Freedom to choose

JANU: Choices deserve understanding as to their nature and their influence on the circumstances of living. Freedom to choose can be limited by what is accepted in the circumstances of living. What is a choice, then, that is not completely liberated from convention, tradition, distraction, and preferences born of social consciousness? Being free to choose with greater wisdom is a worthy pursuit. Looking at, then, the source of any choice, is it controlled by social convention and traditions, the personality-ego, or something more, something greater?

The journey of awakening to the True Nature results in freedom beyond limitation. From this, your source of wisdom for making choices is the reality of who you are beyond these things. In the larger reality of your being is the wisdom gained from countless experiences. Climbing the rungs of the ladder into conscious union with your True Nature finds many rungs, each with their own focus and progression leading to the next. How does one recognize the next rung on their ladder, when it has little resemblance to the rung that you’re on? The insight into this already exists in the larger You. The desire to know and be more than your current reality is a good beginning. The larger You welcomes this. This reality is possible even while incarnate in the human experience.

Listen to your innermost desires. They live in the heart of your being as well. Be true to your destiny and all that it can be. The Larger Life is real, more real than you might be aware of. It is magnificent in every way and brings such peace and joy to the life. Why would you want anything less? Fear not discovery, new understandings, the liberation of perception, and the embrace of new life. You need only desire it, leaving doubt behind and the ignorance of others. Namaste.
Dec. 21, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Symbols and meaning

JANU: The reality of symbolic representation as to the nature of life is little understood, for symbolism–including words, which are symbols of meaning—is an alternative to direct knowing, direct experience. They bring comfort to those who seek meaning and understanding in their lives.

Symbols represent desire to be connected, to be conversant while experiencing the veil that acts as a boundary to the consciousness of incarnate identity. Temporary icons of elusive meaning, subject to interpretation individually and collectively, which is as varied as there are individuals. ‘Deity’ is such, providing comfort and hope to be led into understanding, to fulfill the desire for a better life in every way.

This inner calling, if you will, to reach for something greater is a result of the veil of forgetfulness. The choice awaits the consciousness from the divine True Nature. But these times are changing. The veil is lifting, here and there. The consciousness is maturing and the veil is thinning. Many are reclaiming their power by accepting responsibility for their circumstance. The insights are coming. The understanding is emerging. The joy of discovery and realization of potential illumines the journey.

No longer the sense of aloneness, that prevents remembering and embracing the Family of Life. This takes courage, honesty, faith, and commitment to grow, to awaken, to return to the Larger Life, of which incarnate life is a part. Be patient with each other, encourage where you may, have compassion with yourself and others. Your True Nature is you. Namaste.
Dec. 18, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Sharing unlimited exploration

JANU: Life is real. Every reality of it, all coexisting, all interacting, all present, and all now. Separation consciousness under the veil of individuality, individual identity, sees boundaries and layers, this or that, has difficulty embracing the perception of this and that and that and that, without limit.

Peacefulness is when one is in harmony with the natural coexistence of life, the flow of its relationships, the larger synergism of everything. Time and space no longer the definition of its ‘isness.’ The concept of secrets is a limitation, a product of individualization, the veil interpreted as isolation and secrecy, privacy. It has its purpose as an experiment of consciousness to focus exploration within a portion of life, reducing distractions, but need not remain. Awakening is the path of restoration of consciousness, awareness, reclaiming the larger identity of being in the Family of Life.

Respecting each other’s illusions in their perceptions of life is important. But when one begins to reach for a larger sense of being, a return to all that they are, help each other on this path. Learn from each other. Claim all of your powers and the responsibility that goes with them. Privacy no longer needed, for you are within your integrity of being.

Share your peace with others, encouraging them to find their own. Be encouraged by others who are sharing theirs. Be the larger family that includes each other. Everyone experiences so-called reversals on their path of awakening. This is natural and provides opportunities to gain clarity and wisdom. Time is not a measurement of this. Be free to explore, unlimited by limited perceptions. Life is diverse but there is order. Honor the integrity of life, including your own. Namaste.
Dec. 18, 2018                                                                                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


All is possible

JANU:    Awakening is progressing life, which amounts to serving all of life. It matters not to what degree, or what form, or its timing. Life naturally sorts this into its tapestry. Understanding awakening is a larger issue than humanity’s journey. All of life is awakening in the sense of realizing its potential. Even potential evolves. The looping reality of life supports this. Such is true for an individual as well. The flow of insights, of possibilities to explore, to ponder, to apply, to experience is part of the evolving consciousness and an evolving True Nature and beyond.

Awakening is becoming more conscious of more of life, for all of life coexists. You ask, “What is Life?” Life is the vitality of being, the motivation to continue. But understanding and being conscious of life is a journey in harmony with all of the realities of one’s existence. Even the subtler worlds are not as isolated from each other as one might think. That is perception of limited consciousness, so-called individuality, the less conscious individual focused on the human experience.

As one becomes more conscious, one can sense the ocean of life, the heart, the mind, the consciousness of another, and their thoughts as well. One becomes aware of the origin of one’s own perceptions. Co-creation, intimacy, with the flow of life, all things are possible. Namaste.
Dec. 17, 2018 B                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The Larger Life includes everything

JANU:    Opportunity is the best descriptor of what we can achieve. Serving opportunities is part of the path of awakening. Practical application. “Application of what?” you ask. The application of wisdom born of insight into the nature of that that is, that is becoming. Humanity is included in this, for each one is in the process of becoming. Helping each other and inspiring each other to explore potential, to create and realize. What can you share with others other than that that you are and are exploring? Not to lead them so much as to inspire.

There is more to discovery than information and understanding. There is intimacy, compassion, love, patience, giving, and receiving. The art of listening is not just to hear but to connect, to experience the concerns and the potential of another. Relating to another does not mean agreeing with their current patterns, but allowing the flow of understanding from your own True Nature and, through that, theirs as well. No judgement here, or condemnation. No criticism. No opinion of shortcomings. No impatience with the steps taken on their path, including your own.

Time is not what is important here, but the realization of potential and the wisdom that comes from experience, the embracing of opportunities, the joy of discovery, the breath of freedom to explore. Understandings need not compete with each other; through the larger view, fulfill each other. Coexistence of the diversity of life seems incompatible; the larger your view, to be more inclusive.

The larger life you seek includes everything. Individuality is only part of this. Namaste.
Dec. 17, 2018                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The questions of an explorer

JANU: We are holding humanity in its potential in the ideal of its awakening. The awakening of humanity is not limited to the desires of humanity, but to the larger venue of life and the role it plays in the evolution of other venues of life. Human awakening, as such, reveals other potentials of life as well, for they coexist in this realm called the Body of Life.

Individuality consciousness isolates perception from that which coexists with all of life. So the struggles that ensue can benefit individuality from that perception but do not take advantage of, in the consciousness, the larger synergism of life. Mutual benefit. Grander wisdom. Diversity of cultures, philosophies, ideologies, perceptions. Human awakening is part of the symphony of life, the music of the spheres, so to speak. Unique coexistence with diversity is a step forward for the grasp of human consciousness of its own reality. Expanding the consciousness to include that of others, grander destinies, the micro- and macro- coexisting as one, is an endless adventure of discovery, realization, creation.

What is a co-creator, then? What is the reality of coexistence? How far does potential go? What are the creative powers available to a co-creator? Is anything permanent, unalterable, or real only in its current reality? Is there anything that can’t be modified, re-created, or uncreated? Is all of Life fluid in its beingness? What are the larger meanings of identity, purpose? How does life self-perpetuate? What is the motivation of continuation?

These are the questions of an explorer. Humans are not the only explorers in life. Humanity itself is an exploration. You ask “Why?” and the answer is “Why not?” Namaste.
Dec. 14, 2018                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Progressing human potential

JANU:    Let us pretend for a moment that everything is as it will be. A progression, if you will, of current human reality further into its potential. What we see here has a possibility based on that potential: A more sublime consciousness, more at peace with the nature of life, incorporating many of these characteristics into the consciousness and the complex content of a mutually beneficial, collective society.

Science will be extended to include co-creative possibilities, not limited to current physical science. Life co-exists in layers, overlapping in many ways, including science. Terraforming is one element. Configuration of life in motion for preferred experimental outcomes, revealing many other possibilities on the way.

The arts having a revival as a more integral part of a well-balanced and productive society, revealing and inspiring perceptions and commitments to help create a better life for everyone.

Music produced not just with instruments or the voice, but co-creatively for direct influence lifting the consciousness. Frequencies, patterns, emotions, insights, enhanced faculties. A symphony of realized potential still evolving.

Joy, happiness, peace of mind, integrity, good will, service, and love of each other and self. A strong foothold in reality. What is their decision-making? Many of the vagaries of life are self-induced, mutually created with corresponding illnesses, confused thinking, and a closed heart and mind. An open heart and mind is a beautiful experience to behold; isolation from others diminishes; fear of the future becomes absurd.

A life filled with possibilities and the consciousness to create them awaits humanity in a larger way. Changes are coming but the potential is there. Awakening is happening. And the resources of life need only be embraced. Namaste.
Dec. 13, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

For more on the concept of “progression,” expanding a current situation to its possible result, please see A Bright Future


True Peace: in harmony with the flow of life

JANU: We are at peace in the flow of life. And what grander peace is there? How magnificent each one is, yet unaware. Rich then, beyond words, beyond limited perceptions, beyond confusion, beyond ignorance.

Experience a sense of richness having nothing to do with material wealth or human power, perceptions. Experience the freedom of richness. Experience the intimacy of conscious connection and union with any part of life your attention is upon. The richness of memories of all experiences from all sojourns, whether incarnate or not. Not only rich with blessings but the richness of sharing them, loving the beauty of each one’s nature into the freedom of their own.

The true power of peace is freedom to be. All of life coexists, including the so-called individual. Co-creation and co-existence. Diversity and oneness coexist, unique expressions of oneness.

A consciousness at peace, we are that we are. I am that I am. An inclusive identity, with unlimited integrity. Namaste.
Dec. 12, 2018 B                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Opening to the truth of your Nature

JANU:     We are encouraging the journey into the larger truth of your own Nature. It is true that patterns of life, of perception, have accumulated, filling a repository of limitation from limited perception, not only within one’s own experience but absorbing the experiences of others as normal. They are common, but not normal.

Opening to the larger truth of your Nature opens the consciousness to more unlimited life patterns of experience, memory, perception. One focus dear to many is their own physical, mental, and emotional health. Spiritual health being the least understood of these, but that is where the Light is, the truth of your Nature, the larger view, freedom from limitation.

So let us continue our journeys in this direction, promoting well-being, clarity of insight, and understanding, service through relationships and co-creativity, and serving the discovery of love for oneself and others. Loving oneself unconditionally, no matter what, is the journey worth taking. A phrase difficult for many is that ‘I love myself without reservation or condition.’

Love is the bond that holds life together. It is the vehicle of understanding, intimacy, nurturing, rejuvenation, and ongoingness. It is expansive, liberating, and freedom. Much need for this in the world at this time. Witness human behavior, from the small to the large. Where is love? A word used by many but to what degree is it owned, not as a symbol through a word, but as a reality in the life? Where is the peace and the freedom from anger? It lives within and is your Nature.

Many feel that what they sense with their five senses is what is real, and everything else is a fuzzy possibility, misrepresented by many for their own purposes. Conscious union is the path to awakening into your awesome Nature, a source of wisdom, compassion, and understanding. Let there be no mistake. This is the Larger Life and always has been. Return to what you’ve known before, and what you’ve known is who you are as well as the rest of Life. Namaste.
Dec. 11, 2018 B                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Unlimited possibilities

JANU:    Reality is in some ways what you make of it, for the Orders of Life are fluid and adapt to prevailing consciousness for the purpose of exploring possibilities. You recently considered quantum theory to describe larger than life reality, direct experiences. It is true, but not the whole truth of it. There is much more. A good beginning, though.

As you have considered before, through presentation of another, there is life not controlled by theory or laws or structure of any kind. All of these creations are for the purpose of developing experiences and exploring the possibilities without end, of life reality, coexistence, and presence. Life is realizing its own potential through its own creations, from which these possibilities expand. Realization without limits is not easy to place one’s mind in harmony with, but it’s an enriching pursuit. What then is ‘unlimited mind’? Unlimited possibilities, eternity, larger and larger truth that is evolving.

Conscious union, the path of awakening, includes identity of expansion into the reality of the totality of your being. Certainly not limited to the human journey. Anything beyond physicality seems vague, elusive, and indefinite. But understand this: it is real. It coexists with all that you are aware of at any moment.

Let us continue, then, reaching into unlimited possibilities. A larger consciousness absorbs wisdom through experience and wiser choices ensue about any part of reality on any level, including one’s own Nature, destiny, ideals, wonderings, and certainly relationships. Live in peace. Find harmony, meaning, depth, and wisdom through all of life. Namaste.
Dec. 10, 2018 B                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross