
JANU: Enormous then, in reference, is the propensity for association in the lives of many. Association with each other takes many forms, as does association with the Larger Life. The hopes, dreams, and prayers of those who explore these larger associations are referenced or founded in incarnate associations, not realizing that, in each one, lives the Larger Life and the references for these longings must be lifted as well. Personal integrity is one key factor. A deepening clarity of purpose or motivation is another. Life seems complex, obscure, and its mysteries, magic, out of reach. Associating, then, more consciously with your True Nature and its many realities is the one association that serves you best. Or, should we say, more completely.

You ask then, “How does one associate with their True Nature?” Begin the process, you see, by loving yourself and, through this, identify with the source of your being, where the love, the understanding of love, exists and is reciprocated. Yes, you are one life, with many elements. Love yourself as a whole being, excluding nothing of what you truly are. Association with your True Nature includes insight, perspective, creativity, new understandings, well-being, clarity of purpose and its many phases.

Associate with the Larger Life and each other from this foundation. Find peace and strength, wonder and resolve, faith and commitment, and trust in life. The Family of Life includes your many facets of existence. The potential for associations is unlimited. Consciousness is not limited to the incarnate or discarnate, so wherever you find yourself in life’s scheme, the truth of who you are prevails. Namaste.
Apr. 14, 2017                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Gaining wisdom in a diverse world

JANU: We are surveying with you the diversity of human behavior. You ask to see sanity through or behind all of it, ostensibly to see hope for its future. The manifestations of life in consciousness in the incarnate life are temporary when embracing the larger life, but in a sense, our brother, they are foundation building through experience in individual and collective will. Yes, many unpleasant and brutal experiences. What you hope for is that wisdom is gained, alternatives and foundations for future decisions. Creative consciousness is still present and viable. Humanity still has the option for a richer life.

So hold to this ideal, our brother. Be a gentle emissary for it. Others will be inspired in their own way. Find peace in the knowing of what humanity is capable of as it awakens. The timing for this, our brother, is not one sojourn. The larger view is the clearer vision. Be the evolution in consciousness that you long for. Enrich life as you may, even as we may. Namaste.
Apr. 7, 2017                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The larger life

JANU: We offer another perspective on the larger life which coexists with you in your incarnate experience. Embracing coexistence and its reality can still leave behind the emotion that the larger life is separate from you. It is not. Your consciousness, your awareness can be as large or restricted as you choose.

Awakening does not suggest that you explore everything at once. Awareness comes here and there, as there is need and desire, of course, for the human mind is not yet conditioned beyond this. Whenever you become aware of something more, your life is larger. Even just one perspective, one element. So avoid putting off ‘having a larger life to be aware of’ as some enormous undertaking, restricted to a few.

And the larger life, our brother, continues to evolve, to grow, to expand. So the perception of achieving a larger life has nothing to do with knowing all there is. It is everything to do with the freedom to become more aware. The reality of incarnate life has been misperceived as separate from, distant from, disconnected from the larger life. They coexist, our brother. How can this be true, other than perception?

Now, awareness is not just education and information, but experience, ownership, evolutionary consciousness and the freedom to explore and achieve. Allow freedom in your experience, no longer identified with perceived concepts of borders and limitations. The consciousness is not limited in this way, ultimately. The larger life is now, coexisting, dynamic, real, and present.

Your True Nature exists in this way. Embrace it once more. It is who you are, after all. Namaste, our brother.
Mar. 22, 2017                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 19 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: We are celebrating, if you will, thresholds in consciousness, becoming more aware of your True Nature as an identity. It is the path to grand journeys. The larger life, which includes incarnate life, is vast indeed. How can you accomplish that which you are unaware of, experience it, own it, achieve the wisdom? Allow your perception to include a larger reality filled with life, memories, achievements, other consciousnesses, networks of existence, and the coexisting nature of these realities.

Many people’s perceptions consider the universe only physically, as vast, great distances separating one part from another. The larger reality in consciousness is not limited in this way. Co-existence is a theme of life. It is a worthy study.

You coexist with many. The illusions of living perpetuate themselves and bring about an orientation and identity that they describe. It’s like consciousness in a box, you see. It identifies as the box to the exclusion of the co-existence of that that exists according to the perception outside the box. Co-existence is the theme here. The box, our brother, is an illusion, perpetuated by its own limitations.

