Shining light on the unanticipated

JANU:   The Light is a revealer of the Truth of Life. It is not to be manipulated or colored in any way by bias or preference or condemnation. It is to be honored and respected for its nature. And each one’s observation based on their own powers of discernment is the result. So be it. Challenges and opportunities revealed. Solutions revealed. Outcomes owned. Wisdom gained. Experience is the teacher. Namaste.
Oct. 14, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Finding meaning in challenges|

Editor’s Note: This was done shortly after the devastation Hurricane Helene caused near my home.

JANU:    A tsunami brings change. A hurricane brings change. The elements of existence are modified to embrace life and new opportunities in a better way. Change is unsettling, brings confusion, wonder about outcome and how to deal with it, the expense of resources, the recovery of peace of mind, compassion for the neighbor.

Ongoingness, continuation has two faces, at least. One is everything the same, again and again. The other is the letting go of patterns to embrace new ones, to explore and discover their potential, to understand, to make the most of it to gain wisdom. For more challenges and changes are coming, the method of evolution. Find peace and confidence that Life is alive and well and evolving.  Namaste.
Sept. 27, 2024                                                     Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Life is an adventure. Enjoy it!

JANU: In the adventure of life, much more productive wondering and exploring about potential, in understanding, in consciousness, in creativity, in the elements of being and the vast range of the reality of living life. Much for humanity to consider and, with the considerations and the explorations, the generation of even newer and more beautiful opportunities. A nature of life yet explored by many. They sit and contemplate possibilities. Life is a platform, a foundation without limitations for exploration, manifestation, realization, and being. For some, documenting imaginations can help focus and continue into a far reality these wonderings.

Imagine life in new ways. See yourself overcoming limitations, what lies beyond them, and what is in your grasp in this moment. The past has its merits but don’t be limited by them. The future has its potential, but keep them as open possibilities, subject to change and evolution.

Life is joyful. Love the adventure. Allow it into your consciousness. Be an evolving co-creator. Allow understandings to build upon each other and so-called failures to find resolution. Be the resolver of challenges and open the door for more. Life is an adventure. Enjoy it! Namaste.
Aug. 16, 2024                                                                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Appreciating life

JANU:  Peace comes to mind as gratitude builds for what has been given, what has been gained, and what will come. The patterns of life yield many things. Not only their existence, their relationships, but their potential as well. Each one is a life pattern. Each creature, each world, are patterns in motion comprised of countless elements of living qualities.

Appreciating life in this way helps one become aware of and sensitive to the vitality, the presence, and the essence of life. Find peace in all of this, as it flows and moves, changes and explores its own vitality. Acknowledge your own life reality. Allow your sense of identity to live as the universe of possibility, unknown potentials, and potentials achieved. Be grateful for the richness that you are and, in turn, the richness of others. The minutia of your opportunities to engage and let go of, for all of it is life.

Do not separate the significance of the elements of life into importance, worth, or beauty. Life is all of this. The gratitude and depth of understanding marches on. Namaste.
June 21, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The face of aggression in the Larger Life

JANU:   The face of aggression in the Larger Life is the face of commitment, momentum, service, enlightenment, willingness, acceptance, initiative, which brings joy through revelation and experience. Being aggressive in this manner revitalizes, invigorates, sustains the flow of opportunity and challenge. The commitment to peace, change, and opportunity with something to connect with, find expression, and evolve. Embracing life in this way is fulfilling to the individual and the being, and inspires others with its magic. Retreat from life is not the same. Everyone on their path embraces hope, longs for fulfillment, finds joy in service and uplifting others. Understand that True Natures share, understand these things, and support them. As you grow, do your respect. Admire and experience your own. See others in the same way, as Life evolves and becomes more. Namaste.
Apr. 27, 2024                                                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


A commitment to Life

JANU:   Encompassing possibilities in awakening, in engagement, in outcomes at many times feels like wondering about not only potential but today. Let us assume, then, that as potentials they are real and Life is the source of them all. So, how does one then engage any one of these and bring about a clear understanding as to their nature, availability, and status?

It is done so by a commitment to Life and to its fulfillment. The chips will fall and be fertilized by these commitments. And, of course, opportunities engaged in sprout new ones and life goes on. But its portrait evolves as Life renews and the opportunities flow. Committing to Life dissipates fears, distrust, anxieties, doubts. The focus is commitment to Life’s unfoldment and enrichment. It fills the empty spaces.

So, make a commitment to knowing, to discovering, to overcoming, to growing, to expanding, to succeeding, and to wisdom. Love it all into your life, now.  Namaste.
May 15, 2024                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The fullness of the moment

JANU:    Many speak of equations, the mathematics of life, the laws of relationships, the progressions and procedures of life. We speak to these as well but in a context of cause and effect, probabilities, interplay of opportunities, and the progression of outcomes. Looking at life in this way leaves the door open for any coexistence of opportunities, progressions, challenges, victories, probabilities and randomness of progression.

 Life involvement is a constant change of potential outcomes because life coexists with itself and all of its potentials. There is balance of progression, outcomes existing simultaneously that can move in any direction at any time. Life is fluid and predictable. Life is potential and, for physical life, there is timing and progressions. Attempting to embrace a concept of life that is simultaneous and based on such alternatives can be a distraction from the moment and the opportunities that exist there.

We encourage a fluid approach to possibilities. Being in the moment, which is where the power is, many look for control of their experience and their progressions. In some ways this is a limitation. Life allows this, but is not limited by it. Flow can move in any direction simultaneously. Living in the moment allows for alertness to possibilities and potentials and communication with Life itself, its creations. It’s more fluid, encompassing and alive than linear progression alone.

Freedom to ‘be’ in the moment, in any moment, allows your systems of life to exist in balanced flow, from moment to moment. Consider this carefully when planning, when responding to insight and conditions of the moment. Being at peace yet well-connected to the realities of one’s existence is Life. Namaste.
Mar. 14, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The power of choice

JANU:   There are those who speak of peace and say they are against warring, violence, hatred, cruelty. It has been said that challenge is an opportunity to become stronger through choice, through evolving in consciousness, through caring for others. Well, if evil (so-called) challenges peace, then where, without evil, is the challenge to evolve, to gain wisdom, and create more wisely?

The challenge is to discover and understand more of the creativity of life that is harmonious, masters challenges, and understands the dynamics of living, creating, and loving. Life is so much more than destruction, cruelty, and warring. Wasting opportunities, resources, can seem wasteful when trying to discover more of life. There is much wisdom to be gained in exploring these dynamics and more, which allows for wiser choices, the paths to achievement, the nurturing of resources in consciousness collectively speaking.

What is peace, then? The harmonious relationship with life and all of its systems, including your own. How many have been lost with warring, starvation, disease, deprivation, suicide? Why does Life permit such behavior? Because evolution in consciousness comes from choice, creators of our own destiny. Which do you choose? Can you understand your choices and their outcomes before they are made?

Being grateful for every moment of life opens the door to more. Choices breed outcome. Choosing wisely is a challenge and an opportunity. Ponder this and your True Nature will help guide you. Namaste.
Dec. 16, 2023                                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This follows directly from the concepts of Enriching Life.


How to love yourself and others

JANU:    When observing oneself and others, the merit of an individual is their potential, their evolution, their peace, maturing creativity, their Nature, their consciousness, their relationships with life and circumstances and others. What we look for here: a growing symmetry of balance and harmony throughout the systems of being, a growing capacity to understand themselves and each other, empathy, tolerance, and loving service. Growing into these is a path with challenges, opportunities, solutions, creativity, wisdom.

Potential is rich with opportunities and the challenges we create. There seem to be more challenges than opportunities, but they both are one.  Balance between the two is the wisdom that comes from experience and commitment to evolve. One is the challenge to love oneself and then another. Finding fault with one’s own experiences in life is not productive. It only condemns. Seeing your life as life in motion, constantly changing and evolving, speaks of freedom of becoming what you desire. Claim your power from within to awaken. The larger your consciousness, the wiser your choices.

You ask, “What is the foundation for loving oneself, a justification, a basis?” The basis is a growing awareness of the magic and beauty of life in motion, of potential, of manifestation. It is everywhere, if you would see. And each one is an expression of this in the making. Become aware of the beauty within and, through this, recognize the beauty in others, realizing that together you are the process of Life becoming. Choose to perceive this. Claim your inner power to do so, for that power shines light as far and as wide as you desire.  Namaste.
July 22, 2023                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Mutual enrichment

JANU:   Mutual enrichment is the theme here, the alternative to wars, violent conflict, partisan politics at the expense of the community, of the people. Mutual enrichment belongs to a path of life discovered on other worlds that benefits everyone and reinforces resilience to the challenges of life. Many do not feel resilient or see a path to this. What they see is chaos, disorder, conflicts of interest, and certainly not peace or harmony among the systems of life.

Mutual enrichment includes all of the systems of life, in one form or another. Enrichment is not limited to physicality but to consciousness on all levels. Mutual enrichment comes from a different perspective, a different attitude about the reason for living, the opportunity of living, the destiny of living. Overcoming challenges strengthens the reality of this. Resources for enrichment are depleted in the presence of conflict, violence, struggles for individual power.

Life is rich with opportunity. Inner wisdom is a profound resource not consciously embraced by most. Because of this fragility a few can take advantage of the many, not realizing how they diminish true enrichment. Life is sustainable when being in harmony with it, for nature has its own integrity of existence.

Israel and Palestine are an example to learn from. Surviving with others paying the price is not success, but wasteful of opportunity. Focusing on mutual enrichment brings revelation into these elements of success, when this takes place.

Being on the path of mutual enrichment enriches everyone’s harmony of their systems of life. Namaste.

Nov. 6, 2023                                           Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross