Two caveats in explorations of life

Reaching beyond your grasp

JANU: We are synthesizing the enormity of life into a simplicity of understanding that precedes the ability to know, understanding that it is not necessary or wise, while incarnate, to know all of life. There is wisdom, however, in being aware of its presence and allowing it to serve you on any point of need. Embracing more and more of life is a journey worth taking, enhancing your life while maintaining its integrity and your own sanity.

Yes, there are times when perspectives are challenged and need to evolve, for an attribute of life is change, allowing renewal, re-creation, and flow. Exploration without a central reference of the integrity of your True Nature brings confusion. Your ability to explore life must be tempered by your capacity for balance and integrity while doing so. Patience allows for this, reaching beyond the grasp does not. Timelessness is indeed a virtue. Namaste.

Sept. 23, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Time shifting

JANU:    Moving through time is a reality. Progress slowly with this, for movement through time has consequences and, for the unskilled, difficulty returning is one of them. Your current position in time is no more valid than any other time, but there is much more to it than that. Now, there is time shifting in consciousness, but physically is a different set of elements.

Genetic engineering is another arena of manipulating life, not always knowing in advance the ramifications. Another arena that is worthy of examination is your own consciousness, which includes perceptions, interpretations, emotional and mental patterns, that can have many ramifications, not only in this sojourn but in others to come. A thing uncontrolled seems uncontrollable. Time is a fluid part of life, and so are the patterns of your consciousness. Remember, everything is changing, alterable, but care and wisdom and patience are called for. Namaste.

Sept. 23, 2015B                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Seeing the larger life in everyone

JANU:    There is a tendency to perceive that the next phase of merging as one makes for a life and experience that transcends your current consciousness. Be it known, our brother, that that is one of many stages or phases of consciousness yet to come. There is always more. Life is a vast reality and becoming vaster.

As you achieve these, you serve the likelihood of this destiny for others. All of life is connected in this way. The evolution of one is the evolution of many, for as you become more conscious, you become more conscious of others and they with you. All part of the one life, you see. We are evolving as well, you see, as we share our evolution together. We are not in competition in any way, as are humans not yet enlightened to this, but in cooperation, in full support, and amidst a joy of discovery. All life in the universe is conscious, individually and collectively, at the same time.

No matter your environment, in any form, choose your focus. Discover, realize, and nurture your most noble passions and desires and capabilities. No need to preach them to everyone. Inspire by example, not just in deed but in thought and feelings. These are among the tools of creating, you see. We of the Brotherhood walk this path, serving countless venues of life.

Allow the focus of your consciousness intimacy with the larger life and be encouraged and impressed with the achievements of human consciousness. See the larger life in everyone. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 9, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



Our achievements are blessings for everyone

JANU: Much of what humanity has created to this point is based on fear. Much of the rest is based upon integrity and a belief in the sanctity of life and the needs of others. Would that individuals could perceive the collective reality of the human journey. Life is complex, in the sense that many realities co-exist and, you might say, bump into each other from time to time.

Rational mind prefers linear thinking and life to behave in this way. But it is not. Your own evolution is not. Your own thought processes are seldom that way. So, to understand your journey in life, when seen in this way, brings greater tolerance, forgiveness, and patience with the course of your own life and those of others.

Life is fluid and changing, elements modifying each other. Even our relationship is not fixed and evolves through change and experience and deepening understanding. Humanity would fare well to relate to each other in this way. A tight grip on any part of life will limit you and eventually challenge you. Moving with the flow of life has the same complexities, but when in the flow you change to meet them. Your innate nature, our brother, is intended and designed to succeed, to continue, to explore, to understand, and to support life.

Peace is more powerful than struggle and it is possible to struggle while at peace. The longer range the planning, the anticipation of what you will meet and what you will be will not hold the answers for you, our brother. But a growing consciousness and intimacy with life this very moment opens the door.

Trust in your insights. They will come. Trust in the power and the presence of life itself. It is always with you. Trust in the spirit of another, born of the one life as are you. Be grateful for the wisdom you have gained. It is a blessing for others as well, for we are all resources for each other. Namaste.

Sept. 5, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

The reciprocity of service

JANU:    The sum total of human consciousness on the Earth is a growing light. This growing light attracts those who wish to support it. This system of life is even larger than that. Consider the collective consciousness of all the True Natures of humanity. Yes, even the physical universe has its True Nature. You consider yourselves living systems. There are many. Collectively the universe evolves as consciousness and much more. Your individual being is a collective of systems far more than physicality. The Principles of Life as the source of your being relates to you, not unlike it relates to this one universe you live in.

Remembering that physical existence is a small part of this system, you are so much more. Remembering now that the light is the Truth of Life and shedding this Truth, this Light, upon the focus of your interests allows perception. Desire to see the truth of everything, including your own existence, and the light of humanity is richer. Allow your own experiences to benefit from the collective light of humanity. You coexist with the growing light of life. Be a light for others through your desires and your achievements.

Serve life in this way and you will be served as well. That is a theme of evolving existence: the reciprocity of service. Even as you seek and procure good health, radiate it. As you embrace a new understanding, an upliftment, a clarity, radiate it. Life does not hide its reality from itself. As you achieve deeper and truer peace, radiate it. Allow others to benefit from your existence. Namaste.

Aug. 28, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the Big Bang

JANU: We are taking a shift in perspective for this morning’s journey. There is what you might call a ‘back door’ approach to life, allowing perceptions to shift to the unexplored alternative views to what seems straightforward. You ask, “What is the nature of the ‘back door’ approach?” It is one that leaves established perceptions and finds its way free of the subterfuge piled upon direct perception by personality and ego and the more common perceptions of others.

For example, let us reach into the seeming abyss of the unknown, the whole concept of right and wrong, religion, spirituality, and find a truer balance, peace, symmetry, and freedom of perception. Your origin of the universe, physically, and other realities, aspects, subtler creations, the Big Bang theory, so to speak, misunderstood.

There is a reality called pre-creation. It lays the foundation for manifestation. As with any human creation, physically it begins with an idea, a seed thought, a moment of insight. Such it was with the beginning of the known universe for what you would call design and planning. Duration in time and space but a moment, but rich in elements and considerations. We are speaking of origin here, not explosive episodes in the manifestation. Even a solar explosion, if you will, a nova, is a long time in the creating. So, you see, these seemingly violent events are the culmination of eons upon eons of preparation. So see not the Big Bang as the beginning of things but a culmination in evolution.

So choose to perceive what leads up to these culminations. As has been said, “Then you know the rest of the story.” And even after the culminations, a protracted evolution of life continues. Life is a process, our brother. Settling for Big Bang scenarios hides the beauty, the dynamics, and the understanding of a wondrous life process. A consciousness that is timeless can perceive all. Namaste.

July 23, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Progress on the human journey of awakening

JANU: We are raising the consciousness this evening to include the condition of the awakening of humanity. This evening’s understanding and observation of this is founded on the principle that there belongs to each collective of a species of consciousness that the collective understanding of this subject is available to all servants with commitment. The seeming social distractions from awakening seem to belie current reality.

It is a service to continue to see and serve the progress humanity is making in its rejection of violence and embrace of wanting something better, more peaceful, more powerful in each one’s life. Caring for the well-being of the Earth and its creatures, and its ecosystems, its children and their education, collectively humanity is advancing. Seven percent, if you can measure it that way, which is a grand step forward. Humanity is fearing less and less those who would destroy the serenity and the peace and the power of the people’s dreams. Violence no longer feared has no future.

Be alert, our brother. Life, in the form of the creatures of the world, its weather patterns, its energetic realities, is powerful indeed and it has the ability, to varying degrees, to direct its own True Power to strengthen those who are in harmony with it. So, instead of being against mis-creations by humanity, be in harmony with the natural forces of peace that do exist in the world. Learn of them. Be sensitive to them. Serve them as they serve you. And this is not done being alone, our brother. There are so many who serve humanity, whether incarnate or not. Be confident in the power of this, its growth, its depth, in the presence of your life and the Earth that loves you. A better life is already on the way. Namaste.

July 23, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Being part of the systems of life

JANU:    The Earth is a complex being and has a True Nature. So it is with other worlds, our brother. The fundamental patterns of existence extend more widely than that of the human; therefore, understanding the nature of life is enhanced by understanding your own. Communication is possible, a kind of direct knowing, with any system of life. Oneness is seldom understood but it is the nature of relationships of expressions of life with each other.

How can one say, then, the life of the Earth, which includes many variables, is not a part of the human experience as well? For your body is made of the Earth, sustained by it, and there is pattern matching on every level. Relate to the Earth through the core realities of your own nature, your own being. Support its well-being through this relationship. When decisions are made involving the resources and the beauty of the Earth, have sensitivity to the needs of the Earth as well. Consider making a list of not only the benefits you gain from the Earth, every moment of every day, but understand the Earth more thoroughly and learn of its needs. Not just physical ones, you see, but energetic ones. And let service to life include the world that gives you life.

You ask of the Earth’s relationship with other worlds, including the Solar System. There is a synergism throughout the Solar System little understood, but the entire structure and balance and movements within the system influence each system of life within it. It is well to understand and perceive your own being and the complexity of your solar system as partners in life. Extend your consciousness to include this and make note of what is revealed.

Your Earth does not evolve on its own, but is part of a larger system of life, the complex and vast energy transfers, modulations, and you are a part of all of this, in one way or another. What humanity contributes to the flow of life is not a secret, but part of the Earth’s and the Solar System’s foundation of sharing influence and balance of peace.

Choose to listen, understand, and, yes, even communicate with the larger reality of your incarnate life. Be one with this Earth and its Solar System. Learn more of the way of life. The Earth understands a great deal. It is aware of much. Allow the comforting of each other. Your own True Nature understands this wisdom. There is one form of intelligence or another throughout life, our brother. Namaste.

July 10, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Primary patterns of human consciousness

JANU:    Elementally speaking, then, let us pursue an understanding of primary patterns of human consciousness and misinterpretations that lead to discordant behavior. Primary patterns are those that are initiated and evolved as the conditions of life change. And, yes, new patterns come forth from time to time. Primary patterns include survival, environmental relationships, health and well-being, creativity, loving discovery and understanding.

When you observe the current human condition, it is not difficult to see misinterpretations, misapplication, and misidentification. And, yes, identity is a primary pattern. Humanity has been asking, “Who am I?” for eons, mistakenly forming identity as the results of misinterpretation and misapplication of primary patterns.

And yes, the True Nature evolves as well and contributes to the conditioning of the outer experience. As we have said before, all the so-called ‘Laws of Life’ are mutable and the True Nature is included. So the journey of the merging of human consciousness with its True Nature involves cooperation and a desire to evolve, to create an enlightened identity continuously evolving.

Yes, we are one and a work in progress, so to speak. If life is always in motion and changing, we are part of that as well. Our bonding is essential. Let us walk into the future together. It is a rich one. Namaste.

May 23, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

An enhancement of opportunities

JANU: We are assembling the beginnings of a pronounced advancement in the opportunities for the awakening of humanity as determined by its evolution and desire.

You ask what the nature of these opportunities is. They are focused upon introspection with enlightenment, an enhancement of the joy of serving others, the ability to experience healing through the understanding and resolution of behavior and misperceptions. An example of this is the movement of humanity towards a more natural diet, exercise, the requirement of fresh air, and economic stability, bringing peace and a foundation for expressing creativity.

The movement away from, gradually, religious dogma, rituals, and requirements to an inner responsibility in harmony with life and the True Nature. Communication with other worlds for broadening understanding and the challenges and opportunities available. Opportunity of perception that is revealing and clarifies so many other misperceptions. Opportunities to focus attention and desires and abilities for greater and deeper results. Opportunities to communicate with understanding beyond words, leaving ambiguities behind, deception, dishonesty, and manipulation. Allowing each other to find peace with each other and confidence. And opportunities to love themselves, to love life, and to know their True Natures. All of these opportunities are real, our brother, and, as understanding and experience grows, will be more widely accepted and desired.

These are the paths to peace and well-being. It is remarkable, indeed, the longevity of the human body in the presence of these human conditions of ignorance. To experience oneness with the reality of life is liberating, expanding, and a blessing. Namaste.

May 19, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Evolving communication

JANU: We are combining with others to explore life, survey opportunities, and appreciate the desires of countless beings to explore and further their lives. Humanity is one such, as well. Humanity’s strong passions to evolve have existed through many changes. Other worlds have this as well, some of which humanity would recognize, much it would not understand. Looking for answers in nature, the sky, and so-called heavens, language has been both a blessing and a limitation, for with language it usurps the ideal or desire for communication and perception.

How does one shake off then the evolution of communication through language for something less ambiguous, with deeper meaning, encompassing far more of life? The powers of perception through awakening provide the answers. To evolve beyond language, spoken language, is an interesting challenge. Consider then that language on other worlds will not be English or any other Earth language. So where does that leave communication, mutual understanding, tolerance, patience, compassion, and relating? Could it be, then, that other types of communication are invaluable? Direct knowing beyond words, a sensitivity to the revealing energies of another, the patterns, emanations, inner configurations of thought and feelings, memories, visualizations. To be developed, seeing spoken language as an evolutionary step, not a final destination.

A picture truly is worth a thousand words, if understood. Is there any common ground in understanding an image or a color or moving patterns? Purpose and reason for being must include more than physical identity. The non-physical reality of human consciousness has always been in play but being accepted more and more as part of the human experience, not finding the answers in understanding just the physicality of the journey. Even individual consciousness, thoughts and exploration, are conditioned by words and their limited meanings. So how can communication in these new ways with others even begin without first beginning and developing with the individual?

When communicating with an animal or a creature, it is far more effective to project the visualization of meaning and inquiry. This is easy to test and witness, as you have already done. Spoken language is only part of the path of communication. It is wise to develop the rest of that path, even within your own consciousness. Namaste.

May 14, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross