We are all unique and we are all one

JANU:   Brothers and sisters all, viewing humanity beyond the physical unites them all in the adventure of life. The gender specific natures exist in harmony as one, when viewed in this way. Perceiving past the apparent differences of incarnate life, one can see and connect with all as companions in life. Yes, different ranges of experience, accumulated wisdom, and strong tendencies of ability in many directions. But the True Natures are connected and fulfilling their potential by way of their destinies. Uniting everyone in your perceptions reveals this. See beyond limited differences, perceive True Nature, and understand and experience how much larger life is than most perceive.

Celebrate life in this way, during this season and always. A life no longer petty with misconceptions, misperceptions, and isolated interests. We are all unique, and we are all one, and together we are strong. Namaste.
Nov. 27, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Seeing beyond human and gender identities

JANU: We are encouraging your pursuit of this capability to perceive others more as the spiritual beings they are, than the human identity they see themselves as. Doing so enables the perception to include their qualities, rather than just their challenges. Their potential, their wisdom gained long past and even still.

So much of human appraisal of each other is gender based, not consciousness based. When touching, experiencing, or observing their consciousness, their spirituality, one can put their human identities into a much more compassionate and understanding perspective. For they are not these things, even though they may perceive themselves this way. There are qualities, many qualities, capabilities and understandings in each one much larger than the human ones. This will help you understand and attune to your own qualities. They are not limited by human identity, or gender.

These perceptions we speak of are ever present but at times masked by the physical human journey. Practice this, our brother, and it will awaken you to so much more in your own life and the lives of others. As humanity develops this quality, they will be more ready for beings of other worlds, not to mention other cultures on the Earth. And your relationships with others will benefit greatly, for you will understand and know who they are and who you are. Do this with everyone. Namaste, our brother.
Jan. 20, 2017                                           Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


Perceptions of form to formlessness

JANU: We are hammering out, if you will, any challenges to understanding the True Nature of manifest reality and the so-called nonphysical. What we are reaching for in understanding here, our brother, is that the difference in these realities is not all that different, having once referred to physicality as more realities than you might imagine, and this is true by way of the reason of oneness. You frequently query about how to comprehend individuality in a nonphysical reality. That is accomplished, our brother by—or should we say, through—the shape of consciousness. Now, shape is a limited term here but a beginning to your understanding.

When one has inner vision that penetrates the subtler realities of life, one can see images that represent individuals, but they are subject to change. And there are many factors involved, depending upon consciousness of observer and observed, but as realities become finer and finer, there are processes for former structure that are quite different. Humanity is strongly oriented upon visual imagery. One must realize that the imagery produced by consciousness-shaping is fluid and changes due to the need for recognition and the relationships involved.

Moving on, our brother, reality exists beyond any form or structure that a human would identify. De-humanizing your perspective to be more facile is one of the many processes that accompany moving the mind beyond physicality with a much larger perspective. You are learning that life is far more complex and still in motion, but all of this is taken in stride and becomes a natural perception of life, to the degree one allows it or desires it.

Allow the awakening to a grander reality of life expressions. Be patient with your discoveries. Allow this to normally occur. And, yes, you have known and experienced all of this before. Understanding, appreciating, and exploring oneness is a journey of its own. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

July 13, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the Big Bang

JANU: We are taking a shift in perspective for this morning’s journey. There is what you might call a ‘back door’ approach to life, allowing perceptions to shift to the unexplored alternative views to what seems straightforward. You ask, “What is the nature of the ‘back door’ approach?” It is one that leaves established perceptions and finds its way free of the subterfuge piled upon direct perception by personality and ego and the more common perceptions of others.

For example, let us reach into the seeming abyss of the unknown, the whole concept of right and wrong, religion, spirituality, and find a truer balance, peace, symmetry, and freedom of perception. Your origin of the universe, physically, and other realities, aspects, subtler creations, the Big Bang theory, so to speak, misunderstood.

There is a reality called pre-creation. It lays the foundation for manifestation. As with any human creation, physically it begins with an idea, a seed thought, a moment of insight. Such it was with the beginning of the known universe for what you would call design and planning. Duration in time and space but a moment, but rich in elements and considerations. We are speaking of origin here, not explosive episodes in the manifestation. Even a solar explosion, if you will, a nova, is a long time in the creating. So, you see, these seemingly violent events are the culmination of eons upon eons of preparation. So see not the Big Bang as the beginning of things but a culmination in evolution.

So choose to perceive what leads up to these culminations. As has been said, “Then you know the rest of the story.” And even after the culminations, a protracted evolution of life continues. Life is a process, our brother. Settling for Big Bang scenarios hides the beauty, the dynamics, and the understanding of a wondrous life process. A consciousness that is timeless can perceive all. Namaste.

July 23, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross