Everyone has issues and are changing

JANU:    The so-called egregious behavior of politicians in the recent news speaks to the reality that no matter the position of power, the reputation, office, estate, everyone has issues and eventually are motivated to reclaim their integrity as conscious beings. From the perspective of the Larger Life, they are children on the move, made with major reversals in self-perception and relationships that will eventually restructure their perceptions, their sense of being. Remember, they are still spiritual beings on the human journey of discovery.

The veil is thinning, here and there. The changes have already begun. The minds are asking “Why?” More and more pushing hard for answers. Represent to them the reality of their larger life with its insights, wisdom, and love of life.

Learn to support this movement of life and change. It is real and it is happening. Dignify the life of truth. Kindness is a good beginning. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2019 B                                                    Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


What is strength?

JANU: Beginning with the declaration “together we are strong,” what is strength, then? Is life itself strong? And, if so, what makes this so? If the united individual is strong, what makes it so? What is strength?

For the moment, the best word here is integrity: the integrity of being, of consciousness, of character, of content, of discipline and commitment, and of oneness with all of life, and the expression of universal love. From these come clarity of perception and understanding. Integrity of relationships and even a relationship with your own being, for clear insightful observation of who and what you are is the foundation for evolving.

Even a stone has integrity. All of life expressions have integrity. The planets have integrity, as do the stars, or they would not exist. Even nature beyond the physical life has integrity. It is possible to become more conscious of this and more, with the integrity of clear perception, deepening understanding, and intimacy of experience.

Together we are strong. Each one has attributes of consciousness, of expression, of presence. Consciously united, there is harmony, balance, a symphony of existence. It is like the ‘music of the spheres.’ Music without end, always changing and evolving, each in their own way contributing to the symphony of life itself.

So hold the ideal as you awaken. You are gaining the strength, the integrity of wholeness, in harmony, in balance. Be strong. Namaste.
Oct. 30, 2019                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

This has developed into a series, begun before we realized it had. The reader may wish to look at the category Together we are strong for previous attunements that build the foundation for this. 


Living is a partnership with all you are

JANU:   Born again, revisiting. These words are true many times on the path of awakening. Thresholds, realizations, being birthed again and again into the Larger Life. This journey never ends, for life never ends its path of evolution, creativity, change. Revitalization can be measured, in some ways, by the peace and joy found in discovery. Realization of potential is what life is. Being at peace is being in harmony with this reality. Grateful for the moment, anticipate the next, and the pulse of life bestows upon you the next breath.

‘Being in the flow’ is an expression that contains enormous understanding and restitution of seeming losses of integrity. Anticipate the next miracle of understanding, while living in the integrity of what has already been gained. Measure not this journey by physical limitations of time and space, for none of these are absolute. Even the flow of these changes. Living is a partnership with all you are and Life itself. Journey together, as one. Namaste.
Oct. 10, 2019 B                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Living life real

JANU:   Memory requires focus. Memory is far reaching, but the human consciousness is not a natural multi-tasker as the True Nature is. So, baby steps, if you will, in recall of who you are.

Living real includes this process of discovery. Allow memories according to your ability or capacity to absorb them. Find comfort in the reality that you as a human consciousness coexist with the True Nature, a vast resource of recorded experience. Circumstance in living triggers memory to apply to understanding to resolve challenges. Reality includes authentic concern, real circumstance, honest sincere desire to understand and know, to support engaging life, which includes relationships.

Living real is the integrity that inspires all of this, free of manipulation, external conditioning, games, if you will, in social consciousness. A worthy inquiry is “Who are you? What is real? What is contrived? What is honest? What valance do you live by?” Awakening is the path of revelation which shines light, which is the Truth of Life, on life’s processes.

There is no end to this journey, because life hasn’t ended. It is still evolving, realizing its potential. And you are life. We all are. Live life real, without deception, whether to others or yourself. There is no richer path that is more rewarding, fulfilling, or beautiful. Do so in peace. Namaste.
Oct.17, 2019                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Wise decision making when confronted with conflicts

JANU:    Yes, difficult decisions demand insight. Delegating one’s responsibility, when inflicted upon others, where does wisdom lie? Conflicts occur on the path of awakening. But what decisions are wise and what is the source of the wisdom?

There is a tendency, when faced with these challenges, to make decisions based upon personal and independent perspective. Not wise, when it involves the destinies of others. Making conflicts known, within the structure of society to those who have agreed upon authority, when possible, maintains integrity of the situations that don’t allow for this process. Preventing suffering and loss of life becomes paramount, but even this is subject to interpretation.

Call upon, attune to the wisdom within and follow your intuition. Each conflict has its unique aspects and insight can focus the Light, the Truth of Life very quickly. Practice this for the small things to where insight serves well. The True Nature has access to vast resources, not constrained by time. Decide to know. Namaste.
Oct. 8, 2019 B                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Coexistence, a key element of awakening

JANU: The coexistence of Life and its elements is a theme of understanding that is central to awakening to the Larger Life. The human mind, dealing with life behind the veil, is not conscious in this way. A major change in consciousness through awakening is this understanding that all of life coexists. Unique properties existing all through the body of life, each with their own integrity but each coexisting with each other. This is the beginning understanding of the nature of life and the nature of your own existence.

In this larger way of consciousness, there are no secrets, but there are protocols of engagement in order for integrities to be maintained and evolve. Life loves all of its existence, loves itself, you might say. Each one awakening moves in this direction as well, loving all that they are. Peace is experienced without regrets, disappointments, frustrations, or sense of lack. These are some of the elements of ignorance, where in this nature of each one there is so much more to be discovered, realized, and evolved. Coexistence, then, is a theme of exploration, even when exploring one’s own nature. A good place to begin, you see. Namaste.
Sept. 30, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Love is the great teacher within

JANU: Laudable, then, is the understanding and embrace of the universal nature of love.  It is common ground, common virtue, for everything, for all of life. It’s the peace regulator; it supports peaceful harmony with the essence of all of life. It knows no bounds or time limit or limits of space. Space exists within its purview. Even the so-called ‘Big Bang’ was loved into being. The energies of existence, creation, destruction, the power of all of these is loved into existence. So, in that sense, love is the source of all of these powers.

Loving each other, placed in this perspective, brings integrity and balance and, through these, realignments, rejuvenation. This is indeed a larger view of life that brings clarity of perspective, reveals the truth of everything, transcends limitation, and is the great teacher within. Namaste.
Sept. 26, 2019                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Enriching life with our life patterns

JANU:    We are one. The True Nature is not separate from any of its facets, its elements of reality. It is many of these, and it is one. The human experience is portion of the totality of being. The assumed identities and role playing of the veiled incarnate life are a challenge and an opportunity to mature the consciousness, evolve the spirit, and serve life in the process. Enriching each other’s lives, inspiring and encouraging your potentials, enriching life.

“How does one enrich life?” you ask. “In what way, what manner?” By co-creating with it life patterns that contain within them revelation, understanding, wisdom, love, peace, creativity, insight, patience.

“What is a life pattern?” you ask. It is a creation made of patterns of energy, consciousness, life force, being initiative with every thought, action, experience, hope and desire. The corresponding ripples radiate throughout reality during the creation of a life pattern, where everything coexists. Contributions to life are more far ranging than most realize, for when one entertains an idea, a possibility, their consciousness touches and is touched by corresponding patterns that coexist everywhere, always.

An ocean has many drops of water, yet the ocean is all of these and they are one. Each with their own patterns, but they are one. So it is with the consciousnesses of individuals. They are one life, enriched by many, all coexisting. Each one’s life patterns are valid and in motion, as is the flow of life. So each one matters, creates, contributes, discovers, and evolves.

Share your patterns with others, as inspiration not requirement, as opportunity for new ideas and expansion of choices. Always free to choose and encouraged to do so. Even though a limited identity makes one seem alone and private, this is an illusion. So benefit each other with openness, honesty, integrity, clarity, patience, and respect, and yes, love. Namaste.
Aug. 5, 2019                                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Finding truth

JANU: Your request has been heard, to explore the reality of finding truth.  Interesting challenges that reveal much about the truth seeker. Recanting preferences, biases, prejudices, misperceptions, preferred outcomes, personal motives is not easy. For many, these conditions are natural and normal. Definitely common.

What is truth, then?” you ask. The ‘isness’ of reality. An accurate observation of life and its patterns, according to the limitations or strengths of individual consciousness, powers of perception, and discernment.

So, where does one begin on the quest? The continuing best response is a growing conscious relationship with the Divine within you, your True Nature, your true being, the source of your integrity. Truth always exists. Even the question asked has bias, unclear patterns of motive, that must be sifted through for a response as revealing as possible. But the beauty of life is, even though imperfect, and the questions can be asked repeatedly, allowing for processing, the evolution of consciousness, and the maturity of the questioner. For there is always another layer of truth to be sensed, to be understood and processed.

Truth is not a destination. It is a process of life in motion. One tends to define truth as absolute, unalterable, eternal. The Essential Nature is, but not its many manifestations and evolving reality, which must do so, for life itself is evolving, changing, maturing, deepening. So, finding truth is finding the level of truthful reality that works for you, that is understandable, that can be processed and applied to enhance understanding, to strengthen the foundation and purpose and meaning for your life.

Even in the midst of all these influences, finding truth is the path of conscious reunion with all that is, including who you are. Namaste.
July 24, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Goal-centered exploration is the theme here. “What is wise goal setting, then?” you ask. It is that which is in harmony with a growing consciousness of integrity. Exploring the truth of life. Self-observation and discernment. An openness to understanding and experiencing the nature of life and its   creations. The relationships between all of the elements of life and their integrity. The larger views of life, potential, destiny, achievements. Freedom of sovereignty and choice. A desire to serve and enrich life, meaning everyone and everything in it.

A worthy question for everyone: What are your goals in your life? How clearly to you understand them? What has been achieved up to this point, and how well do you understand these achievements and their potential? Life can appear as a grab bag, of sorts, of possibilities. The organization of these is lack of consciousness, wisdom, maturity, and understanding of that which engages them. Life is not linear or empirical. It is coexistent, simultaneous, and progressive. Even the consciousness of your body has goals of survival, well-being, service to the occupant, enriching life as it may, and living its integrity, and responding to the life patterns of the occupant.

Measuring all of this is through observation and experience of the results of these interactions and manifestations. That is the mirror of life. And, as with a mirror, life reflects you to see who you are, the results of your choices and interactions on every level. Acknowledge your coexistence and listen. Namaste.
June 17, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross