Awakening 12: Happiness

JANU: We are celebrating, if you will, each moment of opportunity to bring Light into the world of human consciousness. The Light we shine today has to do with stability of focus into innate nature.

The human journey was cast to be a precursor to a larger journey of creativity. When one sees only the seeming endless circles of human struggle, missteps, distrust, and greed, the vision for the larger life becomes obscure. Each would do well to refocus their lives, their attention on something greater than themselves, not imagined but real. And the reality, our brother, is the True Nature and its connection to everything.

Life is a community, a family if you prefer, of spirit beings, consciousnesses, ‘love centers’ if you will, for life is a loving reality without judgment, condemnation, favoritism, competition. It is a collaborative reality, living to encourage, to support all of its elements. Humanity has become fragmented and lost sight of the richness of such a life. Happiness is enhanced by the happiness of others. Choose what you would enrich life with and it will make you rich in unlimited ways.

Joy and happiness are the keys to creativity. A misguided life that finds refuge in leaving it can only find true peace in their True Nature. As you do, you understand that reality in others, drawing together in the truth of this. Just two individuals, reaching for this truth, committed to each other’s success, unlock their creativity. The phrase “when two or more are gathered” in the name of this, the Divine within. Life opens to their imagination, their creativity, their example. Be in agreement with someone, finding the truth within and through that reality the larger life. Larger than you can imagine, older than time, not limited to materiality, powerful beyond the popular meaning of the word.

This does not take the place of incarnate life, but fulfills it as it becomes a pure joy in its rewards. The Truth of Life brings together in one understanding the confusions of living without it. There comes a time in each one’s life when the thought occurs “Enough is enough. I know there is more to this and I choose to embrace it.” One of the marks of someone achieving this is their happiness, their peace of mind, and their brilliance of insight and understanding. This is everyone’s birthright and has always been available.

Be part of the illusion of the human experience in a more enlightened way. See the truth behind the truth behind the truth. Insight is ‘inner sight,’ our brother. Choose to see. The only limitation is what you impose. Choose life without limit, being free to embrace it. Namaste.

Apr. 23, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Awakening 11: Others are going to assist in this series

JANU:    Wonderful news is in the offing, that being collaborations on this journey of awakening. The series is catching the attention of masters of this process and they offer their service, for this series has the promise of inspiring many.

To begin with, let us exam briefly this tradition of collaboration on this subject. The movement of the forces of Light and the evolving consciousness of humanity is far more than a private, individual journey. For awakening, when accomplished with a larger perspective of service, becomes more important, more significant as part of larger realities. There are many movements in consciousness that incorporate the awakening abilities of many, not just of Earth. The connections we referred to earlier are part of this. Those attending this evening have much to offer. Awakening exposes the individual to realities near and far beyond physicality, but physical existence is part of the larger experience, you see.

Your understanding of life will take on many new dimensions, perspectives, and areas of interest. Your immediate concern is the awakening of humanity, but these journeys will bring service to other beings as well. There are a growing number of awakened and awakening members of humanity around the Earth already a part of these larger concerns. One does not live alone, you see, only in their perceptions which awakening changes.

So let us proceed from this moment on with an openness to collaboration and the richness that brings. Namaste.

April 20, 2016 B                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 9: Connection

JANU: There are many forms of this process of awakening throughout the universe for the cultures and configurations of many vary greatly, as does their consciousness. So awakening can seem quite different on another world, in another reality. But the reality of oneness, love, collaboration, mutual service become more a composite of the larger life as a result. The message for this session is connection, conscious connection in a larger and deeper way. When one human begins to know intimately the reality of another, bonding can begin, intimacy, meaningful relationship, and identity sharing. So it is in the larger life. Becoming more conscious enhances connection with more of life and more of life connecting with you. For that’s what connection is: mutual contact, the revealing of each other’s consciousness, the qualities of being, and life involvements.

Of course, these experiences will challenge your human identity experience. When one is so anchored in a world of forms, boundaries, differences, connections are limited by differences. In the larger life, diversity is strength. As oneness with each other’s unique qualities brings understanding to be embraced and incorporated. This brings clarity to so much more of life.

When one asks the questions “Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Where do I belong?” the answers to these involve connections. For being alone on a unique path is an illusion. Contributing to being connected with the larger life gives meaning to everything. These questions come from a human existence, conscious only of separation, being or feeling disconnected. Result of the veil, you see, chosen for a reason but eventually growing beyond the need for it as one begins to perceive the truth of the incarnate life and its origins.

The creation of a deity called ‘God’ by humanity is a limited approach to discovering the deity of their own being, their True Nature, and the larger Family of Life. The deity understanding has merit and serves in its way, but it is self-created and limited from a larger point of view. Nevertheless, it is part of life and one of life’s many miracles. Awakening does not negate the miracle of deity; it understands it and places it in perspective to something larger. It is humanity’s quest for something divine, larger than it knows. A valid quest, but awakening, our brother, is the path to this discovery and the realization of humanity’s dreams and desires for the Truth of Life.

Connection, consciously, is the beginning of mastership and true freedom. Namaste.

Apr. 19, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 3:   Inspiring others to awaken

JANU: Encouraging others to awakening by example has merit as long as the form and title of theirs is shaped by their desire and free will. So the reality of awakening as a theme need not appear as yours does, and connects better if it doesn’t. Life is more diverse than the awakening of one, and there is strength in diversity. Resilience, endurance, unending commitment, and ownership.

So what would inspire another to awaken, our brother, in their own way, in their own time? The peace, the happiness and richness of your own. The love to be seen at the heart of everything, including the overcoming of challenges and the acceptance of them. Generosity in achievements and patience with each other. Encourage people to be hopeful, to cherish new understandings and to expect more. Be pregnant with life, giving birth to life’s enrichments. Confidence that there is a future worthy of endeavor and persistence. Allowing the believing in each other and forgiving, no matter the challenge.

These are basic qualities, fundamentals of ongoing life, and part of the reason that life continues. It is allowed to. It is nourished and encouraged. It is supported. It is embraced. Being guaranteed outcomes of living takes away the wonder, the miracle of discovery, and creative freedom. Characteristics of life, our brother, are ongoing change, creativity, spontaneity, and miracles. The next breath, our brother, is no less a miracle than the birth of another, a breakthrough in understanding.

Everything in your life matters, including you. Awakening is not limited to discovery of other parts of life, but your own True Nature. For without this, our brother, what is awakening and what is the purpose? Who is doing the awakening? And why does the path of awakening even exist? You are more aware, more loving, more capable than your human consciousness currently possesses. And even your True Nature, our brother, is evolving. What better platform and foundation for exploring life and all it can be?

And it is possible to learn of, appreciate, and know the True Nature of another. Collaboration is the mark of the Family of Life. Namaste.
Apr. 13, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Why do beings incarnate?

JANU: Many are motivated simply to explore more of life, the wisdom of understanding, the power to engage, the discovery of potential. And, yes, many pursue specific goals. But do not encourage others to do so, for there are many challenges and not all journeys are straightforward, and can run in circles. The lowering of the veil can be problematic; the lifting of said veil requires much for some. The contract made with the self holds fast, but many in what you call the Larger Family of Life assist with the recovery of consciousness. All involved grow from the experience and this is understood before incarnating.

Your particular reason for this journey, our brother, has to do with a so-called ‘fight for life’ in a distant reality, for incarnating can be a far journey. Living is a larger issue than just existing in the physical. The incarnate journey is far larger than physical survival. It is the survival and expansion of consciousness, bringing larger life, more of life, to the realities of the existence. What you struggle for and achieve here and there, seeming to stumble from time to time, is to enrich life incarnate. And make no mistake, our brother. What is gained will serve well on other journeys into life’s potential.

Probe the depths of the mysteries of life. Seek their revelations. And embrace your own nature as you do. The current incarnate experience does not define you, for its full potential is far from realized. And your potential is larger still, whether incarnate or not. Your question is valid, but what answer can contain it all? For it is still being realized. Probe the mysteries of life, whether apparent or not. Ask the questions and listen to life’s answer. Enjoy the journey. Share it as you may. Namaste.
Apr. 6, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Frustration with life mission

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

  1.   I am experiencing much frustration. I do not feel that I am successfully fulfilling my mission in the physical realm. I’m feeling disconnected.
  2.   I am requesting information regarding my connection/mission with Hale-Bopp, due to my experiences with the comet last year, as well as the Jupiter/asteroids event before that.

JANU: Your connection, dear one, with what many call their mission or purpose in life is at hand, in the sense of its reality has always been with you, for when established early on in the agreement process for embodiment it remains firmly imprinted and immediately accessible. Many who ask “What then is my mission?” are counseled in this way. Let us examine, then, your record and see what we can see.

We see one who comes with a shining light as example for those embodied in the muck and the mire, so to speak, of living of which you’ve had a taste, dear one. Your challenge, as is with so many, is that the taste can overwhelm the awareness of the purpose or mission, if you will. The information is in the form of encouragement, that the taste of Earth experience in this area for you is not your identity or your mission or required of you. It is of your choosing as a spirit being to better prepare you for understanding the plight of others and the difficulty in perceiving your own light in the midst of these experiences.

How, then, does one make this transition of awareness from the experience to the source of your being, regaining true perspective and, at the same time, fulfilling your desire for this embodiment? This is accomplished by touching the love in your heart for life itself. This is the reality and the power and the capacity to touch another, uplifting and inspiring them to make the same transition. Find any element of life that you observe in any pattern of endeavor or experience, that touches that place of joy and love for life, that allows you to perceive hope and beauty and peace. And kindle that flame within the heart of your being and in time finding it possible to perceive that beauty in areas of life previously not perceive.

Know for certain that the power of the truth of life and your connection with it is established in this path of awakening. To the technically minded this would seem obvious and an oversimplification of what is needed. This couldn’t be further from the truth, dear one. Cherish, nurture, every moment of inspired love and joy resulting from your experiences in your world. See them as the gifts of life, that all have endless opportunities to remember who they are and the source of their being and the true purpose of life. This is where the real power is, dear one, the eternal presence, the wisdom.

As to these cosmic or astronomical events, dear one, their connection for you, at this time, is one of displaying the magnitude of life beyond the daily routines of living. They are catalysts of consciousness expansion into embracing the reality of larger possibilities. The answers for you lie in the path of expanded awareness.

You are connected as the daughter of an entourage that has sprung forth from a star cluster (name and location given). What this means for you, dear one, is that your involvement here has its connection with other purposes in other galaxies. The Earth being a field for many such adventures. This would be a good time to pursue your awakening as we have described. This star cluster has some prominence in its area of influence.

We leave you at this time with this hope and this promise holding for you, dear one, all the Light you desire and the richness and the joy of life that is yours.
February 26, 1997                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For similar questions and additional responses, see Frustration with physical life and Overcoming frustration with life

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

More Personal Attunements


Soul Purpose and Blue Angel

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

  1.   What is my relationship with Blue Angel? What is his/her name? How can we work more closely together?
  2.   What is my soul purpose at this time? What is my real name? What is my next step?

JANU: We have this one you speak of this morning. Her name comes to us as **. This name, dear one, is a symbolic gesture harmonizing influences within the being, within the soul, for use within the sojourn, you see.

As to soul purpose, then, many look for explanation in this area in the form of some mission or assignment. This one comes with such, but understand that these explanations are aspects of larger reality. The soul’s purpose is to be, is to explore life, is to expand, is to grow in relationship with more and more of life. Your mission, if you will, at this time, one of many, is the bearer of greetings or good tidings from one who resembles the Oversoul or Overlord for this epoch of Earth unfoldment, you see.

Blue Angel, then, comes into this picture as messenger of this mission and this message of Overseer or Overlord entrance into the dynamic thrusts of Earth progression at this time, dear one. Your current name speaks of one who commands the clarion call, the alerting of those who will listen. This Blue Angel intercedes for this Overlord connection at this time. Blue Angel an acronym for one attuned to that frequency, that quality of light and understanding of the blue domain, the blue vibration if you will, and of course ‘angel’ as messenger. Working more closely together, as you put it, comes through your acknowledgement and embrace of this Angel’s message for you. The Overlord or Oversoul will convey the understanding of his message when connection is established sufficiently.

‘Oversoul’ understood in this way as one who watches over an individual or group for the purpose of contributing to that individual or group’s life path, you see. This one is making such contribution and this influence will kick in, if you will, around the time of the spring and summer equinoxes. A staged activity, you see. First in the spring this year. To further amplify this communication or message at this time would be to speak for him and your Blue Angel. They are quite capable of this themselves, dear one, and we would not interfere in any way. Our concern and communication at this time is to bring them to your attention, for your consideration and communication.

Your next step is up to you and always will be. These are possibilities for you. The Blue Angel recognition for you will be in the form of a charge in the heart area, reminiscent of a time during youth when contact was established for this lifetime, you see. There will be a joy unexplained, a familiarity welcomed and enjoyed. There will be a sense of connection and knowingness and communication and this will accelerate rapidly, once begun, and the work will begin. The timing of this is up to you, dear one. Although from your point of view opportunities may seem sequential, in the larger life and reality, they are in fluid flux and can be rearranged in a moment. We do encourage you, though, at this time to give serious consideration to this opportunity at this time. It will help fill in some missing pieces in the continuity of your consciousness unfoldment and question asking. Pulling you together, so to speak, into solid purpose which brings confidence and peace of mind and joy, as well, in the heart.

The name offered earlier is a signal for you on the inner realms, leading to a larger identity and knowingness. Your name of more complete power and authority awaits at the end of that chain or string of awareness unfoldment. As we examine the records here we find that you will come into this knowingness by design, propelled into reality by you at an earlier time. The return to your name of more complete authority and identity is the answering of the call of that design laid in by you, dear one. The player’s pieces are in place, awaiting your move that they might respond according to the design of what you have established. Begin in this way and the creation that unfolds for you is one that has your mark on it, dear one.

We leave you with this, at this time, encouraging you into your ongoingness.

January 13, 1997                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Past life limitations

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:   I come to the point of choosing to know who I truly am and what my function is here now.

JANU: We have this one who seeks to truly know. This seeking on her part comes at a time in her sojourn when there is need for much inner support, clarification, and strength in the grasp of her true identity or being. This one we speak of this morning embraces no denial in the sense of sweeping changes in her life. However, there is some pattern of reluctance to embrace the power of it, the magnitude of it, the sweeping changes that take place in perception and perspective and the rules or models we have chosen to engage life by.

We would ensure you, dear one, that to make this transition, if you will, into a larger view, is one that is difficult for many for there is the clutching onto the familiarity of old perceptions even though restricting and limiting the engagement of that you seek. You surround yourself with familiar symbols and articles of your family’s past, your upbringing, your previous home environments. They come to you as cultural identity for the purpose of a sense of strength of heritage, connection, and continuation. There are nuances of influence in your perception of life and the changes you seek in understanding and identification that limit you in this comfortable setting of familiarity. Are you prepared to embrace larger understanding and reality and allow these symbols to take their place in memory in the history of your experience? Examine these symbols and see if they represent this larger understanding you seek in any way that you can perceive.

We build in these sojourns such patterns of ritual ongoingness that we seem to feel that this is our identity and to let go of it is to deny all you have built, leaving you with nothing. Let us suggest that you entertain for a moment who has been doing the building and the collecting and the careful arrangements of these symbols of traditional ongoingness. It is possible to broaden your connection with that limited, though comfortable, identity and grow to a degree. There is opportunity there but it will not satisfy the hunger for quickening and awakening that lives within you and leaves its impression in the vicinity of your heart energies, you see. There are qualities you have gained in family, in support of others, and in ongoingness of love and caring for others that can survive limiting identity with old ways. You move forward, dear one, not these symbols. We understand the difficulty of embracing this perspective. But the clarity of perception of the opportunities for the larger life in this sojourn is not easily grasped when the vision is so filled with old ways, old patterns for experience.

As to who you truly are, dear one, this is what we have been alluding to. You are the daughter of a noble in the vicinity of a galactic empire of the Noweda System. You were steeped in many traditions there as well, those arising from the trappings of authority, influence and the kind of power that permeates that societal reality, you see. You are used to privileged existence and, on a traditional level of experience, expect this to be. Your departure from this series of experiences, eventually arriving in your present sojourn, was to free you from needing these trappings, free you from perceiving the full range of life from only one point of view. The traditions you have accepted for yourself in this life, and the symbols you accumulate around you, are a shadow of this prior expectancy. This is your opportunity and soul’s calling, if you will, to finally let go and emerge in a larger way of understanding and freedom to embrace the rest of life. The difficulty you find in this challenge at this time is not only from your current sojourn patterns, dear one, but from the long tradition of expectancy of privileged connection, long before.

The transition we encourage and envision for you to consider is the privileged reality of freedom to be one with all life and the privileges of the past were no freedom at all, dear one, in this larger sense. They are illusion and this is your opportunity to see illusion for what it is. It is a temporary creation for experience. The experiencer whom we address, whom you are, is not identified by the experience. Your true being is not a privileged member of an order of society or grouping of consciousnesses. Your true identity is absolute free being, larger than all of these. The choice is simple, dear one. Own it all or be owned by a part of it. This is your choice and your opportunity to breathe freely once more.

There is more than enough love in the heart of your being to survive this challenge and there are those, such as this source speaking at this moment, who join you in loving support on your adventure and celebrate in advance your freedom. No creation and no journey is greater than or more powerful or as permanent as the true being you wish to know once more. Experience these many things in your life, but need none of them. Allow this simple statement to find its way to the truth of your knowingness. It is the key for you to unlock any experience, any sojourn, any challenge. There is so much richness and love and peace and understanding and connection with the limitless beauty of life that awaits your embrace.

It is our passion, dear one, that you know the truth and find freedom through it. And you are part of the richness we have described, the beauty of life, and as we know the beauty of life so we know your beauty as well. Continue your journey, dear one. The reward is beyond description. We wish you the peace and joy of it. Namaste.
December 17, 1996                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

See March 19th post for a slightly different response to the question of “Who am I?”

More Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Why the great pyramid at Giza was built

JANU: At first, our brother, the pyramid at Giza was built to represent an archaic principle of the foundation of the law of a sun god or deity by an ancient civilization not of the Earth. It is a leftover, carryover of an ancient culture and philosophy from another world. This culture identified itself as the ‘Bizzareen.’ Each representative of that culture that came to Earth was adept at this kind of construction and its purpose. Each block was formed according to a pattern that existed from previous constructions. The ability to manifest constructions from available material, not by mechanical means, is an art not possessed by native culture.

Four sided pyramids were not the only construction model. The number of sides varied, according to its purpose. You have been told there was another one like this on another world. There are a number of these, for that culture visited many worlds, and still exists on a few.

The so-called ‘laws’ of their sun deity had to do with the art of the ability to create, and not just pyramids, you see. But these skills were represented in the pyramid configurations internally. These beings would create an energetic reality exactly duplicating the assembled patterns for construction, and material was altered and re-assembled in that location through consciousness of high precision. This structure, when engaged in consciousness, allowed precise configuration of consciousness to manipulate energy, dematerialize and materialize.

So, you see, our brother, your earlier insight into its construction of being from the top down in fire, or what appeared to be, is explained. Thus the name ‘pyramid,’ you see.

Many accomplishments of creation were accomplished by way of this structure. The formation of the Earth, energetically, was aided. Other worlds have had this assistance. This structure is older than human knowledge. No equipment was used in its construction. It is far more than the physical construction. It is home to many types of energy which are linked to other worlds. Linking of consciousnesses involved in its creation is beyond human understanding. It was built to serve the Earth longer than humanity will have need of it. It is true that it was never designed to be entered physically, only in consciousness. Created by ‘fire’ from the top down, only not fire as most understand it. That was the appearance. You ask if it is still in use as originally designed. It hasn’t been, our brother, for some time. It could be re-built if needed.

There is much more to understand. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 4, 2016 B                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Music of the Spheres

JANU: We are listening once more to the echoes of life, the eddies and currents, reflections, vibrations and movements some call the ‘music of the spheres.’ A symphony, indeed, constantly being written, developed, refreshed. This symphony, our brother, is not only heard in this universe but other realities as well.

Beyond most understanding, universes communicate with each other and this one is no exception. These communications extend well into the region of the consciousness of sentient life. One tends to hope one’s assumed understanding of their universe is the model for understanding others. They are as diverse, our brother, as life is in your own. The consciousness of this universe is not created solely on its own.

All of life is one, our brother. All of life gives and receives, one way or another. To understand, to experience this, we have suggested embracing humanity as a collective life, moving globally as one life, one consciousness of many. This truth is not limited to the human experience, you see, but exists in universes and subtler realities than physicality. The perception of living alone is perception, life mirroring consciousness. Moving from collective human consciousness as one body of life to that of that world’s and systems of life throughout the universe is not the whole story, you see, but the beginning of it. And the music of the spheres is an expression of this. Discordant tone is an illusion within a larger truth, for Life is not designed or constructed to annihilate itself but be one with all of its realities.

So, as you confront each challenge in life, see it and understand it and embrace it in this larger way. Absorb it and own it. It is part of life, part of living, and you are one with the power, the wisdom and, yes, the love, to be enriched by all of it. Walk through life this way, whether incarnate or not. Always be larger in consciousness than any circumstance. Remember, True Power is at peace. Namaste.

Mar. 2, 2016                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross