The True Church of Christ

JANU: We have before us this evening that which is in need of the wise counsel of the elders of the true church of Christ. Now, we use this terminology to illustrate the divine counterparts to the ideals of many of your people.

Those in need, of which we speak, are those in confusion, divided to a degree between loyalties to their physical church and teachings and leaders and traditions and doctrine, and to the welling up in the heart of that which is the purity of the truth of their True Nature and that of the circumstance of life. The true church of Christ lowers itself in a sense to touch this evening those hearts. Not to teach doctrine, not to command loyalty or commitment or service to, or even faith but to bring blessing within the heart of the experience of the reality and the presence of that which they seek from deep within. The true church of Christ requires nothing of them. It only loves, for the fullness in the genius in the beauty of life is revealed through the profound peace of this experience, not struggle, and not confusion, and certainly not doctrine or ritual.

So we take the time this evening to touch hearts with that divine presence to satisfy longings and searchings in the emptiness that is not understood. What they are filled with is a full measure of their own divinity, their own completeness and their own capacity to enjoy all of life as a loving creator, beyond years in wisdom and ongoingness. In this fullness of experience they can sense the larger purpose of life and of their chosen journey’s purpose and they will find the peace of true knowingness and the joy in the life that they are and the life they create. In the richness of this discovery, one finds the freedom to be generous without reservation to the rest of life.

Let this be a true gift of Christmas in this season and celebrate life more completely. All over your world this experience and understanding is being given. Honor the Christ in this way. And the true church of Christ do we serve this evening. Bidding you good evening and namaste.
December 8, 1998 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Inspiring love & light in the darkness

JANU: Reaching then into the dark corners of life for this evening’s service, bringing love to those who feel none, despair of life, and reach for release. Ending a life without love, without peace, is dark indeed. Many of life’s circumstances seem unbearable and without hope. Wherever possible, we encourage the strength to go on, and a love of life that is greater than any circumstance, for when this occurs, the inner power comes and the understanding.

Ascension is a victory not born of what you are against, or darkness, but an embrace of the Light. A love of life includes a love of who you are and the miracle of your being and your contributions to life, even when surrounded by darkness. We encourage this inner strength in our service this evening.

Thank you and namaste.
Feb. 15, 2013 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Appreciate everything in a larger way

JANU:    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so let us see what we can see. “Rich in appearance.” “Rich in meaning.” These attributes speak well of moments of insight during the expression of special moments in the incarnate life. Moments such as these are created on many levels, not the least of which is the human expression of inner quality.

Moments such as these are accompanied by consciousnesses that are connected. This is why we say that these moments come to life in a fuller way. Share the joy with the Larger Life. A beautiful bonding with the more transcendent qualities of life.

These moments exist throughout humanity and find their way into the other kingdoms of incarnate life. The innocence and simple joy of an infant, a puppy, an offspring of any creature, is at one with the Larger Life.

In all walks of life, there are moments such as these of loving sacrifice, of caring, of dedication and commitment, of understanding. Human conflict and sacrifice are strange bedfellows, but they have their role in the richness of life. An inspired larger view of life expressions reveals much. Appreciate everything in a larger way. Namaste.
Mar. 12, 2019 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The coming together of conscious union

JANU:    Identity is the key here, is it not? For we all belong to one truth: the resolution of being, the profound oneness, the One composed of many, the ‘vesica picses,’ the Holy Grail, the path to oneness in consciousness and identity, the merging of all, the balance of peace, the resolution of potential, the intimacy of knowing, the service of life to life, the freedom to be. Conscious union. Namaste.
Mar. 7, 2019                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The beauty of the Larger Life

JANU: Realize the tradition of so many in and out of incarnation enriching life with unending diversity, layers of beauty beyond imagination, and always creating. A beautiful existence that is unlimited, ever-changing, always new, full of wonder and possibilities. A co-creative life limited only by imagination and desire. True freedom to be, to become, and to share, to be inspired by so many. Bringing this freedom to the incarnate experience on Earth is a grand service. Not an easy one, but one that requires patience, wisdom, and love.

The essential nature of any being is part of the Larger Life. The purpose of these journeys is to inspire each one to awaken more fully, getting to know who they are and the richness of their nature. This process is universal, not limited to humanity. As one awakens more fully, associations are renewed and developed and the incarnate journey is seen more clearly, along with its richness and creativity. Namaste.
Jan. 25, 2019                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


True peace has always been within you

JANU:  This evening, what we add to the clamor of those who build monuments to peace through force is the faint cry of those who reach out for peace, a simple life, without any idea of how to achieve it.

Why does the peace, the quest for peace, seem so powerless in the face of those who use force to achieve peace? What a contradiction this is. True peace is not realized in this way. It is born of the power of peace itself. And this peace, this power, neutralizes forcefulness. So then, to our brothers crying out for peace, find it within and, no matter what is going on around you, you’ve reached your victory. For in this life and the life beyond, true peace has nothing to do with force, and the calm between wars is not true peace. If it were, the wars would not continue.

What we serve this evening is the inspiration within of this message of peace to be achieved individually, for within your nature, your True Nature, peace will always be found, without fear, without force, but with the power that is in harmony with life itself. In true peace, the body finds health and balance, rejuvenation, and revitalization. Disease is not the product of peace. It is the product of fear and force that produce depletion, imbalance, and the decay of the body.

True peace has always been with you. Follow the wise counsel from within when walking in a world of counsel from without by those who claim wisdom, experience, and their own kind of power. So, find the peace that you reach for, that you’ve always had but have forgotten its source. Namaste.
Jan. 17, 2013 B                                        Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Beginning anew applies to every moment

JANU: We are assembling that needed to understand the larger reality of a new year, that is: every moment is new. A new moment, a new hour, a new day, a new month, a new year, a new you. New understanding, new experiences, new insights, new awakenings. Every moment is an opportunity to begin anew. Let new beginnings be your theme every day. New people to meet, new relationships, new discoveries. Meet everyone for the first time by perceiving them anew. Namaste.
Dec. 31, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


A Christmas Message

JANU:    What more fitting time than Christmas Eve to celebrate the Family of Life? Every family has birth and rebirth. Why not precipitate a rebirth in consciousness, in awakening, for all of humanity? Each according to their own destiny. It is the Christmas spirit, peace among peoples, unity of purpose through the collective consciousness, Life’s diversity. Even the Earth is part of this. Not limited to one moment in time, but as a continuous process, as it is with each one. The tradition of giving gifts includes the giving of goodwill, love, support, patience, confidence, for one’s being and their inclusion in the Family of Life. Christmas in this way is a way of living. A journey of forgiveness and understanding. What better way to begin a new year? Namaste.
Dec. 24, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Wondering is the beginning of larger thought that has a profound effect on the psyche. It brings into play unlimited possibilities.

Wondering about who you are. What is life? Why am I here so to speak? What is my purpose? Is there more to life than this? What of the future? What is my strength and my power, if any? How do I find out?

A key change, our brother, in consciousness is the declaration “I choose to know.” Let the doubt and confusion fade away. Let commitment to discover build.

So that is the question, you see, when querying another in this area of understanding: What do you wonder about? And who is doing the wondering?

Is life all connected and in what way? What is the purpose of everything? Is there a God? Did Jesus really exist? Do the churches have it right? What is Truth? Does prayer really work? Who am I? What am I? What really happens after death?

Wondering is the key to beginning the endless journey of discovery into the larger truth of everything. So wonder together. Be inspired by each one’s wondering and their discoveries. Grow individually and together, for no one is ever truly alone. Namaste.
Aug.10, 2018                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 19 contains prior attunements in this series.


Turning inward to the Larger Life

JANU:    So much of life, our brother, awaits your awareness and the awareness of so many others. Turning the direction of the attention inward for an adventure with the Larger Life, the fuller life, is no easy task. Our contribution through these journeys adds to the contribution of so many others.

The larger consciousness sees the future more definitely and the current conditions of humanity as temporary. The wisdom gained through the nature of these experiences will add to humanity’s destiny. Yes, there is much suffering. Many lessons to be learned here. But the hope that is lacking in so many awaits for them as they turn within. The Larger Life will always be there, to be embraced when ready. Namaste.
June 21, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross