Absolute truth

JANU:    We encourage the denial of distraction when focusing upon the Larger Life. Choosing, then, clarity, presence, revelation, and understanding. The path of peace and this choice coexist. What is there to discover but the truth behind everything, including one’s own Nature? Let us spend our journeys in the pursuit of clarity, of revelation, gaining familiarity already achieved beyond this incarnation. And during others, we might add.

Absolute truth is not absolute. It evolves with the realization of potential and the reality of creativity. Layers, degrees, perspectives of truth are part of the flow of life. So what does one reach for, then, when exploring the nature of life? One explores life in motion, constantly changing, evolving, the coexistence of countless realities. Absolutes do not apply. The only limit is perception and understanding. But being in harmony and at peace with the flow of life reveals the truth of this.

So, when communicating with others, emphasize this. Every consciousness perceives differently, yet together they help reveal the larger truth of the mystery of life. Honor each other’s perception as you explore this changing tapestry. Namaste.
Dec. 26, 2018                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Understanding and inspiring service

JANU:   Service itself is a grand perspective on life. It demonstrates its true nature and its potential. Service unites life and facilitates its supporting itself in all of its nuance of existence. True service is recognized for what it is by all of life. It does not need to convince that it serves of its purpose. And true service emulates the core nature that gives life to all aspects of creation.

What we serve this afternoon is the understanding of service throughout humanity and inspire the other kingdoms of nature in this way of relating to life and of honoring your being. Even explorers and pioneers in the fields of life of human endeavors serve life by bringing awareness of its depth and reality to the fore. The true explorer has a consciousness that is open to unknown possibilities and therefore new understandings and sensitivity to that that is discovered.

These qualities can be lived in discovering your neighbor and discovering a stranger and discovering who you are. Even service of long standing in one element of life has discovery of limitless possibilities. Each embrace of life through service leads to greater revelation, not only of that served but of your nature and your growing capacity to connect with life.

True service is true love in action, even as the source of life serves you, for true service does not require payment or recognition or adulation or worship, and neither does the source of your life. True service demonstrates the flow of life and no deficiency is left in the one who serves, when that service is in harmony with the flow of life. One no longer needs to appraise whether that given to another has been restored, for that given to another does not originate in the giver. What originates in the giver is the willingness to give.

We would instill these qualities in humanity, nestled in the qualities of the true heart, free of prejudice and compromising agenda. This one perspective alone opens the door of opportunity to the rest of life. And now, allow your heart to communicate this truth to the hearts of humanity.

Let us continue in this way of exploration through service. Until next time, good afternoon and namaste.
May 8, 1998 C                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


All is possible

JANU:    Awakening is progressing life, which amounts to serving all of life. It matters not to what degree, or what form, or its timing. Life naturally sorts this into its tapestry. Understanding awakening is a larger issue than humanity’s journey. All of life is awakening in the sense of realizing its potential. Even potential evolves. The looping reality of life supports this. Such is true for an individual as well. The flow of insights, of possibilities to explore, to ponder, to apply, to experience is part of the evolving consciousness and an evolving True Nature and beyond.

Awakening is becoming more conscious of more of life, for all of life coexists. You ask, “What is Life?” Life is the vitality of being, the motivation to continue. But understanding and being conscious of life is a journey in harmony with all of the realities of one’s existence. Even the subtler worlds are not as isolated from each other as one might think. That is perception of limited consciousness, so-called individuality, the less conscious individual focused on the human experience.

As one becomes more conscious, one can sense the ocean of life, the heart, the mind, the consciousness of another, and their thoughts as well. One becomes aware of the origin of one’s own perceptions. Co-creation, intimacy, with the flow of life, all things are possible. Namaste.
Dec. 17, 2018 B                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Leadership involves everyone

JANU:    Urgency is the hallmark of impatience. Persistency and confidence are the hallmark of patience and due process. What we focus our attention on at this time is deliberation in the sanctity of the flow of life, resolute behavior in harmony with benevolent vision of leadership, and the integrity of those being led. A package deal, if you will, for the evolution of consciousness in a society. The Founding Fathers of this country were inspired by this. They had their own foibles, but a vision as well. A leader has little chance of success without those being led having vision, commitment, and desire in the same direction. So, as you seek leadership, seek it in everyone involved, so that wisdom may reign and individual creativity and talents may flourish and add their contribution to the evolution of life. Mold your desires for advancement with care. Namaste.
Dec. 27, 2018                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


True Peace: in harmony with the flow of life

JANU: We are at peace in the flow of life. And what grander peace is there? How magnificent each one is, yet unaware. Rich then, beyond words, beyond limited perceptions, beyond confusion, beyond ignorance.

Experience a sense of richness having nothing to do with material wealth or human power, perceptions. Experience the freedom of richness. Experience the intimacy of conscious connection and union with any part of life your attention is upon. The richness of memories of all experiences from all sojourns, whether incarnate or not. Not only rich with blessings but the richness of sharing them, loving the beauty of each one’s nature into the freedom of their own.

The true power of peace is freedom to be. All of life coexists, including the so-called individual. Co-creation and co-existence. Diversity and oneness coexist, unique expressions of oneness.

A consciousness at peace, we are that we are. I am that I am. An inclusive identity, with unlimited integrity. Namaste.
Dec. 12, 2018 B                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Precipitation and the law of attraction

JANU: Correct and proper is the premise that the law of attraction follows the attention. The one who reaches for their divine nature through the journey of awakening is beset with many blessings. Holding this ideal for self and others is on the one hand the path of enrichment, and on the other the path of service. A coalition of the two encourages enhancement of this direction.

The journey of life reveals potential through creating, not just physically, our brother, but in every way. Creating is a partnership with the flow of life and the creative forces involved with every manifestation, whether physical or not. Life and its creations are always beautiful. How can they not be, when appreciated for their intrinsic qualities and the presence of life they are imbued with?

One grand journey after another awaits the journeyer on this path. The courage and strength to embrace more of the Larger Life comes with the measure of Light that is embraced. If one falters, so to speak, or stumbles or becomes confused, reaffirm, reassert the law of attraction and the ideals desired. Be persistent as life always is. Witness the growing weed in the most barren of places, the harshest of conditions. Even the weed in the garden, our brother, has its beauty by what it represents. So it is with your cherished thoughts and desires, no matter how obscure or alone they may seem. Allow life to flourish in your experiences and embrace their progeny. Namaste.
Dec. 4, 2018                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Potential, networking, and synergism

JANU:    We are savoring with you the delightful edibles of life, the consuming of enrichment based upon revelations of the Truth of Life. Human potential breathes these expressions of life into existence by way of desire, opportunity, and the triggers life brings to experience. Human potential is one of many throughout Life, and worthy of much study. How does one study that yet unmanifest? It is done through insight, the sight of an open consciousness with a passion for discovery, and the consideration of possibilities. Yes, integrity is key in this, that the focus remain pure enough that the flow of life finds expression.

Human potential and the Larger Life are one, you see, and as potential is realized, the life becomes larger still. They are hand in hand, one. This reality extends itself to many other venues of life, not the least of which we are about to explore in the region of Andromeda. There is a synergism to all of this. So far as potentials are explored and realized everywhere, the network of Life is enriched and unified. For Life is the composite of all of these, not just humanity.

Individual potential and discovery, networking with others, respect for every journey of becoming, and appreciation of the beauty of it all. The integrity of each journey brings to conclusion each opportunity and prepares for the next. Live as one, our brother, in the integrity of life, this networking of its elements, and the synergism of it all. Namaste.
Nov. 27, 2018                                                                    Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Transcendence and transition

JANU:    Transcendence and transition are themes that coincide with the flow of life, change, evolution, awakening. Transcendence is transcending limitation, close-mindedness, any particular cycle of life. Transition is the movement into beingness that does not escape any reality, but expands to include more reality, becoming conscious as an inclusive being no matter what is discovered.

You ask the question, “Does everything exist to be discovered?” No, our brother, life continues to evolve and create, expanding its potential and self-mastery. So being an explorer to the nature of life has no end goal. Transcend limitation and transit into unlimited being. Allow everything to exist in its own reality, included in the one Life. Explore, if you will, these realities, whether physical or not. They extend greatly throughout the flow of life.

Exploration, our brother, but transcendence and transition are the way to the fuller life and in harmony with its flow of change, movement, expansion, realization, and potential. True freedom, you see, rich in peace and love of life. Namaste.
Nov. 22, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Is life exact?

JANU: Exactitude is an interesting concept, for it denotes on the one hand absolute precision but obscures on the other hand the diversity of life, experimentation, the diversions and corrections and re-directions.             There are those who have this tendency to require precision in everything. Even when you observe their lives, the only thing precise about them is the flow of life, which includes everything.

So, how does one, then, wrap their mind around the diversity of life and its constancy, its inclusiveness, no matter what? Life, through all if its creations, is an experimenter, a researcher, and benefits from everything one way or another. So what does one identify with in the world of precision when it includes so much diversity? What is success, then, but that life continues no matter what?

Peace in the midst of unpredictable diversity goes a long way towards mastering life and achievement. Gain wisdom from all experiences, all experimentation, all of your differences, for they are the one life and they all co-exist and synergism abounds. Be at peace in the midst of this, our brother, and you will understand. Namaste.
Nov. 13, 2018 B                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Always take the larger view

JANU:    Slogans are useful in some situations for perpetuating an understanding, even though indirectly. What pertains to human potential, in this sense, is the slogan “Nothing is lost, everything to be gained.”

Taking the larger view of life brings into focus the overall pattern of life, the trending, the progressions, and the fields of creation. The human heart is abundant with these. The consciousness potential exceeds even these. So, as we examine and deal with these moments in life, we agree with what can be accomplished.

The word ‘sacred’ gets used a lot in religious understanding. What is sacred, our brother, is life itself. Everything else are moments of realization, seemingly scattered and disassociated, but the larger view shows the pattern, and the pattern is life in motion, one form giving way to another. Expressions come and go but the flow of life continues as it will always be.

Reach into seeming darkness with the power of truth, the power of understanding, and the power of the love of life. We are one in this. Always take the larger view when observing each moment of life, each challenge, and each victory. Namaste.
Nov. 13, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross