Changes and wisdom and vision

JANU: We are enumerating today the climate of change that persists in the nation’s political scene. What we see here is a rejection of insanity, which describes the politics in recent years, rejection without a clear solution. Those candidates riding on the coattails of this change do not carry the wisdom to move forward and they will be shaken out through trial and error. Ones who will emerge to carry forward this change into sanity are yet to be on the scene. But the genius of the public will persist.

Other countries face this challenge as well but in a quieter way. Human consciousness, collectively, demands change but the vision is yet to manifest. Religion too faces this, still created and managed by imperfect human motivation and the quest for power. But changes are coming, our brother, envisioned by those who do not desire to be in the public eye, realizing they can do more behind the scenes. Wisdom is not noisy, our brother. True Power has a different model of existence. Life shakes itself out from time to time to make way for revolution in consciousness and a better life.

So the answers are not in the public eye but consciousness connected with the larger life and a clearer vision, founded in integrity and the fundamental principles of life. Open your consciousness to these visions, these models of life. Be inspired by what is to come. Be in harmony with your integrity and the larger life. Namaste.

Feb. 9, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Your power is in your choice

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. See next post for similar question with a different response.

  1.   What is to be my role in the scheme of things to come?
  2.   I have regular contact with our spirit guides. I am astral traveling with no control over the destination.

JANU: Let us move straight away with this inquiry from one who comes to us so prepared as to bring with him an entourage describing the conditions and circumstances of his existence as relate to his inquiry. By this we mean, he is encumbered with certain obligations of his choosing that describe his journey of intent in this life. These ones who represent this in him bring about a sense of lacking or need in the consciousness to be fulfilled. We suggest at this time that he consider this in his searchings and this will bring about a connection uniting the limits of the void or missing understanding.

This quest is best resolved in the fuller embrace of the true nature that originated the desire, the intent, for this sojourn, for that is what one satisfies, not the pronouncements of those who observe and attempt to assist. The discovery of the inner dream brings with it the true magic of life that electrifies and invigorates your entire being. The full power of the creative flow issues forth and life obeys this command, for it speaks with the authority of that which created life in the first place, you see. What we are getting at here, dear one, is the reclaiming of your true power. The destiny of each is realized in this way and it is the most complete and connected path of realization.

For we who speak to suggest to you “You will be this, or your will be that” bypasses and disempowers the miracle of this living path of discovery. What we do offer is the encouragement to take that journey. You do have purpose, dear one, but your purpose is fulfilled when it is engaged as a complete consciousness. The human personality ego alone cannot fulfill it. It can, if you will, nibble at it, but the times are passed for that.

Of course, we can see who you are in your many journeys. For example, you have been a leader of sorts on three worlds. Your most recent acquisition of life sojourn, other than this one, was in a Tibetan monastery, attempting to achieve resolution of the science of Earth with that of the science of pure being. We would have you know that resolution took place, to a degree.

You have been active in many venues and are well rounded in a variety of disciplines, some of which include the discipline of projection which you have described in your inquiry. However, we would suggest that this practice be tempered with a larger understanding of the spectrum of life and not be seen as an end unto itself, for the balance you achieved in your Tibetan journey could be of little assistance for that duration.

As to your inquiry, what we offer at this time is the understanding that your so-called role in the future scheme of things is not described well by any one element of your experience thus far, for you have wide ranging experiences that command a role in life of your choosing that will lead to victories beyond your current understanding. Get to know the truth of who you are and live in that way, as you awaken to the destiny you have chosen for this life. It is our joy to walk with you, in a manner of speaking, on your path, the character and nature of which is recognized by you as you achieve measurable, undeniable sovereignty in your understanding and in your choices.

Be true to who you truly are and all else will be added in a perfect way. Namaste, our brother. We are Janu and the Brotherhood of Light speaking at this time.

July 13, 1999 A                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For more inquiries along these lines see Life Purpose

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


We are never alone

JANU: We are assembling at this time those interested parties that support inquiries into the nature of life. We would have you see at this time that these inquiries, these journeys, are well attended. For example, one interested presence…actually, several…are supporters of interactive consciousness with other species of other worlds. Their experience, their history with embodiment, whether physical or not, is what they draw upon. Your interest in the life reality of other species and worlds draws them near. In time, they may speak through us, and they are welcome to do so. So we share their knowledge, their wisdom from experience.

