Humanity’s relationship to the living Earth

JANU:   Engaged at last, persuasive to the notion that the chronicles of life progress your ponderings earlier as to outcome of this natural challenge having the potential to fulfill the mass destiny created by human potential and human choices. Collectively, the creatures of the Earth of land, sea, and air have longed for change. The suffering and confusion they have endured in large measure lies at the feet of humanity, which is part of the Earth as are they.

Humanity has yet to realize the coordination, cooperation, and mutual evolution between all of the Earth. Energy is energy, no matter the properties, character, pattern. Humanity here at this point is shaping destiny, but does not fully realize this, nor realize that the creatures of the Earth and the Earth itself shape it as well.

This virus pandemic is not some cruel trick of nature. It is part of the corrective manifestation of energetic reality experienced by the Earth and other dimensional realities. See it partially as a call to awakening to the realities of being, not just individually but collectively. Life is one, you see, and knows itself, has an immune system, is self-correcting, modifying. Humanity is not quick to forgiveness or to forgive itself, or face and embrace the truth of its reality. We encourage and support this current challenge as opportunity to reassess, rethink, re-perceive, and restore balance in the living system which is the Earth. Namaste.
Apr. 24, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Mastering challenges

JANU:     We reach into the depths of our relationship to draw upon that which pertains to change. Tradition is part of this but not all, established life patterns to a greater degree, and the potential for recovery. Such it will be with the current challenges for humanity. Recovery will be similar. Choice making, survival, desire, commitment, and moments of achievement. But included in all of these is reflection, consideration, the search for meaning, and lesson learning. Inner strength is a foothold into meeting new challenges.

We all are one in this. Life will always continue, but it will change. That is part of the evolution of consciousness, even in Spirit, and adaptation. Individual humanity is part of a larger reality. It has momentum and purpose, destiny if you will, and a body of contribution to what can be. Continue to adapt. Face challenges and master them. Namaste.
Apr. 22, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Exploring macrocosm & microcosm

JANU:   One must look at, while exploring the microcosm, the nature of time/space reality. Not only its source, but its underlying reality. The macro and micro understanding of the nature of life coexist as one, for the macro perspective is time/space, distance, time substance, materiality, interactions. The micro side of that reality is none of those, yet it is part of the essential nature of all time/space reality.

What is the reality of the perception of a thing versus a no thing? Different parameters of existence. A thing is a particular manifestation of energy, with properties and characteristics wide-ranging. Forms interacting with each other, maintaining each one’s boundaries of existence, even when mingled. The energy reality of the unmanifest is the creation of the impetus of life. So manifest and unmanifest reality coexist. One linked through the other. One more like potential, the other manifestation.

So how does one explore and understand the nature of potential, of manifestation? It is done by not trying to compare the two or describe one by the nature of the other. Direct experience and understanding is through attention upon, attuning to, and openness to the aspect of your True Nature that is related to both. Identity-shifting, you see, for your very physical existence, which is not who you are, cannot exist without life’s potential, the unmanifest.

So, you ask, “Why is the unmanifest? What is its motivation?” To become manifestation.  Its impetus, its motivation is the nature of Life to evolve, to gain experience, wisdom, and realize potential. Beings who incarnate, and accomplish other things as well, are some of the instruments of this evolution of life.

So, you see, exploring the microcosm is exploring your own Nature and its scope, where the micro is not explained in macro terms. It is, however, experienced as part of ‘being,’ revealing its relationship to the macro. Patience on this journey. Namaste.
Feb. 14, 2020 B                                         Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

For two other perspectives on  macrocosm/microcosm, see Co-creation and Exploring life through its creations


Understanding choices

JANU:    Embracing the human condition while incarnate, from a perspective ‘on high’ so to speak, brings resolution to longstanding struggles and confusion of the nature of existence and purpose of existence. A balanced approach, centered in wisdom and peace and the evolution of human potential, remembering that each human is something much more than what seems apparent to them.

Freedom of choice is an inherent prerogative. Choosing what? What options of choice? What reference for wisdom in the choice? It is not interference to offer options with clarity. Are choices unlimited? And what revelations may be achieved as to the consequence of choice? Not just for others, but for the self as well.  How do individual potentials and consequences benefit from any collaboration? Can there be clarity prior to experience, to assist in choice making?

The insights of the True Nature are a good beginning, for much experience, wisdom, and clarity, and resources are available there. Each one’s True Nature is available, even when behind the veil on the incarnate journey. A reason for awakening, no matter the focus in the sojourn. It is possible to make a choice with sincerity and examine its outcome in consciousness, especially when conscious union with your Nature is exercised. Consider choices carefully and patiently. Namaste.
Feb.12, 2020                                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Resolving life patterns

JANU:    Plans come and go, but the execution of them, the manifestation of them resembles, in some ways, realization of potential. Now, the physical body has the potential to be in excellent health for the entire sojourn. But there are life patterns that linger from experiences during the sojourn and in the past. These patterns form a mixture that is in motion. So the manifesting of excellent health physically must take them into account.

Now, the resolution of these is a bit more than human consciousness can absorb; therefore, one employs balancing forces guided by the blueprint of Life. That is fundamental. So, let us align with this basic life pattern and allow it to manifest. Choose to own every experience and release them. Namaste.
Feb. 19, 2020 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Pondering the meaning and purpose of creation

JANU: Bringing the Light is a journey of vast proportion. Being conscious as one and part of the Family of Life while incarnate in the Earth is not unique but serves life well. Holding the vigil to lift human consciousness into the future of its potential does honor to that potential.

Why should being the Light be any less justified than the choices of darkness? Challenge and opportunity, two sides of the same coin again, you see. In the Larger Life, what is the enlightened perception of the role of each? Ignorance and its manifestations reveal the need for enlightenment and the fruits of its existence for life to evolve. Both are creations of the one Life.

What lies beyond the dichotomy of ignorance and enlightenment when resolved? Pure being, at-one-ment, and true peace. Co-create wonders yet to come.

Does the creation of the universe have purpose? Let us discover its meaning. Namaste.
Jan. 31, 2020                                                       Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   Enrichment is a worthy subject, a worthy endeavor, a worthy accomplishment, a worthy consciousness, and a worthy legacy. What does it mean, then, for something to be enriched: your own consciousness, your life patterns, your relationship with others, the experience of others, the world you live in, the life you serve?

Realizing your potential in harmony with the flow of life brings a radiance, a glow to your life patterns that touches those of others, for the connection between all realities is understood by their coexistence, their oneness. Making enrichment a personal goal and path of enlightenment brings balance to the physical body and the energetic bodies, a sense of peace and order, of confidence and continuation and evolution. Enrichment brings joy. It fulfills the need to become more conscious, to discover realities, and to understand the beauty and function of life.

Enrich each moment with purpose, with wonder, with discovery. Radiate the garment of your being, enriched with the light of truth, presence, and love. Everything is as it should be and evolving, changing, in motion. Rejuvenate through the power of true peace, without regret, frustration, or any sense of loss. Moving forward, fulfilling all you can be. Namaste.
Jan. 13, 2020                                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Did God create humans?

JANU:  Inertia is a dominant force in the quest for understanding. Not being conscious of something does not mean one cannot be. Overcoming inertia opens the consciousness to revelation. As we have said, all is known for life is conscious and more. And each one is part of that life.

Now, each level of consciousness has its parameters of existence and its need for understanding varies with each. But life is evolving, and so are its elements. Change is life in motion and consciousness is in motion. So, to answer the question “Did God create human beings?” The answer is: not the God that humans hold dear and imagine that they know of and understand.* But human beings were created and are still being created, as are other forms of physical life. The evidence of this creation is evident. So the focus here is source of original creation. It begins with energetic patterns, ever the result of co-creative forces that respond to thought.

Even the universe has its original source and comes into being with potential. These patterns of potential manifest according to their nature. So, you see, source is not a sentient being, as humans tend to perceive. But the source manifested this universe and many others. And potentials have imperative to create.

Another process of this includes countless parameters of existence, manifestation, mutual influence, and modifications. The product of coexistence and self-engineering, if you will, based upon experience and inherent wisdom gained. Almost seen as a creative experimentation to realize potential, the outcomes of which humanity is only a part. There are many other wonders of this creative ability and potential.

Exploring and understanding original source of any creation is an experience in consciousness enhanced by awakening to one’s own True Nature. Without this, the portion of consciousness that is incarnate is limited but expandable. Conscious reunion with one’s own Nature is part of the path for the journey of these larger understandings. Be at peace about this and life reveals itself to the inquiry. Namaste.
Dec. 2, 2019                                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

For further exploration of the concept of God presented here, beyond the link provided, please see Lifting human consciousness and What is Deity?  For an even larger view of ‘deity’, try Understanding Deity.


Can life be defined? 

JANU:   The scope of consciousness is limited only by the scope of perception or identity. Does life itself have limits? Yes and no. Limits within its expressions, but not its potential. For how does one define life, in its fullest reality? Certainly not by dimensions, for there is life beyond these. Even ‘freedom to be’ suggests choices and identities, but life is beyond identity. What does ‘me’ mean?

There are reasons for limitations, no matter the reality, and for perceptions of identity, but there is life larger than these. Being ‘conscious of’ and being ‘conscious as’ is a spectrum of life, but not being limited by either of these does not negate their usefulness and their reality.

How does one ponder an expression of life and not be contained by it? What is life? Namaste.
Nov. 29, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The power of peace-2

JANU: Peace, then, is a path to awakening for humanity. The constant struggles and their distractions are noisy to the senses and limit the consciousness to the outer life. The discipline of focus with clarity of the reality of the True Nature is a turning point in the quest for enlightenment, for understanding, and the faculties of all that you are.

Peace is not the destination. It is the path. It is the vehicle. It is the structure of consciousness that aligns, in a natural way, all the elements of your being to function as a conscious whole and to fulfill its potential. It is part of the flow of life. Let us reach into, then, the essence of peace and all that it affords. Peace is powerful, a fundamental nature of life. Namaste.
Nov. 15, 2019                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

For more on this topic see Power of Peace, True Power of Peace, and More on the Power of Peace