The mirror of life

JANU: Exactitude has its merit, when a consciousness is completely free of judgement, as the phrase goes, returning tenfold that which you receive from another. It takes great enlightenment to see this as a blessing, and reaches the potential for illumination, but love must be the theme for this blessing. A mirror does not judge. Its reflection is as pure as the quality of the mirror.

Now then, the reverse is true as well. So, when observing others and experiencing their issues, whether destructive or benevolent, be a loving mirror. Not that they see you but see themselves, encouraging their journey of self-mastery.

Life is this kind of mirror. Choose wisely to see who you are in the mirror of life. Have courage and honesty to see what is revealed and its truth, grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow. Namaste.
June 13, 2019 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Ownership of experiences

JANU: Surveillance, assimilation, retribution are succumbing to clear perception and integrity with a foundation of ownership. Owning experiences leaves one free to benefit in every way.

The ownership of the experience belongs to the one who experiences, not the circumstances or the contributing elements. Without ownership, there is a tendency towards blame, an energy pattern that blocks clearing of the challenges of the experience, you see. Ownership does not mean accepting the experience as something more powerful, but as part of the process of mastership, management of life patterns. No longer with a perception of being a pawn in the flow of circumstance of life challenges, but a growing ownership and mastership of what life has to offer that is in direct response to your potential.

You are a system of life. Be the manager, as a complete being, of that system. Conscious union with your entire being, in a balanced way, makes ownership a deeper reality. Namaste.
May 23, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Progression of U.S. government leadership  

JANU:    Part of the procedure of reflective postulates or progressions is the clear statement of intent, and then letting go of the focus to the larger life of your own being, as you just did.

The presidency of the USA, as you have requested, is going through several changes—some would call turmoils—but changes nonetheless. We see two or three more significant changes, challenging and at times confusing. The way out of this is motivating the contenders, not yet mature enough to manage all of the factions of government. Inspired visions, yes. Management maturity, not quite yet. For effective leadership is the relationship between the leader and those being led, that can understand each other, combine visions and insights into something workable. Long range commitments that allow for the process of change without loss of vision.

The hope for one single leader to redirect everything is more of a fantasy than reality, for leadership, effective in the current scenario, will take more than one. Leaders in various areas of the government will step up once they see the presidency is one they can relate to. Teamwork here, when the right elements are in place: mutual respect and a commitment, with patience and determination. Look for these things to meld.

This progression is based upon the realities that currently exist. Anticipate these changes. Namaste.
Apr. 26, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Equality speaks of diversity with balance, proportionate, a prosperous relationship with life. Observing others and oneself from the perspective of equality is a great revealer, not only as to potential but the beauty of the moment as each one walks through their life. Equality includes what might be called ‘strange bedfellows’ for their life can be widely diverse. Yet here they are, existing, relating in one way or in one level or another.

What is an equality perspective when looking at everything? It is a reality of its existence. How can part of Life be at odds with itself? It coexists, for each existence draws upon the fundamental principles of Life and its potential. The fact of existence gives credibility to being. Equality includes all of the elements of any path that exists, whether incarnate or not, whether understood or not. A balanced view or perception or engagement or understanding is an equal relationship with existence. Is your understanding and appreciation of another based on equality? Namaste.
Apr.16, 2019 B                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Service this evening appears as or takes the form of bringing cheerfulness into the lives of the downtrodden, so to speak, who see nothing to be cheerful about, not taking into account their life and all that the Earth offers. Can someone be cheerful in the midst of poverty or illness? And those who are so-called wealthy: Do they know the cheer in their lives having nothing to do with their wealth?

What is cheerfulness, then, but the joy of being. Cheerfulness lifts the spirit and sees promise in life’s potential. Cheerfulness knows life is worth living, in the moment. Cheerfulness is like a radiant sun and fosters goodwill. Cheerfulness is the lens that reveals encouragement for others.

Let cheerfulness, then, be real within your presence. And this we serve this evening: A bit of cheerfulness in the lives of those who would accept it. Namaste.
Feb. 8, 2013 B                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Exploring that you are not conscious of

JANU: We are relishing with you the path ahead, a culmination of sorts of the many journeys taken. In the beginning, the journey seems a lonely one, for those around you, incarnate, seem unaware much less understand you. But answering the call within, with commitment, patience, and a growing understanding builds momentum, which builds upon itself.

How does one explore that which they are unaware of? By exploring with their True Nature that is aware and connected with so many others. Journeying throughout the Larger Life is a prerogative of enlightened consciousness. Pay attention to your insights, your inspirations, no matter how fleeting. Acknowledge the divinity of your own True Nature. Let that be the authority for your evolution and your journeys. Your potential for integrity is larger than you know. Stand confidently in the truth of your own being. It is at one with the nature of Life itself. Namaste.
Jan. 18, 2019 B                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Partnering in awakening

JANU: We are raising issue again with the dynamics of human awakening. A continuous process, since the beginning of the human experience and not unique to human consciousness, by any means.

Partnering in awakening with others, not only incarnate as humans but others as well, is a vast opportunity, for consciousness is not limited to time/space nor is it predictable other than by its potential. We see opportunity here. Let it be known that we agree with partnership and that it be born of a sense of community in the Larger Family of Life. We recognize ‘treaties’ between groups to correspond, to relate, to aid the diversity of progression as it brings about insight into expansiveness of life.

Let us reach together—together meaning ‘unity of being’—returning to relationships that are ongoing and that have progressed, even while incarnate, whether conscious of these progressions or not. Life is in motion, always evolving, as are we. Namaste.
Jan. 18, 2019                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The Nature of Life

JANU:    We are enabling, if you will, conscious retrieval of the reality of life concerning the nature of existence, its purpose, its creativity, its legacy. The nature of life is founded in the principles of Diogenes, which touches upon this, that being ‘first principle.’ For even life, in all its forms and expressions, is a transformation of reality that transcends the understanding of life or its reality.

Life is a progression of principles that belong to reality that transcends existence. Pure Isness beyond any cycles of expression, certainly beyond time/space. Even consciousness is a byproduct. Movement and flow are creations, everything you hold dear as cycles of reality, of expression, of existence. Profound peace is a portion of this reality. Even love does not describe this.

The Hierarchy of Light is beginning and end through transformation and cycles of expression. Even potential is a limitation, but all are evidence through their patterns of existence, of the nature of Life. Expanding consciousness is this way helps free one from any sense of limitation. Even the sense of security through power and possessions, companionships, so-called destinies come and go.

Keep the door open, our brother, journeying through it to the larger life. Namaste.
Oct. 16, 2018                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


The joy and peace of revelation

JANU:    Joy is the hallmark of peace. Peace is the DNA, our brother, of true joy. It is the foundation for emerging into the Larger Life. However you exist, however you serve life, exuberance stirs the pot, so to speak, activates the creative forces that bring about manifestation and new direction. Other venues of life have their differences from Earth life, but similarities as well. Peace leaves one’s consciousness free to explore everything without prejudice, without condemnation, without judgement. So the palate of life opens with all the colors, possibilities. In this way, the blendings of potential create realities beyond the limits of one.

The crossroads we spoke of before are the moments when two destinies, two potentials find mutual benefit, leading to new and wondrous adventures. (ie. the network of life) So you see, emerging in consciousness to the Larger Life reveals diversity, unlimited potential, and the joy of revelation. And the peace grows deeper, our brother. It operates in the background, so to speak, of the expressions of life. Namaste, our brother.
Oct. 11, 2018 B                                                                      Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Lifecontains prior attunements in this series.


Discovering a reason for being

JANU: We are enumerating then that which we hold dear: the evolution of life, which includes everything. Raising consciousness is driven by desire, experience, thoughtful consideration, focus, and emotions.

What does ‘consciousness raising’ mean, then, but the expansion of awareness and conscious relationship with all of your potential and its service to life? Helping each other is a delicate balance between these and the freedom of another, their own destiny, their potential, their fulfillment. Life is arranged, so to speak, in a way that encourages balance, opportunity, and fulfillment. Life is not limited to the concepts and form and structure, procedure, tradition, scale of common human perception, but includes all of these and so much more.

The conscious human mind grasps for meaning and understanding and discovery beyond its ken. To achieve this, one must align with, attune to, become more one with, in consciousness identity with the larger Nature of their being. Observe, understand, and experience everything within your realm but grow more into the ability to witness all of this with new eyes, so to speak, profound insight, deepening perception, and a love of life and self.

In a sense, it is the new frontier for humanity at this time, a frontier that is unlimited, eternal, and ongoing. What is there to lose in such an adventure but ignorance, limitation, frustration, confusion, unfulfillment? Discover a reason for being. Namaste.
Aug. 31, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.