
JANU: Enormous then, in reference, is the propensity for association in the lives of many. Association with each other takes many forms, as does association with the Larger Life. The hopes, dreams, and prayers of those who explore these larger associations are referenced or founded in incarnate associations, not realizing that, in each one, lives the Larger Life and the references for these longings must be lifted as well. Personal integrity is one key factor. A deepening clarity of purpose or motivation is another. Life seems complex, obscure, and its mysteries, magic, out of reach. Associating, then, more consciously with your True Nature and its many realities is the one association that serves you best. Or, should we say, more completely.

You ask then, “How does one associate with their True Nature?” Begin the process, you see, by loving yourself and, through this, identify with the source of your being, where the love, the understanding of love, exists and is reciprocated. Yes, you are one life, with many elements. Love yourself as a whole being, excluding nothing of what you truly are. Association with your True Nature includes insight, perspective, creativity, new understandings, well-being, clarity of purpose and its many phases.

Associate with the Larger Life and each other from this foundation. Find peace and strength, wonder and resolve, faith and commitment, and trust in life. The Family of Life includes your many facets of existence. The potential for associations is unlimited. Consciousness is not limited to the incarnate or discarnate, so wherever you find yourself in life’s scheme, the truth of who you are prevails. Namaste.
Apr. 14, 2017                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: Wholesome news, then, to be had from an engagement of a liberated consciousness that learns of love as Life loves all that it is. There are realities that co-exist with incarnate life, that many are unaware of as they ply their relationships and endeavors.

What we speak of this evening has to do with more harmonious living or life. Now, some people wander in and out of this reality, seldom understanding its existence or aware of it. When inquiring as to more of the nature of life and its realities, it is difficult to let go of the models of existence people have created for themselves in what is called social consciousness. The fears and concerns and entanglements of that model of existence are not harmonious with the realities we speak of. When exploring and seeking to experience the range of the reality of love, let go of, to some degree, more limited concepts or understandings and open to the co-existence of simpler and yet more profound presence of love. Allow all of your being to embrace and be embraced by simple, pure, accepting, without conditions, love. Loving yourself is easier to realize when your pattern for this is in harmony with the presence we speak of. See forgiveness and the love we speak of as one. Everything becomes clearer.

There are countless discarnate beings who see you and humanity in this way. Allow any sense of being “alone in life and on your own to survive” give way to the Family of Life, of which you’ve always been a part. It will change your model for living, your perceptions, and deepen your appreciation of life. Namaste.
Apr. 12, 2017 B                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Self-forgiveness and self-love

JANU:    Many have within their consciousness memories, present and past, what they call regrettable conduct, interactions. Lingering, condemning oneself, to varying degrees, as unworthy of loving oneself.

Self-forgiveness is part of the art of self-loving. The larger, more powerful reality in everyone’s nature is self-love. Allow the compassion that Life has for you, which is eternal and all forgiving, to be your own. Emulate that reality. Be the channel of this quality of being that is your nature. Be the instrument of inspiration to others confused in this area. Be what they have within them that seems unattainable through self-forgiveness and self-loving. There is nothing in your memory that condemns you.

Awakening to the larger reality of who you are and why you are and your potential to create beauty is available to everyone. Self-forgiveness and self-love go hand in hand. Allow the experience. Own it. And feel renewed. A fresh start, if you will, that is valid. Some use the phrase “born again.”

Be a living example of the freedom of renewal through these two experiences. Let your inner sight reveal to you this model for living. Stand in the truth of this and encourage others by example. Love each other in a new and deeper way that brings true freedom to the consciousness. Namaste.
Apr.6, 2017 B                                          Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Inquiries from the Brotherhood

JANU: We are opening this session to input from those who observe. Each opportunity to serve life, including those that occur within the consciousness of incarnate beings, does not go unnoticed. We of the Brotherhood of Light accede to these.

The first request, our brother, is to understand the motivation of those who resist this change into awakening. Identity is a strong issue here. The human equation includes the focusing of the experience through isolation from the seeming distractions of the larger life. But when engaged deeply and long enough, memory of the larger life fades and substitutes are created, called belief and faith and religion. They keep the attitude open to something more, but at a distance. Direct experience occurs here and there but the social norms are not fertile ground for them to blossom. This channel’s desire has always been there, waiting for majority of consciousness to open the door to awakening. Being available to help inspire maturing consciousnesses is a grand service for those who observe.

The second inquiry has to do with a natural love for each other which is part of the dance of life, but distractions can push this aside in favor of power, survival, possessions, influence, control. These shadows of life are a dim reflection of larger truths that have been forgotten.

The third inquiry has to do with the illusion of power. In the absence of awakening to the larger life, true power is not understood. What seems more immediate and tangible is that power over others equals power of your own destiny and goals. Externalizing, you see. Becoming an illusion of power that seems to work but the results are destructive. Not recognized immediately.

The fourth inquiry has to do with the dichotomy in consciousness of right and wrong, good and bad, love and hate, so-called ‘peace’ and war. The extremes of consciousness perception are easier to observe and require little inspection as to everything in between. The binary mind has a tendency to observe these dichotomies as termination points, rather than part of the Circle of Life of which everything is a part. The current efforts at awakening attempt to bridge these gaps in the continuity of life, in the Circle of Life. Grand opportunity, Brothers in the Light, for service, inspiration, and illumination. Welcome.
Mar. 30, 2017             Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 19 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Experience the presence of your True Nature

JANU:    We are encouraging then that which belongs to a consciousness of presence of the totality of being. We encourage this experience for those in doubt, uncertainty, confusion, and isolation. The presence in your consciousness, in your awareness, of the rest of your being—Yes, that’s correct. Your True Nature, all that you are—is a wholesome experience that reunites everything of who and what you are. Your potential, your creativity, your experience and wisdom. You become aware of and connected with the True Power of Life in the face of apparent power of circumstance.

In the presence of the true power of your nature, nothing seems impossible. And, yes, you sense that you own what you desire, what you can be, what you can understand and know. The Truth of Life becomes yours. The truth of who you are becomes yours. The truth of others becomes known, without judgement or condemnation but with understanding. Fears disappear, for all fear is based upon being separate, being disconnected, being alone. When filled with presence of who you are, fear has no place. It is replaced with understanding, with direct experience.

Some will ask, “How does one achieve this?” Even in the smallest measure, even for just a moment, love it into your life, our brother. You now have a focus to return to, amplify, extend, revisit and hold dear to you. Why would you want anything less?

Experience and feel the presence of your own True Nature and its connection with all of life. See more clearly than you can ever remember. Find peace that is vibrant and self-sustaining. Reach into the Light that lives within you, again and again until it seems natural and as constant as you desire. Namaste, our brother.
Feb. 2, 2017          Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 15contains all prior attunements in this series.


Experiencing universal love

JANU:  We are encouraged by the medium of choice here, that being ‘love.’ A worthy focus for exploration and achievement. Why not progress the understanding and experience of this? For it is at the root of everything. And, if so, its reach into the Truth of Life is unlimited. A reality not limited to definition, or any one perception or reality or desire. It belongs to, so to speak, the True Nature of Life itself. And it is not an ‘it’ but a presence.

So let our journey be one of awakening to that particular nature of life that connects us all. As you contemplate any experience or manifestation or reality, allow the experience and the understanding of the love that is the nature of it. The universe seems vast, physically. Love is vaster, our brother. Allow its reality to permeate your awareness and any other person. What greater peace would you find than the loving nature of everything, everyone, every reality?

Being at peace is being one with Love. There are no secrets, our brother. Loving something into your life is powerful beyond words. Be at peace. Namaste.
Jan. 17, 2017                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


The faces of love

JANU: We are initiating a follow up on the progressed dynamics of the featured events of human destiny, in the short term.

To begin with, let us share a moment of understanding in the essential nature of love, which in time will shape human destiny more and more. Love seems to have a different face depending upon circumstances and evolution in consciousness. The face we see at this time, for exploration, is inner peace and, through this, peace with each other, replacing anger with understanding, judgment with patience, fear with a faith and trust in life as a grander reality. A sense of well-being not limited to physical conditions. A love that lives in the True Nature, coming ever closer to a conscious presence.

What makes the face of love appear differently is determined by the sensitivity of the individual to its influence and manifestation. This is why the face of love can appear differently with the same individual from time to time. When an individual awakens and embraces the face of love that lives within them, their physical expression, countenance, radiation expresses this and is perceived by others. Not always understood, but noticed, for this expression touches the truth in them, which is difficult to ignore.

One does not create this condition. It is the product of awakening. Allow your True Nature to join you and become the face of love as you may. Namaste.
Oct. 28, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The awakening life

JANU: We come together again as one in the consciousness. We support this journey of awakening. Coupled with awakening is living life. The evolutionary changes go hand in hand with the progression of awakening. They are one. So one does not awaken just for the sake of it, but as part of the forward motion of living.

Let us look, then, at a profile of the awakening life: A greater clarity of decision-making; of choices; of commitments and follow through; of explorations; of seeing, experiencing the beauty behind everything. The awakening life has a greater reality to it, a sense of presence and a growing connection and heritage with what life has been and is becoming. An awakening life embraces opportunities not perceived before. And yes, creates them as well, through the design of potential in the imagination, the creativity, the enthusiasm for living.

How often does one perceive each beginning of the day filled with expectation, wonder, and the marshalling of the consciousness, the energetic realities of being for engagement? Or is one day pretty much like another? Life allows either, our brother, and the power to choose which.

Understand this: the physical body, which is also an energetic body, responds to the consciousness. Feeling ‘pregnant with life’ supports giving birth to vitality within all the systems of the body, for they are needed, you see, to be in harmony to fulfill the designs, to live and create. The awakening life sees no limitations, for the realities of one element of life are connected to the realities of others. The physical body is not separate from spirituality. The physical life nurtures the spiritual life with experience. The spiritual life nurtures the physical life with potential, vitality, and limitless resources.

Love unites all of this, our brother. It is the constant. And because of the variety, the diversity of the natures of reality, so is love. What an adventure on its own, to discover and experience the range of the realities of love.

So how does one bring into focus in the moment such vast reality and possibilities? By exploring what lies before you in the moment, and plumbing the depths of that reality and what it is connected to, for life is revealed in the micro and the macro. How can it be otherwise? Becoming more aware of your own True Nature leads to this. Namaste.
Oct. 4, 2016                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Love yourself

JANU: Visually enamored as some are by the beauty of nature, they seldom see themselves in the same way. Socially being taught to be selfless, shy, modest, unassuming, avoid proclaiming the beauty of the self. The even-minded consciousness does not praise one part of life over another, but sees the beauty in all of it. And there is beauty in all of it.

We encourage love of self, being proud of your basic inherent worth. Not to distort the truth of it, but to see the truth of it and allow it to be, a part of your life that inspires and encourages not only yourself but others as well. The same appreciation is applied to others. In this way, humanity is not divided unto itself, but becomes a viable and strong unity of collective life. Yes, this is part of awakening as well, our brother, the truth of everything.

You cannot give away what you do not own, what you are not. How can your life inspire another if you don’t demonstrate what you believe in? So, you see, our brother, awakening is not separate from your life path, but is part of it, enriches it, and expands your consciousness. Why isolate yourself from the wisdom of Life, the life that you already are? Ignorance is not a virtue. It’s not even safety or secure. It leaves you vulnerable to unwise choices.

Awakening, no matter what form it takes or the progression of it, is universally desirable and leads to and reveals where you already are in the totality of your being. It is not an imposition but a liberation. The veil has its purpose, but temporarily. The challenge and opportunity is to grow beyond it. Growth through ignorance and beyond it reveals the truth of and the value of life.

There is nothing wrong with any of this. All of it is opportunity. The choice is yours and always has been. Reach into life through every moment of the day and Life reaches back, our brother, and holds you in the Light. Let ignorance pass and understanding blossom. Regain your sovereignty and live in freedom. Namaste.
Sept. 23, 2016                                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Peace, freedom and love

JANU: We are forecasting, if you will, and forming a deliberate attempt to inspire peace and freedom in the minds and hearts of people struggling to find truth in their lives, their True Nature, their purpose of being, their gifts of service, and their loving nature. These elements of achievement in the pursuit of these things are more powerful, more liberating, more illuminating than struggling, you see. Pursue, yes, but peacefully, with clarity, focus, openness, allow for the truth and a growing confidence in the abilities of your own True Nature, which is who you are. Pushing to achieve seems to have its rewards, but it limits you. Allow understanding, revelation, communication with life.

Your True Nature is talented, in harmony with the flow of life, contains the wisdom of so many journeys. Be the ambassador, the pioneer, the blessing for others by way of the peace and freedom of being. The answers and solutions to inquiries already exist. Frustration and struggle convinces you they do not.

Life is not designed to thwart you or keep you ignorant and in the dark, so to speak. It is designed to evolve, expand, create, grow, reveal. Its nature is harmonious, peaceful. Yes, the violence that appears in the formation of worlds, the destruction and the creating seem to fly in the face of this, but the purpose of these is understood peacefully, the peace that allows the flow of life to be at one with you. This is a flow of relationships, the currents of life.

There is a symmetry that includes far more than physical life. Every creation, every reality has purpose and conditions or parameters of its existence. One’s life can seem outside of this. That is a limited view, our brother. Simplicity at the root of complexity has endurance and reveals the complexity for what they are. Be not owned by these complexities of life, but understand them and the root of their existence.

Peace and freedom go hand in hand, and love does exist, our brother, for it holds all life together, all purpose, all destiny, all creation. The realities of love are a worthy journey of discovery. The love of human relationships is but part of the larger reality. Consider then the profound reality of simplicity, peace, and freedom on your journeys. Namaste.
Sept. 19, 2016 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.