Human researchers feel that inhabited worlds are few and far between, based on their discoveries. Not only is the universe vast, our brother, but so are the different realities that are not physical. Life is everywhere.

The human form configuration is by no means accidental. Many factors influence the design for successful species. The fields of creation are quite malleable and interactive. Witness that the current form changes with changing conditions, evolves. Even incarnating consciousness plays a role here, not only influencing this so-called vehicle of expression, but the world it is a part of, you see. Life is very interactive, exhibiting the oneness that is Life’s reality.

Those who visit our journeys are aware of them, drawn to them through their desire for connection and involvement. They are saying, “We at this time appreciate your awareness of our presence and the willingness to engage, for we all benefit from sharing our lives and, yes, our love of life.” These beings have journeyed in consciousness to this moment, as we journey beyond limitations.

Be aware, our brother, that we do not journey alone for the elements of life are mutually beneficial and influence each other. We are one. We are many. And we are Life. Namaste.

Jan. 28, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Human integrity

JANU: We acknowledge that human integrity when held in high esteem becomes insurmountable to those who would interfere or try to manipulate it. Human integrity has its foundation in its True Nature and its heritage. To have a conscience, one has a system of values tied to integrity. Humanity does not emerge physically devoid of its True Nature and the wisdom that possesses in relationship to the much larger life. Returning to a conscious awareness of and communion with the ever larger life reveals the integrity that humanity is founded upon.

The challenges of natural forces seem to fly in the face of this, but humanity has innate within the ability to see through and beyond these for alternatives and the power to create an ongoing life. So even if one stumbles and their mishap interferes with their existence on the Earth, humanity continues. They can return yet again to manifest the wisdom gained and be part of mutual support and enlightenment.

Humanity’s integrity is founded in the same principles of other species and other worlds. This is why communication between species can find common ground and mutual benefit, especially when the foundation of integrity is understood and recognized. Life is everywhere, our brother, and it speaks to itself through its presence. Regardless of perception, no one is ever truly alone, and their destiny is part of life. Living in peace is the great revealer of the Truth of Life. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 3, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Human durability

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us examine the durability of human consciousness and its existence. We would say at this point that the evidence of this durability exists in more places than the Earth. And, in due course, the varied and broad understanding of all of humanity will develop a synergism as mutual heritage and oneness take hold, for the other worlds of human existence have developed a broad range of understanding through experience and understand the benefit of mutual support. No longer competing with each other for power and possession, but supporting each other and sacrificing for each other.

What have you gained if you’ve lost these and struggle on your own? Eventually insanity ensues and even more is lost. As we have said before, there is genius in everyone in some way. Help each other discover this in each other. Everyone benefits. That is a durable humanity.

How can you say you love life and not love each other, or yourselves? The power of love includes everyone and every creature and more. Continue in this way of peace, our brother, and we continue with you. Namaste.

Feb. 2, 2016 B                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Finding another habitable planet

JANU: There are challenges for humanity in its quest to find another habitable planet for the preservation of humanity of the Earth, seeing a habitable world as an alternative to the pressure of better management of the one they have. The distances involved to other worlds, and present technology, protects other worlds from mismanagement.

Is another world, our brother, the solution to the pressures humanity has created for itself? A wiser path might be better management of the Earth and society, while searching other worlds. And if these worlds are populated, what then? Witness human history, when one nation wants to expand into lands already populated. There is unlimited population growth. What’s your social model? Does consumption of resources and pollution of nature show wisdom? Humanity’s perception of isolation in the universe does not take into account that others have the capacity to review human history and behavior, even to the present.

What we suggest here is balance and responsibility and a growing maturity and honest appraisal of policies and decisions. Moving to larger worlds and other civilizations carries responsibilities yet to be appreciated. These quests for expansion into the larger life go hand in hand with a demonstration of maturity not often spoken of when looking for and speaking on the search for inhabitable worlds. Considerations of the reality of a Family of Life larger than the Earth, larger than humanity, is called for. Now is the time. Namaste.

Jan. 28, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


A perspective on security

JANU: We are focusing this evening on the security that so many are concerned with in their lives. Security speaks to people in many different ways, mostly survival, the reliability of same, personal economy, family, and well-being. The security we focus on this evening has to do with beliefs, nature, laws of life, and peace. Even these are appraised with unchanging perception.

True security, our brother, is the ongoingness of your nature, your True Nature. The physical existence is always temporary, yet if this is all you are conscious of, it is your whole world and describes your security. The current weather situation challenges this, causes many to wonder.

Balance the perceived needs of the physical existence with the reality that you cannot die. The death of the body has occurred many times, yet here you are. Not easy to own this and find peace in it, if your identity is limited to the human journey. These journeys we take together, our brother, speak of the larger life, a larger reality, a larger understanding that includes the human experience, even though temporary.

Enjoy the moment. Make the most of it you may, but with a balanced view and values that include many possibilities. Live in the Now and own who you are. Namaste.

Jan. 22, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Thresholds of Life

JANU: This subject is aptly named for that is the nature of experience for the explorer.

As you have already experienced, new understandings are like the wind coming in an open window, full of possibilities, paving the way to newer thresholds of experience, understanding and service. The energy of the wind is the love that Life has for you, embracing you through and through. Every new understanding is a threshold of life permeated with opportunity. Not discarding thresholds already achieved, but building upon them, for all of these are a foundation for moving through life, embracing it, mastering it, in the sense of reproducing it and enriching it. No one needs to convince you of a threshold’s validity, for the experience does this.

Anticipate these, pregnant with expectancy. These are some of the keys for you and they to find each other. Life is not a stagnant reality. It is dynamic, rich, and ongoing, always ready to absorb change, expansion, and deepening. The thrill of life is its evolution. And you are life, as are we. Be thrilled with the growth of another, as we are with yours.

Life is aware of everything at all times, in all places, in all realities. There are no secrets. How could life evolve if there were? It would be fragmented, divided within itself. Be alert to the next threshold. Explore its meaning, its scope, its understanding, and its opportunities. Expect these and engage them. Life is worth living and always has been, and shall always be. Namaste.

Jan. 8, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Living larger than human

JANU: You inquire as to the nature and content of an incarnate life while conscious as something more, of your True Nature. Many new abilities will be reserved for the wisest opportunity to employ. Most of the journey will be spent awakening to more and the wisdom that lives within it. Your associations beyond the Earth will increase, as well as those on the Earth. The creatures of the world will be known to you, and they will welcome your presence, for you will help enrich their lives. There will be those ready to learn more and so will you.

Life is rich with these kinds of opportunities. The True Natures of each one, including the creatures of the world, have their agenda to enrich their experience, to evolve. Your role will be to assist when requested, in harmony with life. You will learn of others well practiced in this, and capable of much more.

Learning and serving is continuous reality, always evolving. To describe what you ask is only a moment of understanding, for everything foretold is changing. Part of the wonder of life is not knowing in advance what is in store, yet embracing the future, continuing on, engaging life and serving as you may. What is the alternative but darkness, chaos, frustration? Leaving all of these behind for what they are, choose wisdom, freedom, and love. True power, true peace, true being. Namaste.

Jan. 6, 2016

Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Living your truth

JANU: The reality of the presence, so to speak, the co-existence of the elements of your True Nature, including the human journey, the human consciousness, is a natural experience in awakening. Your human consciousness, infused with the larger wisdom and experience of your total being, is part of the journey of oneness consciousness. More than a phrase or a principle or a concept, but a working reality in your perceptions, communications, inspirations, and decisions, and your goals in life. A natural reality to become aware of and to become a viable experience, tangible on so many levels.

Many experiences and motivations draw on this reality, even though unaware of what is transpiring, or able now to survey incarnate life and see that it has been interspersed with true insights from the subtler realms of being. Everywhere in the life this presence exists. You realize that you are no longer just human, becoming more conscious as a complete being. No matter the perception, emotional involvement, you are aware of peace as part of your foundation for engaging everything. And with that peace comes the inflow of a more illumined you. When embracing any challenge, physical or otherwise, this inflow of energy, peacefulness, understanding, and resolve sheds light on everything. Remember, light is the Truth of Life. Suddenly, your identity as only a human being gives way to something grander, vital, present, and permanent. And even this is evolving, our brother.

Identity reveals itself with a growing knowledge, understanding, and connection with what that identity refers to. Much more than a word, you see, but an expanded way of living. Choose to be open to and allow all that you are to become known to you. This is the ‘you’ that has always existed. Time to return home. This home includes being human as well. Living this way does not require leaving the human experience. The opportunity here is to be one with all that you are. Namaste.

Dec. 15, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross