Life is perfect as it is

JANU: Welcome to a meeting of the minds, for we are in agreement that life is perfect as it is. And so are we, as we are. Life has unlimited potential, as do we. Evolving, awakening, creating, re-creating, all of it is life in motion and has been successful. Life has been successful always.

Now, limited consciousness may find fault with this or that, wishing things were different, but that’s a small perspective, very limited. For all of these observations are of elements of life in motion, changing, re-creating, influencing each other, realizing potential, gaining wisdom through it all. There is no fault to be found here. Life is. You are.

Opportunities for experience and wisdom-gaining and service are constant, beyond number. So where does the perception of a missed opportunity play a role in this Larger Life among so many opportunities? Time constraints are a limited point of view, as is the sense of isolation by way of distance. Consciousness is not limited in this way.

All of life is as it is, changing, evolving, filled with a love that perpetuates everything. Every element unique yet all one, for every element of life, every expression, is life. Each uniqueness speaks to the collective strength or presence of life. So, whatever your interests, your focus, your involvement, your concern, choose to see life as the essential nature of it all. Namaste.
Sept. 12, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Being in the flow of life

JANU: What is the flow of life, then, but life in motion? With eddies and currents and protuberances, seeming reversals, creations, re-creations, change. What then of ‘being in the flow’ in a moment of challenge, which is an opportunity in disguise? The flow we refer to at this time is that which occurs throughout the total being while your life is in motion. Your understanding is changing, evolving, growing.

So it is in group work. Being in the flow of the moment, being rigid about nothing, being spontaneous, centered in the Truth of Life, whether yours or that of another. Questions, responses, exchange of ideas and experiences. Possibilities to be explored, manifested, and observed. Being in the flow with others is a relationship between each one’s flow of life. There is wisdom everywhere, in countless forms. Each one has a story to tell, questions to ask, wonderings and experiences. Honor this in each other and when conscious of the larger flow of life that includes the consciousness of discarnate beings as well and the archives of life.

The flow of life is everything in motion, coexisting, relating, evolving. See through these eyes as you speak and as you listen. Namaste.
July 16, 2019 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

Ed. Note: For earlier discussions of ‘being in the flow’ see “The Flow of Life never stops”  and “Understanding the flow of life


The blessing of challenges

JANU:    Challenges exist as opportunity to be understood, used in practice, demonstrated as inspiration to others. Every challenge coexists with the solution. The opportunity here is to experience the relationship, develop access to the solution, employ and gain wisdom from the experience of the resolution. Whether on a small personal scale or globally, humanity has that option. Life is balanced in that way. Creativity and destruction coexist. The solution in this is evolution. The byproduct is wisdom.

This is why the physical existence exists as it is. It is a bipolar opportunity for life to evolve. Yes, there are counterparts to this in the subtler realms of life with their own complexities, nuances, layers and levels of reality. But what you gain here in this area has its application in your approach to life, your engagement of life when discarnate. So see recycling of life, life’s expression, in this new way. The life path and destiny of individuals has this theme as well. Your own physical existence operates in this way.

Develop perception to understand this balance, witness its presence, and employ it. Life is more meaningful in this way, more productive, more understandable. Namaste.
July 16, 2019                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Pioneers looking to the future of humanity

JANU:     May we begin, then, by examining the efforts of those of the Earth who are attempting to examine the future? An interesting undertaking that resembles, if you will, your pioneers.

Now, this notion of nature calling benefits those on such a journey. One path of projection is to extend the current and past patterns of existence. Another is to attune to the realities of unknown worlds, species, beings, and the possibilities of encounter. These researchers into the future are currently examining, or focusing upon, cultural shifts and the changing reality of human biology and mental ability. They progress, that humanity will need to change, grow into, so to speak, the future, its opportunities and demands.

We serve their research this evening by examining their intent and motivation, for they are pioneers of the human journey as they reach into what they consider the Unknown. A quest of this nature is not unheard by the elements of life and the revelations are on their way.

Our journeys look to this as well. Thank you and namaste.

Feb. 6, 2013 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years. 


Being life in motion

JANU: Assuming then that the popularity of insight, forecasting of the future and the nature of occurrences, is the best path for balanced awakening, the balance, our brother, occurs when insight matches creativity or creation and observed changes for evolution in life expression. Direct knowing suggests that what is being experienced is a stable reality, predictable in outcome. It is not. Life is possibilities super-imposed on each other, the choices of which, or selections, are not only possibilities but combinations of these. Opportunities are the same way. So success in awakening is founded in choices, choices based upon current perceptions and potentials of the moment, conscious awakening in a field of reality with many layers of coexistence, co-potentials, and ever changing and evolving outcomes.

So successful awakening is what works for you, and even that is changing as you evolve. So what you hang your hat upon is life in motion. The so-called successful or ‘right way’ as a path of awakening is what inspires and fulfills you in a limitless variety of choices and outcomes. If you are at peace, find happiness and joy, rich in love of life and its potential or future, you’re successfully awakening. Be at peace. Continue on. Explore. Evaluate. Observe and gain wisdom, whatever it may be. Be life in motion. Namaste.

Mar. 13, 2019                                                                         Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The progression of consciousness

JANU: We are welcoming again this opportunity to speak as one in the midst of the progression of the elements of the human journey. Let us make no mistake, then, that these progressions are in no way in concrete, so to speak. They are malleable, but they show tendencies, propensities, specific possibilities that are achievable. Of course, all progressions are subject to modifications as desires, interests, and passions inspire change.

So let us begin with the progression of consciousness or awakening. What we see here in no way implies predetermination but does point to a more expansive, joy-filled, and peaceful journey into the Larger Life. Struggles have their day, but must eventually give way to achievement. And achievements give way to opportunities and to greater possibilities. Synergism of the journeys of so many yields a life movement that on reflection appears to have a destiny of its own, so individual destinies coalesce into a larger collective destiny, and the opportunities correspond in significance.

Life is evolving, changing, creating, becoming, realizing its potential through the destinies of so many. And not just of the Earth, you see. Life is everywhere, in so many forms, humanity being just one. The Larger Life includes all of these. Allow your consciousness to grow in acceptance of so much more. Be true to your estate, but allow it to mature through exposure to other estates as well, you see. Be at peace. Be in motion. Be evolving. Be true to your destiny and serve life. Namaste.
Feb. 4, 2019                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Recognizing opportunities for growth

JANU: We are searching that which belongs to the progression of human development and consciousness and society. What we see here is the endurance of prolonged desire for a better life. Even though concepts may prove limited, they are the catalyst to move humanity forward or, should we say, in a more conscious direction. The reason, partially, for continued mayhem, warring, and mistreatment of each other is ignorance of the tools, if you will, needed to re-create circumstance that is more rewarding. So, humans live in fear of dire consequences, lacking confidence in their own power to create change.

We of the Brotherhood have long been proponents of individual insights into the presence of the Larger Life where the creative forces reside. These forces coexist with the incarnate life, so the creation of new life patterns is always available. These opportunities are seldom recognized for what they are: brief moments of insight; or the unexplained synchronicity of events; the appearance of opportunities unpredicted and unexplained; a piece of literature, an overheard phrase or comment triggering query into possibilities not thought of. The opportunities abound and are catalysts for inquiry, if the interest is there.

For many, the Larger Life seems unreal, if not impossible, based on current veiled experience. Inner promptings to explore and discover touch the consciousness. Seed thoughts, if you will. Recognizing these as having value is part of the process. Humanity is evolving, as is all of life. Benefit from the rewards of journeying together. Namaste.
Jan. 3, 2019 B                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Awakening: universal & ongoing process

JANU: Awakening is a natural process but it has its ties to the flow of life and to the mutual support of each other and other venues of life. What we call our attention to, at this time, is the stimulating nature of awakening that brings with it an assemblage of order and proprietary decision-making. In other words, timing relation to opportunities and mutual benefit. This describes our journeys as well.

So let us put our attention upon the network of awakening. Yes, even when not incarnate, the network continues, for awakening occurs on all levels of consciousness. Think not of your individual process of awakening as standing on its own, completely individual. This process quickens relationships, bringing together harmonious accord. So, you see, there are levels and degrees in the nature of this.

Awakening does not have a conclusion. It’s an ongoing process throughout the Larger Life. It has thresholds, shifts of focus, a changing basis and timing. In other words, synchronous opportunities created by developments, progress made, revelations and realizations. Seeing the awakening process in a larger way promotes respect and tolerance of the journeys of others and insight into the nature of this reality. Namaste.

Dec. 27, 2018 B                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The beauty and magic of awakening

JANU:     We are exacting, if you will, the climate of change as pertains to expansion of consciousness. The paces of change coexist as opportunities for realization by many different consciousnesses across the human spectrum. Let it be known that pointless is the comparison of the change in consciousness from one to another, for each has a different story. Precise measurement of observable change is in such constant flux that the effort misses the point of the reality of this. Collectively, humanity encompasses so many variables which interplay and evolve as a complex collective reality. This is the climate of change that we speak of, allowing each to better match, if you will, with opportunities and follow their own course of development.

So, you see, awakening is a word pointing towards a complex reality that meets the needs of so many variations on the theme. It is a beautiful part of life when observing the magic of it and its blossoming. Cherish this reality, our brother, as a path of freedom on the way to peace. Namaste.
Oct. 23, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


Life’s challenges & opportunities linked

JANU: We are assembled then at this time, bringing due diligence to the peaceful nature of the sublime. True peace is the strength of enlightened consciousness in the midst of the evolution and unfoldment of life, meaning the daily occurrences.

Life interactions run the gambit and are many times discouraging, but life lives on and its nature is to accommodate and continue. Such it is with the enlightened existence. One accommodates and continues. Precision mapping of the moment regards everything in perspective. Untangles webs of confusion. Solutions are revealed, confidence restored, commitments maintained. Confidence is built upon a history of resolve and resolution. There are always solutions.

Life does not create challenges to defeat itself, to end itself, to close the door on the truth, but at times to redirect toward more profitable outcomes, paving the way for achievements in the midst of other opportunities. So, in some ways, everything is linked. Yes, it is the nature of existence. Thank you and namaste.
Aug. 22, 2018                                                                  Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.