Life has meaning and purpose

JANU: The circle of life goes round and round, but in the process becomes richer and richer, deeper, more integrated in its expanding diversity. There is beauty in the process of awakening. Every element adds freedom and sovereignty and self-realization and new relationship with the True Nature. Awakening is not a straight line, many changes of direction. At times, a sense of traveling in circles.

The outer and the inner life merge. Identity expands, no longer alone in life but more and more one with it. Witnessing and understanding the nature of another is endearing. Caring for another is an opportunity to become a blessing for another, characterized by love, wisdom, and the true power of Life itself. No longer just one human to another, but something larger.

These realizations are not new. They have always been part of the potential of life. We talk of peace and freedom and awakening and consciousness. They are connected. Life has meaning and purpose. Choose to own it. Namaste.
May 20, 2020 BP                                                         Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Live free

JANU:    Profound is the experience of total freedom. “Freedom from what?” you may ask. From ritual, from common life patterns, from repetition, from identity, from expectations of others, from isolation, from the limitations of time and space, from mis-emotion. Being at peace is freedom: freedom to be, freedom from the sense of loss. Everything you need, you already have through your True Nature. You have access to any part of life. Be at peace about possessions, security, and well-being. Leave ignorance behind. Embrace enlightenment. Live free. Namaste.
May 26, 2020 BP                                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Mastering life patterns

JANU:   Understanding life patterns and relationships with them, is movement in the direction of freedom. Freedom to have a full identity to be attuned to and aligned with, whatever you desire. Self-imposed routines, habits, disciplines, biases, and the like, can be life patterns that box you in, so to speak. Self-imposed. Societal rituals. Common practices and behaviors. Conscious of them or not, they are imprinted.

Introspection in harmony with your True Nature can be revealing. This movement in consciousness is best taken peacefully, patiently, with insight, allowing many aspects to be revealed. A growing freedom to make choices that are thoughtful and wise. Now, this does not mean being devoid of any life patterns, but not being owned by them. And the ones that you employ are chosen in freedom and understanding. When attempting to discover new understandings and realities, life patterns can interfere, when owned by them. So, you see, there is wisdom in mastering this. Namaste.

Oct. 23, 2020                                                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

 Be sure to read the previous journey. Also, the reader may wish to check out “Transforming Life Patterns.”


More on Miracles

JANU:   Miracles. What are they? Throughout time there have been phenomenon categorized as such. Some have been called nothing more than “speeded up” normal events. Much more to it than that. A miracle can be a thought of genius, a moment of forgiveness, freedom from enslavement—self-imposed or from another. Every heartbeat is a miracle; miss one, and see if you don’t think so.

What makes a miracle possible is the alignment of, the engagement of creative elements. “And what are these?” you ask. They are thought without doubt. They are the focus of consciousness unrestricted. Unlimited thought. They are the creative forces of life organized and manifested. They are life in motion. They are not limited to physical life.

Miracles occur whether perceived or not. If one could perceive all of life, one would understand that all of life is a miracle. The joy, the wonder, the amazement of witnessing a miracle applies to every moment of life. Living in gratitude and appreciation of the moment brings peace and an openness to be conscious of more of life, whether yours or another’s, of what has been and what will be. Find peace in this and freedom from frustration, anxiety, any fear.

Allow your sense of identity to be that free. If life is always in motion, does that not include your identity as well? Your thoughts, your perceptions, your intimacy with everything. Namaste.
Oct. 20, 2020                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Life patterns-fluid identity-freedom 

JANU:   Conditioned consciousness, a systems approach to understanding life patterns, relates to this, for conditioning is systematic in many ways. Embracing systems to assist in performance and relationships conditions the consciousness into cooperation and coordination. But such benefits have a price and these trade-offs are part of the system.  So how does one navigate life and their identity of the moment, free of life patterns? The answer is: one doesn’t. One exchanges a pattern for another, but as the main area with many simultaneously.

So, what does freedom mean, in the presence of these? Is identity-free consciousness reality? Can freedom, identity, and life pattern co-exist peacefully? Having a fluid identity allows for freedom in what would otherwise seem containment. Life coalesces around patterns, no matter their reality, their octave of life. Life patterns can be exchanged, allowing for a degree of genius or knowing transfer. It can be called ‘imprinting’ and can be short term or long lasting. These patterns are life systems and can express as music or art or science or any discipline that functions. A fluid identity, free to exchange or imprint systems of life pattern, is an adventure. Nothing is wasted. Namaste.
June 3, 2020  BP                                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

The True Nature and identity

JANU:    What we are moving into here is the beginning of a perception of the reality of True Nature: focused consciousness, free to focus on any reality, coexisting with universal consciousness simultaneously. When relating to and understanding those who cherish identity, realize that it is a form of coexistence that includes the veil. What can be achieved here is relationship with life that no longer needs it but is still free to choose it. So identity, you see, is a form of focus, but when it consciously coexists with the Larger Life, one is no longer limited in that way. Eventually, intimacy with life as being one’s own Nature ensues, which leads to an intimacy of being the Family of Life. This is part of ‘being at peace.’ Time and distance no longer define your consciousness. Namaste.
Aug. 31, 2020 B                                                                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

 For background see also True Being or True Nature


Being free of identity

JANU:    Focused or one-pointedness in perception is useful when exploring the depths of a reality, but can be limiting when not taking into full account co-existing relationships. The same goes for social relationships or other general explorations. Even when it comes to one’s own thoughts and perceptions, for the object of a perception never stands still. Engaging life in this manner supports and encourages general wisdom. Being adept at one thing or another coexists with broad interest and engagement. The purpose of this perspective is to engage the entire being in living and in serving Life and minimizes the limitations of identity. Exploring the human need for identity can reveal its limitations. Choosing to be liberated from this is an expansion in consciousness and experience and beingness. We shall explore this from time to time and measure it. Namaste.
Aug. 31, 2020                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Why do we exist?

JANU: A valid question. Why be incarnate at all? Purpose, potential, service, evolution, consciousness, kindness, inspiration. All of these, and more, are part of incarnate life. Each with their roots in the Larger Life, as are everyone. The challenge of the veil is to encourage the building of a foundation for the quest of a larger experience and understanding. Without being aware of it, the gains in these areas, through living the incarnate life, benefit the Larger Life as well. Fundamental qualities of existence coexist and inspire each other through the revelation of mutual benefit.

Valid questions for everyone: “Why am I here? Where did I come from? And how does it all interact?” The mix is not the same for everyone, but everyone enriches life. The interactions with each other while incarnate are co-creative experiences, creating life patterns that coexist as well, that interact as well.

Other inquiries are: Who is doing all of this? What is true identity? How do individuality and coexistence relate? Is all of this possible peacefully? What is the source of the incentive to continue? Are we ever truly alone? Is there really a Family of Life?

Everyone has access to these understandings if they desire them. Let it be so. Namaste.
July 21, 2020                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Inclusive identity

JANU:     Salient points to be made regarding awakening. To be fully conscious while incarnate, balanced perspective, some might call sanity, is maintained by a deep sense that the two sides of life—incarnate and spirit—are an illusion as sides. They are one. Each with their parameters of existence, their potential, as with other realities that coexist in life.

Achieving this consciousness is gradual process, for living behind the veil creates life patterns of limitation and separation in identities that define experiences as separate things. When one looks back upon the history of experiences, one realizes that all of these have influenced current sense of identity, traits, character, preferences, perceptions, perspectives, identities. They all become one in the collective experience.

So the challenge and opportunity here, our brother, is to embrace the realities of life coexisting, including the elements of your own Nature. Teamwork, systems, coexistences, correlations, coordinations, organization of change, flow, realization of potential, all of these coexist as one. Your identity, if you call it that, includes all of these, and more. So, how can you be part of the ocean of Life and no longer be ocean? It is not possible, only by illusion, misperception, limitations of the veil. Let go of any sense of parameters of existence as a limitation or an identity. Be inclusive. Namaste.
July 13, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The eternal quest

JANU:    Rich indeed are these moments we share, bringing about that which belongs to the timeless tradition of conscious life. The consciousness we seek is a reality called life by those who know of it more than living as it. Any creation with consciousness is a product of life as a source and these terms are limited to incarnate perspective of identity with manifestations. But the life we speak of is far greater, yet includes these.

What is consciousness, then? Some would say being aware of reality. What is it that is aware? Can a creation know its creator? In varying degrees, depending upon the consciousness present, it can. The incarnate consciousness seeking after the truth of the Larger Life is not unlike the super-consciousness exploring greater things, realizing potential, and identifying with all of life.

So you ask, “What is enough? What is the purpose? What does it lead to? Where does minutia play a role in this scheme of life? And what is more significant?” These questions arise on the path of awakening, and awakening is not completed with the penetration of the veil. These questions will continue to arise through different levels of understanding and experience.

Living the Larger Life is endlessly rewarding. On the one hand, satisfying. And on the other, perplexing with more unanswered wonderings. Being at peace on this quest is more significant than one might imagine. Welcome to the journey we are all a part of. Namaste.
July 9, 2020                                                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross