Mastering change through awakening

JANU:    The realization of the coexistence of challenges and evolution, the flow of life, opens the door to a deeper understanding of co-creation and these challenges to evolution. Awakening affords the opportunity to manage change, challenges, without waiting for the destructive hurdles that can ensue forcing change. So change in harmony with the flow of life is the key, through insight, understanding and acceptance.

The destructive side of challenges is cause and effect, from life patterns that have become fixed. Frequent inquiry into the need for change and the openness to understand it and embrace it is a more peaceful path in the flow of life. Learn the signs, the language of change: encouragements, the insights, and the desire. You are life in motion.

Challenge thoughts and desires of sameness, continuations of any one pattern in life. Become a conscious being in motion, not blindly but with insight and wisdom. Your True Nature is the doorway to achieve this. It is you. Awaken to the larger reality of being. Namaste.
Aug. 31, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Message for Humanity: The power within

JANU:   The term ‘inner power’ can easily be misinterpreted to resemble the unenlightened  pursuit of power. True power is not limited to some vague and mysterious and elusive inner reality. It is at the heart of everything and universally present. Your existence is testimony to this. Some call it the ‘flow of life.’ True power creates, resolves, brings clarity, continuation, evolution, peace, solutions, harmony. The source of true power is Life itself. And what isn’t Life?

The illusions of power can obscure this reality for they do not require awakening harmony with all life and they are short-lived and have a price. True power is always available, costs nothing but allowing. When conflict and confusion and frustration are present, opening to the power within, so to speak, and allowing it into your consciousness brings simplicity to complexity. And simplicity touches more of life, brings clarity to see through confusion and the illusions of external power. Obedience, servitude, cost, compromise are not the attributes of the results of true power. False power does not bring joy, peace of mind, happiness to all that it touches. Recognize the difference by the results.

At this time, many are looking for leadership. Use this to find wisdom in those who would lead. Call upon the wisdom in your own True Nature as an example. You are more than you know, but the knowing is there. Choose your life wisely. Namaste.
Aug. 14, 2024
Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Surveyance or observation can have different tones to it, and styles. One can be observation without engagement. Another can be engagement, with more experience, intimacy. We have known for some time that the form of observation can change appropriate to the moment of that being observed. The consciousness of the moment, of the observer and that observed, have a potential for a disciplined approach that includes mutual benefit and even service to Life. This is true when observing others, whether human or not, any living creature, even worlds. Patience is the key here, as well as motivation, desires.

Researching Life can be dominantly intellectual. Intimacy in observation allows for empathy. A structure to service ensues with natural qualities. Team effort with a multiple of servers. The objects of observation bring unity and harmony that progresses with the flow of life. Becoming integrated consciously with the composite of Life brings depth to the experience. But change is Life in motion, evolving. So what does one hang on to then, if the illusion of stability is entertained?

Being comfortable with change and those patterns in motion gives confidence in outcomes, opportunities, and potential. Exploring Life in motion reveals much. Consider this when opening to a growing understanding and intimacy with Life, including your own. Namaste.
June 23, 2024                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The time of awakening

JANU:   The course of events predictable to degrees, for the politics of governments and civilizations of the Earth for the next few years is troublesome for many. But the noise that most hear is not the core nature of the desire and needs of the people. The political leaders of a number of countries equate their individual personal power as the wisdom of the country. It wanders in and out of that, at great expense. The manifestation of potential of the true power of human consciousness that can maximize the evolution of humanity is more outside of their realm of consciousness than inside it.

The potential of human consciousness–in harmony with the flow of life, the evolution of life, the genius of life and the beauty and love of life–is in harmony with the footsteps of many whose power is not limited to politics. In due course, the political and otherwise leadership will blossom with the right nutrition.

Contact with other worlds, populated, will help to fill in the gaps. It is time for human consciousness and civilization to broaden and be a contributor. The issue of survival and development will no longer be limited to and understanding physical existence, but identification will include more of life than that. A larger perception, a more inclusive perception of Life and one’s part to play will put everything in a new light.

Awakening to the Larger Life is occurring. There is far more developing through this universe on multiple life levels than humanity is aware of. In time, cultures benefit from each other and, at the same time, evolve into a larger ability to contribute. Choose more to give, to become, and be. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2024                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   The fundamentals of life achieved recently in understanding—the realization of potential, wisdom, conscious union—can contribute to happiness because of the harmony with the flow of life. Finding peace and happiness in the moment is achievable without struggle or effort by letting go of the structures in life that interfere: greed, lust, violence, avarice, sense of depravation or unworthiness. Harmony and happiness, peace, are natural gifts of being. Feeling worthy with a birthright brings confidence, peace of mind, and openness to the flow of life filled with gifts and opportunities. The systems of physical life, thoughts and emotions, thoughts of giving and uplifting have always been there and others have always been ready and willing to exchange them. Each day is filled with opportunity to be kind, even to those who don’t seem to respond similarly. “Humankind”* a powerful sentiment to live by. Namaste.

Feb. 24, 2024                                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

*This refers to the bumper sticker “Humankind—Please be both.”


What is journeying?

JANU: Summing up, if you will, a peaceful negotiation to the protocols of harmony, prolonged communication, and our best performance on the quest for the Truth of Life and a destiny of evolving. Let us explore the conditions of life, the flow of life, the nature of everything, and by this we mean the relationships of all things to each other. Life is symmetry and an evolving diversity. Together, it brings about change, the expression of creativity, freedom, organization, limitlessness with patterns, purpose with wonder and amazement.

Being conscious is life in motion. Asking the questions, inquiries, is evidence of this. Insights are the responses. Be open to discovery and understanding. Let us continue in this direction. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2023                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

The topic of Journeying has come up before. The reader may also wish to read those on page Benefits of Journeying for earlier perspectives.


Enriching life

JANU:   Enriching life has possibilities within and beyond imagination. True Peace is one. What does that mean? How is that expressed? Touching life in meaningful ways.

A lot of resentment exists in society at this time, for many reasons. Fame, fortune, power, wisdom, opportunities, influence, economics and health, achievements or the lack thereof. True Peace contains gratitude for what has been achieved and what can be achieved. Wandering through the corridors of one’s existence, one’s life path, being grateful for any achievement, no matter to what degree, opens the door of opportunities to add to and magnify these, not based upon the path of others. Being an inspiration for the achievements of others is being grateful for their achievements. For the path of peace is connected to all paths of peace. So gratitude is a unifier and enriches life by way of past achievements through opportunities that are mutually beneficial.

So, how does one enrich life? By being inspired and inspiring. By discovering realization and understanding. Revealing others has opportunity to enrich life in some way. Bringing light where there is darkness. Revealing the Truth of Life. Expressing conscious union by being it. Union with your True Nature is a path to union with more and more of life, a growing confidence in the beauty, the magic, the potential, the nature of life.

True power is in harmony with the flow of life, which is part of everything, being in wonder of it all and loving it. Namaste.

Nov. 13, 2023                                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Challenges and solutions

JANU: As requested, the focus is ‘challenges and solutions.’ Often, the challenges superficially are more readily apparent than the solutions. But not all challenges are physically obvious. Life is more diverse than that and all realities are connected.

So it is with solutions. Not all solutions are physical in their natures, but some more so than others. Rearranging relationships while being attuned to the flows of life allows solutions to flow as well, for the challenge and the solution are one. As stated earlier, look at the heart of any challenge and there lies the solution.

Accomplishing this is aided by a growing conscious union with the larger nature of your own being. Beyond the veil of forgetfulness, one is still connected. The desire to know and to be acts as a key to unlock the path to knowingness, to conscious union, which strengthens with each achievement.

See not challenges as unknowable in their solution. You are one with all of life. Explore it. Grow in your understanding of it and your relationship with it. Challenges and solutions coexist. All of life coexists. Be an explorer, a discoverer, a revealer, and employ what life offers. The tools of life are vast and evolving. What greater challenge and opportunity for an explorer than a life reality ever-changing, evolving, creating, and responding? Challenges are not obstacles to avoid or ignore. They are part of the evolution of life. The solutions bring confidence in the magic and continuation of Life itself. Namaste.

Nov. 7, 2023                                                                             Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Non-physical platforms of life

JANU:     Other worlds are known as platforms of life but there are platforms that are not planets, so to speak. These platforms exist inter-dimensionally. By that we mean: positioned near worlds, planets, but not of them.

These worlds or platforms of life are focused as pinpoints of light, from your perspective. They exist energetically but not materialistically. Better understood as foci of consciousness, but with vitality in their reality. Their consciousness resembles that of a flame. They are expressions of life that have their own flow. They do not perceive physicality, but their reality is as real to them as is yours. A point of light, in this sense, when embraced reveals patterns of life that relate to each other in different ways.

They are a collective of awarenesses that embrace and employ the energetic life flow that is their nature. Their cycle of life is totally in their control, not based on time but based on memories of life pattern and interest. They are drawn to their kind of experience through their need to be. Their motivations are their nature. Their awareness includes what to them is a larger reality of being without limit. Your perceptions of time and space have no meaning to them. The peace they enjoy is not observed or understood as peace, as opposed to any distractions. Their journey of life is unlike your current existence and serves another purpose in the flow of life.

One purpose of this journey is to be aware that incarnate existence and its structures—the laws of nature—are its own, but the range of life is much more. An evolving perspective in consciousness is worthy. Namaste.
June 19, 2023                                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A world mastering adaptability

JANU: This next world we approach is larger than the Earth. It is younger than the Earth. Its civilizations and nature are going through primitive stages that are quite different than the Earth’s history, for the environmental and natural conditions not only are different but varied. The accommodation for living is part of the growth process, the evolution in consciousness causing the major concentration of adaptive behavior. The storms can be intense and varied, from arid to much geographical upheaval. Physicality of any civilization changes with the tides. As these changes are so prolonged, physical adaptation is required.

The population, the inhabitants, are older than those of Earth’s but the challenges have been greater. As a result, the power to adapt has opened the door to a wider array of experience, wisdom gaining, and adaptive creativity. Earth’s population could learn much from understanding these changes and what it takes, for humanity on the Earth struggles with adaptation. The beings of this other world are mastering it; therefore, their researches, their quests in consciousness more easily adapt to other realities of life. And their adventures of adaptation move more in the flow of life, and they gain ground more rapidly.

In due course, their adaptation will minimize physicality dependency which will lead to new adventures of freedom to explore life. They have already visited other worlds in consciousness, and in their new lives, their new realities, their visits are no longer needed to be physical, the interesting combination of realities being explored in whole new ways. So, understanding the reality of adaptation, and the freedom and ability to do so, is one of the gifts of this observation. At the least, this understanding brings hope to potential, should this element of reality blossom on the human journey on Earth. Namaste.
May 12, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross