The eternal quest

JANU:    Rich indeed are these moments we share, bringing about that which belongs to the timeless tradition of conscious life. The consciousness we seek is a reality called life by those who know of it more than living as it. Any creation with consciousness is a product of life as a source and these terms are limited to incarnate perspective of identity with manifestations. But the life we speak of is far greater, yet includes these.

What is consciousness, then? Some would say being aware of reality. What is it that is aware? Can a creation know its creator? In varying degrees, depending upon the consciousness present, it can. The incarnate consciousness seeking after the truth of the Larger Life is not unlike the super-consciousness exploring greater things, realizing potential, and identifying with all of life.

So you ask, “What is enough? What is the purpose? What does it lead to? Where does minutia play a role in this scheme of life? And what is more significant?” These questions arise on the path of awakening, and awakening is not completed with the penetration of the veil. These questions will continue to arise through different levels of understanding and experience.

Living the Larger Life is endlessly rewarding. On the one hand, satisfying. And on the other, perplexing with more unanswered wonderings. Being at peace on this quest is more significant than one might imagine. Welcome to the journey we are all a part of. Namaste.
July 9, 2020                                                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Mastering life

JANU:  When taking the larger view of any moment in life, one can see and appreciate a range of perspectives that bring sanity and wisdom to the observation. No matter the degree of perceived persecution, even to the taking of a life, there is an overview of understanding that leads to a balanced view of all that has taken place. Motivations, circumstances, outcomes, and the flow of life.

Response to such an observation is one of healing through love and patience, the injection of love and wisdom and understanding, the enlightenment of those involved, the encouragement of self-remedy and moving forward. Life continues, no matter what, wiser for the experience, empowered through forgiveness, enriched by understanding, strengthened by patience and commitment.

Living in the The NOW brings all of this to the fore. Denying nothing, embracing everything. Namaste.
July 10, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The wisdom of the True Nature

JANU: The True Nature we are appreciates another consciousness, another being, for what they truly are, what they are evolving into, with the patience and love of timelessness. Being created equal is not limited to the human perspective, but to the True Nature of everyone. The Family of Life includes those experiencing the veiled existence as well as those who are not. With that as the foundation, the freedom to be is not judged or condemned. Life has the capacity, the depth, to absorb it all and evolve.

Now, relationships are managed wisely with these foundations of understanding, each one choosing the elements of the relationships, you see. The choices of one may differ from the choices of another. These can be managed. There is wisdom to be had and employed through all of these. Choose the perspective of the True Nature and walk that path. Find agreement where you may and evolve from there. Namaste.
June 26, 2020 B                                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Coexistence of spirit & incarnate life

JANU:   You call us the ‘spiritual being.’ And what does this mean? This is an attempt to identify ‘beingness’ as something removed from the human experience. The question might be “What is the source, the origin of physicality?” Are they really that separate? The perception of leaving one to embrace the other is an illusion. Merging the relationship of both to each other is closer to the truth.

The binary mind tends to understand by way of elements rather than unity. Limited identities. The physical body, the human consciousness, the incarnate life, and the Larger Life are one. A matter of perspective, from limited identity to oneness consciousness, all existing, coexisting, together. The human experience is as broad or narrow as one chooses, and that choice changes. Those who participate in the manipulation of realities to varying degrees are proof of this.

The so-called limitations of physicality are learned from those who are limited in their perception. This becomes the standard. But there are those among you who demonstrate otherwise, mainly through desire and repetition. But the perceived limitations of incarnate life are self-imposed, including ill health. Life patterns are the results of these experiences and limited perceptions.

How does one be convinced of, confident in, freedom to be? By choice. Experience is a great teacher. Choose to experience a measure of freedom. Love it into your life. Namaste.
June 10, 2020                                                                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Awakening is a process

JANU:    Gradual support for the awakening of humanity is being in the flow. It allows all life its journey of process. Process enriches the journey, the awakening. Awakening begins in an instant but continues as a process so that potential is fulfilled and all of life has the opportunity to be touched. Such is the nature of a symphony.

So put your attention and commitment to the process of awakening. See its beauty, its changes, the amazing diversity of process. It is not just humanity’s awakening. In time, conscious awareness of the other realities of life beyond humanity and the Earth will become part of the mix, if you will. Many lessons to be learned, perspectives. Life is growing, expanding, deepening. Namaste.
May 20, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Life is ‘NOW’

JANU:   Paranormal is an interesting term. One side of it, in the common understanding, is a bit vague, meaning that which parallels the common experience and perception. In a more enlightened view, paranormal is the awakened state of consciousness, of which the common view is a limited understanding and by no means ‘normal.’

A valid question is “Why the difference in perspective, in consciousness?” It is useful to a point in exploration of physical life. It brings focus and identification with the physical human experience, but brings ignorance of the Larger Life, to be rediscovered through experience and the wisdom gained.

So, you see, there is no wrongness in any state of awakening. It is a process with a destiny of its own. Find no fault with limited understanding. It is life unfolding in a natural way, not controlled by perceptions of time. Guided by the freedom to be, it is a journey of enriching and serving life.

Miss not its opportunities through impatience. Reach not only for the stars, but everything in between. Dwelling in the past and the future can miss the richness of the moment. Life is Now. Namaste.
May 7, 2020 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


A larger perspective of life

JANU:    Conscious reunion is the theme, otherwise called awakening of humanity. All of life has a True Nature. The Larger Life embraces this and all of life has its causal reality. And even that has a ‘Larger Life.’ ‘Tis good to discuss reality beyond this. It seems pointless to the binary consciousness as the realities are beyond comprehension, but the nature of the consciousness is part of this.

You ask, “What is the merit of understanding this?” The merit is: the perspective to place everything in a larger context, without limit. Doing so embraces an evolution of consciousness in harmony with the flow of life. A freedom without limitation to be, to realize potential, to serve, to evolve. If the merit in this is not obvious, it will be one day. Continue to wonder, to open the mind to understand more, to be all you can be. We are one in this. Namaste.
Apr. 6, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   Equivalency is the theme here. Is there equivalency between individuals, creatures of nature, creatures who are spiritual beings, and civilizations on other worlds? In other words, what do you have in common? Possibly, more than each of you is aware.

Most but not all require nourishment. Others are self-sustaining, but a completely different lifeform. All have consciousness. Not all have self-preservation or procreation; some are spontaneous lifeforms. All are expressions of life. Not all exist in communities. All can experience direct knowing. Most do not annihilate each other. There are those who manifest themselves continuously, to varying degrees by choice. There are many who are not planet-bound. A great many are telepathic, affording better communication and freedom of thought. And there are those where past, present, and future are the same thing.

So, when thinking of community and associations, broaden your perspective. You are not limited to any one of these. Namaste.
Feb. 25, 2020                                                       Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

For more on the collaborations and associations available through awakening, see Awakening II – Associations and Collaborations


Is the Larger Life formless?

JANU: To begin with, the Larger Life includes the third dimension physicality. So the answer to your question, “Is the Larger Life formless?” is ‘yes and no.’ It depends upon your perspective. If your perspective is physicality, human incarnation or otherwise, the answer is ‘No.’ But formlessness, or we should say form, has many realities. The physicality of form is derived from perception through the five senses of the parameters of physical existence. However, other realities have different perceptions, for the parameters of existence for those realities are unlike those of physicality; therefore, form exists there as well, but not substantial form from the human perspective. It is form perceived by senses beyond the five senses of physicality and those parameters of existence allow for more variability.

Now, senses of identity have similarities, though fixed in perception; therefore, moving the consciousness from one reality to another, it must make adjustments and not be anchored to one reality or another. The part of awakening, you see, is a liberation of conscious identity from any particular reality, for the freedom to be one with the reality of choice. The subtler the reality, the subtler the parameters of existence, and they give way to what you would call formlessness. For them, the perspective, the sense, is one of connectedness rather than identity.

Identity, you see, in the denser realities, becomes a sense of protection, of maintaining integrity, of protection and survival. It also isolates, to facilitate a journey of denser exploration and discovery. As the parameters of existence transcend limitation, liberation from identity is experienced, returning closer to the perception of one Life, of pure being, a threshold of experience even beyond this. One tends to perceive from identity perception that the postulate of an immense universe beyond the ken of human understanding is reality beyond knowing, yet in the Larger Life it is understood and seen as a limited view.

Yes, anticipate as you awaken, a changing perception of form, identity, limitation, isolation, unity, oneness, intimacy, being, and even beyond cosmic reality. No need to explore all of this in one sojourn. But brings peace to inquiry as to the nature of life and its vastness, all coexisting.
Jan. 6, 2020                                              Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The sun is setting on ignorance

JANU: Realize this, then, that there is coming the setting sun upon ignorance, the divisive methods of controlling each other. Ignorance leads to destructive behavior and mis-creation. The incarnate life will expand beyond the veil, bringing with it insights, intuitions, moments of realization and clarity. It is not the intent or the design of incarnate life to perpetuate ignorance, but to promote opportunities to climb the ladder of understanding into the light of awakening. A beginning desire is all it takes, and a willingness to embrace the truth of your being.

Though make no mistake: ignorance is being challenged, even with the veil, as insights inspire the reaching for more and deeper understanding. The attention turns from the mundane to the esoteric and the nature of life. The physical body is an instrument of expression to experience and engage the incarnate journey. Powers of perception beyond the five physical senses is part of everyone’s nature. Not to replace the five senses while incarnate, but to enhance and support the experience from a larger perspective. That that has been hidden is revealed. Namaste.
Nov. 5, 2019 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross