity, diversity is a strength. Diversity in all of life makes life strong, endurable, and evolutionarily successful.

But human diversity while incarnate is a complex matter. Many elements of diversity do not survive in the human social reality, by reason of not being understood or relateable. How many new genius thoughts, unique, find their place in society? And how many do not? But for those with the larger view, there is plenty of time and opportunity for these new ideas to find fertile ground and to prosper. Even within those groups, those professions that endeavor to embrace new concepts, there are those with social traditional values that are reluctant to embrace an idea they do not understand yet.

Envision a society, then, that gives fair consideration to all new ideas, whether for current or future application. When an old idea seems to still be working effectively, why change it? Because life evolves, no matter the idea. Not all new ideas are easy transitions of change, for return on investment in traditions weighs heavily upon moving on. The awakening consciousness more easily sees past this—or should we say, through it—for it can project changes into future possibilities that are grander, more profound, and productive.

Difficult challenges for the incarnate human mind, but consider carefully a growing flexibility in your consciousness. When someone’s view seems to challenge your own, be patient and listen carefully. Understand greatly the flow of life and move with it. Namaste, our brother.
Dec. 27, 2016                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 12 contains all prior attunements in this series.