Freedom to be

JANU:    Incarnate life was always destined to be a physical experience, merged with the larger consciousness, the wisdom of the True Nature, working as one not only to experience but to enrich. The destiny has not changed. The veil is transformed into clarity when no longer needed. When the larger life is merged with the incarnate life, consciously, both are enriched.

Yes, there is one life, our brother, in the larger sense, but with many realities co-existing. The human identity or spiritual identity is a limited understanding. Your identity in the more complete sense is fluid reality, changing based on involvement, desire, and the freedom to be. Your True Nature includes the human experience, and that of many other realities. As the veil dissolves, it is no longer a life limited to one thing or another, but one thing plus another, and another, and another. Being limited only to human identity serves a purpose. However, reality is larger than that.

Letting go of limitation and embracing inclusiveness is a transition in consciousness. Freedom to be. Namaste.
May 3, 2017 B                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 22 contains all prior attunements in this series.

Nonlinear awakening

JANU:    Let us proceed with the reality that the presence of life, whether in the form of beings or energies or your own Nature, fills the experience and is ever present. The sense of void, separation from, or distance to, the presence of life is a chosen perception to serve a purpose. But selective awareness is always available and it serves a purpose. So, you see, our brother, awakening is a wide-ranging state of being, from total void to the fullness of life, from the human experience of separation and isolation to the intimacy of the Family of Life. Your position on this range of reality is a function of your true desire.

The flow of awakening is very fluid and nonlinear. Understanding the nature of this supports the freedom to be. The path of awakening may not be empirical as linear mind assumes. Allow your consciousness to roam life, connect with it whatever its reality, with the joy of its discovery and the integrity of your True Nature. Enjoying life in this way is forever rewarding. Namaste.
Apr. 19, 2017                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 21 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Freedom and the flow of awakening

JANU: Exacting details of the evolution of consciousness are the quest of the human mind; however, this is not the nature of revelation. It’s more a flowing, evolving, a quick experience in understanding. To evolve in consciousness one needs to—shall we say, it is useful to—be more flexible in your perceptions, in your inquiries, in your pursuits. Grasping the many nuances of life, layers of reality, and ever-changing nature takes a tolerance for movement such as the wind. Being in the flow of awakening is a term that more describes reality.

These journeys of which we partake can be seen from different perspectives: the rational thinking human mind looking for details, structure, form or the super-conscious reality that is one with the flow of the nature of life. Living in the Now is sometimes expressed as movement in this direction. Human consciousness has a tendency to put timelines on things, looking for repetition, continuity, and continuation. The flow of awakening, our brother, has a theme of patience, openness, structure that does not limit or attempt to have tomorrow look like today. For in that scenario, our brother, where is the change, expansion, the evolving, the adaptability, renewal?

The nature of a journey, our brother, is in flow as well. Words are relied upon almost exclusively for communication. They are limiting and not experiential. “What then do you convey to another?” you ask. You convey the living presence of the flow of life, the flow of awakening. Not to dictate structure or confined purpose, but freedom to be, to create, to understand. Allow awakening. Allow perception and understanding. Allow communication beyond words. Radiate the Truth of Life, its peace, its true power, its eternal nature. Namaste, our brother.
Apr. 18, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 21 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Self-forgiveness and self-love

JANU:    Many have within their consciousness memories, present and past, what they call regrettable conduct, interactions. Lingering, condemning oneself, to varying degrees, as unworthy of loving oneself.

Self-forgiveness is part of the art of self-loving. The larger, more powerful reality in everyone’s nature is self-love. Allow the compassion that Life has for you, which is eternal and all forgiving, to be your own. Emulate that reality. Be the channel of this quality of being that is your nature. Be the instrument of inspiration to others confused in this area. Be what they have within them that seems unattainable through self-forgiveness and self-loving. There is nothing in your memory that condemns you.

Awakening to the larger reality of who you are and why you are and your potential to create beauty is available to everyone. Self-forgiveness and self-love go hand in hand. Allow the experience. Own it. And feel renewed. A fresh start, if you will, that is valid. Some use the phrase “born again.”

Be a living example of the freedom of renewal through these two experiences. Let your inner sight reveal to you this model for living. Stand in the truth of this and encourage others by example. Love each other in a new and deeper way that brings true freedom to the consciousness. Namaste.
Apr.6, 2017 B                                          Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The larger life

JANU: We offer another perspective on the larger life which coexists with you in your incarnate experience. Embracing coexistence and its reality can still leave behind the emotion that the larger life is separate from you. It is not. Your consciousness, your awareness can be as large or restricted as you choose.

Awakening does not suggest that you explore everything at once. Awareness comes here and there, as there is need and desire, of course, for the human mind is not yet conditioned beyond this. Whenever you become aware of something more, your life is larger. Even just one perspective, one element. So avoid putting off ‘having a larger life to be aware of’ as some enormous undertaking, restricted to a few.

And the larger life, our brother, continues to evolve, to grow, to expand. So the perception of achieving a larger life has nothing to do with knowing all there is. It is everything to do with the freedom to become more aware. The reality of incarnate life has been misperceived as separate from, distant from, disconnected from the larger life. They coexist, our brother. How can this be true, other than perception?

Now, awareness is not just education and information, but experience, ownership, evolutionary consciousness and the freedom to explore and achieve. Allow freedom in your experience, no longer identified with perceived concepts of borders and limitations. The consciousness is not limited in this way, ultimately. The larger life is now, coexisting, dynamic, real, and present.

Your True Nature exists in this way. Embrace it once more. It is who you are, after all. Namaste, our brother.
Mar. 22, 2017                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 19 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The patterns of consciousness that began the nation still guide it

JANU: We are embracing, if you will, that which comes forth from the deep well of Truth on the true nature of Life. Compared to the outer incarnate experience, this well of Truth seems distant, at times unfathomable, but always cherished and reached for. What is being brought to the surface of human consciousness is the ability to forecast the journey of life, especially when in the presence of so much confusion and uncertainty. Human consciousness finds comfort in a plan, structure, predictability, conformity, and routine. These are temporary illusions, our brother, for the Truth of Life is always changing, on the move, realizing new potentials. So reaching into the well of the Truth of Life is not to return things to a status quo but to bring insight into changes, challenges, opportunities, and freedom.

The current political situation in your country triggers all of these emotions, but the Truth of Life reveals the patterns of reality to be embraced to meet and overcome. When reaching into the depths of your consciousness, plumbing what seems to be mysteries, allow a vision for the present and return to the principles that shaped these patterns. It progresses life. Finding peace in the knowledge that life will continue, grow, and evolve as it always has, brings peace of mind. The clarity will come and the confusion will be relegated to yesterday.

When this nation was formed, commitments were made, and continue to this day, to watch over and support what was formed. Whether incarnate or not, these commitments and their wisdom still prevail. The consciousness of the Founding Fathers remains. Then, be connected to, be one with the patterns of truth that still guide and support your nation. Namaste, our brother.
Mar.13, 2017 B                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


The resolution of grievances

JANU:   Resolving grievances is a challenge when the so-called grievance is only perceived superficially. The emotions involved can hardly be called “being at peace” and the results of these emotions are not peaceful, as well. So how does one find satisfaction in the form of peace of mind and the freedom to move on? What is a grievance then, but a conviction, a feeling that wrong has been done? And there is the desire for payback, getting even if you will. Getting even is an illusion, our brother. For when all is said and done, the pattern of the emotion, the memory, the results of the grievance remain, still playing out, always there.

Now, avoiding the repeat of such grievance is valid, for without the emotional reaction much to be gained in learning and wisdom, making you more secure, if you will, in your integrity. Discovering the causes, the sources of the so-called grievance is the path to victory. Understanding not only the cause of the grievance but any role you may have had, why you attracted this experience into your life, ownership. No longer victim but master of any situation is victory and freedom. Be not owned by the grievance. Be the master of it through understanding, wisdom, and management of your circumstance.

These elements of mastership are revealed and employed through awakening. Life is not an accident. So-called chaos has reason to discover. Take the time to explore and process any grievance and become conscious of the elements of its existence. There is understanding to be had for everything. Gain the wisdom to reshape your experience through wiser choices. These have always been your prerogative, when discovered. Namaste.
Mar. 3, 2017                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.


What does freedom mean to you?

JANU: We are realizing freedom, unlimited by limiting principles, protocols, and procedures, which all have their place. The freedom we speak of here has to do with formless consciousness, being. Some speak of the freedom to be, but to be what, our brother? One form or another? One principle or another? One identity or another? But what is doing the being, you see? Consciousness identified with the realities of borders and form, structure, hierarchies is limited reality. This limited reality, even incarnate existence, does not require that consciousness, Pure Being, is limited to that.

What is formless life, our brother? A difficult concept for the incarnate consciousness identified with form and structure. The limitations of the body seem to defy this understanding. How well is existence understood? The existence of what?

Seeing identities as transient experiences, free to move from one reality to another, is a beginning. Simultaneous awareness of many realities is a freedom. Time that is fluid, co-existing as many moments of it, is a freedom. Time and space completely fluid, manifest and unmanifest, is a freedom. Health and ill health, always in motion, to be chosen is a freedom. Ignorance and understanding as a choice is a freedom.

How free is your life? What freedom do you own? Nothing is required of you by Life itself. Freedom to choose, to be, to create and un-create, to change. What does freedom mean to you? Namaste.
Feb. 20, 2017                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Universal being or identity

JANU: We are moving along the path of awakening and service, reaching out into the depths, so to speak, of the meaning of life and its endless opportunities—some call challenges—to evolve, to master, to become one with.

Identity shifting is a grand one for a sense of identity limits you to that identity. So what term would best describe or represent unlimited identity? Being one with life is a good beginning, for that includes all perspectives, all so-called identities, all understandings, all wisdom and knowledge and True Power. The glue that holds all of this together, our brother, is a love of Life, of which you are a part. The peace we speak of so frequently is an element of this. I am, We are one. Being one with all of life plays no favorites, no comparisons, no good or bad. Pure Being, a subject we have alluded to but never moved this closely to. A grand opportunity, our brother. Being a consciousness no longer limited to any identity, called ‘universal being.’

Identifying your consciousness as one being or another, one reality or another, limits you. This is not a bad thing. It helps you explore a reality, being intimate with it. But it limits you to that reality at the same time, our brother. For some, a sense of identity is also a sense of security and familiarity and purpose. All true, but limited. So, when asking yourself the question “Who or what am I?” consider carefully any limitations you are programmed by the example of others to accept. This sheds a larger light, does it not, on the words ‘freedom’ and ‘peace’?

Dwell on this. Grow in your experience of its presence, its reality. You will not be the first, or the last. It is the path of awakening. Namaste.
Feb. 17, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Order and limitlessness

JANU:    Part of life’s richness are these qualities of order and limitlessness. Now, don’t confuse limitlessness with chaos. More limitless order, cause and effect, balanced creativity but balanced in a limitless way. Life interactions, patterns of life, are still patterns, which can be replicated, codified, replaced, terminated or begun anew in limitless ways. Your thoughts, inspirations, insights, imagination are part of this as well. The more awakened, the more conscious you are, the more aware, order can be perceived in the midst of unlimited possibilities, expressions. Not just in physical life but the rest of the Orders of Life. Change in the flow of life is part of this as well, but limitlessness and diversity have no bounds, so everything is possible. But order is a component with such diversity, nuance, subtlety, it is unlimited as well.

Order does not fly in the face of freedom. But freedom and order are two sides of the same coin, so to speak. So, do not see order as limiting, but facilitating freedom of expression, creativity, and existence. Explore both elements of reality. Each has much to teach. They live together in harmony. Witness your own existence. Namaste.
Feb. 8, 2017              Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.