Allow your attention to focus upon co-existence and the reality and dynamics of that. Many and one at the same moment, coexisting. Life experience is a kaleidoscope of new and changing perspectives. All real in their own way, coexisting. As with a kaleidoscope, a slight change changes your perspective, seemingly without end. This take on the flow of life is most revealing. Namaste, our brother.
Mar. 21, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 19 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Organization or chaos

JANU: Understanding organization is the theme. The word suggests linear and empirical relationships, order, hierarchy of procedure, structure, and complexity. This element or aspect of organization certainly does exist in the incarnate life, but in the larger life organization includes much more for all of life, which includes everything. Simultaneous existence that is in motion. Relationships that come and go, to varying degrees. Free will, to varying degrees. Every principle free to change, every so-called ‘law of life’ mutable. Even essential nature is in motion.

So, where does that leave one in perceiving, understanding discarnate life, the larger life? Organization and structure in each realm of life has its own parameters of existence, in order to have evolution without chaos, that patterns of life can manifest and mature, but diversity is unlimited. The seeming borders, limitations, and parameters of incarnate organization, seen only from that perspective, are perceived as permanent. Awakening, then, our brother, isn’t to discard one for another, but appreciate and understand the full range of expression. And through all of it is the one life, even realities beyond current understanding. So with every structure of thoughtful organization, be aware the alternatives are without limit, yet life continues and evolves and realizes its potential.

This reality is part of your incarnate life as well, although less understood. Your experience is a product of the limitations of your conditioning, what you allow and what you reject. There are those with abilities that seem to defy explanation. Yes, some accomplish great things without understanding completely how they were accomplished. So organizing your thoughts and perceptions first does not guarantee abilities yet to be achieved. Ask yourself, “How does one incarnate in the first place, from one reality to another?” Every reality has protocols of existence, yet it is possible to visit or know another reality without complete immersion. But the lessons of experience and wisdom gained are not fully possessed.

You have pondered the question, “Is life analog or digital?” The answer is “Yes, but more.” Is life organization or chaos? The answer is yes, and more. You are free to explore all of life. Be at peace with that and enjoy your journeys. Namaste, our brother.
Dec. 28, 2016                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 13 contains all prior attunements in this series.


How completely do you know who you are?

JANU: Wondering as you do about the nature of life within and beyond the physical, we would suggest that your attention or concentration be on the reality of the physical being one with that which is not physical, in the common meaning or sense. Taking a position of one thing separate from another diminishes an understanding of the reality of either one. Everything in the physical-only point of view sees only form, borders, limitations, and some relationships. Taking this unified view reveals the true nature of a larger reality that includes the physical. For as you probe the reality of the physical, you discover elements co-existing, with correlation. The questions left unanswered by physical appraisal only of the nature of life become more clear.

When embracing the nature of the so-called physical, it is having non-physicality as part of its nature, its essential reality, its so-called substance. Science has learned some of this. But witness the two referred to earlier on the media, able to move their hands through objects, de-materializing and re-materializing what their attention is on, to read the mind of another, no longer convinced they cannot accomplish these things and many more. And that is the difference, our brother.

How much of one’s life is shaped by their sense of reality and unreality, of the so-called laws of physics, or the social point of view as to what is possible and what is not? Merging the so-called physical life with the subtler life opens the consciousness to unlimited possibilities, which has always been available, attainable, and part of the larger life. Who and what are you really? How complete is your understanding? A worthy question to ponder, our brother, and awaken to. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2016 B                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Being at peace facing challenges

JANU: With the upheavals and turmoil of the day, politics notwithstanding, we encourage humanity to take the larger view. The upheavals are the smallest part of the larger picture. Perspective is what’s called for here, and that comes from seeing the bigger picture and placing upheavals in their temporary and smaller roles. Being at peace comes from being at one with that which is at peace. In the collective of life, the larger truth lives in peace and sees everything. So, as you view an upheaval in the life, in the microcosm of life, see it with a larger view. Draw on the power of that truth, not only to see solutions but to make the changes needed to cope with everything.

The term ‘peace’ does not whitewash anything, but is at the root of everything. It is true power and places uncertainties in clear perspective. Be at peace by being one with what peace is, the power of the Light which is the Truth of Life. Attune to its presence throughout your being, revealing who you are. Namaste, our brother. Be at peace.
Nov. 11, 2016             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Becoming aware of other life realities

JANU: Life exists as beings in many realities, physicality being only one. How does one relate, then, to non-physical existence but structured life nonetheless, with order, longevity, traditions and history?

Let us observe, then, one just removed from physicality in what you call vibrations, octave of life or frequency if you will, yet co-existing with humanity and others. Interplay is uncommon, not because of their lack of awareness, but of that of humanity. There are many instances where humans sense the presence of the so-called invisible. Insights are shared in terms of sensations, impressions, feelings.

This octave of life, of which we speak, humanity wanders in and out of without realizing it is doing so. Native Americans, in some instances, ritualized this activity and related to creatures of the world in this way. The Egyptian’s tradition of afterlife, and preparation for it, is in some ways a misinterpretation, but an inspiration nonetheless. Great expense and effort was utilized to further this. They achieved an immortality they already had. Humanity has been bumping, if you will, into this reality here and there. The occultists of theosophical tradition explored this.

The question becomes: to what purpose, to what advantage for either reality? The advantage is to learn of, be alert to the larger you, the True Nature and all that that includes. And in doing so, experiencing and gaining the wisdom you already possess and are gaining still. The larger life includes far more than just humanity and a reality of life slightly removed from physicality. Humanity’s propensity for discovery beyond convention exists successfully because of its True Nature. Yes, there are those who pass on from physicality and explore other realities. Preserved in the memory of the True Nature but seldom passes through the veil. Not that it can’t. These journeys into awakening encourage such exploration, gradually and wisely.

Learning more of life is learning more of who you are. They go hand in hand. Your journey in the body is very brief compared to the larger you. Be open to an evolution in identity from limited to less limited reality. Namaste.
Oct. 6, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Getting on with living

JANU: We recognize the accumulation of spirit in the sense of the general state of consciousness of humanity on the Earth. The consciousness we speak of transcends time and space, imprinted forever. As we observe collective human consciousness, we see its color changing, becoming brighter, more synergistic, and a growing appetite for freedom from the constraints of limited consciousness. For some, science is a divergence from this restriction of ignorance, but the science of exploration and consciousness has yet to become mainstream.

You question the use of the word ‘color.’ By this we mean tone, essence, nature. Now, be aware of this, our brother, that this tone, this essence does not occur unnoticed. All of life is connected and the desire or request for freedom is responded to. Human consciousness is evolving, but in the larger reality calling it ‘human consciousness’ is only part of the story. Most will say, “What else is there? It is all we are aware of.” As your consciousness evolves, it becomes more aware of that not seen.

Individual consciousness is very familiar with its own world. Marriage includes that of another and all of the interaction. Moving toward global concerns elevates the consciousness and lays the foundation for other worlds and then other realities. Awakening, our brother, modifies decision-making, values, behavior, goals, and your sense of being. Growing in sensitivity, understanding, and appreciation of other expressions of life than not just human changes your perspective. Collective human consciousness is a mix of many perspectives but there is an overall theme, and that is an acceptance of life as it is, including your own. Which includes change and experimentation.

Predictability of life is that it will continue. The creations, the manifestations are the proof of it. Exploring these realities, these expressions of life, begs the question, “Who or what is doing the exploring and what is gained?” These journeys, our brother, are encouragements to awaken to this. Find peace in the discovering and get on with living. Namaste.
Sept. 30, 2016 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The collective human consciousness

JANU: We are assembling then at this time the notions of many as pertain to the distribution of the wealth of consciousness that is building and emanating from collective humanity. These thoughts of many have concerns with what can be accomplished with such wealth and they look to share these concerns with those of humanity that would listen to and consider them.

First and foremost is the reshaping of human societies: social consciousness, humanitarianism, generosity, loving consciousness, and mutual support. In due course, reaching out to other worlds, not to mention the nature of their own. In these formative times, it is wise to consider directions taken, possibilities for creativity and, yes, relationships with the larger life, remembering that the True Nature of humanity already is the larger life. Humanity’s isolation by way of the veil has fostered traditions of isolated consciousness, individuality, and the lack of awareness of universal connection. Like the crew of a sailing ship, they’ve learned cooperation but this is the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. Human families can exhibit more of these concerns and their possibilities. The ingredients are there, scattered throughout civilization, for a richer future.

You speak of associations and collaborations on the path of awakening, as does this journey, our brother. It is wise to think more of these associations in a larger way. They are real and they are immediate and are beneficial, not just to humanity but to those of the larger experience. Humanity is on the verge of a number of doorsteps, so to speak, thresholds of achievement. The cusp of changes reveals much and is a grand opportunity to gain insight and wise decision-making. This is why these who have gathered share their concerns.

We speak of collective human consciousness, but forget not, this is made up of individuals. But there is a coalescing within humanity of awakening becoming more a body, a conscious body of life, moving into a synergism of thought, insight, inspiration, and ideals. Attuning to this reality of change broadens perspective, revealing opportunity to participate. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 14, 2016                                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.