These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. See next post for similar question with a different response.
- What is to be my role in the scheme of things to come?
- I have regular contact with our spirit guides. I am astral traveling with no control over the destination.
JANU: Let us move straight away with this inquiry from one who comes to us so prepared as to bring with him an entourage describing the conditions and circumstances of his existence as relate to his inquiry. By this we mean, he is encumbered with certain obligations of his choosing that describe his journey of intent in this life. These ones who represent this in him bring about a sense of lacking or need in the consciousness to be fulfilled. We suggest at this time that he consider this in his searchings and this will bring about a connection uniting the limits of the void or missing understanding.
This quest is best resolved in the fuller embrace of the true nature that originated the desire, the intent, for this sojourn, for that is what one satisfies, not the pronouncements of those who observe and attempt to assist. The discovery of the inner dream brings with it the true magic of life that electrifies and invigorates your entire being. The full power of the creative flow issues forth and life obeys this command, for it speaks with the authority of that which created life in the first place, you see. What we are getting at here, dear one, is the reclaiming of your true power. The destiny of each is realized in this way and it is the most complete and connected path of realization.
For we who speak to suggest to you “You will be this, or your will be that” bypasses and disempowers the miracle of this living path of discovery. What we do offer is the encouragement to take that journey. You do have purpose, dear one, but your purpose is fulfilled when it is engaged as a complete consciousness. The human personality ego alone cannot fulfill it. It can, if you will, nibble at it, but the times are passed for that.
Of course, we can see who you are in your many journeys. For example, you have been a leader of sorts on three worlds. Your most recent acquisition of life sojourn, other than this one, was in a Tibetan monastery, attempting to achieve resolution of the science of Earth with that of the science of pure being. We would have you know that resolution took place, to a degree.
You have been active in many venues and are well rounded in a variety of disciplines, some of which include the discipline of projection which you have described in your inquiry. However, we would suggest that this practice be tempered with a larger understanding of the spectrum of life and not be seen as an end unto itself, for the balance you achieved in your Tibetan journey could be of little assistance for that duration.
As to your inquiry, what we offer at this time is the understanding that your so-called role in the future scheme of things is not described well by any one element of your experience thus far, for you have wide ranging experiences that command a role in life of your choosing that will lead to victories beyond your current understanding. Get to know the truth of who you are and live in that way, as you awaken to the destiny you have chosen for this life. It is our joy to walk with you, in a manner of speaking, on your path, the character and nature of which is recognized by you as you achieve measurable, undeniable sovereignty in your understanding and in your choices.
Be true to who you truly are and all else will be added in a perfect way. Namaste, our brother. We are Janu and the Brotherhood of Light speaking at this time.
July 13, 1999 A Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross
For more inquiries along these lines see Life Purpose
Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.