Memories and patterns

JANU: Recapturing a memory of a current sojourn is not unlike recapturing a memory of a past one and, beyond that, of another reality. You allow it as a natural experience. Attuning to something, to a memory, is not a technique as much as the thought behind taking a next breath. It’s that natural. It’s effortless.

The memory includes perspective, perceptions, experience, like meeting an old friend, discovering a part of yourself. Of course, there is wonder as to meaning, source, interpretation, but at times just enjoying the moment, the beauty of it and its clarity. These seem ‘out of the blue’ without a larger context. Some are brief. Some linger. Once recalled, can be returned to, to experience more fully. They can be triggered by many things. See them not just as hallucinations but real and valid memories, patterns of life that continue to exist and are part of your larger reality and experience. In time, these open doorways to memory can be stepped through and continue to unfold as your interest continues.

Now these memories are not limited to personal experience. They can be those of others, of circumstances in the memories of others. One can explore past, present, and future by way of these patterns of life, even patterns of imagination projecting creativity. Discernment of source, meaning, and relativity can be explored. Being aware that the memory or the pattern is yours or another’s is known.

These are the records of life, our brother. Everything is recorded. Care must be taken not to confuse these patterns with your present orientation and frame of reference. There are many realities in life. Discerning each one and their relationships is part of sanity. Choose to know which is which and the truth becomes clearer and your wisdom deepens and your life finds balance and meaningful purpose. Namaste.
Feb. 10, 2017                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.

Other journeys concerning memories, that might build a foundation for understanding are Owning memories, Memories from “Awakening a Series,” and More on Memories in this same series.


Giving up is not an option

JANU: We are summing up, if you will, observations that pertain to the dissemination of information that reveals human destiny. Though some may feel the destiny is tarnished, we see otherwise.

The destiny of humanity has the potential of the destiny of the True Nature, which has a tremendous capacity for the finer qualities that serve life. It is comforting to realize how close the Family of Life is. Family life is intimate. The human family is one with its spiritual family, for its true nature is such. Everything is known, our brother, cared about, understood. Human destiny includes its current challenges, and many to come. By beginning to see and experience all that is the Family of Life helps reveal that everything is possible. The collective diversity and strength and wisdom of the human and larger family is maturing, evolving and growing. See it as a so-called ‘shakedown cruise’ revealing well the weaknesses and strengths, taking steps to improve, survive, and create. Even quitting is not an option, for life will revive itself and continue on.

Expanding your identity to include the larger you, the larger Family of Life, deepens and broadens perspective, and giving up is no longer seen as an option. Be at peace and engage life as it is. Draw upon the vastness of the larger life which you are, and master all you can be. Namaste, our brother.
Jan. 30, 2017                              Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


Intimacy 2

JANU: We say “Welcome” to that which is described by two words: We are one.

The Truth of Life, our brother, exhibits much intimacy. Oneness is an intimate reality. Intimacy does not require a loss of identity, but contributes to the evolution of identity. How many truly explore the depth of what they hold as their identity? Life in motion includes identity, you see. Identity from the human perspective is somewhat isolated. Life is more than one perspective and identity changes with awakening.

Profound reality is what we speak of here. The intimacy of oneness is a very personal experience. It flourishes when at peace. There is no part of you, memories, experiences, attitudes, philosophy, principles, that is not known. Intimacy with life reveals everything and no fault is found, no condemnation, only the love that supports and embraces everything. Allowing yourself to experience true intimacy in the presence of your own being, the True Nature, is part of the path of awakening.

The Family of Life is everywhere. And, in a larger truth, so are you, by way of the intimacy of your True Nature. Each one’s capacity to understand, awaken, love, and embrace life is greater than they know. Your life is not limited to human experience, even though it seems so. When observing the many conditions and realities of the human condition, of relationships and social norms, where are the alternatives, the models for living, the wisdom that honors and unites differences into a humanity becoming one? These models exist, our brother. The understanding is there. Find intimacy with the Truth of Life in the presence of your own being. Namaste.
Feb. 2, 2017 B                           Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

 This is a continuation of the idea of Intimacy presented earlier.

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 15 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Group with a world view that is needed

JANU: We are organizing an approach to what is to come. The challenges to the civilization of the United States are not the only significant issue in world affairs. Russia, China, and other small nations are going through many upheavals, some not understood by the people. It is, in fact, our brother, a world economy and, without the confidence of the people, it will crumble and start over. It is possible for re-organization to take hold. The President-elect is only part of the problem. But he is part of the problem.

The vision for re-organization exists by a small group of men and women. Their time will come as world affairs begin to crumble and national leaders will realize that they must embrace new ideas or not survive. This small group is not just oriented to the United States, but holds the world view. There is wisdom there that comes from within. The inner resource has a perspective not shared by unawakened consciousness. They understand the flow of life and operate within it, realizing that their resources are vast indeed.

The real power, our brother, is behind the scenes that most are aware of. These are ‘team players’ in a much larger way and can easily read current conditions and those to come. They are a gift for humanity and we support them. Namaste.
Jan. 6, 2017 B                             Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 13 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Changing priorities

JANU: Recent changes will call for a change in priorities for living, for growing, for awakening. One change in priorities is to become a vessel in identity shifting, depending upon circumstance, need, and understanding sought. Allow fluidity in identity shifting. Allow identity to float into new perspectives. That is correct; the True Nature has this ability. Allow your human consciousness to attune to and merge with it.

Waxing eloquently with simplicity contributes to universal communication, allowing others to have their subtle nuances of interpretation. Another slant, so to speak, on parables as one learns and experiences grand truths, but always truthful and never misleading. Others will make of these what they will, and that is freedom, our brother, to be guided by their own inner truth. A powerful way to suggest meaning when using words.   Namaste.
Dec. 13, 2016 B                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 12 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Getting to know each other

JANU: So often when immersing in another culture, the one immersing attempts to construct an environment of their familiarity, associate with others they understand, and isolate those who are outside of their community, with only a superficial understanding of their so-called neighbors. Getting to know each other, of different cultures and philosophies, different traditions and different appearance, breeds a much better opportunity to benefit each other. If your identity is only your community and associations, current traditions and understandings, your culture becomes more stagnant, with great opportunity and evolution all around you but not within.

So what is involved in knowing each other? Allowing for differences, similarities, new ideas and perspectives. It takes patience, our brother, much listening and thoughtful sharing, seeing the others as rich in their own way. Share your riches with each other, your mistakes, your victories, your passion for life, your histories. Be patient and listen. Open your minds and hearts to understanding. Walk in each other’s shoes to varying degrees and see what fits and what inspires. Allow the viewing of your own perceptions and preferences, from their point of view.

When one is immersed in their own traditions, their perceptions become modeled only after them. As we have eluded to, your identity, or sense thereof, can confine you or open you to a larger life. When you listen to others of different culture, listen fully. Hear their struggles and achievements and wonderings and creativity. Touch their lives with your consciousness and be enriched. Enrich theirs with truth of your life.

Getting to know each other is a wondrous path of collaboration and cooperation, association. Take this to future opportunities with other worlds, other realities. A path of true awakening, our brother. Namaste.
Nov. 23, 2016                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

The idea of listening was addressed earlier in Active Listening, which the reader may wish to review.

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Freedom and choice

JANU: What does it mean to be free? In reality, humanity has always been free to experience whatever it chooses, but the choices can become experiences of entrapment with no way out seeming to be the reality. So why do patterns of choice possess you? Because these patterns are not founded on freedom in the ideology, in the perception. The reality of a larger life is not included in the perceptions so the patterns and choices become your identity reality, fixed.

Freedom to be or not to be is the choice. Freedom is everywhere. So how does one possessed by the patterns of choice reaffirm freedom beyond the choice, you see? Remember: what your attention is on you are connected to. So put your attention not on the choice but the result of it. But who made the choice in the first place?

It is wise to explore multiple choices, even set progression limits on those choices that extend to your desire to continue. Choices are not fixed or permanent. No pattern of life is. Everything is mutable. When making a choice, choose to know the wisdom of it, its potential, its life span, its manifestations. Every journey of life, every portrayal, every enactment has a range, interactions and outcomes, whether agreeable or not. Consider any current experience in one’s life and expose it to choices. There is no shame or negative connotation in changing one’s mind, deciding differently. Do not be owned by those patterns of choice. You are a free being that lives, not just in them, but beyond them. They are not who you are. They are temporary journeys.

So choose freedom and be true to your choices as their results are revealed to you. Then choose again whether to continue or change. That is exercising the freedom that you are, our brother. Choose with care, thoughtfulness, insight, and the wisdom you have gained. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2016                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Being at peace facing challenges

JANU: With the upheavals and turmoil of the day, politics notwithstanding, we encourage humanity to take the larger view. The upheavals are the smallest part of the larger picture. Perspective is what’s called for here, and that comes from seeing the bigger picture and placing upheavals in their temporary and smaller roles. Being at peace comes from being at one with that which is at peace. In the collective of life, the larger truth lives in peace and sees everything. So, as you view an upheaval in the life, in the microcosm of life, see it with a larger view. Draw on the power of that truth, not only to see solutions but to make the changes needed to cope with everything.

The term ‘peace’ does not whitewash anything, but is at the root of everything. It is true power and places uncertainties in clear perspective. Be at peace by being one with what peace is, the power of the Light which is the Truth of Life. Attune to its presence throughout your being, revealing who you are. Namaste, our brother. Be at peace.
Nov. 11, 2016             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Expanding understanding of who you are

JANU: Many are longing to know who they are, more than this human identification. What is intrinsic about their nature? What possibilities await them in their own creativity and understanding? The physical lineage is only part of the story, even though their ancestry has varied. It is not who they are, but mostly physical influences, genetics. Good information but not completely satisfying.

Scanning the True Nature for the larger identity leads to remembering your origins and experiences. The physical body is not who you are. It is what you are doing, to a degree. You are more than that and your existence is more than that. These journeys of understanding are only part of the picture, you see, but they begin to provide answers to your questions of who you are.

The challenge and the opportunity is not to hang on to the human identity so tightly you can’t change your perspective to more of your True Nature. Accomplishing this while maintaining balance and sanity, reasonableness, and peace of mind is part of the reason for so many elements to these journeys that build the foundation for success. The human experience takes on patterns of consciousness that must evolve into something more open and engaging larger realities of life and of your nature. The human identity experience is part of a larger truth of your being. Not to be discarded or ignored, but to be merged with a broader and deeper perspective.

The dropping of the veil, so to speak, is very important and serves a purpose. As is awakening. Continue to ask the question: Who am I? Then, listen for elements of understanding, here and there, now and then, remembering the journey of awakening as you gradually realize your answer. Realize the truth of who you are. A miraculous journey. Namaste.
Oct. 20, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: The discussion or reality of origins is a vast one, indeed. It relates to the origin of life itself. And what is life that has an origin, you see? In considering origins of unique consciousnesses, not only are these consciousnesses one but unique expressions of a more universal life, a more cosmic reality that co-exists completely with all expressions of life. Origins matter to a degree, for they speak of foundations of experience, wisdom, understanding, journeys of life, creating unique perspectives adding to the diversity of life, the multiplicity of existence and perspectives.

There are those of humanity who seek to know their origins physically for the same reasons, even though more limited in depth and scope, for that is a function of their current consciousness and understanding. But the motivation is there.

Your true lineage has more to do with your evolution in consciousness, not just what you are exploring at the moment but all of your explorations, encounters, observations, and experiences with countless life forms, not just humanity, you see. Your True Nature is a vast resource, with capabilities, accesses, perceptions, of which the human ones are but a small part but important nonetheless. What is the origin of a thought? Can a thought be original, and if so, to what sense, to what degree? The oneness, the connectedness of life makes this difficult to answer, for so much of thought is a product of the atmosphere of thought that co-exists with life, a collaboration of realities.

You ask, “Do origins matter in the scheme of things?” They do, our brother, for they help understanding the nature of creation and your own being. So, occasionally allow your consciousness, your inquiry to explore origin, which helps place the elements of life in perspective. The exploration of origins inevitably connects you with the origins of other life realities. Appreciate the beauty of life in journeys of this nature. Namaste.
Oct. 14, 2016 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.