JANU: We agree on this: service and inspiration, untainted motivation for awakening, becoming conscious as, without glamour, entertainment, or other distractions. Let us return to this on our journeys, as we have before. In these times of stress, suffering, and restriction, let us serve peace of mind, goodwill, patience, and confidence in resolution. Times such as these are catalysts for achieving or returning to these qualities when so many are distracted with complex motivations for their thoughts, behaviors, and relationships. Life, in its wisdom and intimacy, provides opportunity to reassess and make wiser choices. Integrity, truthfulness, honesty, sacrifice, kindness, commitment, understanding, patience, even-mindedness, true peace are foundations to build and evolve one’s existence on and with. Namaste.
Oct. 16, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Tag: peace
Loving a life: basis for wise blessing
JANU: We are enlisting, if you will, those qualities, those forces of life in existence, pronounced as blessings, predetermined to accomplish tasks that bring peace, balance, order, symmetry, and well-being, along with the wisdom gained from experience. To be in harmony with this is a worthy achievement, and worthy of its benefit to others, and the creatures of the world, as well. The protocols of life must agree. By this we mean: combine with, be in harmony with all circumstances.
Loving the life of another is the foundation, for this is in harmony with wise service. Confidence in the outcome is justified because a love of life is employed. And what is more natural than this? Namaste.
Oct. 9, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Love yourself that you may love others
JANU: We are presenting, as it were, understanding into the nature of life for many purposes, to include awakening, self-mastery, evolutionary creativity, harmonious relationships, peace, and well-being. Light is the Truth of Life, and truth does bring freedom—freedom of expression that is constructive, productive, and mutually beneficial. Life to be understood, no matter its form, its expression. Every moment of consciousness is life in motion. Not to compare one life with another for judgement of any kind, but to serve Life, understand it, and magnify it.
Be an opportunity for someone else, with integrity. Be patient and thoughtful, with clarity of reason and a growing wisdom. Respect the elements of existence, of life expression and, at the same time, embrace the systems of life, the collectiveness, the harmony of coordination and collaboration. Love yourself, that you may love another. Namaste.
Sept. 16, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
The answers will come
JANU: Reaching then into the enormous diversity of life that is humanity, let us bespeak of the main categories: relationships, survival, understanding and discovering, exploration into the nature of existence, and self-conscious awakening. Peace amongst all of these is a prerequisite for integration, symmetry, harmony, mutual benefit. Much of this is achievable short of conscious awakening, but the deeper and larger perspective of the oneness of life can be a mystery. Tantalizing are the ever-present hints of this, the suspicions, the inklings, the nagging wonderment.
Incarnate life can be rich, rewarding, fulfilling to a degree, but there comes the time, or times, when the questions linger but the answers seem distant. So the quest continues and life is always larger than the questions. The asking is a vehicle, looking for direction and destiny. We look for help from each other, for we are all the same and unique and the answers encompass all of these.
Be at peace in the asking. The answers come. Namaste.
Sept. 9, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
More on experiencing the Now
JANU: The Now experience that you seek comes on the heels of the transition from predetermination perception to the natural flow of life progression. As revealed previously, past, present, and future are elemental realities tied to the Now. But the human societal consciousness, so conditioned to these elementals and perception of reality, is conditioned by those life patterns without a frame of reference for the reality experience of the Now. But it is possible, through focus and integrity, to move beyond those limitations.
Letting go of what is familiar to that which is not takes courage, faith, peace, and commitment. The Now reality includes everything, so identity must let go of limitation but perceive elemental realities as life patterns not identity. One’s own memories of these limited life patterns can be seen in this same way. Not as identity but as limited experiences from an identity of freedom, peace, and pure being. Not to be owned by those experiences. Even karmic attachment is a limited perception. These relationships hold sway when identity is limited to these for the conscious connection perpetuates them long past their creation.
Being in The NOW consciousness, all is observed as to its nature while at peace and truly free. We will continue with this, as desired. Namaste.
July 8, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
From rage to peace
JANU: Rage is the word. The basic emotion and frame of mind of so many boiling to the surface are the resentments of the relationships that have existed for so long in society. Rage penetrates reason, any sense of peace or balance or joy, becomes identity. Reasonable approaches to rage become desperate.
What these people in rage need is self-respect, a path to the future, and meaningful contribution to society. The elimination of social structures that interfere is a cherished decency, but it seems lost to them for they don’t see it in their society. The issues are strong on both sides. The challenges, self-created, are on both sides. The reality of ’sides’ has no merit, as it is with warring and social mayhem.
Humanity’s potential is better than this. Would that they would allow themselves to awaken to their True Natures. The solutions have always been within the larger reality of being. But the rage is noisy and the inner voice comes from a place of peace, balance and harmony, wisdom, love.
So, what models of peace can people be inspired by? What sense of true power, that gives and never takes, can be had? Where is beauty, sanity, and joy? Let these be the foci of conscious attention. For what your attention is on, you are connected to, and the connection is two way. Namaste.
July 7, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Living blissfully
JANU: Wholly without rest is the pursuance of integrity, consciousness, desire to know, creativity, peace, engagement through service and enrichment, understanding the nature of Life itself, its motivation to continue and evolve, the evolution of its potential, the coexistence of countless realities, the freedom to be. Rest does not mean the absence of any of this, but the harmonious existence and relationship of it all, even though always in motion, changing, re-creating. Even in restful sleep of the body, all systems are rejuvenating, realigning, rebalancing, renewing.
Peace and rest are active elements of life and exist always. Even during the waking hours, peace and rest coexist with the systems of life. Some call this ‘bliss.’ Living blissfully is profitable. Attune to, align with, blissful peaceful existence within the systems of your being, alert and conscious, gaining wisdom through experience and insight. Namaste.
June 5, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Eyes of peace
JANU: Peace, then, are the eyes to have, observing humanity and its society. You see and perceive what your focus is, so choose wisely what dominates your perception when observing human incarnate reality. It is, of course, a mixture of the spectrum of life, but the spectrum is evolving and enlightened focused perception is attuned to these elements of evolution. What your attention is on you give life to. An attribute of co-creating. So choose to be aware of the elements of evolution in humanity and give them life, for they will raise up the mixture and the mixture evolves. The beauty of life becomes more clear and one becomes filled with hope and confidence in the potential of humanity and life is enriched, all of life. Peace is a powerful reality. Use it often as humanity renews itself. Namaste.
May 18, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Evolution and change
JANU: The summary of reality is that the nature of life is fluid, self-maintaining, continuous, always in motion, supporting evolution through change. A wiser sense of security is one that embraces continuous change. So, when the so-called status quo feels the pressure of change, a greater peace and harmony is one that is changing, evolving, maturing, awakening. Mastership is being at one with the nature of everything, a continuous evolutionary process. Embracing and allowing change reveals its nature and its destiny. The experience produces wisdom, the true nature of being. Namaste.
Mar. 13, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Chaos or cadence?
JANU: Chaos and cadence, seemingly arch-enemies but combined they are attributed to peace, balance, symmetry, and continuation. Current perception of incarnate life is strong on the side of chaos, and weak in the direction of peace and balance, symmetry, order.
“How do these combine to yield peace?” you ask. Because each reveals the other for their natures, leaving one free to identify with the Middle Way, the path of peace and balance. For in this Middle Way, the truth of everything is perceived. Extremes reveal each other for what they are, less likely the identification with either one. Yet both are born of the experiment of living, of creating.
So observe these streams from the True Nature that allows them to exist, with the eye of the Center Way, which sees all and condemns neither. Experience this reality of life, in conscious union with who you truly are. For, in a sense, you are this experiment of life, capable of experiencing these extremes and everything in between. No need to identify with any of this except the freedom and the wisdom of your True Nature. We are one. Namaste.
Feb. 10, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross