The significance of life

JANU: These journeys, our brother, are for the benefit of humanity, and all who will meet them. May we grasp the fundamental significance of life, for without it where is the power to create, to understand the creation and all of its influence and interactions? How can a life not have any significance? Every person matters, whether incarnate or not, whether human or not, no matter the reality. Mattering in different ways, at times, but always mattering. All of life matters, for it is all interactive, all connected, and the purpose of each one is enhanced by the purpose of the rest.

Life differentials teach us many things. When one is in hunger and one is not, it’s an opportunity. When one is sad and one is not, another. When one is destitute and one is not, an opportunity. And through the opportunity, the gaining of wisdom, and character, and understanding. It takes all of humanity to evolve into its future and its potential. Making a better life for one has its merit. Life is that one, but it’s also everything else. They are all connected. Being connected means the existence of one influences another, whether human or animal, marine life or vegetation, or the air you breathe. Depending upon your consciousness, you may seem totally alone in life or more and more connected, learning from each other. In a way, it takes all to engage and understand and observe all of life.

Your service does not begin with birth, or end with death. It just changes. The opportunities vary, the needs vary, and your perspective changes. Life is diverse enough, and becoming more diverse, that the opportunities will always be there. Hear the call of others, of their lives, by listening, feeling the truth around you and in you.

We are part of this life as well, our brother, not immune from any of it, for it is not a disease. It is the Truth. No matter how outrageous the activity, the thoughts and feelings, they are still part of life and are invested in it. The phrase “cutting your losses” does not apply here, for the losses are miniscule compared to the potential and the destiny.

Yes, life is very significant, our brother. This understanding benefits everyone, in one way or another. There are no limits to where this understanding can be taken, and your life is richer for it, and for those you meet. Value who you are, not above others or in competition, but in cooperation and coordination and sharing. Everyone is worth a great deal. Namaste.

Nov. 5, 2015                                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Create something new in your life

JANU: As you hear from time to time a bemoaning of life, its circumstances and manifestations, be mindful of the fact that life is far grander than that and it is what is made of it. Some look upon inequity in financial wealth disparagingly, yet do little to create a new circumstance for themselves, partially through ignorance and lack of confidence. What we recommend here is for each one to create one new thing in their day, in their life, something they desire and, when realized, they will see themselves differently and choose to create more. Commitment, research, resources, a plan, a design. And realize that your power to create is supported by unlimited life.

Life is designed to create, to manifest, to make available experiences to gain understanding and wisdom to enrich itself. As a co-creator, you were created to accomplish this. Whatever you see around you in life that you are drawn to, create it according to your vision that unfolds as you begin. Expand your identity to include ‘a creator.’ The resources of life are waiting to be molded, activated, and fulfill your vision. The wisdom you were born with will guide you and what you create adds to the richness of life. You can do this. You need only begin. Namaste.

Nov. 10, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


You are capable of more than you are aware of

JANU:    We are raising the awareness of humanity to a larger view of life and their own being, their own ability. We have talked of future capabilities of humanity, but the present holds miracles as well. Currently, humanity is capable of more than it is using. Individuals can heal themselves of illnesses by utilizing their own power of choice in lifestyle and attitude and emotions and creativity. When you ask an individual if they love themselves, are happy and at peace with who they are, they seem unsure of what that means. This is the lifestyle of a happy being, of healthy body, desiring to remember or discover a new understanding. The capability exists already. Exercising and developing current capabilities begins by being aware of such, of what possibilities exist.

The discoveries we speak of can come from within or the sensitivity to perceiving the abilities of others. Life around you and within is a grand resource. Life is alive, vibrant, and in motion day and night. Ponder from time to time what you are capable of but unaware of, exploring what you already have. Many see attributes in others they are unaware of in themselves. But what do they know of their own? Your potential to explore more of life and realize these things and develop them is already within you. But individuals limit themselves by patterning their lives after the limitations of others, rather than the potentials that exist everywhere.

Why not be the source of the new idea, a deeper understanding, a string of adventures in life? Today does not have to emulate yesterday. Stimulate your imagination by using it, acting upon it, as it guides decision-making and experiences. Visualize your life as a grand adventure, including this very moment. Consider what you would enjoy achieving.

We are not suggesting only one goal at a time, for life is a co-existence of many opportunities that can expand each other and deepen the experience. Remember, there is always synergism in life. Even repeated contributions to a goal can all have a freshness and a newness about them. Imagination, creativity, commitment, and manifestation, and resulting experiences enrich your life. What occurs tomorrow may be different than today but they are connected. Be the creator you are. Your future lives today. Namaste.

Oct. 13, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Serving human potential

JANU: You are correct. Raising the consciousness of humanity is a supreme endeavor. Visiting the Earth at this time is emblematic of this achievement. Humanity is already on this path, our brother, but assistance occurs from many realities and not all of them indigenous to the Earth. The Earth and its total beingness is vibrant with support from many sources. To embrace these as an incarnate consciousness adds effectiveness to the endeavor. Appreciating the love involved, from Life itself and all of these sources, is humbling and uplifting at the same time.

Humanity has within it grand achievements that can contribute much to life, individually and collectively. Even with so many seeming reversals on its journey, yet it still exists with hopes and dreams and desires for a better life and richer understanding and a growing generosity. Humanity’s potential is easier to perceive than its reversals. And these potentials in humanity deserve support, encouragement, and careful guidance. So many of humanity’s insights and breakthroughs and so-called ‘original thinking’ are the result of a sharing of life’s innate wisdom and genius, for humanity and their True Nature have always been one. Choose to see, allow yourself to see, humanity’s potential, making it easier to see its movement in that direction.

You, personally, are so fond of music and its upliftment. The fruits of humanity are even grander in its destiny. See the beauty already manifesting in human destiny. Babies make many mistakes, experimenting with infancy and finding out about life and who they are. See humanity’s reversals, so to speak, its experimentation with its own existence, in the same way. The patience of the parents and their enduring love for the child and its potential is reflected in Life’s caring for humanity. So much to learn and experience. An endless journey, rich indeed. Namaste.

Oct. 15, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Raising human consciousness

JANU: Understand this, our brother, raising the consciousness of humanity as a service is also by request. Humanity’s call to Life, some call ‘awakening,’ can also be a general and heartfelt desire for a better life for their families, for themselves, for each other. Longing for a society and leadership that is enlightened and understands, not just economics and politics and power, but truly serves what the public longs for. This is pervasive, and has been, and Life responds. Those with any degree of sensitivity become alert to a pull within themselves to contribute, to be part of this movement, as do we, our brother.

Raising the consciousness of humanity is not a decree from Life. It is a response to the true desires of humanity. The power to create a better life has its foundation in this. As we have said before, there are many fields of reality in life waiting for wise instruction sets and the truth of the heart is always wise, our brother.

Now, the True Nature plays a role in this, for it is the inner voice, the divine consciousness, the authority for being. So part of our service to this effort is alerting humanity to their True Nature, their true teacher, the true source of their existence. It is who they are, the ‘who’ that survives lifetimes and whose nature is eternal.

Raising the consciousness of humanity has many layers and levels of reality, the timing of which is also important, for nurturing a consciousness into the fruition of its desires takes patience based upon the ability to absorb the understanding and maintain integrity, sanity, and the confidence to proceed. So, in a true sense, the raising of consciousness is the function of the true desires of people. Our task is to help people become conscious of, to be aware of more of the truth of who they are and their potential capabilities and power to create.

The power to create is inherent within the True Nature. It is not a new technique for people to learn. It is a natural part of existing. And developing an understanding of ‘allowing’ is in harmony with, compatible with the power to create. In subtle and real ways, all of these things co-exist and are connected. Everything touches everything. Raising the consciousness of humanity is worthy to explore and understand. Namaste.

Oct. 17, 2015                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Uplifting others

JANU: Exploring at this time spheres of influence, putting this into perspective, let us observe human spheres of influence. Many have a limited view of this, not realizing their full potential. Mingling in public, so to speak, is your model privacy, separation, or do you sense those around you on multiple levels? What energy pattern are you focused in, and what do you radiate? Many exercise their power of influence but not always in a loving way. And whether you are aware of it or not, you radiate your consciousness. On certain levels of energy, proximity is not a limiting factor.

And what about your being influenced by the radiation of others? There is a reciprocal relationship as well, mostly unconscious. You have noticed that, with some, there is seemingly a dark cloud around them and you tend to withdraw and avoid. With others, there is a lightness, an upliftment being near them, being aware of them. Everyone radiates consciousness. Being genuinely at peace and, more than that, a loving tone uplifts those around you, and without knowing the cause of this, they benefit.

What we are suggesting here is a service to life, to others, that brings great reward for everyone. Your service is multiplied in ways and numbers hard to imagine. Spend a day walking through life among people, and yes, the creatures of the world, with a simple tone of upliftment, peace, and happiness. This is not interference, our brother. This is a benefit to everyone. Allow your being to help lift those around you in freedom. Namaste.

Sept. 24, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


More on the Family of Life revealed

JANU: We are assembling at this time that which is needed and belongs to human destiny. What we speak of here is the assemblage of those who guide the destiny of humanity according to the principles of life of divine guidance. Human destiny as such belongs to humanity, of course, but something even larger as well. The purpose of this assemblage at this time is not so much to control human destiny but to review the result of the guidance. This is accomplished peacefully, serving the flow of life and its evolution. The service of this assemblage is not limited to the Earth, but reassembles in different configurations. These are determined by the destinies of other worlds and groups of sentient life.

When we speak of the Family of Life, it is vast indeed. Always in flux, adapting to changing needs. This assemblage is composed of patterns of life, more than individual beings. The difference is profound but these patterns of life are more causal than manifestations. Now, humanity does not pander to the authority of these, but is blessed by them. The purpose of this visit and our speaking of it is to expand awareness of the Family of Life, putting your own existence in perspective.

So, you see, the term ‘humanity’ includes more than the physical body, but the consciousness as well and the patterns of life that are part of this consciousness. You are connected in so many ways, serving life and being served by it, at the same time. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 28, 2015 B                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Shared destinies

JANU: The change that is coming to humanity, which we all welcome, is to be aware of, to some degree, the larger life, and human consciousness moving in the direction of a respect for life and the realization that its potential is affected by its choices. Wondering about a better life slowly giving way to knowing what potentials exist. Humanity is not the first to create a better life. We are all in existence to benefit each other, to earn and own our achievements and to share them. There are others who have achieved some of what humanity dreams of, hopes for. Just as every part of your physical body benefits from the rest, the destiny of humanity can include the destiny of others.

How does one, then, share their destiny with another’s destiny? By becoming conscious of each other, open to the larger life and to walk that path. Loving life or any part of it brings it to you and you to it. Sharing destinies also includes your communities, your neighbors, your friends. Place your attention upon the larger life, and by this we mean life larger than you. Have a sharing consciousness. Grow more sensitive to life’s impressions, patterns, energies. Inspirations have many sources and you are one of them, to another.

Life is more connected than you realize. Isolation is an illusion. Uniqueness and universality co-exist. The fear of losing uniqueness is not well founded, especially when consciousness matures, evolves, to being a part of, one with, collective life. There is benefit in pursuing your goals, your dreams, with the vaster resource and wisdom of the larger life. You still pick and choose which portions of this wisdom and experience to take advantage of. And when you do, your endeavors enrich these sources. They are blessed by your application of their achievements. Individual uniqueness is not lost in cooperation with, collaboration with others, but all benefit.

Share your destiny with that of another in an open and free way, requiring nothing of each other. Do so in harmony with life, openly and freely, as you stand in your integrity and enjoy living. Namaste.

Sept. 26, 2015                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Keys to mastering challenges

JANU:    Let us continue our journey this morning to include past references of a scathing nature to the troublesome and painful challenges of living. This occurs when there seems to be no recourse and the challenges keep on coming. What we are achieving here, our brother, is recourse in the form of insight, inner strength, that has always been available. It is the nature of your being to overcome these. And not only overcome but understand and become wiser for it. These are your goals in the midst of challenge. And when you’ve learned to read them, the solutions are seen.

It is the purpose of a challenge to strengthen you with the experience and the understanding that lies at the cores of these. This information is universally needed, for when have challenges ceased to be? Or life, for that matter?

We know you suspect that life outside the body is freedom from these. Not so, our brother. Life outside the body is evolving as well, and challenges are needed. And focus and peace open the door. Not just in your quiet times but in the midst of the challenge. These keys, and others, will bring you success. And this applies, our brother, to challenges of all degrees. Meet them this way and become stronger and stronger and master them. Namaste.

Sept. 4, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Dealing with life that seems overwhelming

JANU: The overcoming of some by the twists and turns of life is from the confusion about the seeming dichotomy between peace and challenges. The premise for successful living in terms of achievement, survival, and well-being is that the peace and the twists and turns are one. One in the sense that each needs the other. For peace only, meaning the lack of challenges, does not have the depth, the broad strength and foundation that comes from all that challenges afford, including experience, strength of character, endurance, a determination to continue and master. For all of these things build a consciousness that can bring clarity and balance in the lives of those who feel overcomed with an imbalance between the two.

Your challenges are not unknown to life. It comes from the constructs of existence and the creations of those struggling to meet them. The evolution of life and truth includes clear sailing and the occasional storm. Life is constantly adjusting itself, flexing its potential. There is a natural flow of challenges, as well. To overcome the feeling of futility, place the challenges in your life in perspective. They are not your whole world. Balance them with inner strength, insight, and the tradition of your existence far larger than one lifetime, our brother. See your life as a flow of all of this, with a net worth to it all. You are becoming stronger as a being, wiser, and more in ownership of who you are and all you can be.

All of the challenges in life are not met instantly. They have a life of their own, based upon how you meet them. You get the challenges you need, whether you understand it or not. They are evidence of the presence of life and the truth of your existence. No challenge is devoid of its solution, its resolution. It lives within it for you to see, embrace, and master.

The times of peace are for inner balance, symmetry of your being, and the coordination of your thoughts and feelings and interpretations. Embrace all of life through the wisdom and love of your True Nature. You are an unlimited being. Achieve the truth of that and continue on. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 1, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross