Who and what you are

JANU: Distant though it may seem, the presence of life is everywhere. The presence of your own True Nature exceeds anything you anticipate. Prevalent in all you do and think and feel, it is more than your companion in life. It is who you truly are. What this means is that all it can be is you, for you’re truly one, even though the concept is little understood. It is the magic of incarnate life, and its beauty.

Allow, slowly, your identity as a human being to include much more, not disconnecting from the human experience, but enhancing it by including a larger one. Your human consciousness and your True Nature are not isolated from each other, as if they were two beings. They are one and that larger you is with you at all times, in all situations. It is the eternal you during all sojourns and all journeys in between. It has recorded, or imprinted if you will, within it all you have known and done and been, yesterday and today and tomorrow. Open to an easy, flowing, evolving, changing, and wise total you, functioning in your current sojourn, but also in the larger realities. Incarnate life and spirit life, transcendent life, co-existing and, more than that, functioning as one reality.

As your True Nature loves and does not judge your incarnate life, when you understand and are aware of more of this, your relationship with others takes on a higher and deeper tone. When conscious in this way, your existence will improve and be richer and, as you radiate through living these qualities, others are inspired to raise their consciousness and claim their true power to be free.

Once again the question: How fully do you know who you truly are? And would you like to know? Namaste.

Oct. 29, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Awakening to the reality of the larger life

How many have asked the question, “There must be more to life than this endless repetition?” The realities involved are available for everyone’s perusal, if they truly desire to know more and allow the changes the understanding brings. The purpose of these journeys is to inspire the search for enlightenment, to describe in part the rewards for awakening and serving life.These two journeys address this idea from slightly different angles and are presented together for ease of understanding.

The larger life

JANU: We are serving the collective consciousness of humanity as it becomes liberated through its own awakening. How many humans have asked the question, “There must be more to life than this endless repetition?” While there is, progress in this direction need not always be miraculous, breathtaking, or turn your life upside down. Steady progress is more desirable, for the deeper understanding arrives through experience and the time to assimilate and change your understanding of life and who you are in a more permanent way.

The desire to move forward, awaken to more of life, is tempered by patience and deep consideration to changing your life experience. Such patience, steadfastness, and depth of understanding conditions your consciousness with patience and understanding for others, with no judgment or limiting perceptions and, on the contrary, providing gentle support in many ways. Patience seems more natural when your perception of your existence is larger than one sojourn.

The deity that humanity has created has these qualities. Consider the qualities of the collective of all of life, as it includes all of the wisdom gained for all worlds, all species, all realities, all deities, and all people. It is miraculous that one individual consciousness of one person has the capability to touch any part of this. Your True Nature is miraculous indeed. Get to understand it and be in harmony with who you truly are. Namaste.

Oct. 21, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Humanity is a miraculous path to a larger life

JANU: How often, our brother, do we speak of understanding your incarnate and the larger life? The realities involved here are available for everyone’s perusal, if they desire it, if they attune to it, if they truly desire to know more and allow the changes the understanding brings. The current vision of individuals is limited. Seeing with new eyes is the opportunity. Understanding with an open mind is the vehicle. Loving and respecting the Truth of Life is the key. All we have spoken of is but a moment in the larger truth of Life. The perspective to understand your current condition is found in this way. Ask yourselves, what is it you desire truly? Are you content and at peace with your current condition and understandings? Or do you sense there is more that would benefit you in the life that you are? The choice has always been yours.

But at times you will be inspired and called by the divine within, your spirit, your True Nature, the larger you. For inherent in your being is the desire to evolve, create anew, and enrich life. The purpose of these journeys is to inspire the search for enlightenment, to describe in part the rewards for awakening and serving life. Humanity is a miraculous path of exploration and becoming. For life is a miracle, our brother. What can you imagine to replace it?

And we speak from some experience, our brother, knowing there is far more to come and desiring to share that with you that all of life benefits. Namaste.

Oct. 23, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Do you know who you are and all you can be?

JANU: We are embracing more and more the notion, the understanding, the reality of the True Nature and the purpose and opportunity of the incarnate life. We spoke earlier of the dichotomies of life being embraced as spectrums, a range of life to explore, not just the extremes; that the freedom exists to explore any part of that range by choice. “What then of fate and destiny?” you ask. Your choice is inspired by the influences of the moment and the wisdom gained by previous journeys. So, you see, fate and destiny and choice are a mixture of life, life seldom being one influence or reality at a time but the co-existence of many.

Conscious mind has a tendency to appreciate and appraise life one element at a time. Co-existence is a broader foundation to relate to life’s diversity. These spectrums we speak of are not linear, and each spectrum has a co-existence of many possibilities. The point here is: choices are not governed in a linear way. The options in life are a fluid co-existence of opportunities to embrace life, guided by your desires and interests and motivations to be. There is the perception by many that they are stuck, if you will, frozen in a particular life scenario. This is not true. Once again, awakening is the path to freedom.

Now then, how does one effectively relate to life non-linearly? By seeing life multi-dimensionally, so to speak, no matter what reality you are experiencing. A limited view of time and space limits you, for they are not linear, either, depending upon how you choose to see them. Opening to the understanding of your True Nature and its relationship to the rest of life, expand your consciousness to perceive life in a larger way.

Being in a reality does not mean it’s your identity. Examples are being identified as male, female, human, plumber, carpenter, scientist. These are what you are doing, not who you are. Allow your identity to expand and not limited to any label. This is also part of awakening, our brother. Patterning your identity to agree with those around you and their perceptions of each other confines you.

You’re always free to choose another point in the spectrum of life. From limited to unlimited identity is one such. When one speaks of freedom, what is the range of that meaning, that reality? A spectrum to be explored, you see. The question remains: Do you know who you are and all that you can be?

Oct. 10, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding dichotomies as spectrums of life

JANU: One point to be made in the discussion of sanity, at the delineation between insanity and sanity, must acknowledge a parent that allows them both, the spectrum of life that includes what appears to be a dichotomy as one source, the sanity of being at one with all of life. Can anyone say there is no insanity anywhere in their life?

Manifestations of life have a spectrum of being in order to explore all possibilities. The range of unmanifest to manifest is a spectrum with unlimited possibilities. The dichotomy of sanity and insanity, as it seems to be, is a spectrum of life. So to favor one end of the spectrum from the other limits the options of understanding and experience. These are limited terms that limit understanding of this particular spectrum of life. It is possible to explore, in an intimate way, the entire spectrum and gain understanding and wisdom more profoundly.

You asked earlier, “Is the choice to incarnate a sane one?” One incarnates, our brother, to explore that particular spectrum of life and through the experience comes understanding and appreciation of the choice. Many shades of gray, so to speak, to be absorbed, dealt with. So explore seeming dichotomies in life as spectrums with a range of experience, understanding, and wisdom. Be at peace and namaste.

Oct. 7, 2015 B                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Serving human potential

JANU: You are correct. Raising the consciousness of humanity is a supreme endeavor. Visiting the Earth at this time is emblematic of this achievement. Humanity is already on this path, our brother, but assistance occurs from many realities and not all of them indigenous to the Earth. The Earth and its total beingness is vibrant with support from many sources. To embrace these as an incarnate consciousness adds effectiveness to the endeavor. Appreciating the love involved, from Life itself and all of these sources, is humbling and uplifting at the same time.

Humanity has within it grand achievements that can contribute much to life, individually and collectively. Even with so many seeming reversals on its journey, yet it still exists with hopes and dreams and desires for a better life and richer understanding and a growing generosity. Humanity’s potential is easier to perceive than its reversals. And these potentials in humanity deserve support, encouragement, and careful guidance. So many of humanity’s insights and breakthroughs and so-called ‘original thinking’ are the result of a sharing of life’s innate wisdom and genius, for humanity and their True Nature have always been one. Choose to see, allow yourself to see, humanity’s potential, making it easier to see its movement in that direction.

You, personally, are so fond of music and its upliftment. The fruits of humanity are even grander in its destiny. See the beauty already manifesting in human destiny. Babies make many mistakes, experimenting with infancy and finding out about life and who they are. See humanity’s reversals, so to speak, its experimentation with its own existence, in the same way. The patience of the parents and their enduring love for the child and its potential is reflected in Life’s caring for humanity. So much to learn and experience. An endless journey, rich indeed. Namaste.

Oct. 15, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Mastering disease

JANU: Events that pertain to remission of disease in the human journey, collectively and individually, must be mapped as a contingency for disease no longer being created by humanity. How thoroughly entrenched the experience and idea of disease is in the human psyche. It is feared deeply, seen as something unbeckoned, the cause of which is little understood. How many can imagine a life without it, no longer the cause for death or suffering? Some on one level deny it, but on another level expect it as a common and normal occurrence.

There are many who have passed on in your world that were healthy but chose to leave. Being comprised of many systems existing in cooperation to experience incarnate life, ending the sojourn is a coordinated experience as well. This pattern of life is also subject to unenlightened fears, unwise decisions, mismanagement of resources and expressions. Entertain, if you will, a life well managed, insightful, generous, and loving. Humanity has all of these choices to make. How well does anyone understand in each day their opportunities to choose?

Understanding the opportunities of each choice, choose to own each day and all that it contains. Your life is connected to everything. All the systems of your being are one. Your choices will be made in the best understanding available to you at any point in your awakening. Consider with some care what drives your decision-making, your relationship with life and each other. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 22, 2015 B                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The function of the True Nature

JANU: We are opening to the possibility of a networked reorganization of human social consciousness. We respect the authority for anyone’s choices in lifestyle, consciousness, as their own True Nature. True Natures aren’t as independent or disconnected from each other as one might think based on incarnate human experience of individuality. There are networks of patterns of involvement, of influence, in the destiny of humanity, individually and collectively. In the field of True Natures, on the one hand wisdom gained from experience, all kinds of experience, is desired. But to be continually in motion of discovery, understanding, and wisdom is desired as well. The oneness reality exists among True Natures as well, and much is shared. It is the prerogative of the True Nature individually.

The True Nature does manage the individual incarnate life, but mostly in the background. The movement of awakening on the human journey slowly changes this. The True Nature is entirely aware of the human journey. Conscious collaboration between the True Nature and the human consciousness evolves to the point where it is difficult to tell one from the other as separate realities. This allows for what we call the ‘networking of consciousnesses’ that collectively can achieve wondrous things.

Many opportunities exist for awakening humanity, but the identification with unawakened reality on the human journey controls, to a degree, this process. And this has a divine timing to it as well, you see. But there are those who want to accelerate this process individually. Their resolve and their patience are tested.

It is true that life does not evolve linearly. The flow and evolution of life is a timeless reality. Time/space consciousness has a strong influence on thinking, exploring, and absorbing the Truth of Life. But it has its own reality as well. A oneness consciousness appreciates all realities in a fluid, dynamic, and changing flow of life. The networking we speak of is part of this. The network is not exclusive, but inclusive to all the realities of living.

It is no small journey to awaken to your True Nature and all that that brings. Just as an infant takes its first step with so much potential beyond it, so it is with awakening to your own True Nature, our brother. The beginning of a much larger journey, and there are many steps beyond that one. Namaste.

Aug. 12, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Finding balance in the incarnate life

JANU: We are aware of the struggles of humanity in the midst of an incarnate life filled with wide ranging experiences of brutality and beauty and wonder. We understand this, the path of life that seems to have too many potholes, ruts, hurdles, and reversals. This tempers the experience, broadens the resource of experience to develop the ability to see through situations, attitudes, behaviors, to the beauty of the life that allows this. They are minor in the larger view of life. All of these have beginning and end, temporary. But the love that allows this expression is permanent and, yes, eternal.

So choose wisely what you hang your hat on, so to speak, as a reference for stability in your life, solid foundation, and determination to continue the path to wisdom, peace, and enlightened service. The balance here is to be conscious of everything, understand its existence, and be steadfast with the truth within you. All is forgiven in the larger life. Misinterpretations, misperceptions, misunderstandings. It’s as a child learning to walk, behave in relationships, absorb the falls, rise up again and move on.

Be mindful of the path of improvement in the midst of reversals. The patterns of life exist simultaneously, our brother. They co-exist. But consciousness appraises them and chooses. Be conscious of the truth behind everything, including your being, and cherish the wisdom that comes. Difficult to do within the midst of challenge of pain and suffering, but choose to return to the balanced life. Find your equilibrium and continue. Help others understand this, as you may. Namaste.

Aug. 14, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Dealing with the clamor of life

JANU: We speak today of the clamor that seems to permeate much of the life for humanity. Clear decision-making, a peaceful life rich with insight and understanding holds a backseat to much of this. When the clamor becomes the norm of the day, how does one then find peace and calm, insightful wisdom, clear thinking and focus united throughout their being as one? Of course, words are not enough. What they speak about is what’s called for.

Rejecting the clamor of humanity keeps your attention on it and connected to it. So what do you put your attention on, our brother? Your inner passions and desires that your True Nature shares with you as you walk through your day. Goals that are larger than the moment. Begin to perceive your life in a deeper and larger way. See through the clamor to the truth behind it.

The news media is filled with the superficial clamor of life. As you walk the incarnate life, see the truth behind the clamor, not based upon the opinions of others who are living the clamor, but your own innate faculties, the truthful perception. Wherever you observe life, choose the truth behind what you see, with your integrity intact. Human life is noisy, with some peace here and there. Add to the peace and live your truth. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 21, 2015                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The resiliency of the human spirit

JANU: We are impressed once more by the resiliency of the human spirit. Many such encounters have the designation of ‘born again,’ renewal of the confidence within to endure and rise above. This is part of the nature of the True Nature, which is who you are.

The incarnate life, personality, ego, without a strong connection, suffers from the sense of being alone and, in certain ways, identifies with the vagaries of life. When the human consciousness comes to a point of being overwhelmed, it lets go of identification only with incarnate life and being, and is open to the truth within the True Nature. This condition, or relationship, is available not just in times of crisis but all the time. But the pressures of living make it easy to forget.

So, instead of a life from one crisis to another, open to the middle ground, the path of balance, evenmindedness, patience, and an acceptance of the love from life that is always yours. When you perceive life more in this way, you are more understanding of the conditions around you and that others endure, making it easier to inspire, lift consciousness, be encouraging. Serving the awakening of humanity, our brother, is what this is all about. Everything in the life is served, enhanced, uplifted as one awakens more and more. The challenges of life are nowhere near as powerful as the power within.

Awakening may slow from time to time. The distractions are many. Be patient with yourself and others. Process the challenges, but always return to your awakening, your True Nature, the larger Life, and the awesome power of true love. Be at peace. Namaste.

Aug. 1, 2015                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross