The nature of awakening

JANU: Formatting preparation for journeying is useful to a degree, but conscious journeying with unlimited possibilities can leave structure behind. Being at peace supports this. Seeking information, understanding, and experience by way of the source of being, the True Nature, is a coordination of desire throughout the being.

This is part of the Dance of Life, the journey of awakening: identity expansion, coexistence of realities, moments of conscious union, listening. Righteous is the law of Life. The desire to be conscious of and conscious as, even though peaceful life is rich, dynamic, and evolving. We are exploring the human experience, which can include the Larger Life. There is wisdom in preparation, timing, and naturally occurring relationships. There are thresholds of understanding, communication, and service. Be patient, persistent, alert. Yes, we are one. Namaste.
Sept.30, 2021 B                                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

 Editor’s note: This has been touched on over the years, and directly in April of 2015 (Nature of awakening). Each time, we move a little further up the spiral of understanding.


Becoming more conscious – 1

JANU:    Being more conscious hints at the larger reality of being. And what can this mean? It means letting go of identity that is limited to incarnate life yet elevating that existence, the incarnate existence, into a larger reality, not just physically but mentally, emotionally, psychically, intellectually. Identity can trap one’s consciousness into accepted norms, but the price is unconsciousness by comparison. Incarnation is only a small part of life.

Becoming more conscious does not withdraw from the incarnate experience but expands it to the something more it has always been. Nothing new here. Much to remember, to realize, to express, to be. Becoming more conscious of what already is. So shall it be. Namaste.
Mar. 30, 2021 B                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Destiny, identity, and reality

JANU:   We are establishing, then, that which proclaims to be destiny, recovering from an absence of coherent understanding as to the nature of larger being. We all proclaim destiny to be the path of enrichment for the evolution of life, for life has a destiny larger than you may know but all-inclusive with seemingly limitless potential. Each one has a portion of this, as part of life in its destiny which is omnipresent and eternal by nature.

So service, you see, is intimately woven into the changing Tapestry of Life, bringing stability, coordination, and expression. When one speaks of love, one must understand that the reality of this is a range of reality words cannot express. The Family of Life is real and renewing itself. So, you see, the faces of reality are in motion. Do not limit identity to any one face, but to the life that’s living it. Namaste.
Mar. 24, 2021 B                                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Challenges are an invitation to grow

JANU: Justification for commitment to awakening resides in the reality that conscious union with that which is already united in other ways brings about peace, freedom, an enriching experience for the True Nature, and conscious co-creation. Human-only identity brings challenges that can be bewildering. The solution to challenges is understanding their reality and their life process. Insight—or inner sight—is enhanced by awakening to the larger reality of your being. The nature of an opportunity delivered by a challenge can be known. The path forward is more peaceful with accomplishment.

Embrace challenges. They contain within them the opportunity of enlightenment and mastership. Engaging challenges marshals forces, for life benefits from the evolution of consciousness through experience. Challenges are an invitation to grow. Namaste.
Mar. 18, 2021 B                                     Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The veil is an identity shift

JANU:    The veil experience is real only in the sense of an identity shift. We have chosen, at the beginning of sojourn, to shift a portion of identity to the incarnate reality for the purpose of focused experience, immersion into that structure of life to gain wisdom, to have experience, to enrich life. The link between that limited identity and your total beingness is never broken. Awakening to the Larger Life is always on the table, so to speak. It is no more complicated or unattainable than just choosing. Doubts fostered by those who continue to linger in limited identity condition the choice.

We are one, always have been and always will be. Our total beingness has always been real and present. Our journeys are evidence of this and are part of the path of reawakening. We are one, conscious as one. Namaste.
Feb. 10, 2021                                                      Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


A time of reckoning

JANU:     The target for today resembles an arbitrary group of discontents, transferring their own confusion, bitterness, and anger to those who find fault with it. The so-called Republican Party has had, threading through it, mis-direction, loss of individual identity and integrity, dissatisfaction, and transferred blame. This form of avoidance and denial has been festering for years. The Party has no leadership to change this course. The atmosphere, politically, discourages individual integrity.

The John F. Kennedy book, Profiles in Courage, is a worthy read.

A time of reckoning has ensued, and not just for politics. Social and individual integrity are being challenged as never before with the pandemic. Courage, integrity without fear, is called for. Fear pollutes integrity and honesty and truth-telling. Fear encourages denial and blame transference. Find the fear and you know where to begin. Namaste.
Jan. 27, 2021                                                               Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross



Ripples and connectedness 

JANU: Enriched is a term used when describing the elements of life, the journeys of many, the comings and goings of stellar reality. A grand journey in consciousness is to be aware of the contribution in evolution of all of these elements of life to every portion of life. Individuality identity can isolate one from this reality, but the True Nature consciousness is privy to this. The journey of awakening is grand indeed.

It is possible to feel the connection, individually, to all of life yet maintain integrity, continuity of existence, and enrich life at the same time. Every contribution has a ripple effect, so to speak, and these ripples extend more than one might imagine. So ponder, from time to time, the ripples of one’s contribution. They are observable when attuned to. This helps appreciate the reality of connectedness. Namaste.
Jan. 13, 2021                                                                        Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Coexisting realities & emerging life patterns

JANU:    Humbly, then, but with strong commitment, we embrace the Truth of Life. Identity is yet to be fully understood. “Coexisting realities” reveals much of life. Listening with understanding, application of realization brings wisdom and more understanding. We listen together as we explore, but we don’t listen alone. All of Life is listening and exploring and realizing. Thoughts crystallize and bring about change. All of creation influences all of creation. Identity separate from this is rich but limited. If everyone’s individual identity coexisted consciously as well as individually, understanding could not be contained but evolve a different world of existence. Life patterns beyond imagination constantly emerging, life changing and in motion. Namaste.
Jan. 8, 2021 B                                                      Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Ways to explore life

JANU:    Exploring life has different modalities. There is the focused approach on one subject. There is a more general approach becoming aware of larger and larger perspectives, more inclusive, you see. There is more of a wandering approach of finding interest here and there. There is the guided selective approach, building a foundation of understanding for various purposes. There is the service approach for proficiency in service. There is a more casual approach of observing life in motion. One need not be limited to any one approach, but include a variety, the diversity of which has its own benefit.

Let us journey at this time, randomly. This time, the interest of the True Nature holds sway, and that is a variety of cultures.

There are those whose life journeys criss-cross each other in a network pattern, with individual enclosed identities that don’t always perceive the tapestry being woven. Humanity is a lot like this. In this case, on Earth, the tapestry is being woven as a conveyance to manifest a network of conscious creators of destinies. The diversity of experiences and identities in motion are a foundation for this. Wisdom based on experience is the theme, networking on more than one level, to include the True Natures.

A small glimpse. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2020                                                              Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

Finding and maintaining peace

JANU:    Urgency seems to be the pattern sweeping human social consciousness at this time. Very few at peace; the pressure of circumstances weighing heavily. Survival is in confusion and, because of identity with the physical life, nothing beyond it seems as real, so everything seems in jeopardy.

Awakening to the Larger Life brings life into a larger perspective. Not the ‘all your eggs in one basket’ scenario that it seems. Physical existence is only a small part of the truth of your being. An important part and, while incarnate, the focus of existence. Finding and maintaining peace promotes balance in all of the systems of your existence, promoting well-being and longevity. Also keeping the consciousness open to wiser decisions and solutions.

Replacing urgency with the calm and peace of knowing, of resource of larger perspective, of clarity and priority is called for. The larger you, your True Nature, knows this. Prayer is not to something outside yourself, but with the truth of who you are and its resource, the gift of life that has always been with you and part of you. Don’t just witness challenges; see through them by way of your True Nature.

Life is richer, larger, and deeper than what you see outside of yourself, your surroundings. Claim your power. Choose wisely. The truth is within you. Namaste.
Nov. 5, 2020                                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross